Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR2176
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR2176  099th General Assembly




SR2176LRB099 23071 GRL 50522 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Christ F. Schwelle of Bloomington, who
4passed away on August 19, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle was born on March 7, 1942 in
6Chicago; his parents were Christian and Victoria Ellinger
7Schwelle; he married Diane Clever on June 8, 1968 in
8Charleston; and
9    WHEREAS, After graduating from Lane Tech High School in
10Chicago and receiving an associate degree from Wright Junior
11College, Christ Schwelle earned his bachelor's and master's
12degrees from Eastern Illinois University; and
13    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle was a guidance counselor in the
14Danville public schools for a year before going to Illinois
15State University in 1968; he held a variety of positions in the
16student affairs division, including director of Bone Student
17Center and Braden Auditorium from 1978 to 1999; during his
18tenure as director, the Braden "Stars on Stage Series" brought
19major entertainment to the community and space was leased to a
20bookstore and brand name food operations; and
21    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle was president of the ISU



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1Annuitants Association from 2006 to 2010 and continued on the
2ISUAA Board of Directors after his presidential term expired;
3following his retirement, he became an active member of the
4Spring Ridge Homeowners Association Board, the University
5Club, and the Young Men's Club; he was also a volunteer track
6official at Illinois State University for more than 30 years;
8    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle was a recipient of the Neil R.
9Gamsky Quality of Student Life Award and the
10Administrative/Professional Staff Distinguished Service Award
11for his contributions to Illinois State University; he was also
12given the Association of College Unions-International Region 9
13Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to that
14organization; and
15    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle was an avid baseball fan and,
16usually accompanied by his family, had attended games at 35
17Major League parks, as well as 24 Minor League parks and spring
18training sites; and
19    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle was preceded in death by his
20parents; his grandparents; his sister, Susan F. Schwelle; his
21stepfather; and his stepsister; and
22    WHEREAS, Christ Schwelle is survived by his wife, Diane;



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1his daughters, Karen Schwelle and Kim Schwelle; his uncle, John
2(Sylvia) Ellinger; his aunt, Frances Newberg; and his cousins,
3Elenore Heinrich, Robert (Renee) Newberg, and Herlinde Yugar;
4therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his
7family and friends, mourn the passing of Christ F. Schwelle;
8and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to the family of Christ Schwelle as an expression of
11our sympathy.