Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0292
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0292  093rd General Assembly

HR0292 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 11720 HSS 15482 r

 1                          HOUSE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, The members of the House of  Representatives  of
 3    the  State  of  Illinois wish to congratulate the Oblong High
 4    School Math Team on winning the regional competition for  the
 5    twentieth consecutive year; and

 6        WHEREAS,  Each  year,  the team goes on to compete in the
 7    Illinois Council on Teachers of Mathematics' State Math  Team
 8    Tournament,  and the team has earned third place three times,
 9    second place nine times, and  the  championship  five  times,
10    including back to back championships in 2000 and 2001; and

11        WHEREAS,  The  2002-2003  Math  Team placed second at the
12    2003 Illinois Council on Teachers of Mathematics' State  Math
13    Team  Tournament  Finals;  the coach of the Math Team is Mrs.
14    Pam Hoke; the team was founded and coached for many years  by
15    Mr. Steve Woodland who still serves as mentor; and

16        WHEREAS,  Members  of  the  Math  Team  for Algebra I are
17    Jeremy Ackman, Tara Bennett, Sarah Brooks,  Daniel  Dallmier,
18    Alex  Harmon, Emily Harris, Matthew Mundhenk, Derek Sholders,
19    Hannah Waller, Kevin Walls, and Jessica  Wilson;  members  of
20    the  team  for  Geometry  are  Sarah  Boehl, LaDonna Jenkins,
21    Laurin Ruddell, Emily Sholders,  Nathan  Stewart,  and  Heidi
22    Wheeler;  members  of  the  team for Algebra II are Christian
23    Alumbaugh, Hannah Burris, Brandon Catt, Carrie Drewes, Stacey
24    Fear, Jesse Randolph, and Ashley Strole; and members  of  the
25    team  for  Pre-Calculus  are  Shanna  Alexander, Lance Baker,
26    Bruce Boehl, Adam Herr, April Huey, Frannie Schalasky,  Tyler
27    Price, and Nathan Wesley; therefore, be it

30    we  congratulate  the  members of the Oblong High School Math
31    Team  on  winning  the  regional  math  competition  for  the
32    twentieth consecutive year  and  on  placing  second  at  the
                            -2-      LRB093 11720 HSS 15482 r
 1    Illinois  Council on Teachers of Mathematics' State Math Team
 2    Tournament Finals; and be it further

 3        RESOLVED, That a suitable  copy  of  this  resolution  be
 4    presented  to  each  of the members of the Oblong High School
 5    Math Team as well as Mrs. Pam Hoke and Mr. Steve Woodland  as
 6    an expression of our respect and esteem.