Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2242
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2242  095th General Assembly



HB2242 Enrolled LRB095 01298 DRJ 21300 b

1     AN ACT concerning health.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Communicable Disease Prevention Act is
5 amended by changing Section 1 and by adding Section 1.5 as
6 follows:
7     (410 ILCS 315/1)  (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 22.11)
8     Sec. 1. Certain communicable diseases such as measles,
9 poliomyelitis, invasive pneumococcal disease, and tetanus, may
10 and do result in serious physical and mental disability
11 including mental retardation, permanent paralysis,
12 encephalitis, convulsions, pneumonia, and not infrequently,
13 death.
14     Most of these diseases attack young children, and if they
15 have not been immunized, may spread to other susceptible
16 children and possibly, adults, thus, posing serious threats to
17 the health of the community. Effective, safe and widely used
18 vaccines and immunization procedures have been developed and
19 are available to prevent these diseases and to limit their
20 spread. Even though such immunization procedures are
21 available, many children fail to receive this protection either
22 through parental oversight, lack of concern, knowledge or
23 interest, or lack of available facilities or funds. The



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1 existence of susceptible children in the community constitutes
2 a health hazard to the individual and to the public at large by
3 serving as a focus for the spread of these communicable
4 diseases.
5     It is declared to be the public policy of this State that
6 all children shall be protected, as soon after birth as
7 medically indicated, by the appropriate vaccines and
8 immunizing procedures to prevent communicable diseases which
9 are or which may in the future become preventable by
10 immunization.
11 (Source: P.A. 78-255; 78-303; 78-1297.)
12     (410 ILCS 315/1.5 new)
13     Sec. 1.5. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Notwithstanding
14 Section 2 of this Act, within 30 days of the effective date of
15 this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, the
16 Department shall promulgate rules and regulations, and shall
17 submit those rules and regulations in accordance with the
18 rulemaking first notice requirements under Section 5-40 of the
19 Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, requiring the
20 age-appropriate series of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, as
21 recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization
22 Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to
23 a child younger than 2 years of age who is enrolled or
24 enrolling in a licensed child care facility, as that term is
25 defined in the Child Care Act of 1969. The Department shall



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1 also establish protocols for children younger than 2 years of
2 age to catch up on missed doses. A child care facility must be
3 able to furnish proof of compliance with this Section for all
4 children at the facility, beginning January 1, 2008.
5     The provisions of this Section shall not apply if:
6         (1) the parent or guardian of the child objects thereto
7     on the grounds that the administration of immunizing agents
8     conflicts with his or her religious tenets or practices; or
9         (2) a physician employed by the parent or guardian to
10     provide care and treatment to the child states that the
11     physical condition of the child is such that the
12     administration of the required immunizing agent would be
13     detrimental to the health of the child.
14     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,
15 2007.