Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0287
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0287  095th General Assembly



SR0287 LRB095 12697 KXB 38019 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Judy L. Tumulty of Springfield, who
4 passed away on July 6, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Judy L. Tumulty was born November 11, 1943, in
6 Centralia, the daughter of Warren H. and E. Rita Pieper Miles;
7 and
8     WHEREAS, She was of the Catholic faith; she took pride in
9 her appearance and loved to walk and exercise; she loved to
10 sunbathe and care for her yard; and
11     WHEREAS, Judy Tumulty's neighbors, friends, and family say
12 that she gave of herself, mowing grass, getting groceries for
13 her elderly neighbors, giving out extra Halloween candy to the
14 neighborhood children, and regularly sending one young
15 neighbor an Easter basket every year until he was 16; and
16     WHEREAS, If her neighbors needed rides for doctor's
17 appointments or just needed someone to talk to, Judy Tumulty
18 was always available to drive them or lend her ear; and
19     WHEREAS, She worked as a receptionist for the State of
20 Illinois, first with the Department of Registration and



SR0287 - 2 - LRB095 12697 KXB 38019 r

1 Education, then with the Secretary of State's office; in 1972
2 she bought one of the first houses built on Stanhope Road in
3 Springfield; and
4     WHEREAS, Surviving are her son, Timothy S. (Courtney)
5 Tumulty; her grandson, Tyson Tumulty; her brother, Gene (Jane)
6 Miles; her nieces and nephews, Doug, Jeff, and Jessie Miles;
7 her aunts and uncles, Gladys Kunz, Laura Pieper, and Gene and
8 Mary Pieper; and her many neighbors and friends; therefore, be
9 it
11 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
12 her family and friends, the passing of Judy L. Tumulty; and be
13 it further
14     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15 presented to the family of Judy L. Tumulty as a symbol of our
16 sympathy.