Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2251
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2251  093rd General Assembly



SB2251 Enrolled LRB093 15880 RCE 41497 b

1     AN ACT concerning professional regulation.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Professional Boxing Act is amended by
5 changing Sections 6 and 12 as follows:
6     (225 ILCS 105/6)  (from Ch. 111, par. 5006)
7     (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2012)
8     Sec. 6. Prohibitions. All boxing matches, contests, or
9 exhibits in which physical contact is made including, but not
10 limited to, "ultimate fighting exhibitions", are prohibited in
11 Illinois unless authorized by the Department. This provision
12 does not apply to the following:
13         (1) Boxing contests or wrestling exhibitions conducted
14     by accredited secondary schools, colleges or universities,
15     although a fee may be charged. Institutions organized to
16     furnish instruction in athletics are not included in this
17     exemption.
18         (2) Amateur boxing matches sanctioned by the United
19     States Amateur Boxing Federation, Inc. or Golden Gloves of
20     America, amateur wrestling exhibitions, and amateur or
21     professional martial arts or kick boxing.
22     The Department shall have the authority to determine
23 whether a contest or exhibition is an exempt martial arts or
24 kick boxing event for purposes of this Section. In determining
25 whether a contest or exhibition is an exempt martial arts or
26 kick boxing event the Department shall consider, but not be
27 limited to, the following factors:
28         (i) whether the event is sanctioned by a body
29     independent of the promoters of the contest or exhibition;
30         (ii) whether the sanctioning body is exclusively or
31     primarily dedicated to advancing the sport of kick boxing
32     or martial arts;



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1         (iii) whether the sanctioning body limits
2     participation in its events to its registered members;
3         (iv) whether the sanctioning body has a record of
4     enforcing the rules governing a contest or exhibition;
5         (v) the record for safety of the sanctioning body;
6         (vi) the record for safety of the promoters of the
7     contest or exhibition;
8         (vii) whether the promoter of the contest or exhibition
9     has a record of enforcing and abiding by the rules
10     governing a contest or exhibition; and
11         (viii) whether the rules for the contest or exhibition
12     provide substantially similar protections for the health,
13     safety and welfare of the contestants and spectators as
14     this Act and its rules.
15 (Source: P.A. 91-408, eff. 1-1-00.)
16     (225 ILCS 105/12)  (from Ch. 111, par. 5012)
17     (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2012)
18     Sec. 12. Contests Boxing contests. Each boxing contestant
19 shall be examined before entering the ring and immediately
20 after each contest by a physician licensed to practice medicine
21 in all of its branches. The physician shall determine, prior to
22 the contest, if each contestant is physically fit to engage in
23 the contest. After the contest the physician shall examine the
24 contestant to determine possible injury. If the contestant's
25 physical condition so indicates, the physician shall recommend
26 to the Department immediate medical suspension. The physician
27 may, at any time during the contest, stop the contest to
28 examine a boxer, and terminate the contest when, in the
29 physician's opinion, continuing the contest could result in
30 serious injury to the boxer. The physician shall certify to the
31 condition of the contestant in writing, over his signature on
32 blank forms provided by the Department. Such reports shall be
33 submitted to the Department in a timely manner. The physician
34 shall be paid by the promoter a fee fixed by the Department. No
35 boxing contest shall be held unless a physician licensed to



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1 practice medicine in all of its branches is in attendance.
2     No contest shall be allowed to begin unless at least one
3 physician and 2 trained paramedics or 2 nurses who are trained
4 to administer emergency medical care are present.
5     No contest shall be more than 12 rounds in length. The
6 rounds shall not be more than 3 minutes each with a one minute
7 interval between them, and no boxer shall be allowed to
8 participate in more than 12 rounds within 72 consecutive hours.
9 At each boxing contest there shall be a referee in attendance
10 who shall direct and control the contest. The referee, before
11 each contest, shall learn the name of the contestant's chief
12 second and shall hold the chief second responsible for the
13 conduct of his assistant during the progress of the contest.
14     There shall be 2 judges in attendance who shall render a
15 decision at the end of each contest. The decision of the
16 judges, taken together with the decision of the referee, is
17 final; or, 3 judges shall score the contest with the referee
18 not scoring. The method of scoring shall be set forth in rules.
19     Judges, referees, or timekeepers for contests shall be
20 assigned by the Department. The Department or its
21 representative shall have discretion to declare a price,
22 remuneration, or purse or any part of it belonging to the
23 contestant withheld if in the judgment of the Department or its
24 representative the contestant is not honestly competing. The
25 Department shall have the authority to prevent a contest or
26 exhibition from being held and shall have the authority to stop
27 a fight for noncompliance with any part of this Act or rules or
28 when, in the judgment of the Department, or its representative,
29 continuation of the event would endanger the health, safety,
30 and welfare of the contestants or spectators. The Department's
31 authority to stop a fight contest or exhibition on the basis
32 that the fight would endanger the health, safety, and welfare
33 of the contestants or spectators shall extend to any fight
34 contest or exhibition, regardless of whether that fight contest
35 or exhibition is exempted from the prohibition in Section 6 of
36 this Act.



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1 (Source: P.A. 91-408, eff. 1-1-00; 92-499, eff. 1-1-02.)
2     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
3 becoming law.