Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1647
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1647  099th General Assembly




SR1647LRB099 20984 MST 46023 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of former Illinois Senate President
4Philip J. Rock, who passed away on January 29, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, President Rock was born in Chicago to Joe and
6Kathryn Rock on May 4, 1937 and grew up on the northwest side;
7he attended Quigley Preparatory Seminary and earned his
8bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of St. Mary
9of the Lake in Mundelein; he earned his law degree from the
10Loyola University School of Law in Chicago; and
11    WHEREAS, President Rock was elected in 1971 and served as
12Senator for 22 years; he was elected Senate President in 1979,
13serving for 14 years, until 1993; and
14    WHEREAS, President Rock served as Democratic Committeeman
15for Oak Park Township for 22 years, and as Suburban Chairman
16for the Cook County Democrats for more than a decade; he also
17served as State Democratic Chairman; and
18    WHEREAS, President Rock authored more than 450 laws during
19his time in the Senate and championed many causes to improve
20the lives of children, including reforms in special education,
21child adoption, foster care, domestic violence, and child



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1support; he also advanced laws to establish the State's first
2child abuse and neglect reporting act and mandatory insurance
3coverage for newborns; one of his most cherished and signature
4accomplishments was when he helped create the nation's first
5public school for individuals who are deaf and blind; the Glen
6Ellyn-based school for the deaf and blind was ultimately
7renamed the Philip J. Rock Center and School in 1987 to honor
8his efforts; and
9    WHEREAS, President Rock was known as a talented orator and
10for his decency, honesty, and non-partisan approach, working
11with everyone irrespective of party affiliation; he was also
12known for his positive attitude and for trying to do the right
13thing for the State of Illinois; he hosted many backyard
14barbecues to promote good will and collegiality among
15lawmakers; and
16    WHEREAS, After leaving office, President Rock returned to
17private law practice with his dear friend, Daniel R. Fusco; he
18later chaired the Illinois Board of Higher Education and headed
19the Equal Justice Illinois Committee, which fought for
20increased State funding of civil legal aid; and
21    WHEREAS, President Rock often said he was born a Catholic,
22a Democrat, and a Chicago Cubs fan, but not necessarily in that
23order; he was known for his sense of humor, his commitment and



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1devotion to his family, and his profound sense of obligation to
2helping those in need; and
3    WHEREAS, President Rock is survived by his beloved wife of
451 years, Sheila; his children, Kathleen (Steve) Snow, Meghan
5(Todd) Simmons, Colleen (John) Mueller, and John J. "Jay"
6(Lauren) Rock; his twelve grandchildren, Emily, Erin, Lily, and
7Ellie Snow, Kyleigh, Connor, and Maggie Simmons, Jack, Owen,
8and Kate Mueller, and Julia and Sarah Rock; and his brother,
9Michael; therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
12former Illinois Senate President Philip J. Rock, and extend our
13sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
14and loved him; and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to the family of President Rock as an expression of
17our deepest sympathy.