Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2304
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2304  098th General Assembly




SB2304 EnrolledLRB098 10682 JDS 40986 b

1    AN ACT concerning local government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Forest Preserve Zoological Parks Act is
5amended by changing Section 1 as follows:
6    (70 ILCS 835/1)  (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 6801)
7    Sec. 1. The corporate authorities of forest preserve
8districts, containing a population of 140,000 or more located
9in counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, having the
10control or supervision of any forest preserves, may erect and
11maintain within such forest preserves, under the control or
12supervision of such corporate authorities, edifices to be used
13for the collection and display of animals as customary in
14zoological parks, and may collect and display such animals, or
15permit the directors or trustees of any zoological society
16devoted to the purposes aforesaid to erect and maintain a
17zoological park and to collect and display zoological
18collections within any forest preserve now or hereafter under
19the control or supervision of such forest preserve district,
20out of funds belonging to such zoological society, or to
21contract with the directors or trustees of any zoological
22society on such terms and conditions as may to such corporate
23authorities seem best, relative to the erection, operation and



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1maintenance of a zoological park and the collection and display
2of such animals within such forest preserve, out of the tax
3hereinafter in this Act provided.
4    This Act applies to any forest preserve district that
5maintains a zoological park that was established under this Act
6prior to 1964, regardless of whether the population
7requirements continue to be met.
8    A Such a forest preserve district, containing a population
9of 140,000 or more district, or the directors or trustees of
10such zoological society when so authorized by the forest
11preserve district, may (a) police the property of the
12zoological park, (b) employ, establish, maintain and equip a
13security force for fire and police protection of the zoological
14park and (c) provide that the personnel of the security force
15shall perform other tasks relating to the maintenance and
16operation of the zoological park. Members of the security force
17shall be conservators of the peace with all the powers of
18policemen in cities and of sheriffs, other than to serve or
19execute civil processes, but such powers may be exercised only
20within the area comprising the zoological park when required to
21protect the zoological park's property and interests, its
22personnel and persons using the facilities or at the specific
23request of appropriate federal, State or local law enforcement
24officials. All otherwise lawful actions taken on or after
25August 13, 1978 (the effective date of Public Act 80-1364) and
26before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th



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1General Assembly by a forest preserve district or a zoological
2society located in a county of 3,000,000 or more in exercising
3the powers provided in this paragraph are hereby validated,
4notwithstanding Public Act 80-1364, which was a
5non-substantive combining revisory Act.
6    A Such forest preserve district, containing a population of
7140,000 or more located in counties of less than 3,000,000
8inhabitants, may charge, or permit such zoological society to
9charge, an admission fee. The proceeds of such admission fee
10shall be devoted exclusively to the operation and maintenance
11of such zoological park and the collections therein. All such
12zoological parks shall be open to the public without charge (i)
13a total number of days, to be scheduled at any time during the
14calendar year, equivalent to at least one day for each 7 days
15the zoological park is open during the calendar year and (ii)
16to the children in actual attendance upon any of the schools in
17the State at all times. The managing authority of the
18zoological park may limit the number of school groups that may
19attend the zoo on any given day and may establish other rules
20and regulations that reasonably ensure public safety,
21accessibility, and convenience, including without limitation
22standards of conduct and supervision. Charges may be made at
23any time for special services and for admission to special
24facilities within any zoological park for the education,
25entertainment or convenience of visitors.
26(Source: P.A. 92-548, eff. 6-24-02; 93-651, eff. 6-1-04.)



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1    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
2becoming law.