Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0264
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0264  094th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2005 and 2006


Introduced 2/3/2005, by Sen. Dale A. Righter


New Act

    Creates the Illinois Ethanol Board Act. Establishes the Board to promote the development and use of ethanol and the implementation of air quality improvement programs. Provides for the appointment of the Board by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Provides for ex officio non-voting members from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Agriculture, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and a State university designated by the Governor. Specifies the Board's various powers and duties. Effective immediately.

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1     AN ACT concerning ethanol.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5 Illinois Ethanol Board Act.
6     Section 5. Definition. As used in this Act, "Board" means
7 the Illinois Ethanol Board established by this Act.
8     Section 10. Creation of Ethanol Board; membership;
9 meetings; expenses.
10     (a) The Illinois Ethanol Board is created.
11     (b) The Board consists of 11 members as follows:
12         (1) Seven persons, 4 of whom are involved in farming,
13     who are voting members appointed by the Governor, with the
14     advice and consent of the Senate. The initial members
15     appointed by the Governor shall serve terms, as designated
16     by the Governor, as follows: 2 for one year, 2 for 2 years,
17     2 for 3 years, and one for 4 years from the effective date
18     of this Act. Subsequent terms shall be 4 years.
19         (2) The Directors, or their designee, of the Department
20     of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of
21     Agriculture, and the Illinois Environmental Protection
22     Agency. These members shall serve as ex officio non-voting
23     members.
24         (3) The president, or his or her designee, of one of
25     the State universities of Illinois, the particular
26     university to be selected by the Governor. This member
27     shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member.
28     (c) A member shall serve until his or her successor is
29 appointed and qualified. A vacancy in membership exists upon a
30 member's death, disability, resignation, removal for cause, or
31 failure to hold the office designated in item (2) or (3) of



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1 subsection (b), but does not arise upon the expiration of a
2 voting member's term. A vacancy in the office of a voting
3 member shall be filled by appointment of the Governor, with the
4 advice and consent of the Senate, for the remainder of the
5 term.
6     (d) The Board shall meet at least annually. Members shall
7 receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed for their
8 actual and necessary expenses from funds appropriated and
9 available for that purpose.
10     (e) The voting members of the Board shall annually select a
11 chair from among the Board members.
12     Section 15. Administrator.
13     (a) The Board shall employ and determine the duties of a
14 full-time administrator.
15     (b) The administrator shall compile an annual report on the
16 Board's activities during the preceding 12 months and submit
17 the report to the Board, the Governor's Office, the Secretary
18 of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Representatives.
19     Section 20. Board powers.
20     (a) The Board may rent office space and employ personnel as
21 necessary for the performance of its powers and duties.
22     (b) The Board may employ the services of experts and
23 consultants and expend funds as necessary for the performance
24 of its powers and duties, including but not limited to, funds
25 for the acquisition of commodities.
26     (c) The Board may accept gifts, grants, donations, money,
27 and services.
28     Section 25. Board duties. The Board shall:
29         (1) Promote the development and use of ethanol through
30     programs such as, but not limited to, grants and other
31     financial assistance.
32         (2) Promote the implementation of air quality
33     improvement programs.



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1         (3) Perform such other duties as may be required by
2     law.
3     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
4 becoming law.