Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB1508
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB1508  098th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2013 and 2014


Introduced , by Rep. Dwight Kay


See Index

    Amends the Abuse of Adults with Disabilities Intervention Act. Provides that upon the death of an adult with disabilities, where a complaint or report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation was made before the person's death under the Act, regardless of whether the complaint or report was substantiated or unsubstantiated, and regardless of whether consent was given for an assessment, the Office of Inspector General designated by the Department of Human Services shall immediately report the matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency and coroner or medical examiner. Provides that the reports shall, at a minimum, contain information regarding: the prior complaint or report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the deceased adult with disabilities, the deceased adult with disabilities, and the reporter, upon the reporter's consent; actions taken or not taken by the Office of Inspector General or the Department upon receiving the complaint or report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation; the personnel from the Department and the Office of Inspector General who were involved in investigating the complaint or report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation; and as available and applicable, the case numbers for the Department, the Office of Inspector General, law enforcement, and the coroner or medical examiner. Requires the Office of Inspector General to: maintain a copy of the written report; document any subsequent actions; forward the written report, the coroner's report, and the law enforcement agency's final investigative report to the Attorney General; and notify the proper law enforcement agency to investigate if a crime has been committed. Contains provisions concerning development and implementation of service plans. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Abuse of Adults with Disabilities
5Intervention Act is amended by changing Sections 15, 25, 35,
640, and 45 as follows:
7    (20 ILCS 2435/15)  (from Ch. 23, par. 3395-15)
8    Sec. 15. Definitions. As used in this Act:
9    "Abuse" means causing any physical, sexual, or mental abuse
10to an adult with disabilities, including exploitation of the
11adult's financial resources. Nothing in this Act shall be
12construed to mean that an adult with disabilities is a victim
13of abuse or neglect for the sole reason that he or she is being
14furnished with or relies upon treatment by spiritual means
15through prayer alone, in accordance with the tenets and
16practices of a recognized church or religious denomination.
17Nothing in this Act shall be construed to mean that an adult
18with disabilities is a victim of abuse because of health care
19services provided or not provided by licensed health care
21    "Adult with disabilities" means a person aged 18 through 59
22who resides in a domestic living situation and whose physical
23or mental disability impairs his or her ability to seek or



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1obtain protection from abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
2    "Department" means the Department of Human Services.
3    "Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project" or "project"
4means that program within the Office of Inspector General
5designated by the Department of Human Services to receive and
6assess reports of alleged or suspected abuse, neglect, or
7exploitation of adults with disabilities.
8    "Domestic living situation" means a residence where the
9adult with disabilities lives alone or with his or her family
10or household members, a care giver, or others or at a board and
11care home or other community-based unlicensed facility, but is
13        (1) A licensed facility as defined in Section 1-113 of
14    the Nursing Home Care Act or Section 1-113 of the ID/DD
15    Community Care Act or Section 1-113 of the Specialized
16    Mental Health Rehabilitation Act.
17        (2) A life care facility as defined in the Life Care
18    Facilities Act.
19        (3) A home, institution, or other place operated by the
20    federal government, a federal agency, or the State.
21        (4) A hospital, sanitarium, or other institution, the
22    principal activity or business of which is the diagnosis,
23    care, and treatment of human illness through the
24    maintenance and operation of organized facilities and that
25    is required to be licensed under the Hospital Licensing
26    Act.



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1        (5) A community living facility as defined in the
2    Community Living Facilities Licensing Act.
3        (6) A community-integrated living arrangement as
4    defined in the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements
5    Licensure and Certification Act or community residential
6    alternative as licensed under that Act.
7    "Emergency" means a situation in which an adult with
8disabilities is in danger of death or great bodily harm.
9    "Family or household members" means a person who as a
10family member, volunteer, or paid care provider has assumed
11responsibility for all or a portion of the care of an adult
12with disabilities who needs assistance with activities of daily
14    "Financial exploitation" means the illegal, including
15tortious, use of the assets or resources of an adult with
16disabilities. Exploitation includes, but is not limited to, the
17misappropriation of assets or resources of an adult with
18disabilities by undue influence, by breach of a fiduciary
19relationship, by fraud, deception, or extortion, or by the use
20of the assets or resources in a manner contrary to law.
21    "Mental abuse" means the infliction of emotional or mental
22distress by a caregiver, a family member, or any person with
23ongoing access to a person with disabilities by threat of harm,
24humiliation, or other verbal or nonverbal conduct.
25    "Neglect" means the failure of another individual to
26provide an adult with disabilities with or the willful



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1withholding from an adult with disabilities the necessities of
2life, including, but not limited to, food, clothing, shelter,
3or medical care.
4    Nothing in the definition of "neglect" shall be construed
5to impose a requirement that assistance be provided to an adult
6with disabilities over his or her objection in the absence of a
7court order, nor to create any new affirmative duty to provide
8support, assistance, or intervention to an adult with
9disabilities. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to mean
10that an adult with disabilities is a victim of neglect because
11of health care services provided or not provided by licensed
12health care professionals.
13    "Physical abuse" means any of the following acts:
14        (1) knowing or reckless use of physical force,
15    confinement, or restraint;
16        (2) knowing, repeated, and unnecessary sleep
17    deprivation;
18        (3) knowing or reckless conduct which creates an
19    immediate risk of physical harm; or
20        (4) when committed by a caregiver, a family member, or
21    any person with ongoing access to a person with
22    disabilities, directing another person to physically abuse
23    a person with disabilities.
24    "Secretary" means the Secretary of Human Services.
25    "Service plan" means a temporary plan of the actions
26developed to address the service or support needs of the adult



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1with a disability.
2    "Sexual abuse" means touching, fondling, sexual threats,
3sexually inappropriate remarks, or any other sexual activity
4with an adult with disabilities when the adult with
5disabilities is unable to understand, unwilling to consent,
6threatened, or physically forced to engage in sexual behavior.
7Sexual abuse includes acts of sexual exploitation including,
8but not limited to, facilitating or compelling an adult with
9disabilities to become a prostitute, or receiving anything of
10value from an adult with disabilities knowing it was obtained
11in whole or in part from the practice of prostitution.
12    "Substantiated case" means a reported case of alleged or
13suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation in which the Adults
14with Disabilities Abuse Project staff, after assessment,
15determines that there is reason to believe abuse, neglect, or
16exploitation has occurred.
17(Source: P.A. 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-227,
18eff. 1-1-12; 97-354, eff. 8-12-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
19    (20 ILCS 2435/25)  (from Ch. 23, par. 3395-25)
20    Sec. 25. Reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an
21adult with disabilities.
22    (a) Any person who has reasonable cause to believe abuse,
23neglect, or exploitation of an adult with disabilities has
24occurred may report this to the statewide telephone number
25established under this Act.



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1    (b) Any person, institution, or agency making a report or
2assessment under this Section in good faith, or providing
3information, participating in an assessment, or taking
4photographs or x-rays, shall be immune from any civil or
5criminal liability on account of making the report or
6assessment, providing information, or participating in an
7assessment, or on account of submitting or otherwise disclosing
8the photographs or x-rays to the Adults with Disabilities Abuse
10    (c) The identity of a person making a report of alleged or
11suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation under this Section
12may be disclosed by the Office of Inspector General only with
13the person's written consent or by court order.
14    (d) The privileged quality of communication between any
15licensed health care professional or any other person who
16reports abuse, neglect, or exploitation and his or her patient
17or client shall not apply to situations involving abused,
18neglected, or exploited adults with disabilities. Use of a
19telecommunication device for the deaf constitutes an oral
20report. Written reports may be taken, but cannot be required.
21    (e) All reports shall, if possible, include the name and
22address of the adult with disabilities, the name and address of
23the alleged abuser, if applicable, the nature and extent of the
24suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the possible extent
25of the injury or condition as a result of the abuse, neglect,
26or exploitation, any evidence of previous abuse, neglect, or



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1exploitation, the time, date and location of the incident, the
2name, address of the reporter, and any other information that
3the reporter believes may be useful in assessing the suspected
4abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
5    (f) The Office of Inspector General shall refer evidence of
6crimes against an adult with disabilities to the appropriate
7law enforcement agency immediately upon finding evidence of a
8crime according to Office of Inspector General policies. A
9referral to law enforcement may be made at any time. Upon the
10death of an adult with disabilities, where a complaint or
11report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation was made
12prior to the person's death pursuant to this Act, regardless of
13whether the complaint or report was substantiated or
14unsubstantiated, and regardless of whether consent was given
15for an assessment, the Office of Inspector General shall
16immediately report the matter to both the appropriate (i) law
17enforcement agency and (ii) coroner or medical examiner.
18    Such reports shall be in writing and, at a minimum, shall
19contain information regarding (1) the prior complaint or report
20of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the deceased
21adult with disabilities, the deceased adult with disabilities,
22and the reporter, upon the reporter's consent pursuant to this
23Act; (2) actions taken or not taken by the Office of Inspector
24General or the Department upon receiving the complaint or
25report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation; (3) the
26personnel from the Department and the Office of Inspector



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1General who were involved in investigating the complaint or
2report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation; and (4) as
3available and applicable, the case numbers for the Department,
4the Office of Inspector General, law enforcement, and the
5coroner or medical examiner. The Office of Inspector General
6shall also maintain a copy of the written report and shall
7document subsequent action, if any, by the appropriate law
8enforcement agency.
9    Upon the completion of the coroner's report and the law
10enforcement agency's investigation, the Office of Inspector
11General shall forward its written report, the coroner's report,
12and the law enforcement agency's final investigative report to
13the Attorney General.
14    When the Office of Inspector General has reason to believe
15that the death of an adult with disabilities may be the result
16of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the Office of Inspector
17General shall immediately report the matter to the coroner or
18medical examiner and shall cooperate fully with any subsequent
20    (g) Nothing in this Act shall preclude a person from
21reporting an alleged act of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of
22an adult with disabilities to a law enforcement agency.
23    (h) Nothing in this Act shall diminish the duty of law
24enforcement officers to respond to and investigate incidents of
25alleged abuse, neglect, and exploitation pursuant to the
26Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, when applicable.



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1(Source: P.A. 91-671, eff. 7-1-00.)
2    (20 ILCS 2435/35)  (from Ch. 23, par. 3395-35)
3    Sec. 35. Assessment of reports.
4    (a) The Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project shall, upon
5receiving a report of alleged or suspected abuse, neglect, or
6exploitation obtain the consent of the subject of the report to
7conduct an assessment with respect to the report. The
8assessment shall include, but not be limited to, a face-to-face
9interview with the adult with disabilities who is the subject
10of the report and shall may include a visit to the residence of
11the adult with disabilities, and interviews or consultations
12with service agencies or individuals who may have knowledge of
13the circumstances of the adult with disabilities. A
14determination shall be made whether each report is
15substantiated. The Office of Inspector General must notify the
16proper law enforcement agency to investigate if a crime has
17been committed. If the Office of Inspector General determines
18that there is clear and substantial risk of death or great
19bodily harm, it shall immediately secure or provide emergency
20protective services for purposes of preventing further abuse,
21neglect, or exploitation, and for safeguarding the welfare of
22the person. Such services must be provided in the least
23restrictive environment commensurate with the adult with
24disabilities' needs.
25    (a-5) The Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project shall



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1initiate an assessment of all reports of alleged or suspected
2abuse or neglect within 7 days after receipt of the report,
3except reports of abuse or neglect that indicate that the life
4or safety of an adult with disabilities is in imminent danger
5shall be assessed within 24 hours after receipt of the report.
6Reports of exploitation shall be assessed within 30 days after
7the receipt of the report.
8    (b) (Blank).
9    (c) The Department shall effect written interagency
10agreements with other State departments and any other public
11and private agencies to coordinate and cooperate in the
12handling of substantiated cases; to accept and manage
13substantiated cases on a priority basis; and to waive
14eligibility requirements for the adult with disabilities in an
16    (d) Every effort shall be made by the Adults with
17Disabilities Abuse Project to coordinate and cooperate with
18public and private agencies to ensure the provision of services
19necessary to eliminate further abuse, neglect, and
20exploitation of the adult with disabilities who is the subject
21of the report.
22    The Office of Inspector General shall promulgate rules and
23regulations to ensure the effective implementation of the
24Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project statewide.
25    (e) When the Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project
26determines that a case is substantiated, it shall refer the



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1case to the appropriate office within the Department of Human
2Services to develop, with the consent of and in consultation
3with the adult with disabilities, a service plan for the adult
4with disabilities.
5    (f) The Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project shall refer
6reports of alleged or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation
7to another State agency when that agency has a statutory
8obligation to investigate such reports.
9    (g) If the Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project has
10reason to believe that a crime has been committed, the incident
11shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
12(Source: P.A. 91-671, eff. 7-1-00.)
13    (20 ILCS 2435/40)  (from Ch. 23, par. 3395-40)
14    Sec. 40. Service plan periods. A service plan shall be
15developed for each adult with disabilities who is in need of
16services and who accepts the services. When implemented, the
17service plan shall be in place until the situation causing the
18abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an adult with disabilities
19is ameliorated. The Department shall by rule establish the
20period of time within which a service plan shall be implemented
21and the duration of the plan. The rules shall provide for an
22expedited response to emergency situations.
23    The Department shall implement a service plan for
24substantiated cases within 14 calendar days after the report is
25substantiated. In emergency situations, the Department shall



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1implement the service plan as soon as possible and in no event
2later than 2 working days after the case is substantiated. All
3appropriate emergency services shall remain in place until this
4service plan is implemented.
5    This Section shall not be interpreted to preclude an
6investigation into the death of a disabled adult who is the
7subject of a pending complaint or report of alleged abuse,
8neglect, or exploitation.
9(Source: P.A. 91-671, eff. 7-1-00.)
10    (20 ILCS 2435/45)  (from Ch. 23, par. 3395-45)
11    Sec. 45. Consent.
12    (a) If the Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project has
13received a report of alleged or suspected abuse, neglect, or
14exploitation with regard to an adult with disabilities who
15lacks the capacity to consent to an assessment or to services,
16the Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project may seek, directly
17or through another agency, the appointment of a temporary or
18permanent guardian for assessment, provision of services, or
19any other decision-making authority as is appropriate for the
20individual as provided in Article XIa of the Probate Act of
211975 or other relief as provided under the Illinois Domestic
22Violence Act of 1986.
23    (a-5) If the adult with disabilities consents to the
24assessment, such assessment shall be conducted. If the adult
25with disabilities consents to the services included in the



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1service plan, such services shall be provided. If the adult
2with disabilities refuses or withdraws his or her consent to
3the completion of the assessment, the assessment shall be
4terminated. If the adult with disabilities refuses or withdraws
5his or her consent to the provision of services, the services
6shall not be provided. When a complaint or report of alleged
7abuse, neglect, or exploitation is made, but consent is not
8given or withdrawn, and the adult with disabilities
9subsequently dies, the Office of the Inspector General shall
10report the matter to the proper authorities pursuant to Section
1125 of this Act.
12    (b) A guardian of the person of an adult with disabilities
13who is abused, neglected, or exploited by another individual in
14a domestic living situation may consent to an assessment or to
15services being provided pursuant to the service plan. If the
16guardian is alleged to be the perpetrator of the abuse,
17neglect, or exploitation, the Adults with Disabilities Abuse
18Project shall, when there is an immediate and urgent necessity,
19seek the appointment of a temporary substitute guardian
20pursuant to Section 213.3 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act
21of 1986 under the provisions of Article XIa of the Probate Act
22of 1975. If a guardian withdraws his consent or refuses to
23allow an assessment or services to be provided to the adult
24with disabilities, the Adults with Disabilities Abuse Project
25may seek directly or through another agency a court order
26seeking appropriate remedies, and may in addition request



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1removal of the guardian and appointment of a successor guardian
2pursuant to Article XIa of the Probate Act of 1975.
3    (c) For the purposes of this Section only, "lacks the
4capacity to consent" shall mean that the adult with
5disabilities reasonably appears to be unable by reason of
6physical or mental condition to receive and evaluate
7information related to the assessment or services, or to
8communicate decisions related to the assessment or services.
9(Source: P.A. 94-418, eff. 8-2-05.)
10    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
11becoming law.



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2 Statutes amended in order of appearance
3    20 ILCS 2435/15from Ch. 23, par. 3395-15
4    20 ILCS 2435/25from Ch. 23, par. 3395-25
5    20 ILCS 2435/35from Ch. 23, par. 3395-35
6    20 ILCS 2435/40from Ch. 23, par. 3395-40
7    20 ILCS 2435/45from Ch. 23, par. 3395-45