Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2851
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2851  098th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2013 and 2014


Introduced , by Rep. Deborah Conroy


105 ILCS 5/24A-7.1
105 ILCS 5/24A-20
105 ILCS 5/34-85c

    Amends the School Code. Provides that, upon the request of the parents or legal guardian of a student, a school district shall fully disclose and release to the parents or legal guardian, in any manner, including by phone or in person, the performance evaluation for each of the teachers and for the principal of the school building to which the student is assigned for the current school year. Sets forth district requirements with respect to this disclosure. With respect to the State Board of Education's system to annually collect and publish data on teacher and administrator performance evaluation outcomes, adds additional data to be collected and published. Effective July 1, 2013.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections
524A-7.1, 24A-20, and 34-85c as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/24A-7.1)
7    Sec. 24A-7.1. Teacher, principal, and superintendent
8performance evaluations; disclosure. Except as otherwise
9provided under this Article Act, disclosure of public school
10teacher, principal, and superintendent performance evaluations
11is prohibited. Upon the request of the parents or legal
12guardian of a student, a school district shall fully disclose
13and release to the parents or legal guardian, in any manner,
14including by phone or in person, the performance evaluation for
15each of the teachers and for the principal of the school
16building to which the student is assigned for the current
17school year. With respect to this disclosure, the school
18district shall do all of the following:
19        (1) Give all parents and legal guardians conspicuous
20    notice of their right to obtain this information.
21        (2) Explain the performance evaluations to parents and
22    legal guardians orally or in writing.
23        (3) Offer parents and legal guardians opportunities to



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1    understand the performance evaluations in the context of
2    teacher and principal evaluation and student performance.
3        (4) Make reasonable efforts to verify that any review
4    request is a bona fide request by a parent or legal
5    guardian entitled to review and to receive the requested
6    data.
7(Source: P.A. 96-861, eff. 1-15-10.)
8    (105 ILCS 5/24A-20)
9    Sec. 24A-20. State Board of Education data collection and
10evaluation assessment and support systems.
11    (a) On or before the date established in subsection (b) of
12this Section, the State Board of Education shall, through a
13process involving collaboration with the Performance
14Evaluation Advisory Council, develop or contract for the
15development of and implement all of the following data
16collection and evaluation assessment and support systems:
17        (1) A system to annually collect and publish data by
18    district and school on teacher and administrator
19    performance evaluation outcomes by district, school,
20    class, subject, and grade, as well as by region, district
21    wealth, district-need category, student enrollment, type
22    of school (i.e., elementary, middle, or high school),
23    student need (e.g., poverty level), and district spending.
24    The system shall also annually collect and publish data on
25    the percentage or number of teachers and principals in each



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1    performance evaluation rating category, the percentage or
2    number moving to a higher rating category than the previous
3    year, the percentage or number moving to a lower rating
4    category than the previous year, and the percentage or
5    number retained in each rating category and data on tenure
6    granting and denial based on performance evaluations. The
7    system must ensure that no teacher or administrator can be
8    personally identified by publicly reported data.
9        (2) Both a teacher and principal model evaluation
10    template. The model templates must incorporate the
11    requirements of this Article and any other requirements
12    established by the State Board by administrative rule, but
13    allow customization by districts in a manner that does not
14    conflict with such requirements.
15        (3) An evaluator pre-qualification program based on
16    the model teacher evaluation template.
17        (4) An evaluator training program based on the model
18    teacher evaluation template. The training program shall
19    provide multiple training options that account for the
20    prior training and experience of the evaluator.
21        (5) A superintendent training program based on the
22    model principal evaluation template.
23        (6) One or more instruments to provide feedback to
24    principals on the instructional environment within a
25    school.
26        (7) A State Board-provided or approved technical



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1    assistance system that supports districts with the
2    development and implementation of teacher and principal
3    evaluation systems.
4        (8) Web-based systems and tools supporting
5    implementation of the model templates and the evaluator
6    pre-qualification and training programs.
7        (9) A process for measuring and reporting correlations
8    between local principal and teacher evaluations and (A)
9    student growth in tested grades and subjects and (B)
10    retention rates of teachers.
11        (10) A process for assessing whether school district
12    evaluation systems developed pursuant to this Act and that
13    consider student growth as a significant factor in the
14    rating of a teacher's and principal's performance are valid
15    and reliable, contribute to the development of staff, and
16    improve student achievement outcomes. By no later than
17    September 1, 2014, a research-based study shall be issued
18    assessing such systems for validity and reliability,
19    contribution to the development of staff, and improvement
20    of student performance and recommending, based on the
21    results of this study, changes, if any, that need to be
22    incorporated into teacher and principal evaluation systems
23    that consider student growth as a significant factor in the
24    rating performance for remaining school districts to be
25    required to implement such systems.
26    (b) If the State of Illinois receives a Race to the Top



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1Grant, the data collection and support systems described in
2subsection (a) must be developed on or before September 30,
32011. If the State of Illinois does not receive a Race to the
4Top Grant, the data collection and support systems described in
5subsection (a) must be developed on or before September 30,
62012; provided, however, that the data collection and support
7systems set forth in items (3) and (4) of subsection (a) of
8this Section must be developed by September 30, 2011 regardless
9of whether the State of Illinois receives a Race to the Top
10Grant. By no later than September 1, 2011, if the State of
11Illinois receives a Race to the Top Grant, or September 1,
122012, if the State of Illinois does not receive a Race to the
13Top Grant, the State Board of Education must execute or
14contract for the execution of the assessment referenced in item
15(10) of subsection (a) of this Section to determine whether the
16school district evaluation systems developed pursuant to this
17Act have been valid and reliable, contributed to the
18development of staff, and improved student performance.
19    (c) Districts shall submit data and information to the
20State Board on teacher and principal performance evaluations
21and evaluation plans in accordance with procedures and
22requirements for submissions established by the State Board.
23Such data shall include, without limitation, (i) data on the
24performance rating given to all teachers in contractual
25continued service, (ii) data on district recommendations to
26renew or not renew teachers not in contractual continued



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1service, and (iii) data on the performance rating given to all
3    (d) If the State Board of Education does not timely fulfill
4any of the requirements set forth in Sections 24A-7 and 24A-20,
5and adequate and sustainable federal, State, or other funds are
6not provided to the State Board of Education and school
7districts to meet their responsibilities under this Article,
8the applicable implementation date shall be postponed by the
9number of calendar days equal to those needed by the State
10Board of Education to fulfill such requirements and for the
11adequate and sustainable funds to be provided to the State
12Board of Education and school districts. The determination as
13to whether the State Board of Education has fulfilled any or
14all requirements set forth in Sections 24A-7 and 24A-20 and
15whether adequate and sustainable funds have been provided to
16the State Board of Education and school districts shall be made
17by the State Board of Education in consultation with the P-20
19(Source: P.A. 96-861, eff. 1-15-10.)
20    (105 ILCS 5/34-85c)
21    Sec. 34-85c. Alternative procedures for teacher
22evaluation, remediation, and removal for cause after
24    (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board and
25the exclusive representative of the district's teachers are



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1hereby authorized to enter into an agreement to establish
2alternative procedures for teacher evaluation, remediation,
3and removal for cause after remediation, including an
4alternative system for peer evaluation and recommendations;
5provided, however, that no later than September 1, 2012: (i)
6any alternative procedures must include provisions whereby
7student performance data is a significant factor in teacher
8evaluation and (ii) teachers are rated as "excellent",
9"proficient", "needs improvement" or "unsatisfactory".
10Pursuant exclusively to that agreement, teachers assigned to
11schools identified in that agreement shall be subject to an
12alternative performance evaluation plan and remediation
13procedures in lieu of the plan and procedures set forth in
14Article 24A of this Code and alternative removal for cause
15standards and procedures in lieu of the removal standards and
16procedures set forth in Section 34-85 of this Code. To the
17extent that the agreement provides a teacher with an
18opportunity for a hearing on removal for cause before an
19independent hearing officer in accordance with Section 34-85 or
20otherwise, the hearing officer shall be governed by the
21alternative performance evaluation plan, remediation
22procedures, and removal standards and procedures set forth in
23the agreement in making findings of fact and a recommendation.
24    (b) The board and the exclusive representative of the
25district's teachers shall submit a certified copy of an
26agreement as provided under subsection (a) of this Section to



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1the State Board of Education.
2    (c) With respect to teacher evaluations, the school
3district shall comply with Section 24A-7.1 of this Code and
4shall submit data and information to the State Board of
5Education to enable the State Board to comply with subdivision
6(1) of subsection (a) of Section 24A-20 of this Code.
7(Source: P.A. 96-861, eff. 1-15-10; 97-8, eff. 6-13-11.)
8    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,