Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0275
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0275  093rd General Assembly

HR0275 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 11730 JAM 15546 r

 1                          HOUSE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, Mr. Edwin F.  Goebig,  III,  a  gifted  attorney
 3    whose  contribution  to the Illinois legislative process will
 4    be greatly missed by the members of this body, has retired as
 5    Deputy Director of the Legislative Reference Bureau; and

 6        WHEREAS, Mr.  Goebig  joined  the  Legislative  Reference
 7    Bureau  as a staff attorney in 1980, and he soon developed an
 8    expertise  in  drafting  pension  legislation  that   remains
 9    unparalleled; and

10        WHEREAS,  Appointed  Deputy  Director  of the Legislative
11    Reference  Bureau  in  1991,  Mr.   Goebig   has   shouldered
12    innumerable  administrative  duties and has mentored many new
13    drafters in the  intricacies  of  interpreting  and  crafting
14    legislative documents; and

15        WHEREAS,  As  the author of the General Assembly's annual
16    revisory bills, he has been the guiding force in  maintaining
17    the  integrity  of  the  State's database of statutes despite
18    quantitative and technological challenges; and

19        WHEREAS, A graduate of the Punahou  School  in  Honolulu,
20    the University of Pennsylvania, and the Washington University
21    School  of  Law in St. Louis, Mr. Goebig possesses a keen and
22    broad intellect that has proven invaluable  in  addressing  a
23    vast array of legislative topics; and

24        WHEREAS,  His  advocacy of public service resulted in his
25    co-founding   of   the   Government   Bar   Association,   an
26    organization he served tirelessly in a myriad of roles; and

27        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Goebig's  warm  and  generous  nature  has
28    endowed him with the gift  of  friendship,  for  his  joy  in
29    classical music, opera, sumo wrestling, and wine is expressed
30    with such sociability and infectious delight; and
                            -2-      LRB093 11730 JAM 15546 r
 1        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Goebig's  retirement  deprives the General
 2    Assembly and his professional colleagues and associates of  a
 3    wealth  of knowledge and a dedication to superior legislative
 4    drafting that cannot be replaced; therefore, be it

 7    congratulate Mr. Edwin F. Goebig, III, upon his retirement as
 8    Deputy Director of the Legislative Reference  Bureau,  noting
 9    with  sincere  appreciation  his  commitment to excellence in
10    legislative drafting; that we commend him to the citizens  of
11    this State as the personification of public service; and that
12    we  wish  him success and happiness in every future endeavor;
13    and be it further

14        RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented  to
15    Mr. Edwin F. Goebig, III.