Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0245
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0245  093rd General Assembly

HB0245 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 02640 WGH 02650 b

 1        AN ACT concerning workplace injuries and diseases.

 2        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section 5.  The Workers' Compensation Act is  amended  by
 5    changing Section 2 as follows:

 6        (820 ILCS 305/2) (from Ch. 48, par. 138.2)
 7        Sec.  2.   An  employer  in this State, who does not come
 8    within the classes enumerated by Section 3 of this  Act,  may
 9    elect to provide and pay compensation for accidental injuries
10    sustained  by  himself or any employee, arising out of and in
11    the course of the employment according to the  provisions  of
12    this  Act, and thereby relieve himself from any liability for
13    the recovery of damages, except as herein provided. The State
14    of Illinois hereby elects to  provide  and  pay  compensation
15    according to the provisions of this Act. For purposes of this
16    Act,  an  injury  arises  out of the employment if the injury
17    would not have occurred but for the fact that the  conditions
18    or  obligations  of the employment placed the employee in the
19    position where the employee was injured by a  neutral  force.
20    A  neutral  force  is a force that is neither personal to the
21    employee nor distinctly associated with the employment.
22        (a)  Election  by  any  employer  to  provide   and   pay
23    compensation according to the provisions of this Act shall be
24    made  by the employer filing notice of such election with the
25    Commission, or by insuring his liability to pay  compensation
26    under this Act in some insurance carrier authorized, licensed
27    or permitted to do such insurance business in this State.
28        (b)  Every employer within the provisions of this Act who
29    has  elected to provide and pay compensation according to the
30    provisions of this Act by filing notice of such election with
31    the  Commission,  shall  be  bound  thereby  as  to  all  his
                            -2-      LRB093 02640 WGH 02650 b
 1    employees until January 1st of the next succeeding  year  and
 2    for terms of each year thereafter.
 3        Any  such  employer  who may have once elected, may elect
 4    not to provide and pay the compensation herein  provided  for
 5    accidents  resulting  in either injury or death and occurring
 6    after the expiration of any  such  calendar  year  by  filing
 7    notice  of such election with the Commission at least 60 days
 8    prior to the expiration of any such  calendar  year,  and  by
 9    posting  such  notice  at  a  conspicuous place in the plant,
10    shop, office, room or place where such employee is  employed,
11    or by personal service, in written or printed form, upon such
12    employees,  at  least  60 days prior to the expiration of any
13    such calendar year.
14        Every employer within the provisions of this Act who  has
15    elected  to  provide  and  pay  compensation according to the
16    provisions of this Act  by  insuring  his  liability  to  pay
17    compensation  under  this  Act,  as  above provided, shall be
18    bound thereby as to all  his  employees  until  the  date  of
19    expiration  or  cancellation  of such policy of insurance, or
20    any renewal thereof.
21        (c)  In the event any employer mentioned in this section,
22    elects to provide and pay the compensation provided  in  this
23    Act,  then  every employee of such employer, as a part of his
24    contract of hiring or who may be employed at the time of  the
25    taking   effect  of  this  Act  and  the  acceptance  of  its
26    provisions by such employer, shall be deemed to have accepted
27    all the provisions of this Act and  shall  be  bound  thereby
28    unless  within  30 days after such hiring or after the taking
29    effect of this Act, and its acceptance by such  employee,  he
30    shall  file  a  notice  to  the contrary with the Commission,
31    whose duty it shall be to immediately  notify  the  employer,
32    and  until  such  notice  to  the  contrary  is  given to the
33    employer, the measure of liability of such employer shall  be
34    determined  according  to the compensation provisions of this
                            -3-      LRB093 02640 WGH 02650 b
 1    Act.
 2        However, any employee may withdraw from the operation  of
 3    this Act, except those under Section 3, upon filing a written
 4    notice of withdrawal at least 10 days prior to January 1st of
 5    any  year  with  the  Commission,  whose  duty it shall be to
 6    immediately notify such employer  by  registered  mail,  and,
 7    until  such notice to the contrary is given to such employer,
 8    the measure of liability of such employer shall be determined
 9    according to the compensation provisions of this Act.
10        (d)  Any such employer or employee may, without prejudice
11    to any existing right  or  claim  withdraw  his  election  to
12    reject  this  Act  by  giving 30 days' written notice in such
13    manner and form as may be provided by the Commission.
14    (Source: P.A. 83-190.)

15        Section 10.  The Workers' Occupational  Diseases  Act  is
16    amended by changing Section 1 as follows:

17        (820 ILCS 310/1) (from Ch. 48, par. 172.36)
18        Sec.  1.  This Act shall be known and may be cited as the
19    "Workers' Occupational Diseases Act".
20        (a)  The term "employer" as used in  this  Act  shall  be
21    construed to be:
22        1.   The  State  and  each  county, city, town, township,
23    incorporated  village,  school  district,  body  politic,  or
24    municipal corporation therein.
25        2.  Every person, firm, public  or  private  corporation,
26    including  hospitals, public service, eleemosynary, religious
27    or charitable  corporations  or  associations,  who  has  any
28    person  in service or under any contract for hire, express or
29    implied, oral or written.
30        3.  Where an employer operating under and subject to  the
31    provisions  of  this  Act  loans  an employee to another such
32    employer and such  loaned  employee  sustains  a  compensable
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 1    occupational  disease  in  the  employment  of such borrowing
 2    employer and where such borrowing employer does  not  provide
 3    or  pay  the  benefits  or  payments  due such employee, such
 4    loaning employer shall  be  liable  to  provide  or  pay  all
 5    benefits  or payments due such employee under this Act and as
 6    to such employee the liability of such loaning and  borrowing
 7    employers  shall  be  joint  and  several, provided that such
 8    loaning employer shall in the absence  of  agreement  to  the
 9    contrary  be entitled to receive from such borrowing employer
10    full reimbursement for all sums paid or incurred pursuant  to
11    this  paragraph  together with reasonable attorneys' fees and
12    expenses in any hearings before the Industrial Commission  or
13    in  any  action  to  secure  such  reimbursement.   Where any
14    benefit is provided or paid by  such  loaning  employer,  the
15    employee   shall   have  the  duty  of  rendering  reasonable
16    co-operation in any hearings, trials or  proceedings  in  the
17    case, including such proceedings for reimbursement.
18        Where  an employee files an Application for Adjustment of
19    Claim with the Industrial Commission alleging that his or her
20    claim  is  covered  by  the  provisions  of   the   preceding
21    paragraph, and joining both the alleged loaning and borrowing
22    employers,  they and each of them, upon written demand by the
23    employee and within 7 days  after  receipt  of  such  demand,
24    shall  have the duty of filing with the Industrial Commission
25    a written admission or denial  of  the  allegation  that  the
26    claim is covered by the provisions of the preceding paragraph
27    and  in  default  of  such  filing  or  if any such denial be
28    ultimately determined not to have been  bona  fide  then  the
29    provisions  of  Paragraph  K  of Section 19 of this Act shall
30    apply.
31        An employer whose business or enterprise or a substantial
32    part thereof consists  of  hiring,  procuring  or  furnishing
33    employees  to  or  for  other  employers  operating under and
34    subject to the provisions of this Act for the performance  of
                            -5-      LRB093 02640 WGH 02650 b
 1    the  work of such other employers and who pays such employees
 2    their salary or wage notwithstanding that they are doing  the
 3    work  of  such  other  employers  shall  be  deemed a loaning
 4    employer within the meaning and provisions of this Section.
 5        (b)  The term "employee" as used in this  Act,  shall  be
 6    construed to mean:
 7        1.  Every  person  in  the  service of the State, county,
 8    city,  town,  township,  incorporated   village   or   school
 9    district,  body  politic  or  municipal  corporation therein,
10    whether by election, appointment or contract of hire, express
11    or implied, oral or written, including any  official  of  the
12    State,  or  of any county, city, town, township, incorporated
13    village,  school  district,   body   politic   or   municipal
14    corporation  therein  and except any duly appointed member of
15    the fire department in  any  city  whose  population  exceeds
16    500,000  according  to  the last Federal or State census, and
17    except any member of a fire insurance patrol maintained by  a
18    board  of  underwriters  in  this  State.  One  employed by a
19    contractor who has contracted with the State,  or  a  county,
20    city,  town, township, incorporated village, school district,
21    body politic or municipal corporation  therein,  through  its
22    representatives,  shall  not  be considered as an employee of
23    the  State,  county,  city,  town,   township,   incorporated
24    village,   school   district,   body   politic  or  municipal
25    corporation which made the contract.
26        2.  Every person in the  service  of  another  under  any
27    contract  of  hire,  express or implied, oral or written, who
28    contracts an occupational disease while working in the  State
29    of  Illinois,  or who contracts an occupational disease while
30    working outside of  the  State  of  Illinois  but  where  the
31    contract  of  hire  is made within the State of Illinois, and
32    any person whose employment is principally  localized  within
33    the  State  of  Illinois,  regardless  of the place where the
34    disease was contracted or place where the  contract  of  hire
                            -6-      LRB093 02640 WGH 02650 b
 1    was  made,  including aliens, and minors who, for the purpose
 2    of this Act, except Section 3 hereof, shall be considered the
 3    same and have the same power to  contract,  receive  payments
 4    and give quittances therefor, as adult employees. An employee
 5    or  his  or  her  dependents  under this Act who shall have a
 6    cause  of  action  by  reason  of  an  occupational  disease,
 7    disablement or death arising out of and in the course of  his
 8    or  her  employment  may elect or pursue his or her remedy in
 9    the State where the disease was contracted, or in  the  State
10    where the contract of hire is made, or in the State where the
11    employment is principally localized.
12        (c)  "Commission" means the Industrial Commission created
13    by  the  Workers' Compensation Act, approved July 9, 1951, as
14    amended.
15        (d)  In this Act the term "Occupational Disease" means  a
16    disease arising out of and in the course of the employment or
17    which  has  become  aggravated  and  rendered  disabling as a
18    result of the exposure of the employment.   Such  aggravation
19    shall  arise  out  of  a risk peculiar to or increased by the
20    employment  and  not  common  to  the  general  public.   For
21    purposes of this Act, a disease arises out of the  employment
22    if  the disease would not have occurred but for the fact that
23    the conditions or obligations of the  employment  placed  the
24    employee  in  the  position where the employee was exposed to
25    the disease by a neutral force.  A neutral force is  a  force
26    that  is  neither  personal  to  the  employee nor distinctly
27    associated with the employment.
28        A disease shall be deemed to arise out of the  employment
29    if there is apparent to the rational mind, upon consideration
30    of  all  the  circumstances,  a causal connection between the
31    conditions  under  which  the  work  is  performed  and   the
32    occupational  disease.  The  disease  need  not  to have been
33    foreseen or expected but after its contraction it must appear
34    to have had its origin or aggravation  in  a  risk  connected
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 1    with  the employment and to have flowed from that source as a
 2    rational consequence.
 3        An employee shall be conclusively  deemed  to  have  been
 4    exposed  to  the hazards of an occupational disease when, for
 5    any length of time however short, he or she is employed in an
 6    occupation or process in which  the  hazard  of  the  disease
 7    exists;  provided  however,  that  in  a claim of exposure to
 8    atomic radiation, the fact of such exposure must be  verified
 9    by  the records of the central registry of radiation exposure
10    maintained by the Department of  Public  Health  or  by  some
11    other  recognized  governmental agency maintaining records of
12    such exposures whenever and to the extent  that  the  records
13    are  on  file  with  the  Department  of Public Health or the
14    agency.
15        The employer liable for  the  compensation  in  this  Act
16    provided  shall  be  the  employer  in  whose  employment the
17    employee was last exposed to the hazard of  the  occupational
18    disease claimed upon regardless of the length of time of such
19    last  exposure,  except, in cases of silicosis or asbestosis,
20    the only employer liable shall be the last employer in  whose
21    employment  the  employee was last exposed during a period of
22    60 days or more after the effective date of this Act, to  the
23    hazard  of  such occupational disease, and, in such cases, an
24    exposure during a period of less  than  60  days,  after  the
25    effective  date  of  this  Act,  shall  not  be deemed a last
26    exposure.  If a miner  who  is  suffering  or  suffered  from
27    pneumoconiosis  was  employed  for 10 years or more in one or
28    more coal mines there shall, effective  July  1,  1973  be  a
29    rebuttable  presumption  that his or her pneumoconiosis arose
30    out of such employment.
31        If a deceased miner was employed for 10 years or more  in
32    one  or  more  coal  mines and died from a respirable disease
33    there  shall,  effective  July  1,  1973,  be  a   rebuttable
34    presumption that his or her death was due to pneumoconiosis.
                            -8-      LRB093 02640 WGH 02650 b
 1        The  insurance  carrier liable shall be the carrier whose
 2    policy was in effect covering the employer liable on the last
 3    day  of  the  exposure  rendering  such  employer  liable  in
 4    accordance with the provisions of this Act.
 5        (e)  "Disablement"  means  an   impairment   or   partial
 6    impairment,  temporary  or  permanent, in the function of the
 7    body or any of the members of  the  body,  or  the  event  of
 8    becoming  disabled  from  earning  full  wages at the work in
 9    which the employee was  engaged  when  last  exposed  to  the
10    hazards of the occupational disease by the employer from whom
11    he  or  she  claims  compensation,  or  equal  wages in other
12    suitable employment; and  "disability"  means  the  state  of
13    being so incapacitated.
14        (f)  No  compensation  shall be payable for or on account
15    of any occupational disease  unless  disablement,  as  herein
16    defined,  occurs  within  two years after the last day of the
17    last exposure to the hazards of the disease, except in  cases
18    of  occupational  disease  caused  by  berylliosis  or by the
19    inhalation of silica dust  or  asbestos  dust  and,  in  such
20    cases, within 3 years after the last day of the last exposure
21    to  the  hazards  of  such  disease and except in the case of
22    occupational  disease  caused  by  exposure  to  radiological
23    materials or equipment, and in such  case,  within  25  years
24    after  the  last  day of last exposure to the hazards of such
25    disease.
26    (Source: P.A. 81-992.)

27        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
28    becoming law.