Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HJR0024
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HJR0024  093rd General Assembly

HJR0024eng 93rd General Assembly


HJ0024 Engrossed                     LRB093 11025 KEF 11696 r

 1                      HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 24

 2        WHEREAS,  The  right  to  a  quality   education   is   a
 3    fundamental right Illinois owes to all of its children; and

 4        WHEREAS,   The  State  of  Illinois  is  over-reliant  on
 5    property taxes to fund education; and

 6        WHEREAS, This over-reliance on property taxes has created
 7    a number of problems for education funding, tax  equity,  and
 8    economic development across the State of Illinois; and

 9        WHEREAS,  In  particular,  the  State's  over-reliance on
10    property  taxes  is  a  primary  cause  of  the   significant
11    differences  between per student education funding across the
12    State; and

13        WHEREAS, The over-reliance on  property  taxes  also  has
14    created  significant  hardships for rural areas of the State,
15    for areas of concentrated  poverty  in  urban  areas  of  the
16    State,   and   for   senior  citizens  on  fixed  incomes  in
17    gentrifying areas of the State; and

18        WHEREAS, Numerous commissions and task  forces,  such  as
19    the Ikenberry Commission and the Governor's Education Funding
20    Advisory Board, have recommended that Illinois assume primary
21    responsibility for funding education by reducing its reliance
22    on  property taxes and using more State-based revenue to fund
23    education; and

24        WHEREAS, Any changes the State  makes  in  how  it  funds
25    education should ensure that:
26        (i)  Every  school  district  in the State has sufficient
27        financial resources to fund a quality education;
28        (ii)  No school district loses money as a result  of  the
29        reform; and
30        (iii)  The  State-based  revenue  sources used to replace
31        property taxes are adjusted through the use of credits or
HJ0024 Engrossed           -2-       LRB093 11025 KEF 11696 r
 1        other tax relief, so  that  the  State  does  not  create
 2        additional   financial   burdens   for   low-income   and
 3        moderate-income  families and senior citizens; therefore,
 4        be it

 7    SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN,  that  there  is  created  a  Joint
 8    Committee  on  Property  Tax Reform and School Funding Reform
 9    which shall be charged  with  reforming  the  State's  fiscal
10    system to ensure it is fundamentally sound, fair, and capable
11    of funding a quality education for all Illinois children; and
12    be it further

13        RESOLVED, That the Joint Committee on Property Tax Reform
14    and  School  Funding  Reform  shall  be comprised as follows:
15    eight members of the House of Representatives, the Speaker of
16    the   House   appointing   four,   with   one   serving    as
17    co-chairperson,   and   the  Minority  Leader  of  the  House
18    appointing  four;  and  eight  members  of  the  Senate,  the
19    President of the Senate appointing four,  with  one  of  them
20    serving  as  co-chairperson,  and  the Minority Leader of the
21    Senate appointing four; and be it further

22        RESOLVED, That the Joint Committee on Property Tax Reform
23    and School Funding meet at least six times  during  the  93rd
24    General    Assembly    and   summarize   its   findings   and
25    recommendations  in  a  preliminary  report  to  the  General
26    Assembly by December 31, 2003, and in a final report  to  the
27    General Assembly by December 31, 2004.