Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0022
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0022  097th General Assembly



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2    WHEREAS, The Medicare Rights Center (MRC) published
3"Medicare: A National Treasure for Forty Years" (2005); the
4Medicare program was created as part of the Social Security
5Amendments of 1965, and the program will celebrate its 46th
6anniversary on July 30, 2011; and
7    WHEREAS, The MRC's findings are still valid, to wit: the
8Medicare program has become a national treasure, reflecting the
9nation's commitment to the health and independence of older
10Americans and Americans with disabilities by providing health
11care coverage to 45 million people; and
12    WHEREAS, The original design of the Medicare program - its
13universality, shared risk, simplicity and dependability -
14created the foundation for its 46 years of success; Medicare's
15universal nature ensures that virtually all older Americans and
16many people with disabilities receive the health care they
17need, while Medicare pools risk in order to share the financial
18burdens of illness across healthy and sick individuals and
19affluent and low-income families; for 46 years, Medicare has
20guaranteed coverage for a defined set of benefits at a uniform
21and predictable cost to all seniors and to people with
22disabilities regardless of their income, health status, or
23where they live and has dramatically improved the quality of



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1life for millions of individuals; and
2    WHEREAS, Among the most important reasons to celebrate the
3past 46 years of Medicare are: (1) guaranteed access to care
4for people with Medicare; (2) improved quality of life for
5older Americans and people with disabilities; (3)
6administrative efficiency and cost containment; (4) critical
7support for America's healthcare system; and (5) guaranteed
8benefits and choice of providers; and
9    WHEREAS, Prior to Medicare, only half of older adults had
10health insurance; private insurers were unable or unwilling to
11provide comprehensive, affordable health care coverage to the
12growing aged population, who were either too old or too sick
13and therefore too high an insurance risk; through the guarantee
14of Medicare coverage, the federal government established
15protections for all people with Medicare that ensure that
16everyone - including those battling costly illnesses - have
17access to covered services; and
18    WHEREAS, Medicare is the second largest source of federal
19spending for HIV care and treatment, and approximately one out
20of every five HIV-positive Americans receiving regular medical
21care depends, at least in part, on the Medicare program; and
22    WHEREAS, Medicare has also improved access to care in other



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1ways; for example, Medicare was, and continues to be,
2instrumental in reducing disparities in access and coverage for
3racial and ethnic minority groups; and
4    WHEREAS, A 2001 survey demonstrates that people with
5Medicare are generally more satisfied with their health care
6than are persons under age 65 who are covered by private
7insurance; people with Medicare report fewer problems getting
8access to care, greater confidence about their access, and
9fewer instances of financial hardship as a result of medical
10bills; Medicare creates access to health care across many
11dimensions: access to physician services; access to necessary
12care; and reduced financial barriers to care; older Americans
13with Medicare experience comparatively fewer financial
14barriers to care; and
15    WHEREAS, By the year 2030, 20 percent of the U.S.
16population - 77 million people - will be eligible for Medicare,
17compared to the 14 percent of Americans who are
18Medicare-eligible today; while Medicare gives all Americans a
19sense of security knowing their parents, grandparents, friends
20and neighbors can access the health care they need, before long
21the next generation of Americans will need to count on Medicare
22too; and
23    WHEREAS, Thanks to Medicare, millions of Americans are able



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1to afford life-saving care, but Medicare also improves the
2quality of life for older Americans in other ways; for example,
3Medicare is also a social safety net that has lifted millions
4of people out of poverty; in fact, since Medicare was created
5in 1965, poverty among the elderly has been reduced by nearly
6two-thirds; by financing health care services, Medicare
7safeguards beneficiaries and their families from the ruinous
8costs of medical treatments and prevents individuals from
9spending unmanageable proportions of their incomes on medical
10care or being pushed into poverty by their medical bills; in
11addition, life expectancy has increased by three years and more
12people are living past the age of 85 than ever before, while
13disability rates among the elderly are decreasing; with
14improvements in Medicare coverage for preventive services,
15such as breast and prostate cancer screening, and advances in
16care management for people with chronic conditions, further
17reductions in morbidity and disability can be expected; and
18    WHEREAS, Equally important in assessing Medicare's success
19is Medicare's cost-effectiveness; Medicare has consistently
20contained health care costs better than private health plans;
21analysis of cumulative spending over a 30-year period further
22illustrates Medicare's ability to control costs over time;
23Medicare has been able to accomplish this cost-containment
24record, in part, by using its resources more efficiently,
25assessing the clinical effectiveness of services when making



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1coverage decisions and when setting payment rates for certain
2services; and
3    WHEREAS, Medicare's payment structure supports the United
4States' health system infrastructure; for example, Medicare
5supports the nation's teaching hospitals and educational
6opportunities for health care professionals, through enhanced
7payments; by supporting graduate education for physicians and
8other providers, Medicare benefits all Americans, whether or
9not they are covered by Medicare; Medicare also provides extra
10support to hospitals that serve a disproportionate number of
11low-income patients and to rural hospitals, which are often
12more heavily dependent on Medicare reimbursement than other
13facilities; Medicare also provides enhanced payments to rural
14health clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers in
15medically underserved areas to ensure that care is available
16for vulnerable people; and
17    WHEREAS, Medicare is the largest single payer for services
18provided by the 7,000 home health agencies nationwide;
19moreover, Medicare is an essential part of the entire U.S.
20economy as well as a pillar of the health system; and
21    WHEREAS, Medicare is simple, popular and reliable; seniors
22are very satisfied with the Medicare program; Medicare's
23success is related to the unparalleled choice and availability



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1of physicians and health care services that it offers people;
3    WHEREAS, Medicare has served Americans well; it is equally
4available to all seniors and to people with disabilities,
5regardless of health or financial status, and realizes the
6right to health care for many of America's most vulnerable
7individuals; Medicare continues to symbolize a rational, just
8and systematic approach to health care access for all
9Americans; and
10    WHEREAS, The enactment of the Medicare Prescription Drug,
11Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) has prompted
12significant changes to the Medicare program; the MMA
13established a new outpatient prescription drug benefit -
14Medicare Part D - for people with Medicare coverage, and
15replaced Medicaid drug coverage with the new Part D program for
16people who receive health coverage from both Medicare and
17Medicaid; therefore, be it
20we celebrate the past 46 years of Medicare and urge the United
21States Congress to make sure that the millions of seniors and
22Americans with disabilities who rely on it will be able to
23enjoy its dependability and simplicity in the years to come;



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1Medicare's successes to date should guide future changes to the
2program, so that it can continue to ensure access to care,
3improve quality of life, support the health care system, and
4enjoy broad support among the people whom it helps every day;
5and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That strengthening Medicare and improving the
7Medicare Part D drug program should be a vital part of any
8reform of the American health care system; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That, given the history and successes of the
10Medicare program, the United States Congress and the President
11of the United States should consider enactment of a "Single
12Payer" option based on the Medicare model as an additional
13component of a national health reform plan, so that all of the
14people in America may access comprehensive, quality health care
15in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible; and
16be it further
17    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
18delivered to President Barack Obama and each member of the
19Illinois Congressional delegation.