Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0219
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0219  093rd General Assembly

SR0219 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 12490 HSS 17678 r

 1                          SENATE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, The members  of  the  Senate  of  the  State  of
 3    Illinois  were  saddened  to  learn of the death of Leland T.
 4    "Trig" Watson Jr. of Mundelein on Tuesday, July 8, 2003; and

 5        WHEREAS, Mr. Watson was born  on  November  24,  1923  in
 6    Davenport,  Iowa  to  Marie (Homrighous) and Leland T. Watson
 7    Sr.; he was a  1942  graduate  of  Davenport  (Central)  High
 8    School; and

 9        WHEREAS,  Mr. Watson attended Augustana College and was a
10    graduate of the  Illinois  Institute  of  Technology  with  a
11    degree  in  civil  engineering;  he  was a U.S. Navy veteran,
12    having served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II;  he
13    was a member of the Mundelein VFW Post #7191 and the American
14    Legion Post in Bloomington; and

15        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Watson  had  been  a  member of the Fourth
16    Presbyterian Church in Chicago since 1968, where  he  was  an
17    ordained deacon; he attended the First Presbyterian Church in
18    Libertyville  for many years, where he enjoyed singing in the
19    choir; he was a member of the Liberty-Fremont Concert Society
20    and the Apollo Music Club in Chicago; and

21        WHEREAS, Mr.  Watson  was  employed  as  a  civilian  and
22    director  of engineering at the Great Lakes Naval Base for 40
23    years, where he designed and constructed cranes that  hoisted
24    nuclear missiles onto U.S. Navy submarines; toward the end of
25    his  career,  he  began writing historical articles about the
26    base for the Great Lakes Bulletin; and

27        WHEREAS,  During  his  retirement,  Mr.   Watson   became
28    instrumental  in the concept and compiling of information and
29    artifacts for the Great Lakes Naval Museum, and  he  was  its
30    first  curator;  his wife, Dottie, was always at his side and
31    together, they were responsible for the construction  of  the
                            -2-      LRB093 12490 HSS 17678 r
 1    museum  from  beginning to end; Mr. Watson served as the vice
 2    president of the Fort Hill Heritage Museum in Mundelein; and

 3        WHEREAS, The passing of Leland T. "Trig" Watson  Jr.  has
 4    been  deeply  felt  by  many,  especially  his  wife, Dorothy
 5    "Dottie" Watson; his  sisters,  Mary  Komidar  and  Dr.  Jean
 6    Watson; therefore, be it

 8    ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the  passing
 9    of  Leland  T.  "Trig"  Watson  Jr. and we extend our deepest
10    sympathy to his family, friends, and all who knew  and  loved
11    him; and be it further

12        RESOLVED,  That  a  suitable  copy  of this resolution be
13    presented to the family of Leland T. "Trig" Watson Jr. as  an
14    expression of our sincere condolences.