Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1613
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1613  099th General Assembly




SR1613LRB099 20865 GRL 45634 r


2    WHEREAS, All citizens of Illinois should be made aware of
3the ever-present dangers posed by potentially poisonous
4household substances; and
5    WHEREAS, Children too often have access to
6over-the-counter and prescription medications and potentially
7toxic household products; and
8    WHEREAS, Over the past 50 years, the nation has been
9observing National Poison Prevention Week to help prevent
10accidental poisonings and to provide tips for promoting
11community involvement in poison prevention; and
12    WHEREAS, The Illinois Poison Center has been providing
13timely poison prevention and treatment services to the people
14of Illinois for over 60 years and is the oldest and one of the
15largest poison centers in the nation; and
16    WHEREAS, The Illinois Poison Center is a mainstay in the
17emergency medical care system of the State of Illinois and is
18recognized nationally for its contributions to poison
19treatment and prevention; and
20    WHEREAS, Forty-five percent of the more than 80,000



SR1613- 2 -LRB099 20865 GRL 45634 r

1poisonings reported last year to the Illinois Poison Center
2involved children under the age of 5 and could have been
3prevented; and
4    WHEREAS, The Illinois Poison Center manages approximately
590% of cases from the general public at home, saving the State
6of Illinois over $60 million in reduced health care and lost
7productivity costs; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we designate March of
102016 as Poison Prevention Month in the State of Illinois and
11urge all Illinoisans to educate themselves about the
12potentially harmful substances in their homes and take steps to
13create healthy and safe home, play, and work environments; and
14be it further
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to the Illinois Poison Center.