Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0226
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0226  095th General Assembly



SR0226 LRB095 12255 KXB 36731 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Henry "Hank" Clark of Waukegan, who
4 passed away on March 19, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Henry Clark was a career counselor and teacher,
6 ending with 43 years of service at Sandwich and Waukegan school
7 district in 2005; during those years he sponsored Future
8 Teachers of America, Student Council, and other groups; he was
9 widely known as "Mr. Bulldog" for scoring Waukegan baseball
10 games much of his 37 years in the high school; he was chosen to
11 score at the State tournament one year, and one of his proudest
12 possessions was the "Mr. Bulldog" purple and gold jacket
13 presented to him on his retirement; and
14     WHEREAS, Hank Clark served as Executive Director for the
15 Illinois Association of Student Councils for 17 years and
16 remained a member of the National Association of Student
17 Counselors after his retirement; and
18     WHEREAS, Hank Clark was an active member of First
19 Presbyterian Church, serving as a deacon; he previously served
20 as elder and trustee and sang in the choir; he loved the music
21 of the church and served as narrator for church programs; and



SR0226 - 2 - LRB095 12255 KXB 36731 r

1     WHEREAS, Hank Clark served his community and the Waukegan
2 Historical Society, participating in the Oakwood Cemetery Walk
3 each year, marching for the Exchange Club in the Fourth of July
4 parade, and attending and supporting community cultural
5 events; he was known for his special support of the Waukegan
6 Community Players, serving as treasurer, a Bowen Park Theater
7 and Opera Company patron, and a Historical Genesee Theater
8 founder; he often appeared on stage, recently in Othello; and
9 he enjoyed playing softball and bowled in three leagues; and
10     WHEREAS, Henry "Hank" Clark is survived by his wife, Faith;
11 and his sons, Hank and Jason; therefore, be it
13 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
14 his family and friends, the passing of Henry "Hank" Clark; and
15 be it further
16     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17 presented to the family of Henry "Hank" Clark as a symbol of
18 our sympathy.