Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1822
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1822  099th General Assembly




SR1822LRB099 21634 MST 48102 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Chyriell Drain-Hill, who passed away on
4April 17, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, Chyriell Drain-Hill was born in St. Louis,
6Missouri on August 7, 1960; she graduated from East St. Louis
7Sr. High School in 1979 and attended Illinois State University,
8where she received her Bachelor of Science in Education in
91983; she earned her Master of Education in 1990; and
10    WHEREAS, Chyriell Drain-Hill was the Assistant Director of
11Admissions for Illinois State University from 1984 to 1991; she
12also worked for two years in the Special Education Department
13for School District 189 in East St. Louis and in the Cahokia
14School District 187 Special Education Department from 1994 to
152002; she then worked for Belleville School District 201, where
16she was the Director of Guidance and Counseling for Belleville
17East High School for over 14 years; and
18    WHEREAS, Chyriell Drain-Hill was an active member of New
19Life in Christ Interdenominational Church; her favorite
20pastime was her love for basketball; she attended local high
21school games and NBA games; she was an active member of Delta
22Sigma Theta Sorority, East St. Louis Alumnae Chapter, where she



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1served on a multitude of committees and supported the young
2ladies of Delta Gems and Delta Academy; after she retired from
3Belleville East in June of 2016, she accepted a new position at
4her church with New Life Enterprises; and
5    WHEREAS, Chyriell Drain-Hill was preceded in death by her
6grandparents, James and Mary Wright, and her brother, Michael
7Wright; and
8    WHEREAS, Chyriell Drain-Hill is survived by her daughter,
9Jacqueline Kenya Hill; her mother, Marva J. Patterson; her
10sister, Jacqueline (Dwight) Wright-Howard; and her
11stepbrothers, Selwyn Drain and Chetnety Drain; therefore, be it
13ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
14Chyriell Drain-Hill, and extend our sincere condolences to her
15family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
17    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
18presented to the family of Chyriell Drain-Hill as an expression
19of our deepest sympathy.