Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2858
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2858  097th General Assembly




HB2858 EnrolledLRB097 07775 PJG 47887 b

1    AN ACT concerning finance.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by changing
5Section 6z-27 as follows:
6    (30 ILCS 105/6z-27)
7    Sec. 6z-27. All moneys in the Audit Expense Fund shall be
8transferred, appropriated and used only for the purposes
9authorized by, and subject to the limitations and conditions
10prescribed by, the State Auditing Act.
11    Within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory
12Act of 2011 2010, the State Comptroller shall order transferred
13and the State Treasurer shall transfer from the following funds
14moneys in the specified amounts for deposit into the Audit
15Expense Fund:
16Adeline Jay Geo-Karis Illinois
17    Beach Marina Fund...............................517 4,047
18Assisted Living and Shared Housing Regulatory Fund........532
19Agricultural Premium Fund............................. 20,512
20Alternate Fuels Fund...................................1,305
21Appraisal Administration Fund..........................1,438
22Asbestos Abatement Fund................................4,168
23Attorney General Court Ordered and Voluntary Compliance



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1    Payment Projects Fund..............................3,429
2Attorney General Whistleblower Reward
3    and Protection Fund................................1,860
4Bank and Trust Company Fund...........................63,872
5Brownfields Redevelopment Fund.........................1,789
6Build Illinois Capital Revolving Loan Fund.............2,247
7Capital Development Board Revolving Fund...............4,028
8Capital Litigation Fund.................................1,100
9Care Provider Fund for Persons with
10    Developmental Disability.....................12,370 4,021
11Carolyn Adams Ticket for the Cure Grant Fund.............687
12CDLIS/AAMVA Net Trust Fund................................609
13Clean Air Act (CAA) Permit Fund........................16,005
14Coal Mining Regulatory Fund...........................884 688
15Coal Technology Development Assistance Fund............16,880
16Common School Fund............................162,681 231,604
17The Communications Revolving Fund...............79,373 50,826
18Community Health Center Care Fund.........................599
19Community Mental Health
20    Medicaid Trust Fund..........................20,824 7,903
21Community Water Supply Laboratory Fund.................1,267
22Credit Union Fund.....................................11,197
23DCFS Children's Services Fund.........................103,141
24Death Certificate Surcharge Fund........................1,917
25Department of Business Services Special
26    Operations Fund...............................4,088 1,300



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1Department of Corrections Reimbursement
2    and Education Fund................................33,308
3Design Professionals Administration and
4    Investigation Fund.................................3,185
5Digital Divide Elimination Fund.........................4,569
6The Downstate Public Transportation Fund..........6,423 5,391
7Drivers Education Fund..............................676 1,064
8The Education Assistance Fund..................40,799 352,316
9Emergency Public Health Fund............................4,934
10Energy Efficiency Trust Fund............................2,454
11Environmental Protection Permit and
12    Inspection Fund.................................913 8,876
13Estate Tax Collection Distributive Fund.............1,315 923
14Facilities Management Revolving Fund...........146,649 96,944
15Fair and Exposition Fund...............................1,123
16Federal Workforce Training Fund......................149,538
17Feed Control Fund.........................................737
18The Fire Prevention Fund..........................4,110 2,081
19Food and Drug Safety Fund...............................2,216
20General Professions Dedicated Fund...............7,978 30,143
21The General Revenue Fund................17,684,627 17,108,267
22Grade Crossing Protection Fund....................1,188 1,008
23Hazardous Waste Fund.............................1,295 14,388
24Health Facility Plan Review Fund........................2,063
25Health and Human Services
26    Medicaid Trust Fund..........................11,590 3,007



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1Healthcare Provider Relief Fund.......................16,458
2Home Care Services Agency Licensure Fund................1,025
3Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund..............799 1,804
4Illinois Charity Bureau Fund............................1,471
5Illinois Clean Water Fund.........................1,420 7,992
6Illinois Department of Agriculture Laboratory
7    Services Revolving Fund..............................565
8Illinois Forestry Development Fund.....................4,619
9Illinois Gaming Law Enforcement Fund...................1,354
10Illinois Habitat Fund...................................1,183
11Illinois Health Facilities Planning Fund...............2,572
12Illinois Power Agency Trust Fund......................46,305
13Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund.................30,960
14Illinois School Asbestos Abatement Fund.................1,368
15Illinois Standardbred Breeders Fund....................1,254
16Illinois State Dental Disciplinary Fund................4,026
17Illinois State Fair Fund...............................4,714
18Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund..............17,160
19Illinois State Pharmacy Disciplinary Fund.................604
20Illinois Tax Increment Fund...........................751 785
21Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders Fund.....................1,922
22Illinois Veterans Rehabilitation Fund...................1,134
23Illinois Wildlife Preservation Fund.....................1,004
24Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission
25    Operations Fund..............................70,049 7,690
26IMSA Income Fund..................................7,588 7,310



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1Income Tax Refund Fund..........................55,211 63,704
2Innovations in Long-term Care Quality Demonstration
3    Grants Fund.........................................3,140
4Insurance Financial Regulation Fund...................42,622
5Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund......................2,362
6Insurance Producer Administration Fund................31,214
7International Tourism Fund..............................5,442
8Lead Poisoning, Screening, Prevention and
9    Abatement Fund......................................5,025
10Live and Learn Fund..............................18,166 5,502
11The Local Government Distributive Fund..........49,520 47,536
12Local Tourism Fund.....................................12,305
13Long Term Care Monitor/Receiver Fund...................2,365
14Long Term Care Provider Fund...........................2,214
15Low Level Radioactive Waste Facility Development and
16    Operation Fund......................................3,880
17Mandatory Arbitration Fund..............................2,926
18Mental Health Fund................................6,210 1,977
19Metabolic Screening and Treatment Fund................19,342
20Monitoring Device Driving Permit Administration Fee Fund..645
21The Motor Fuel Tax Fund.........................31,806 29,174
22Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund..................8,027 3,376
23Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund.............59,407
24Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund........................1,830
25Natural Areas Acquisition Fund...................1,776 27,052
26Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund............216,920



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1Nursing Dedicated and Professional Fund...........2,180 5,377
2Off Highway Vehicle Trails Fund.........................1,414
3Open Space Lands Acquisition and
4    Development Fund.............................7,009 50,295
5Optometric Licensing and
6    Disciplinary Board Fund.............................1,056
7Park and Conservation Fund.......................4,857 30,835
8Partners for Conservation Fund.....................759 15,365
9Partners for Conservation Projects Fund.................1,345
10The Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund......47,871 56,088
11Pesticide Control Fund..................................2,442
12Plumbing Licensure and Program Fund.....................3,065
13Professional Services Fund........................8,811 6,028
14Professions Indirect Cost Fund.......................143,423 
15Public Health Laboratory Services Revolving Fund........1,420
16Public Pension Regulation Fund..........................4,013
17The Public Transportation Fund..................18,837 16,819
18Radiation Protection Fund..............................65,921
19Real Estate License Administration Fund...............14,124
20Registered Certified Public Accountants'
21    Administration and Disciplinary Fund.................893
22Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund..................11,499
23Rental Housing Support Program Fund.................681 1,339
24The Road Fund.................................203,659 131,444
25Regional Transportation Authority Occupation and
26    Use Tax Replacement Fund......................1,010 1,086



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1Salmon Fund..............................................561
2Savings and Residential Finance
3    Regulatory Fund...................................17,704
4School Infrastructure Fund................................565
5Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund..............1,350
6Secretary of State Identification
7    Security and Theft Prevention Fund..............1,219 705
8Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund.....3,194 1,370
9Secretary of State Special Services Fund.........14,404 5,774
10Securities Audit and Enforcement Fund.............4,743 1,511
11Securities Investors Education Fund......................882
12September 11th Fund.....................................1,062
13Solid Waste Management Fund......................1,348 19,369
14State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund.............1,984 2,172
15State Boating Act Fund...........................3,155 18,992
16State Construction Account Fund.................34,102 39,679
17The State Gaming Fund...................................4,410
18The State Garage Revolving Fund.................30,345 18,357
19The State Lottery Fund..........................17,959 14,800
20State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund....................1,661
21State Parks Fund.................................2,483 17,149
22State Pheasant Fund.......................................936
23State Surplus Property Revolving Fund.............2,090 1,295
24The Statistical Services Revolving Fund........105,824 56,881
25Subtitle D Management Fund.............................2,595
26Supplemental Low Income Energy Assistance Fund.........10,826



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1Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund.................30,157 2,568
2Tourism Promotion Fund.................................29,107
3Trauma Center Fund......................................6,569
4Underground Resources Conservation
5    Enforcement Fund....................................1,143
6Underground Storage Tank Fund....................7,216 52,756
7The Vehicle Inspection Fund......................5,050 18,691
8Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund.................13,057
9Weights and Measures Fund..............................2,471
10Wildlife and Fish Fund.........................16,553 107,383
11The Working Capital Revolving Fund...........31,272 360,732  
12    Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary,
13the General Assembly hereby authorizes the use of such funds
14for the purposes set forth in this Section.
15    These provisions do not apply to funds classified by the
16Comptroller as federal trust funds or State trust funds. The
17Audit Expense Fund may receive transfers from those trust funds
18only as directed herein, except where prohibited by the terms
19of the trust fund agreement. The Auditor General shall notify
20the trustees of those funds of the estimated cost of the audit
21to be incurred under the Illinois State Auditing Act for the
22fund. The trustees of those funds shall direct the State
23Comptroller and Treasurer to transfer the estimated amount to
24the Audit Expense Fund.
25    The Auditor General may bill entities that are not subject
26to the above transfer provisions, including private entities,



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1related organizations and entities whose funds are
2locally-held, for the cost of audits, studies, and
3investigations incurred on their behalf. Any revenues received
4under this provision shall be deposited into the Audit Expense
6    In the event that moneys on deposit in any fund are
7unavailable, by reason of deficiency or any other reason
8preventing their lawful transfer, the State Comptroller shall
9order transferred and the State Treasurer shall transfer the
10amount deficient or otherwise unavailable from the General
11Revenue Fund for deposit into the Audit Expense Fund.
12    On or before December 1, 1992, and each December 1
13thereafter, the Auditor General shall notify the Governor's
14Office of Management and Budget (formerly Bureau of the Budget)
15of the amount estimated to be necessary to pay for audits,
16studies, and investigations in accordance with the Illinois
17State Auditing Act during the next succeeding fiscal year for
18each State fund for which a transfer or reimbursement is
20    Beginning with fiscal year 1994 and during each fiscal year
21thereafter, the Auditor General may direct the State
22Comptroller and Treasurer to transfer moneys from funds
23authorized by the General Assembly for that fund. In the event
24funds, including federal and State trust funds but excluding
25the General Revenue Fund, are transferred, during fiscal year
261994 and during each fiscal year thereafter, in excess of the



HB2858 Enrolled- 10 -LRB097 07775 PJG 47887 b

1amount to pay actual costs attributable to audits, studies, and
2investigations as permitted or required by the Illinois State
3Auditing Act or specific action of the General Assembly, the
4Auditor General shall, on September 30, or as soon thereafter
5as is practicable, direct the State Comptroller and Treasurer
6to transfer the excess amount back to the fund from which it
7was originally transferred.
8(Source: P.A. 95-505, eff. 8-28-07; 95-841, eff. 8-15-08;
996-476, eff. 8-14-09; 96-976, eff. 7-2-10.)
10    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
11becoming law.