Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0272
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0272  093rd General Assembly

HR0272 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 11589 HSS 14892 r

 1                          HOUSE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives were
 3    deeply saddened  to  learn  of  the  combat  death  of  Staff
 4    Sergeant Lincoln Hollinsaid, United States Army, of Malden on
 5    Monday, April 7, 2003 in Iraq; and

 6        WHEREAS,  Staff  Sergeant  Hollinsaid, known as "Linc" to
 7    his family and friends, was a member of B Company of the 11th
 8    Engineer Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division of  the  U.S.
 9    Army, based in Fort Stewart, Georgia; and

10        WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Hollinsaid was a midterm graduate
11    of  Princeton  High  School  in 1993; as a child, he loved to
12    fish and play Little League baseball; he  played  guitar  and
13    had been a member of a Malden area rock band, Rival Kin, that
14    played at schools and other events; and

15        WHEREAS,  Staff  Sergeant Hollinsaid joined the U.S. Army
16    in 1993 and thrived in  the  military;  he  looked  upon  the
17    rigors  of  basic  training  as  a  challenge and endured the
18    hardships with confidence; and

19        WHEREAS, During his seven years in the U.S.  Army,  Staff
20    Sergeant   Hollinsaid   was  stationed  in  Germany,  Bosnia,
21    California, and Georgia; in the Middle East, part of his  job
22    was to train young troops and he looked fondly on the team he
23    was currently working with; and

24        WHEREAS, The passing of Staff Sergeant Hollinsaid will be
25    deeply  felt  by  many, especially his parents, Dan and Nancy
26    Hollinsaid, and his  two  brothers,  Adam  (Kim)  and  Kevin;
27    therefore, be it

30    together  with his family, friends, and this great nation, we
31    mourn the  passing  of  Staff  Sergeant  Lincoln  Hollinsaid,
                            -2-      LRB093 11589 HSS 14892 r
 1    United  States  Army, and we extend to all who knew and loved
 2    him our sincere condolences; and be it further

 3        RESOLVED, That we honor  the  memory  of  Staff  Sergeant
 4    Lincoln  Hollinsaid and his willingness to serve our country,
 5    which led to him making the ultimate  sacrifice;  and  be  it
 6    further

 7        RESOLVED,  That  a  suitable  copy  of this resolution be
 8    presented to the family of Staff Sergeant  Hollinsaid  as  an
 9    expression of our deepest sympathy and respect.