Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1936
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1936  098th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2013 and 2014


Introduced 2/15/2013, by Sen. Wm. Sam McCann


35 ILCS 505/2  from Ch. 120, par. 418
35 ILCS 505/15  from Ch. 120, par. 431

    Amends the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Exempts from taxation, motor fuel used or sold for recreational type watercraft operating upon the Mississippi, Wabash, or Ohio Rivers. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning revenue.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Motor Fuel Tax Law is amended by changing
5Sections 2 and 15 as follows:
6    (35 ILCS 505/2)  (from Ch. 120, par. 418)
7    Sec. 2. A tax is imposed on the privilege of operating
8motor vehicles upon the public highways and recreational-type
9watercraft upon the waters of this State.
10    (a) Prior to August 1, 1989, the tax is imposed at the rate
11of 13 cents per gallon on all motor fuel used in motor vehicles
12operating on the public highways and recreational type
13watercraft operating upon the waters of this State (other than
14the Mississippi, Wabash, or Ohio Rivers). Beginning on August
151, 1989 and until January 1, 1990, the rate of the tax imposed
16in this paragraph shall be 16 cents per gallon. Beginning
17January 1, 1990, the rate of tax imposed in this paragraph
18shall be 19 cents per gallon.
19    (b) The tax on the privilege of operating motor vehicles
20which use diesel fuel shall be the rate according to paragraph
21(a) plus an additional 2 1/2 cents per gallon. "Diesel fuel" is
22defined as any product intended for use or offered for sale as
23a fuel for engines in which the fuel is injected into the



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1combustion chamber and ignited by pressure without electric
3    (c) A tax is imposed upon the privilege of engaging in the
4business of selling motor fuel as a retailer or reseller on all
5motor fuel used in motor vehicles operating on the public
6highways and recreational type watercraft operating upon the
7waters of this State (other than the Mississippi, Wabash, or
8Ohio Rivers): (1) at the rate of 3 cents per gallon on motor
9fuel owned or possessed by such retailer or reseller at 12:01
10a.m. on August 1, 1989; and (2) at the rate of 3 cents per
11gallon on motor fuel owned or possessed by such retailer or
12reseller at 12:01 A.M. on January 1, 1990.
13    Retailers and resellers who are subject to this additional
14tax shall be required to inventory such motor fuel and pay this
15additional tax in a manner prescribed by the Department of
17    The tax imposed in this paragraph (c) shall be in addition
18to all other taxes imposed by the State of Illinois or any unit
19of local government in this State.
20    (d) Except as provided in Section 2a, the collection of a
21tax based on gallonage of gasoline used for the propulsion of
22any aircraft is prohibited on and after October 1, 1979.
23    (e) The collection of a tax, based on gallonage of all
24products commonly or commercially known or sold as 1-K
25kerosene, regardless of its classification or uses, is
26prohibited (i) on and after July 1, 1992 until December 31,



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11999, except when the 1-K kerosene is either: (1) delivered
2into bulk storage facilities of a bulk user, or (2) delivered
3directly into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles and (ii)
4on and after January 1, 2000. Beginning on January 1, 2000, the
5collection of a tax, based on gallonage of all products
6commonly or commercially known or sold as 1-K kerosene,
7regardless of its classification or uses, is prohibited except
8when the 1-K kerosene is delivered directly into a storage tank
9that is located at a facility that has withdrawal facilities
10that are readily accessible to and are capable of dispensing
111-K kerosene into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles. For
12purposes of this subsection (e), a facility is considered to
13have withdrawal facilities that are not "readily accessible to
14and capable of dispensing 1-K kerosene into the fuel supply
15tanks of motor vehicles" only if the 1-K kerosene is delivered
16from: (i) a dispenser hose that is short enough so that it will
17not reach the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle or (ii) a
18dispenser that is enclosed by a fence or other physical barrier
19so that a vehicle cannot pull alongside the dispenser to permit
21    Any person who sells or uses 1-K kerosene for use in motor
22vehicles upon which the tax imposed by this Law has not been
23paid shall be liable for any tax due on the sales or use of 1-K
25(Source: P.A. 96-1384, eff. 7-29-10.)



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1    (35 ILCS 505/15)  (from Ch. 120, par. 431)
2    Sec. 15. 1. Any person who knowingly acts as a distributor
3of motor fuel or supplier of special fuel, or receiver of fuel
4without having a license so to do, or who knowingly fails or
5refuses to file a return with the Department as provided in
6Section 2b, Section 5, or Section 5a of this Act, or who
7knowingly fails or refuses to make payment to the Department as
8provided either in Section 2b, Section 6, Section 6a, or
9Section 7 of this Act, shall be guilty of a Class 3 felony.
10Each day any person knowingly acts as a distributor of motor
11fuel, supplier of special fuel, or receiver of fuel without
12having a license so to do or after such a license has been
13revoked, constitutes a separate offense.
14    2. Any person who acts as a motor carrier without having a
15valid motor fuel use tax license, issued by the Department or
16by a member jurisdiction under the provisions of the
17International Fuel Tax Agreement, or a valid single trip permit
18is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for a first offense and is
19guilty of a Class 4 felony for each subsequent offense. Any
20person (i) who fails or refuses to make payment to the
21Department as provided in Section 13a.1 of this Act or in the
22International Fuel Tax Agreement referenced in Section 14a, or
23(ii) who fails or refuses to make the quarterly return as
24provided in Section 13a.3 is guilty of a Class 4 felony; and
25for each subsequent offense, such person is guilty of a Class 3



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1    3. In case such person acting as a distributor, receiver,
2supplier, or motor carrier is a corporation, then the officer
3or officers, agent or agents, employee or employees, of such
4corporation responsible for any act of such corporation, or
5failure of such corporation to act, which acts or failure to
6act constitutes a violation of any of the provisions of this
7Act as enumerated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Section, shall
8be punished by such fine or imprisonment, or by both such fine
9and imprisonment as provided in those paragraphs.
10    3.5. Any person who knowingly enters false information on
11any supporting documentation required to be kept by Section 6
12or 6a of this Act is guilty of a Class 3 felony.
13    3.7. Any person who knowingly attempts in any manner to
14evade or defeat any tax imposed by this Act or the payment of
15any tax imposed by this Act is guilty of a Class 2 felony.
16    4. Any person who refuses, upon demand, to submit for
17inspection, books and records, or who fails or refuses to keep
18books and records in violation of Section 12 of this Act, or
19any distributor, receiver, or supplier who violates any
20reasonable rule or regulation adopted by the Department for the
21enforcement of this Act is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Any
22person who acts as a blender in violation of Section 3 of this
23Act or who having transported reportable motor fuel within
24Section 7b of this Act fails to make the return required by
25that Section, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
26    5. Any person licensed under Section 13a.4, 13a.5, or the



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1International Fuel Tax Agreement who: (a) fails or refuses to
2keep records and books, as provided in Section 13a.2 or as
3required by the terms of the International Fuel Tax Agreement,
4(b) refuses upon demand by the Department to submit for
5inspection and examination the records required by Section
613a.2 of this Act or by the terms of the International Fuel Tax
7Agreement, or (c) violates any reasonable rule or regulation
8adopted by the Department for the enforcement of this Act, is
9guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
10    6. Any person who makes any false return or report to the
11Department as to any material fact required by Sections 2b, 5,
125a, 7, 13, or 13a.3 of this Act or by the International Fuel
13Tax Agreement is guilty of a Class 2 felony.
14    7. A prosecution for any violation of this Section may be
15commenced anytime within 5 years of the commission of that
16violation. A prosecution for tax evasion as set forth in
17paragraph 3.7 of this Section may be prosecuted any time within
185 years of the commission of the last act in furtherance of
19evasion. The running of the period of limitations under this
20Section shall be suspended while any proceeding or appeal from
21any proceeding relating to the quashing or enforcement of any
22grand jury or administrative subpoena issued in connection with
23an investigation of the violation of any provision of this Act
24is pending.
25    8. Any person who provides false documentation required by
26any Section of this Act is guilty of a Class 4 felony.



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1    9. Any person filing a fraudulent application or order form
2under any provision of this Act is guilty of a Class A
3misdemeanor. For each subsequent offense, the person is guilty
4of a Class 4 felony.
5    10. Any person who acts as a motor carrier and who fails to
6carry a manifest as provided in Section 5.5 is guilty of a
7Class A misdemeanor. For each subsequent offense, the person is
8guilty of a Class 4 felony.
9    11. Any person who knowingly sells or attempts to sell dyed
10diesel fuel for highway use or for use by recreational-type
11watercraft on the waters of this State (other than the
12Mississippi, Wabash, or Ohio Rivers) is guilty of a Class 4
13felony. For each subsequent offense, the person is guilty of a
14Class 2 felony.
15    12. Any person who knowingly possesses dyed diesel fuel for
16highway use or for use by recreational-type watercraft on the
17waters of this State (other than the Mississippi, Wabash, or
18Ohio Rivers) is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. For each
19subsequent offense, the person is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
20    13. Any person who sells or transports dyed diesel fuel
21without the notice required by Section 4e shall pay the
22following penalty:
23    First occurrence....................................$ 500
24    Second and each occurrence thereafter..............$1,000
25    14. Any person who owns, operates, or controls any
26container, storage tank, or facility used to store or



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1distribute dyed diesel fuel without the notice required by
2Section 4f shall pay the following penalty:
3    First occurrence....................................$ 500
4    Second and each occurrence thereafter..............$1,000
5    15. If a motor vehicle required to be registered for
6highway purposes is found to have dyed diesel fuel within the
7ordinary fuel tanks attached to the motor vehicle or if a
8recreational-type watercraft on the waters of this State (other
9than the Mississippi, Wabash, or Ohio Rivers) is found to have
10dyed diesel fuel within the ordinary fuel tanks attached to the
11watercraft, the operator shall pay the following penalty:
12    First occurrence...................................$1,000
13    Second and each occurrence thereafter..............$5,000
14    16. Any licensed motor fuel distributor or licensed
15supplier who sells or attempts to sell dyed diesel fuel for
16highway use or for use by recreational-type watercraft on the
17waters of this State (other than the Mississippi, Wabash, or
18Ohio Rivers) shall pay the following penalty:
19    First occurrence...................................$1,000
20    Second and each occurrence thereafter..............$5,000
21    17. Any person who knowingly sells or distributes dyed
22diesel fuel without the notice required by Section 4e is guilty
23of a petty offense. For each subsequent offense, the person is
24guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
25    18. Any person who knowingly owns, operates, or controls
26any container, storage tank, or facility used to store or



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1distribute dyed diesel fuel without the notice required by
2Section 4f is guilty of a petty offense. For each subsequent
3offense the person is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
4    For purposes of this Section, dyed diesel fuel means any
5dyed diesel fuel whether or not dyed pursuant to Section 4d of
6this Law.
7    Any person aggrieved by any action of the Department under
8item 13, 14, 15, or 16 of this Section may protest the action
9by making a written request for a hearing within 60 days of the
10original action. If the hearing is not requested in writing
11within 60 days, the original action is final.
12    All penalties received under items 13, 14, 15, and 16 of
13this Section shall be deposited into the Tax Compliance and
14Administration Fund.
15(Source: P.A. 96-1384, eff. 7-29-10.)
16    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
17becoming law.