Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0251
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0251  095th General Assembly



SR0251 LRB095 12481 GRL 37654 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Collins E. Brown, Sr. of Chicago, who
4 passed away on June 9, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Collins E. Brown, Sr. was a member of the Chicago
6 Fire Department for 35 years, having begun his career in 1954
7 and retiring as Battalion Chief in 1989; he held the positions
8 of Acting Deputy District Chief, Battalion Chief, Captain,
9 Chief Firefighter of Emergency Medical Services, Lieutenant,
10 and Firefighter; and
11     WHEREAS, Collins E. Brown, Sr. received many awards,
12 honors, and commendations, including the Lambert Tree Award
13 Honorable Mention on five occasions and the Chicago Daily
14 Defender Black Firefighter of the Year; he was recognized as
15 one of the firefighters contributing the most to the Englewood
16 area, listed in the Black Almanac as one of Chicago's first
17 minority officers of the Chicago Fire Department, and noted in
18 the DuSable Museum for his achievements and endeavors with the
19 CFD; and
20     WHEREAS, Collins E. Brown, Sr. held memberships in the
21 International Association of Firefighters, State of Illinois
22 Emergency Medical Technicians, International Black



SR0251 - 2 - LRB095 12481 GRL 37654 r

1 Firefighters of America, and Operation PUSH Black Firefighters
2 and Paramedics Association; he was a founding member of the
3 Afro American Firefighters Association; and
4     WHEREAS, Collins E. Brown, Sr. was a member of Christian
5 Hope Missionary Baptist Church for more than 40 years, where he
6 served on the Usher Board and was a boy scout troop leader; and
7     WHEREAS, Collins E. Brown, Sr. was very athletic; he won
8 the Golden Gloves Championship, was the recipient of the
9 National Award for the Middleweight Class Boxing Championship
10 of the World (Chicago), and was a boxing instructor of the CFD
11 Navy Pier Gymnasium; he was a member of the USA Amateur Boxing
12 Federation and served as a State of Illinois Licensed Athletic
13 Judge; therefore, be it
15 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
16 his family and friends, the passing of Collins E. Brown, Sr.;
17 and be it further
18     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19 presented to the family of Collins E. Brown, Sr. as an
20 expression of our sympathy.