Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1859
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1859  095th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2007 and 2008


Introduced 8/2/2007, by Sen. Deanna Demuzio - Larry K. Bomke


30 ILCS 105/5.593
30 ILCS 105/6z-60
70 ILCS 925/1
70 ILCS 925/5
70 ILCS 925/7 new
70 ILCS 925/10
735 ILCS 30/15-5-15

    Amends the Illinois Medical District at Springfield Act. Provides that the Illinois Medical District at Springfield shall be renamed the Mid-Illinois Medical District. Provides that the training program area of the District includes the counties of Cass, Christian, Logan, Macoupin, Mason, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Sangamon, and Scott. Sets forth certain additional purposes for the District. Provides that the Governor shall appoint 2 additional members to the Mid-Illinois Medical District Commission. Amends the State Finance Act and the Eminent Domain Act to make conforming changes.

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1     AN ACT concerning local government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by renumbering
5 and changing Section 5.595, as added by Public Act 92-870, and
6 by changing Section 6z-60 as follows:
7     (30 ILCS 105/5.593)
8     Sec. 5.593 5.595. The Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical
9 District at Springfield Income Fund.
10 (Source: P.A. 92-870, eff. 1-3-03; revised 4-14-03.)
11     (30 ILCS 105/6z-60)
12     Sec. 6z-60. Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at
13 Springfield Income Fund. All payments received from the
14 Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at Springfield
15 Commission for deposit into the Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical
16 District at Springfield Income Fund shall be expended only
17 pursuant to appropriation. Amounts in the Fund may be
18 appropriated to the Commission for use in purchasing real
19 estate.
20 (Source: P.A. 92-870, eff. 1-3-03.)
21     Section 10. The Illinois Medical District at Springfield



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1 Act is amended by changing Sections 1, 5, and 10 and by adding
2 Section 7 as follows:
3     (70 ILCS 925/1)
4     Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5 Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at Springfield Act.
6 (Source: P.A. 92-870, eff. 1-3-03.)
7     (70 ILCS 925/5)
8     Sec. 5. Creation of District. There is created in the City
9 of Springfield a medical center district, the Mid-Illinois
10 Illinois Medical District at Springfield, whose boundaries are
11 11th Street on the east, North Grand Avenue on the north,
12 Walnut Street on the west, and Madison Street on the south, all
13 in the City of Springfield, Illinois. The District is created
14 to attract and retain academic centers of excellence, viable
15 health care facilities, medical research facilities, emerging
16 high technology enterprises, and other facilities and uses as
17 permitted by this Act.
18 (Source: P.A. 92-870, eff. 1-3-03.)
19     (70 ILCS 925/7 new)
20     Sec. 7. District Training Program Area. The training
21 program area of the Mid-Illinois Medical District may be
22 limited to the following counties in Illinois: Cass, Christian,
23 Logan, Macoupin, Mason, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Sangamon,



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1 and Scott.
2     (70 ILCS 925/10)
3     Sec. 10. Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at
4 Springfield Commission.
5     (a) There is created a body politic and corporate under the
6 corporate name of the Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at
7 Springfield Commission whose general purpose, in addition to
8 and not in limitation of those purposes and powers set forth in
9 this Act, is to:
10         (1) maintain the proper surroundings for a medical
11     center and a related technology center in order to attract,
12     stabilize, and retain within the District hospitals,
13     clinics, research facilities, educational facilities, or
14     other facilities permitted under this Act; and
15         (2) provide for the orderly creation, maintenance,
16     development, and expansion of (i) health care facilities
17     and other ancillary or related facilities that the
18     Commission may from time to time determine are established
19     and operated (A) for any aspect of the carrying out of the
20     Commission's purposes as set forth in this Act, (B) for the
21     study, diagnosis, and treatment of human ailments and
22     injuries, whether physical or mental, or (C) to promote
23     medical, surgical, and scientific research and knowledge
24     as permitted under this Act; and (ii) medical research and
25     high technology parks, together with the necessary lands,



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1     buildings, facilities, equipment, and personal property
2     for those parks; and .
3         (3) convene dialogue among leaders in the public and
4     the private sectors on topics and issues associated with
5     training in the delivery of health care services in the
6     District's program area.
7     (b) The Commission has perpetual succession and the power
8 to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued except
9 in actions sounding in tort, to plead and be impleaded, to have
10 and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure. All
11 actions sounding in tort against the Commission shall be
12 prosecuted in the Court of Claims. The principal office of the
13 Commission shall be in the City of Springfield.
14     (c) The Commission shall consist of the following members:
15 4 members appointed by the Governor, with the advice and
16 consent of the Senate; 4 members appointed by the Mayor of
17 Springfield, with the advice and consent of the Springfield
18 city council; and one member appointed by the Chairperson of
19 the County Board of Sangamon County. The initial members of the
20 Commission appointed by the Governor shall be appointed for
21 terms ending, respectively on the second, third, fourth, and
22 fifth anniversaries of their appointments. The initial members
23 appointed by the Mayor of Springfield shall be appointed 2 each
24 for terms ending, respectively, on the second and third
25 anniversaries of their appointments. The initial member
26 appointed by the Chairperson of the County Board of Sangamon



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1 County shall be appointed for a term ending on the fourth
2 anniversary of the appointment. Thereafter, all the members
3 shall be appointed to hold office for a term of 5 years and
4 until their successors are appointed as provided in this Act.
5     Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory
6 Act of the 95th General Assembly, the Governor shall appoint 2
7 additional members to the Commission. One member shall serve
8 for a term of 4 years and one member shall serve for a term of 5
9 years. Their successors shall be appointed for 5-year terms.
10 Those additional members and their successors shall be limited
11 to residents of the following counties in Illinois: Cass,
12 Christian, Logan, Macoupin, Mason, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan,
13 or Scott.
14     (d) Any vacancy in the membership of the Commission
15 occurring by reason of the death, resignation,
16 disqualification, removal, or inability or refusal to act of
17 any of the members of the Commission shall be filled by the
18 authority that had appointed the particular member, and for the
19 unexpired term of office of that particular member. A vacancy
20 caused by the expiration of the period for which the member was
21 appointed shall be filled by a new appointment for a term of 5
22 years from the date of the expiration of the prior 5-year term
23 notwithstanding when the appointment is actually made. The
24 Commission shall obtain, under the provisions of the Personnel
25 Code, such personnel as to the Commission shall deem advisable
26 to carry out the purposes of this Act and the work of the



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1 Commission.
2     (e) The Commission shall hold regular meetings annually for
3 the election of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and
4 Treasurer, for the adoption of a budget, and for such other
5 business as may properly come before it. The Commission shall
6 elect as the President a member of the Commission appointed by
7 the Mayor of Springfield and as the Vice-President a member of
8 the Commission appointed by the Governor. The Commission shall
9 establish the duties and responsibilities of its officers by
10 rule. The President or any 4 3 members of the Commission may
11 call special meetings of the Commission. Each Commissioner
12 shall take an oath of office for the faithful performance of
13 his or her duties. The Commission may not transact business at
14 a meeting of the Commission unless there is present at the
15 meeting a quorum consisting of at least 6 5 Commissioners.
16 Meetings may be held by telephone conference or other
17 communications equipment by means of which all persons
18 participating in the meeting can communicate with each other.
19     (f) The Commission shall submit to the General Assembly,
20 not later than March 1 of each odd-numbered year, a detailed
21 report covering its operations for the 2 preceding calendar
22 years and a statement of its program for the next 2 years.
23     The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall
24 be satisfied by filing copies of the report with the Speaker,
25 the Minority Leader, and the Clerk of the House of
26 Representatives and the President, the Minority Leader, and the



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1 Secretary of the Senate and with the Legislative Research Unit,
2 as required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization
3 Act, and by filing such additional copies with the State
4 Government Report Distribution Center for the General Assembly
5 as is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State
6 Library Act.
7     (g) The Auditor General shall conduct audits of the
8 Commission in the same manner as the Auditor General conducts
9 audits of State agencies under the Illinois State Auditing Act.
10     (h) Neither the Commission nor the District have any power
11 to tax.
12     (i) The Commission is a public body and subject to the Open
13 Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act.
14 (Source: P.A. 92-870, eff. 1-3-03.)
15     Section 15. The Eminent Domain Act is amended by changing
16 Section 15-5-15 as follows:
17     (735 ILCS 30/15-5-15)
18     Sec. 15-5-15. Eminent domain powers in ILCS Chapters 70
19 through 75. The following provisions of law may include express
20 grants of the power to acquire property by condemnation or
21 eminent domain:
22 (70 ILCS 5/8.02 and 5/9); Airport Authorities Act; airport
23     authorities; for public airport facilities.



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1 (70 ILCS 5/8.05 and 5/9); Airport Authorities Act; airport
2     authorities; for removal of airport hazards.
3 (70 ILCS 5/8.06 and 5/9); Airport Authorities Act; airport
4     authorities; for reduction of the height of objects or
5     structures.
6 (70 ILCS 10/4); Interstate Airport Authorities Act; interstate
7     airport authorities; for general purposes.
8 (70 ILCS 15/3); Kankakee River Valley Area Airport Authority
9     Act; Kankakee River Valley Area Airport Authority; for
10     acquisition of land for airports.
11 (70 ILCS 200/2-20); Civic Center Code; civic center
12     authorities; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
13 (70 ILCS 200/5-35); Civic Center Code; Aledo Civic Center
14     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
15 (70 ILCS 200/10-15); Civic Center Code; Aurora Metropolitan
16     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority; for
17     grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
18 (70 ILCS 200/15-40); Civic Center Code; Benton Civic Center
19     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
20 (70 ILCS 200/20-15); Civic Center Code; Bloomington Civic
21     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
22     parking.
23 (70 ILCS 200/35-35); Civic Center Code; Brownstown Park
24     District Civic Center Authority; for grounds, centers,
25     buildings, and parking.
26 (70 ILCS 200/40-35); Civic Center Code; Carbondale Civic Center



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1     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
2 (70 ILCS 200/55-60); Civic Center Code; Chicago South Civic
3     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
4     parking.
5 (70 ILCS 200/60-30); Civic Center Code; Collinsville
6     Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building
7     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
8 (70 ILCS 200/70-35); Civic Center Code; Crystal Lake Civic
9     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
10     parking.
11 (70 ILCS 200/75-20); Civic Center Code; Decatur Metropolitan
12     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority; for
13     grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
14 (70 ILCS 200/80-15); Civic Center Code; DuPage County
15     Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building
16     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
17 (70 ILCS 200/85-35); Civic Center Code; Elgin Metropolitan
18     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority; for
19     grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
20 (70 ILCS 200/95-25); Civic Center Code; Herrin Metropolitan
21     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority; for
22     grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
23 (70 ILCS 200/110-35); Civic Center Code; Illinois Valley Civic
24     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
25     parking.
26 (70 ILCS 200/115-35); Civic Center Code; Jasper County Civic



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1     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
2     parking.
3 (70 ILCS 200/120-25); Civic Center Code; Jefferson County
4     Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building
5     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
6 (70 ILCS 200/125-15); Civic Center Code; Jo Daviess County
7     Civic Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings,
8     and parking.
9 (70 ILCS 200/130-30); Civic Center Code; Katherine Dunham
10     Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building
11     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
12 (70 ILCS 200/145-35); Civic Center Code; Marengo Civic Center
13     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
14 (70 ILCS 200/150-35); Civic Center Code; Mason County Civic
15     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
16     parking.
17 (70 ILCS 200/155-15); Civic Center Code; Matteson Metropolitan
18     Civic Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings,
19     and parking.
20 (70 ILCS 200/160-35); Civic Center Code; Maywood Civic Center
21     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
22 (70 ILCS 200/165-35); Civic Center Code; Melrose Park
23     Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium and Office Building
24     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
25 (70 ILCS 200/170-20); Civic Center Code; certain Metropolitan
26     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authorities;



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1     for general purposes.
2 (70 ILCS 200/180-35); Civic Center Code; Normal Civic Center
3     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
4 (70 ILCS 200/185-15); Civic Center Code; Oak Park Civic Center
5     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
6 (70 ILCS 200/195-35); Civic Center Code; Ottawa Civic Center
7     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
8 (70 ILCS 200/200-15); Civic Center Code; Pekin Civic Center
9     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
10 (70 ILCS 200/205-15); Civic Center Code; Peoria Civic Center
11     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
12 (70 ILCS 200/210-35); Civic Center Code; Pontiac Civic Center
13     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
14 (70 ILCS 200/215-15); Civic Center Code; Illinois Quad City
15     Civic Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings,
16     and parking.
17 (70 ILCS 200/220-30); Civic Center Code; Quincy Metropolitan
18     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority; for
19     grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
20 (70 ILCS 200/225-35); Civic Center Code; Randolph County Civic
21     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
22     parking.
23 (70 ILCS 200/230-35); Civic Center Code; River Forest
24     Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building
25     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
26 (70 ILCS 200/235-40); Civic Center Code; Riverside Civic Center



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1     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
2 (70 ILCS 200/245-35); Civic Center Code; Salem Civic Center
3     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
4 (70 ILCS 200/255-20); Civic Center Code; Springfield
5     Metropolitan Exposition and Auditorium Authority; for
6     grounds, centers, and parking.
7 (70 ILCS 200/260-35); Civic Center Code; Sterling Metropolitan
8     Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority; for
9     grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
10 (70 ILCS 200/265-20); Civic Center Code; Vermilion County
11     Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building
12     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
13 (70 ILCS 200/270-35); Civic Center Code; Waukegan Civic Center
14     Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and parking.
15 (70 ILCS 200/275-35); Civic Center Code; West Frankfort Civic
16     Center Authority; for grounds, centers, buildings, and
17     parking.
18 (70 ILCS 200/280-20); Civic Center Code; Will County
19     Metropolitan Exposition and Auditorium Authority; for
20     grounds, centers, and parking.
21 (70 ILCS 210/5); Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority
22     Act; Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority; for
23     general purposes, including quick-take power.
24 (70 ILCS 405/22.04); Soil and Water Conservation Districts Act;
25     soil and water conservation districts; for general
26     purposes.



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1 (70 ILCS 410/10 and 410/12); Conservation District Act;
2     conservation districts; for open space, wildland, scenic
3     roadway, pathway, outdoor recreation, or other
4     conservation benefits.
5 (70 ILCS 507/15); Fort Sheridan Redevelopment Commission Act;
6     Fort Sheridan Redevelopment Commission; for general
7     purposes or to carry out comprehensive or redevelopment
8     plans.
9 (70 ILCS 520/8); Southwestern Illinois Development Authority
10     Act; Southwestern Illinois Development Authority; for
11     general purposes, including quick-take power.
12 (70 ILCS 605/4-17 and 605/5-7); Illinois Drainage Code;
13     drainage districts; for general purposes.
14 (70 ILCS 615/5 and 615/6); Chicago Drainage District Act;
15     corporate authorities; for construction and maintenance of
16     works.
17 (70 ILCS 705/10); Fire Protection District Act; fire protection
18     districts; for general purposes.
19 (70 ILCS 805/6); Downstate Forest Preserve District Act;
20     certain forest preserve districts; for general purposes.
21 (70 ILCS 805/18.8); Downstate Forest Preserve District Act;
22     certain forest preserve districts; for recreational and
23     cultural facilities.
24 (70 ILCS 810/8); Cook County Forest Preserve District Act;
25     Forest Preserve District of Cook County; for general
26     purposes.



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1 (70 ILCS 810/38); Cook County Forest Preserve District Act;
2     Forest Preserve District of Cook County; for recreational
3     facilities.
4 (70 ILCS 910/15 and 910/16); Hospital District Law; hospital
5     districts; for hospitals or hospital facilities.
6 (70 ILCS 915/3); Illinois Medical District Act; Illinois
7     Medical District Commission; for general purposes.
8 (70 ILCS 915/4.5); Illinois Medical District Act; Illinois
9     Medical District Commission; quick-take power for the
10     Illinois State Police Forensic Science Laboratory
11     (obsolete).
12 (70 ILCS 920/5); Tuberculosis Sanitarium District Act;
13     tuberculosis sanitarium districts; for tuberculosis
14     sanitariums.
15 (70 ILCS 925/20); Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at
16     Springfield Act; Mid-Illinois Illinois Medical District at
17     Springfield; for general purposes.
18 (70 ILCS 1005/7); Mosquito Abatement District Act; mosquito
19     abatement districts; for general purposes.
20 (70 ILCS 1105/8); Museum District Act; museum districts; for
21     general purposes.
22 (70 ILCS 1205/7-1); Park District Code; park districts; for
23     streets and other purposes.
24 (70 ILCS 1205/8-1); Park District Code; park districts; for
25     parks.
26 (70 ILCS 1205/9-2 and 1205/9-4); Park District Code; park



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1     districts; for airports and landing fields.
2 (70 ILCS 1205/11-2 and 1205/11-3); Park District Code; park
3     districts; for State land abutting public water and certain
4     access rights.
5 (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-3); Park District Code; park districts; for
6     harbors.
7 (70 ILCS 1225/2); Park Commissioners Land Condemnation Act;
8     park districts; for street widening.
9 (70 ILCS 1230/1 and 1230/1-a); Park Commissioners Water Control
10     Act; park districts; for parks, boulevards, driveways,
11     parkways, viaducts, bridges, or tunnels.
12 (70 ILCS 1250/2); Park Commissioners Street Control (1889) Act;
13     park districts; for boulevards or driveways.
14 (70 ILCS 1290/1); Park District Aquarium and Museum Act;
15     municipalities or park districts; for aquariums or
16     museums.
17 (70 ILCS 1305/2); Park District Airport Zoning Act; park
18     districts; for restriction of the height of structures.
19 (70 ILCS 1310/5); Park District Elevated Highway Act; park
20     districts; for elevated highways.
21 (70 ILCS 1505/15); Chicago Park District Act; Chicago Park
22     District; for parks and other purposes.
23 (70 ILCS 1505/25.1); Chicago Park District Act; Chicago Park
24     District; for parking lots or garages.
25 (70 ILCS 1505/26.3); Chicago Park District Act; Chicago Park
26     District; for harbors.



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1 (70 ILCS 1570/5); Lincoln Park Commissioners Land Condemnation
2     Act; Lincoln Park Commissioners; for land and interests in
3     land, including riparian rights.
4 (70 ILCS 1805/8); Havana Regional Port District Act; Havana
5     Regional Port District; for general purposes.
6 (70 ILCS 1810/7); Illinois International Port District Act;
7     Illinois International Port District; for general
8     purposes.
9 (70 ILCS 1815/13); Illinois Valley Regional Port District Act;
10     Illinois Valley Regional Port District; for general
11     purposes.
12 (70 ILCS 1820/4); Jackson-Union Counties Regional Port
13     District Act; Jackson-Union Counties Regional Port
14     District; for removal of airport hazards or reduction of
15     the height of objects or structures.
16 (70 ILCS 1820/5); Jackson-Union Counties Regional Port
17     District Act; Jackson-Union Counties Regional Port
18     District; for general purposes.
19 (70 ILCS 1825/4.9); Joliet Regional Port District Act; Joliet
20     Regional Port District; for removal of airport hazards.
21 (70 ILCS 1825/4.10); Joliet Regional Port District Act; Joliet
22     Regional Port District; for reduction of the height of
23     objects or structures.
24 (70 ILCS 1825/4.18); Joliet Regional Port District Act; Joliet
25     Regional Port District; for removal of hazards from ports
26     and terminals.



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1 (70 ILCS 1825/5); Joliet Regional Port District Act; Joliet
2     Regional Port District; for general purposes.
3 (70 ILCS 1830/7.1); Kaskaskia Regional Port District Act;
4     Kaskaskia Regional Port District; for removal of hazards
5     from ports and terminals.
6 (70 ILCS 1830/14); Kaskaskia Regional Port District Act;
7     Kaskaskia Regional Port District; for general purposes.
8 (70 ILCS 1835/5.10); Mt. Carmel Regional Port District Act; Mt.
9     Carmel Regional Port District; for removal of airport
10     hazards.
11 (70 ILCS 1835/5.11); Mt. Carmel Regional Port District Act; Mt.
12     Carmel Regional Port District; for reduction of the height
13     of objects or structures.
14 (70 ILCS 1835/6); Mt. Carmel Regional Port District Act; Mt.
15     Carmel Regional Port District; for general purposes.
16 (70 ILCS 1845/4.9); Seneca Regional Port District Act; Seneca
17     Regional Port District; for removal of airport hazards.
18 (70 ILCS 1845/4.10); Seneca Regional Port District Act; Seneca
19     Regional Port District; for reduction of the height of
20     objects or structures.
21 (70 ILCS 1845/5); Seneca Regional Port District Act; Seneca
22     Regional Port District; for general purposes.
23 (70 ILCS 1850/4); Shawneetown Regional Port District Act;
24     Shawneetown Regional Port District; for removal of airport
25     hazards or reduction of the height of objects or
26     structures.



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1 (70 ILCS 1850/5); Shawneetown Regional Port District Act;
2     Shawneetown Regional Port District; for general purposes.
3 (70 ILCS 1855/4); Southwest Regional Port District Act;
4     Southwest Regional Port District; for removal of airport
5     hazards or reduction of the height of objects or
6     structures.
7 (70 ILCS 1855/5); Southwest Regional Port District Act;
8     Southwest Regional Port District; for general purposes.
9 (70 ILCS 1860/4); Tri-City Regional Port District Act; Tri-City
10     Regional Port District; for removal of airport hazards.
11 (70 ILCS 1860/5); Tri-City Regional Port District Act; Tri-City
12     Regional Port District; for the development of facilities.
13 (70 ILCS 1865/4.9); Waukegan Port District Act; Waukegan Port
14     District; for removal of airport hazards.
15 (70 ILCS 1865/4.10); Waukegan Port District Act; Waukegan Port
16     District; for restricting the height of objects or
17     structures.
18 (70 ILCS 1865/5); Waukegan Port District Act; Waukegan Port
19     District; for the development of facilities.
20 (70 ILCS 1870/8); White County Port District Act; White County
21     Port District; for the development of facilities.
22 (70 ILCS 1905/16); Railroad Terminal Authority Act; Railroad
23     Terminal Authority (Chicago); for general purposes.
24 (70 ILCS 1915/25); Grand Avenue Railroad Relocation Authority
25     Act; Grand Avenue Railroad Relocation Authority; for
26     general purposes, including quick-take power (now



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1     obsolete).
2 (70 ILCS 2105/9b); River Conservancy Districts Act; river
3     conservancy districts; for general purposes.
4 (70 ILCS 2105/10a); River Conservancy Districts Act; river
5     conservancy districts; for corporate purposes.
6 (70 ILCS 2205/15); Sanitary District Act of 1907; sanitary
7     districts; for corporate purposes.
8 (70 ILCS 2205/18); Sanitary District Act of 1907; sanitary
9     districts; for improvements and works.
10 (70 ILCS 2205/19); Sanitary District Act of 1907; sanitary
11     districts; for access to property.
12 (70 ILCS 2305/8); North Shore Sanitary District Act; North
13     Shore Sanitary District; for corporate purposes.
14 (70 ILCS 2305/15); North Shore Sanitary District Act; North
15     Shore Sanitary District; for improvements.
16 (70 ILCS 2405/7.9); Sanitary District Act of 1917; Sanitary
17     District of Decatur; for carrying out agreements to sell,
18     convey, or disburse treated wastewater to a private entity.
19 (70 ILCS 2405/8); Sanitary District Act of 1917; sanitary
20     districts; for corporate purposes.
21 (70 ILCS 2405/15); Sanitary District Act of 1917; sanitary
22     districts; for improvements.
23 (70 ILCS 2405/16.9 and 2405/16.10); Sanitary District Act of
24     1917; sanitary districts; for waterworks.
25 (70 ILCS 2405/17.2); Sanitary District Act of 1917; sanitary
26     districts; for public sewer and water utility treatment



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1     works.
2 (70 ILCS 2405/18); Sanitary District Act of 1917; sanitary
3     districts; for dams or other structures to regulate water
4     flow.
5 (70 ILCS 2605/8); Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act;
6     Metropolitan Water Reclamation District; for corporate
7     purposes.
8 (70 ILCS 2605/16); Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
9     Act; Metropolitan Water Reclamation District; quick-take
10     power for improvements.
11 (70 ILCS 2605/17); Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
12     Act; Metropolitan Water Reclamation District; for bridges.
13 (70 ILCS 2605/35); Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
14     Act; Metropolitan Water Reclamation District; for widening
15     and deepening a navigable stream.
16 (70 ILCS 2805/10); Sanitary District Act of 1936; sanitary
17     districts; for corporate purposes.
18 (70 ILCS 2805/24); Sanitary District Act of 1936; sanitary
19     districts; for improvements.
20 (70 ILCS 2805/26i and 2805/26j); Sanitary District Act of 1936;
21     sanitary districts; for drainage systems.
22 (70 ILCS 2805/27); Sanitary District Act of 1936; sanitary
23     districts; for dams or other structures to regulate water
24     flow.
25 (70 ILCS 2805/32k); Sanitary District Act of 1936; sanitary
26     districts; for water supply.



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1 (70 ILCS 2805/32l); Sanitary District Act of 1936; sanitary
2     districts; for waterworks.
3 (70 ILCS 2905/2-7); Metro-East Sanitary District Act of 1974;
4     Metro-East Sanitary District; for corporate purposes.
5 (70 ILCS 2905/2-8); Metro-East Sanitary District Act of 1974;
6     Metro-East Sanitary District; for access to property.
7 (70 ILCS 3010/10); Sanitary District Revenue Bond Act; sanitary
8     districts; for sewerage systems.
9 (70 ILCS 3205/12); Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Act;
10     Illinois Sports Facilities Authority; quick-take power for
11     its corporate purposes (obsolete).
12 (70 ILCS 3405/16); Surface Water Protection District Act;
13     surface water protection districts; for corporate
14     purposes.
15 (70 ILCS 3605/7); Metropolitan Transit Authority Act; Chicago
16     Transit Authority; for transportation systems.
17 (70 ILCS 3605/8); Metropolitan Transit Authority Act; Chicago
18     Transit Authority; for general purposes.
19 (70 ILCS 3605/10); Metropolitan Transit Authority Act; Chicago
20     Transit Authority; for general purposes, including
21     railroad property.
22 (70 ILCS 3610/3 and 3610/5); Local Mass Transit District Act;
23     local mass transit districts; for general purposes.
24 (70 ILCS 3615/2.13); Regional Transportation Authority Act;
25     Regional Transportation Authority; for general purposes.
26 (70 ILCS 3705/8 and 3705/12); Public Water District Act; public



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1     water districts; for waterworks.
2 (70 ILCS 3705/23a); Public Water District Act; public water
3     districts; for sewerage properties.
4 (70 ILCS 3705/23e); Public Water District Act; public water
5     districts; for combined waterworks and sewerage systems.
6 (70 ILCS 3715/6); Water Authorities Act; water authorities; for
7     facilities to ensure adequate water supply.
8 (70 ILCS 3715/27); Water Authorities Act; water authorities;
9     for access to property.
10 (75 ILCS 5/4-7); Illinois Local Library Act; boards of library
11     trustees; for library buildings.
12 (75 ILCS 16/30-55.80); Public Library District Act of 1991;
13     public library districts; for general purposes.
14 (75 ILCS 65/1 and 65/3); Libraries in Parks Act; corporate
15     authorities of city or park district, or board of park
16     commissioners; for free public library buildings.
17 (Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07; 94-1109, eff. 2-23-07.)