Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0292
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0292  097th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2011 and 2012


Introduced 01/28/11, by Rep. Mary E. Flowers


See Index

    Amends the School Code to provide that school districts must provide instruction in relation to the laws regarding the operation of all-terrain vehicles and off-highway motorcycles in grades kindergarten through 12 and may include the instruction in social studies, American government, driver education, or other appropriate courses of study. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code to prohibit any use of all-terrain vehicles or off-highway vehicles on roads. Provides that the Secretary of State may suspend a person's driver's license for 6 months for a violation of provisions relating to the illegal use of all-terrain vehicles and off-highway motorcycles on streets and riding an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle as a passenger. Provides that it is illegal to operate an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle if the operator is under the age of 16, does not have a valid driver's license, or is not wearing a properly fitted helmet secured to the person's head. Provides that a person must demonstrate knowledge of all-terrain vehicle and off-highway motorcycle laws on the written examination for a driver's license, and provides that information relating to all-terrain vehicle and off-highway motorcycle laws must be contained in publications of the "Rules of the Road" by the Secretary of State and "Laws for Youth" by the Legislative Research Unit.

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1    AN ACT concerning all-terrain vehicles, which may be
2referred to as Lacee's Law.
3    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
4represented in the General Assembly:
5    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section
627-24.2 and by adding Section 27-23.11 as follows:
7    (105 ILCS 5/27-23.11 new)
8    Sec. 27-23.11. Education on all-terrain vehicle and
9off-highway motorcycle laws. School districts shall provide
10instruction in relation to the laws regarding the operation of
11all-terrain vehicles, as defined by Section 1-101.8 of the
12Illinois Vehicle Code, and off-highway motorcycles, as defined
13by Section 1-153.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, in grades
14kindergarten through 12 and shall include such instruction in
15social studies, American government, driver education, or
16other appropriate courses of study. The instruction shall
17emphasize that the illegal operation of all-terrain vehicles
18and off-highway motorcycles presents a serious safety hazard to
19persons who operate all-terrain vehicles and off-highway
20motorcycles in violation of the laws of this State. The State
21Board of Education may assist in the development of
22instructional materials and teacher training in relation to
23all-terrain vehicle and off-highway motorcycle laws.



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1    (105 ILCS 5/27-24.2)  (from Ch. 122, par. 27-24.2)
2    Sec. 27-24.2. Safety education; driver education course.
3Instruction shall be given in safety education in each of
4grades one though 8, equivalent to one class period each week,
5and any school district which maintains grades 9 through 12
6shall offer a driver education course in any such school which
7it operates. Its curriculum shall include content dealing with
8Chapters 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
9the rules adopted pursuant to those Chapters insofar as they
10pertain to the operation of motor vehicles, and the portions of
11the Litter Control Act relating to the operation of motor
12vehicles. The course of instruction given in grades 10 through
1312 shall include an emphasis on the development of knowledge,
14attitudes, habits, and skills necessary for the safe operation
15of motor vehicles, including motorcycles insofar as they can be
16taught in the classroom, and instruction on distracted driving
17as a major traffic safety issue. In addition, the course shall
18include instruction on special hazards existing at and required
19safety and driving precautions that must be observed at
20emergency situations, highway construction and maintenance
21zones, and railroad crossings and the approaches thereto. The
22course of instruction required of each eligible student at the
23high school level shall consist of a minimum of 30 clock hours
24of classroom instruction and a minimum of 6 clock hours of
25individual behind-the-wheel instruction in a dual control car



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1on public roadways taught by a driver education instructor
2endorsed by the State Board of Education. Both the classroom
3instruction part and the practice driving part of such driver
4education course shall be open to a resident or non-resident
5student attending a non-public school in the district wherein
6the course is offered. Each student attending any public or
7non-public high school in the district must receive a passing
8grade in at least 8 courses during the previous 2 semesters
9prior to enrolling in a driver education course, or the student
10shall not be permitted to enroll in the course; provided that
11the local superintendent of schools (with respect to a student
12attending a public high school in the district) or chief school
13administrator (with respect to a student attending a non-public
14high school in the district) may waive the requirement if the
15superintendent or chief school administrator, as the case may
16be, deems it to be in the best interest of the student. A
17student may be allowed to commence the classroom instruction
18part of such driver education course prior to reaching age 15
19if such student then will be eligible to complete the entire
20course within 12 months after being allowed to commence such
21classroom instruction.
22    Such a course may be commenced immediately after the
23completion of a prior course. Teachers of such courses shall
24meet the certification requirements of this Act and regulations
25of the State Board as to qualifications. Such a driver
26education course must include classroom instruction on the



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1safety rules and operation of all-terrain vehicles and
2off-highway motorcycles.
3    Subject to rules of the State Board of Education, the
4school district may charge a reasonable fee, not to exceed $50,
5to students who participate in the course, unless a student is
6unable to pay for such a course, in which event the fee for
7such a student must be waived. The total amount from driver
8education fees and reimbursement from the State for driver
9education must not exceed the total cost of the driver
10education program in any year and must be deposited into the
11school district's driver education fund as a separate line item
12budget entry. All moneys deposited into the school district's
13driver education fund must be used solely for the funding of a
14high school driver education program approved by the State
15Board of Education that uses driver education instructors
16endorsed by the State Board of Education.
17(Source: P.A. 95-339, eff. 8-21-07; 96-734, eff. 8-25-09.)
18    Section 10. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
19changing Sections 6-109, 6-206, 11-1426.1, and 11-1427 and by
20adding Section 11-1427.6 as follows:
21    (625 ILCS 5/6-109)
22    Sec. 6-109. Examination of Applicants.
23    (a) The Secretary of State shall examine every applicant
24for a driver's license or permit who has not been previously



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1licensed as a driver under the laws of this State or any other
2state or country, or any applicant for renewal of such driver's
3license or permit when such license or permit has been expired
4for more than one year. The Secretary of State shall, subject
5to the provisions of paragraph (c), examine every licensed
6driver at least every 8 years, and may examine or re-examine
7any other applicant or licensed driver, provided that during
8the years 1984 through 1991 those drivers issued a license for
93 years may be re-examined not less than every 7 years or more
10than every 10 years.
11    The Secretary of State shall require the testing of the
12eyesight of any driver's license or permit applicant who has
13not been previously licensed as a driver under the laws of this
14State and shall promulgate rules and regulations to provide for
15the orderly administration of all the provisions of this
17    The Secretary of State shall include at least one test
18question that concerns the provisions of the Pedestrians with
19Disabilities Safety Act in the question pool used for the
20written portion of the drivers license examination within one
21year after July 22, 2010 (the effective date of Public Act
2296-1167) this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
23    (b) Except as provided for those applicants in paragraph
24(c), such examination shall include a test of the applicant's
25eyesight, his ability to read and understand official traffic
26control devices, his knowledge of safe driving practices and



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1the traffic and all-terrain vehicle and off-highway motorcycle
2laws of this State, and may include an actual demonstration of
3the applicant's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable
4control of the operation of a motor vehicle, and such further
5physical and mental examination as the Secretary of State finds
6necessary to determine the applicant's fitness to operate a
7motor vehicle safely on the highways, except the examination of
8an applicant 75 years of age or older shall include an actual
9demonstration of the applicant's ability to exercise ordinary
10and reasonable control of the operation of a motor vehicle. All
11portions of written and verbal examinations under this Section,
12excepting where the English language appears on facsimiles of
13road signs, may be given in the Spanish language and, at the
14discretion of the Secretary of State, in any other language as
15well as in English upon request of the examinee. Deaf persons
16who are otherwise qualified are not prohibited from being
17issued a license, other than a commercial driver's license,
18under this Code.
19    (c) Re-examination for those applicants who at the time of
20renewing their driver's license possess a driving record devoid
21of any convictions of traffic violations or evidence of
22committing an offense for which mandatory revocation would be
23required upon conviction pursuant to Section 6-205 at the time
24of renewal shall be in a manner prescribed by the Secretary in
25order to determine an applicant's ability to safely operate a
26motor vehicle, except that every applicant for the renewal of a



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1driver's license who is 75 years of age or older must prove, by
2an actual demonstration, the applicant's ability to exercise
3reasonable care in the safe operation of a motor vehicle.
4    (d) In the event the applicant is not ineligible under the
5provisions of Section 6-103 to receive a driver's license, the
6Secretary of State shall make provision for giving an
7examination, either in the county where the applicant resides
8or at a place adjacent thereto reasonably convenient to the
9applicant, within not more than 30 days from the date said
10application is received.
11    (e) The Secretary of State may adopt rules regarding the
12use of foreign language interpreters during the application and
13examination process.
14(Source: P.A. 96-1167, eff. 7-22-10; 96-1231, eff. 7-23-10;
15revised 9-2-10.)
16    (625 ILCS 5/6-206)
17    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 96-1344)
18    Sec. 6-206. Discretionary authority to suspend or revoke
19license or permit; Right to a hearing.
20    (a) The Secretary of State is authorized to suspend or
21revoke the driving privileges of any person without preliminary
22hearing upon a showing of the person's records or other
23sufficient evidence that the person:
24        1. Has committed an offense for which mandatory
25    revocation of a driver's license or permit is required upon



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1    conviction;
2        2. Has been convicted of not less than 3 offenses
3    against traffic regulations governing the movement of
4    vehicles committed within any 12 month period. No
5    revocation or suspension shall be entered more than 6
6    months after the date of last conviction;
7        3. Has been repeatedly involved as a driver in motor
8    vehicle collisions or has been repeatedly convicted of
9    offenses against laws and ordinances regulating the
10    movement of traffic, to a degree that indicates lack of
11    ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable care in the
12    safe operation of a motor vehicle or disrespect for the
13    traffic laws and the safety of other persons upon the
14    highway;
15        4. Has by the unlawful operation of a motor vehicle
16    caused or contributed to an accident resulting in injury
17    requiring immediate professional treatment in a medical
18    facility or doctor's office to any person, except that any
19    suspension or revocation imposed by the Secretary of State
20    under the provisions of this subsection shall start no
21    later than 6 months after being convicted of violating a
22    law or ordinance regulating the movement of traffic, which
23    violation is related to the accident, or shall start not
24    more than one year after the date of the accident,
25    whichever date occurs later;
26        5. Has permitted an unlawful or fraudulent use of a



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1    driver's license, identification card, or permit;
2        6. Has been lawfully convicted of an offense or
3    offenses in another state, including the authorization
4    contained in Section 6-203.1, which if committed within
5    this State would be grounds for suspension or revocation;
6        7. Has refused or failed to submit to an examination
7    provided for by Section 6-207 or has failed to pass the
8    examination;
9        8. Is ineligible for a driver's license or permit under
10    the provisions of Section 6-103;
11        9. Has made a false statement or knowingly concealed a
12    material fact or has used false information or
13    identification in any application for a license,
14    identification card, or permit;
15        10. Has possessed, displayed, or attempted to
16    fraudulently use any license, identification card, or
17    permit not issued to the person;
18        11. Has operated a motor vehicle upon a highway of this
19    State when the person's driving privilege or privilege to
20    obtain a driver's license or permit was revoked or
21    suspended unless the operation was authorized by a
22    monitoring device driving permit, judicial driving permit
23    issued prior to January 1, 2009, probationary license to
24    drive, or a restricted driving permit issued under this
25    Code;
26        12. Has submitted to any portion of the application



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1    process for another person or has obtained the services of
2    another person to submit to any portion of the application
3    process for the purpose of obtaining a license,
4    identification card, or permit for some other person;
5        13. Has operated a motor vehicle upon a highway of this
6    State when the person's driver's license or permit was
7    invalid under the provisions of Sections 6-107.1 and 6-110;
8        14. Has committed a violation of Section 6-301,
9    6-301.1, or 6-301.2 of this Act, or Section 14, 14A, or 14B
10    of the Illinois Identification Card Act;
11        15. Has been convicted of violating Section 21-2 of the
12    Criminal Code of 1961 relating to criminal trespass to
13    vehicles in which case, the suspension shall be for one
14    year;
15        16. Has been convicted of violating Section 11-204 of
16    this Code relating to fleeing from a peace officer;
17        17. Has refused to submit to a test, or tests, as
18    required under Section 11-501.1 of this Code and the person
19    has not sought a hearing as provided for in Section
20    11-501.1;
21        18. Has, since issuance of a driver's license or
22    permit, been adjudged to be afflicted with or suffering
23    from any mental disability or disease;
24        19. Has committed a violation of paragraph (a) or (b)
25    of Section 6-101 relating to driving without a driver's
26    license;



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1        20. Has been convicted of violating Section 6-104
2    relating to classification of driver's license;
3        21. Has been convicted of violating Section 11-402 of
4    this Code relating to leaving the scene of an accident
5    resulting in damage to a vehicle in excess of $1,000, in
6    which case the suspension shall be for one year;
7        22. Has used a motor vehicle in violating paragraph
8    (3), (4), (7), or (9) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1 of
9    the Criminal Code of 1961 relating to unlawful use of
10    weapons, in which case the suspension shall be for one
11    year;
12        23. Has, as a driver, been convicted of committing a
13    violation of paragraph (a) of Section 11-502 of this Code
14    for a second or subsequent time within one year of a
15    similar violation;
16        24. Has been convicted by a court-martial or punished
17    by non-judicial punishment by military authorities of the
18    United States at a military installation in Illinois of or
19    for a traffic related offense that is the same as or
20    similar to an offense specified under Section 6-205 or
21    6-206 of this Code;
22        25. Has permitted any form of identification to be used
23    by another in the application process in order to obtain or
24    attempt to obtain a license, identification card, or
25    permit;
26        26. Has altered or attempted to alter a license or has



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1    possessed an altered license, identification card, or
2    permit;
3        27. Has violated Section 6-16 of the Liquor Control Act
4    of 1934;
5        28. Has been convicted of the illegal possession, while
6    operating or in actual physical control, as a driver, of a
7    motor vehicle, of any controlled substance prohibited
8    under the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, any cannabis
9    prohibited under the Cannabis Control Act, or any
10    methamphetamine prohibited under the Methamphetamine
11    Control and Community Protection Act, in which case the
12    person's driving privileges shall be suspended for one
13    year, and any driver who is convicted of a second or
14    subsequent offense, within 5 years of a previous
15    conviction, for the illegal possession, while operating or
16    in actual physical control, as a driver, of a motor
17    vehicle, of any controlled substance prohibited under the
18    Illinois Controlled Substances Act, any cannabis
19    prohibited under the Cannabis Control Act, or any
20    methamphetamine prohibited under the Methamphetamine
21    Control and Community Protection Act shall be suspended for
22    5 years. Any defendant found guilty of this offense while
23    operating a motor vehicle, shall have an entry made in the
24    court record by the presiding judge that this offense did
25    occur while the defendant was operating a motor vehicle and
26    order the clerk of the court to report the violation to the



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1    Secretary of State;
2        29. Has been convicted of the following offenses that
3    were committed while the person was operating or in actual
4    physical control, as a driver, of a motor vehicle: criminal
5    sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a
6    child, aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual
7    abuse, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, juvenile pimping,
8    soliciting for a juvenile prostitute and the manufacture,
9    sale or delivery of controlled substances or instruments
10    used for illegal drug use or abuse in which case the
11    driver's driving privileges shall be suspended for one
12    year;
13        30. Has been convicted a second or subsequent time for
14    any combination of the offenses named in paragraph 29 of
15    this subsection, in which case the person's driving
16    privileges shall be suspended for 5 years;
17        31. Has refused to submit to a test as required by
18    Section 11-501.6 or has submitted to a test resulting in an
19    alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more or any amount of a
20    drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful
21    use or consumption of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis
22    Control Act, a controlled substance as listed in the
23    Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating
24    compound as listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds
25    Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine
26    Control and Community Protection Act, in which case the



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1    penalty shall be as prescribed in Section 6-208.1;
2        32. Has been convicted of Section 24-1.2 of the
3    Criminal Code of 1961 relating to the aggravated discharge
4    of a firearm if the offender was located in a motor vehicle
5    at the time the firearm was discharged, in which case the
6    suspension shall be for 3 years;
7        33. Has as a driver, who was less than 21 years of age
8    on the date of the offense, been convicted a first time of
9    a violation of paragraph (a) of Section 11-502 of this Code
10    or a similar provision of a local ordinance;
11        34. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1301.5 of
12    this Code;
13        35. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1301.6 of
14    this Code;
15        36. Is under the age of 21 years at the time of arrest
16    and has been convicted of not less than 2 offenses against
17    traffic regulations governing the movement of vehicles
18    committed within any 24 month period. No revocation or
19    suspension shall be entered more than 6 months after the
20    date of last conviction;
21        37. Has committed a violation of subsection (c) of
22    Section 11-907 of this Code that resulted in damage to the
23    property of another or the death or injury of another;
24        38. Has been convicted of a violation of Section 6-20
25    of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 or a similar provision of
26    a local ordinance;



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1        39. Has committed a second or subsequent violation of
2    Section 11-1201 of this Code;
3        40. Has committed a violation of subsection (a-1) of
4    Section 11-908 of this Code;
5        41. Has committed a second or subsequent violation of
6    Section 11-605.1 of this Code within 2 years of the date of
7    the previous violation, in which case the suspension shall
8    be for 90 days;
9        42. Has committed a violation of subsection (a-1) of
10    Section 11-1301.3 of this Code;
11        43. Has received a disposition of court supervision for
12    a violation of subsection (a), (d), or (e) of Section 6-20
13    of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 or a similar provision of
14    a local ordinance, in which case the suspension shall be
15    for a period of 3 months;
16        44. Is under the age of 21 years at the time of arrest
17    and has been convicted of an offense against traffic
18    regulations governing the movement of vehicles after
19    having previously had his or her driving privileges
20    suspended or revoked pursuant to subparagraph 36 of this
21    Section; or
22        45. Has, in connection with or during the course of a
23    formal hearing conducted under Section 2-118 of this Code:
24    (i) committed perjury; (ii) submitted fraudulent or
25    falsified documents; (iii) submitted documents that have
26    been materially altered; or (iv) submitted, as his or her



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1    own, documents that were in fact prepared or composed for
2    another person; or .
3        46. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1426.1
4    involving an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway
5    motorcycle, paragraph (4) of subsection (i) of Section
6    11-1427 of this Code, or similar provisions of a local
7    ordinance, in which case the suspension shall be for a
8    period of 6 months.
9    For purposes of paragraphs 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 25, 26,
10and 27 of this subsection, license means any driver's license,
11any traffic ticket issued when the person's driver's license is
12deposited in lieu of bail, a suspension notice issued by the
13Secretary of State, a duplicate or corrected driver's license,
14a probationary driver's license or a temporary driver's
16    (b) If any conviction forming the basis of a suspension or
17revocation authorized under this Section is appealed, the
18Secretary of State may rescind or withhold the entry of the
19order of suspension or revocation, as the case may be, provided
20that a certified copy of a stay order of a court is filed with
21the Secretary of State. If the conviction is affirmed on
22appeal, the date of the conviction shall relate back to the
23time the original judgment of conviction was entered and the 6
24month limitation prescribed shall not apply.
25    (c) 1. Upon suspending or revoking the driver's license or
26permit of any person as authorized in this Section, the



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1Secretary of State shall immediately notify the person in
2writing of the revocation or suspension. The notice to be
3deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the
4last known address of the person.
5        2. If the Secretary of State suspends the driver's
6    license of a person under subsection 2 of paragraph (a) of
7    this Section, a person's privilege to operate a vehicle as
8    an occupation shall not be suspended, provided an affidavit
9    is properly completed, the appropriate fee received, and a
10    permit issued prior to the effective date of the
11    suspension, unless 5 offenses were committed, at least 2 of
12    which occurred while operating a commercial vehicle in
13    connection with the driver's regular occupation. All other
14    driving privileges shall be suspended by the Secretary of
15    State. Any driver prior to operating a vehicle for
16    occupational purposes only must submit the affidavit on
17    forms to be provided by the Secretary of State setting
18    forth the facts of the person's occupation. The affidavit
19    shall also state the number of offenses committed while
20    operating a vehicle in connection with the driver's regular
21    occupation. The affidavit shall be accompanied by the
22    driver's license. Upon receipt of a properly completed
23    affidavit, the Secretary of State shall issue the driver a
24    permit to operate a vehicle in connection with the driver's
25    regular occupation only. Unless the permit is issued by the
26    Secretary of State prior to the date of suspension, the



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1    privilege to drive any motor vehicle shall be suspended as
2    set forth in the notice that was mailed under this Section.
3    If an affidavit is received subsequent to the effective
4    date of this suspension, a permit may be issued for the
5    remainder of the suspension period.
6        The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to
7    any driver required to possess a CDL for the purpose of
8    operating a commercial motor vehicle.
9        Any person who falsely states any fact in the affidavit
10    required herein shall be guilty of perjury under Section
11    6-302 and upon conviction thereof shall have all driving
12    privileges revoked without further rights.
13        3. At the conclusion of a hearing under Section 2-118
14    of this Code, the Secretary of State shall either rescind
15    or continue an order of revocation or shall substitute an
16    order of suspension; or, good cause appearing therefor,
17    rescind, continue, change, or extend the order of
18    suspension. If the Secretary of State does not rescind the
19    order, the Secretary may upon application, to relieve undue
20    hardship (as defined by the rules of the Secretary of
21    State), issue a restricted driving permit granting the
22    privilege of driving a motor vehicle between the
23    petitioner's residence and petitioner's place of
24    employment or within the scope of the petitioner's
25    employment related duties, or to allow the petitioner to
26    transport himself or herself, or a family member of the



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1    petitioner's household to a medical facility, to receive
2    necessary medical care, to allow the petitioner to
3    transport himself or herself to and from alcohol or drug
4    remedial or rehabilitative activity recommended by a
5    licensed service provider, or to allow the petitioner to
6    transport himself or herself or a family member of the
7    petitioner's household to classes, as a student, at an
8    accredited educational institution, or to allow the
9    petitioner to transport children, elderly persons, or
10    disabled persons who do not hold driving privileges and are
11    living in the petitioner's household to and from daycare.
12    The petitioner must demonstrate that no alternative means
13    of transportation is reasonably available and that the
14    petitioner will not endanger the public safety or welfare.
15    Those multiple offenders identified in subdivision (b)4 of
16    Section 6-208 of this Code, however, shall not be eligible
17    for the issuance of a restricted driving permit.
18             (A) If a person's license or permit is revoked or
19        suspended due to 2 or more convictions of violating
20        Section 11-501 of this Code or a similar provision of a
21        local ordinance or a similar out-of-state offense, or
22        Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961, where the use
23        of alcohol or other drugs is recited as an element of
24        the offense, or a similar out-of-state offense, or a
25        combination of these offenses, arising out of separate
26        occurrences, that person, if issued a restricted



HB0292- 20 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1        driving permit, may not operate a vehicle unless it has
2        been equipped with an ignition interlock device as
3        defined in Section 1-129.1.
4            (B) If a person's license or permit is revoked or
5        suspended 2 or more times within a 10 year period due
6        to any combination of:
7                (i) a single conviction of violating Section
8            11-501 of this Code or a similar provision of a
9            local ordinance or a similar out-of-state offense
10            or Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961, where
11            the use of alcohol or other drugs is recited as an
12            element of the offense, or a similar out-of-state
13            offense; or
14                (ii) a statutory summary suspension under
15            Section 11-501.1; or
16                (iii) a suspension under Section 6-203.1;
17        arising out of separate occurrences; that person, if
18        issued a restricted driving permit, may not operate a
19        vehicle unless it has been equipped with an ignition
20        interlock device as defined in Section 1-129.1.
21            (C) The person issued a permit conditioned upon the
22        use of an ignition interlock device must pay to the
23        Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund an amount
24        not to exceed $30 per month. The Secretary shall
25        establish by rule the amount and the procedures, terms,
26        and conditions relating to these fees.



HB0292- 21 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1            (D) If the restricted driving permit is issued for
2        employment purposes, then the prohibition against
3        operating a motor vehicle that is not equipped with an
4        ignition interlock device does not apply to the
5        operation of an occupational vehicle owned or leased by
6        that person's employer when used solely for employment
7        purposes.
8            (E) In each case the Secretary may issue a
9        restricted driving permit for a period deemed
10        appropriate, except that all permits shall expire
11        within one year from the date of issuance. The
12        Secretary may not, however, issue a restricted driving
13        permit to any person whose current revocation is the
14        result of a second or subsequent conviction for a
15        violation of Section 11-501 of this Code or a similar
16        provision of a local ordinance or any similar
17        out-of-state offense, or Section 9-3 of the Criminal
18        Code of 1961, where the use of alcohol or other drugs
19        is recited as an element of the offense, or any similar
20        out-of-state offense, or any combination of those
21        offenses, until the expiration of at least one year
22        from the date of the revocation. A restricted driving
23        permit issued under this Section shall be subject to
24        cancellation, revocation, and suspension by the
25        Secretary of State in like manner and for like cause as
26        a driver's license issued under this Code may be



HB0292- 22 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1        cancelled, revoked, or suspended; except that a
2        conviction upon one or more offenses against laws or
3        ordinances regulating the movement of traffic shall be
4        deemed sufficient cause for the revocation,
5        suspension, or cancellation of a restricted driving
6        permit. The Secretary of State may, as a condition to
7        the issuance of a restricted driving permit, require
8        the applicant to participate in a designated driver
9        remedial or rehabilitative program. The Secretary of
10        State is authorized to cancel a restricted driving
11        permit if the permit holder does not successfully
12        complete the program.
13    (c-3) In the case of a suspension under paragraph 43 of
14subsection (a), reports received by the Secretary of State
15under this Section shall, except during the actual time the
16suspension is in effect, be privileged information and for use
17only by the courts, police officers, prosecuting authorities,
18the driver licensing administrator of any other state, the
19Secretary of State, or the parent or legal guardian of a driver
20under the age of 18. However, beginning January 1, 2008, if the
21person is a CDL holder, the suspension shall also be made
22available to the driver licensing administrator of any other
23state, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the affected
24driver or motor carrier or prospective motor carrier upon
26    (c-4) In the case of a suspension under paragraph 43 of



HB0292- 23 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1subsection (a), the Secretary of State shall notify the person
2by mail that his or her driving privileges and driver's license
3will be suspended one month after the date of the mailing of
4the notice.
5    (c-5) The Secretary of State may, as a condition of the
6reissuance of a driver's license or permit to an applicant
7whose driver's license or permit has been suspended before he
8or she reached the age of 21 years pursuant to any of the
9provisions of this Section, require the applicant to
10participate in a driver remedial education course and be
11retested under Section 6-109 of this Code.
12    (d) This Section is subject to the provisions of the
13Drivers License Compact.
14    (e) The Secretary of State shall not issue a restricted
15driving permit to a person under the age of 16 years whose
16driving privileges have been suspended or revoked under any
17provisions of this Code.
18    (f) In accordance with 49 C.F.R. 384, the Secretary of
19State may not issue a restricted driving permit for the
20operation of a commercial motor vehicle to a person holding a
21CDL whose driving privileges have been suspended, revoked,
22cancelled, or disqualified under any provisions of this Code.
23(Source: P.A. 95-166, eff. 1-1-08; 95-310, eff. 1-1-08; 95-382,
24eff. 8-23-07; 95-400, eff. 1-1-09; 95-627, eff. 6-1-08; 95-848,
25eff. 1-1-09; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08; 95-894, eff. 1-1-09; 96-328,
26eff. 8-11-09; 96-607, eff. 8-24-09; 96-1180, eff. 1-1-11;



HB0292- 24 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

196-1305, eff. 1-1-11; revised 9-2-10.)
2    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 96-1344)
3    Sec. 6-206. Discretionary authority to suspend or revoke
4license or permit; Right to a hearing.
5    (a) The Secretary of State is authorized to suspend or
6revoke the driving privileges of any person without preliminary
7hearing upon a showing of the person's records or other
8sufficient evidence that the person:
9        1. Has committed an offense for which mandatory
10    revocation of a driver's license or permit is required upon
11    conviction;
12        2. Has been convicted of not less than 3 offenses
13    against traffic regulations governing the movement of
14    vehicles committed within any 12 month period. No
15    revocation or suspension shall be entered more than 6
16    months after the date of last conviction;
17        3. Has been repeatedly involved as a driver in motor
18    vehicle collisions or has been repeatedly convicted of
19    offenses against laws and ordinances regulating the
20    movement of traffic, to a degree that indicates lack of
21    ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable care in the
22    safe operation of a motor vehicle or disrespect for the
23    traffic laws and the safety of other persons upon the
24    highway;
25        4. Has by the unlawful operation of a motor vehicle



HB0292- 25 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    caused or contributed to an accident resulting in injury
2    requiring immediate professional treatment in a medical
3    facility or doctor's office to any person, except that any
4    suspension or revocation imposed by the Secretary of State
5    under the provisions of this subsection shall start no
6    later than 6 months after being convicted of violating a
7    law or ordinance regulating the movement of traffic, which
8    violation is related to the accident, or shall start not
9    more than one year after the date of the accident,
10    whichever date occurs later;
11        5. Has permitted an unlawful or fraudulent use of a
12    driver's license, identification card, or permit;
13        6. Has been lawfully convicted of an offense or
14    offenses in another state, including the authorization
15    contained in Section 6-203.1, which if committed within
16    this State would be grounds for suspension or revocation;
17        7. Has refused or failed to submit to an examination
18    provided for by Section 6-207 or has failed to pass the
19    examination;
20        8. Is ineligible for a driver's license or permit under
21    the provisions of Section 6-103;
22        9. Has made a false statement or knowingly concealed a
23    material fact or has used false information or
24    identification in any application for a license,
25    identification card, or permit;
26        10. Has possessed, displayed, or attempted to



HB0292- 26 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    fraudulently use any license, identification card, or
2    permit not issued to the person;
3        11. Has operated a motor vehicle upon a highway of this
4    State when the person's driving privilege or privilege to
5    obtain a driver's license or permit was revoked or
6    suspended unless the operation was authorized by a
7    monitoring device driving permit, judicial driving permit
8    issued prior to January 1, 2009, probationary license to
9    drive, or a restricted driving permit issued under this
10    Code;
11        12. Has submitted to any portion of the application
12    process for another person or has obtained the services of
13    another person to submit to any portion of the application
14    process for the purpose of obtaining a license,
15    identification card, or permit for some other person;
16        13. Has operated a motor vehicle upon a highway of this
17    State when the person's driver's license or permit was
18    invalid under the provisions of Sections 6-107.1 and 6-110;
19        14. Has committed a violation of Section 6-301,
20    6-301.1, or 6-301.2 of this Act, or Section 14, 14A, or 14B
21    of the Illinois Identification Card Act;
22        15. Has been convicted of violating Section 21-2 of the
23    Criminal Code of 1961 relating to criminal trespass to
24    vehicles in which case, the suspension shall be for one
25    year;
26        16. Has been convicted of violating Section 11-204 of



HB0292- 27 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    this Code relating to fleeing from a peace officer;
2        17. Has refused to submit to a test, or tests, as
3    required under Section 11-501.1 of this Code and the person
4    has not sought a hearing as provided for in Section
5    11-501.1;
6        18. Has, since issuance of a driver's license or
7    permit, been adjudged to be afflicted with or suffering
8    from any mental disability or disease;
9        19. Has committed a violation of paragraph (a) or (b)
10    of Section 6-101 relating to driving without a driver's
11    license;
12        20. Has been convicted of violating Section 6-104
13    relating to classification of driver's license;
14        21. Has been convicted of violating Section 11-402 of
15    this Code relating to leaving the scene of an accident
16    resulting in damage to a vehicle in excess of $1,000, in
17    which case the suspension shall be for one year;
18        22. Has used a motor vehicle in violating paragraph
19    (3), (4), (7), or (9) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1 of
20    the Criminal Code of 1961 relating to unlawful use of
21    weapons, in which case the suspension shall be for one
22    year;
23        23. Has, as a driver, been convicted of committing a
24    violation of paragraph (a) of Section 11-502 of this Code
25    for a second or subsequent time within one year of a
26    similar violation;



HB0292- 28 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1        24. Has been convicted by a court-martial or punished
2    by non-judicial punishment by military authorities of the
3    United States at a military installation in Illinois of or
4    for a traffic related offense that is the same as or
5    similar to an offense specified under Section 6-205 or
6    6-206 of this Code;
7        25. Has permitted any form of identification to be used
8    by another in the application process in order to obtain or
9    attempt to obtain a license, identification card, or
10    permit;
11        26. Has altered or attempted to alter a license or has
12    possessed an altered license, identification card, or
13    permit;
14        27. Has violated Section 6-16 of the Liquor Control Act
15    of 1934;
16        28. Has been convicted of the illegal possession, while
17    operating or in actual physical control, as a driver, of a
18    motor vehicle, of any controlled substance prohibited
19    under the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, any cannabis
20    prohibited under the Cannabis Control Act, or any
21    methamphetamine prohibited under the Methamphetamine
22    Control and Community Protection Act, in which case the
23    person's driving privileges shall be suspended for one
24    year, and any driver who is convicted of a second or
25    subsequent offense, within 5 years of a previous
26    conviction, for the illegal possession, while operating or



HB0292- 29 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    in actual physical control, as a driver, of a motor
2    vehicle, of any controlled substance prohibited under the
3    Illinois Controlled Substances Act, any cannabis
4    prohibited under the Cannabis Control Act, or any
5    methamphetamine prohibited under the Methamphetamine
6    Control and Community Protection Act shall be suspended for
7    5 years. Any defendant found guilty of this offense while
8    operating a motor vehicle, shall have an entry made in the
9    court record by the presiding judge that this offense did
10    occur while the defendant was operating a motor vehicle and
11    order the clerk of the court to report the violation to the
12    Secretary of State;
13        29. Has been convicted of the following offenses that
14    were committed while the person was operating or in actual
15    physical control, as a driver, of a motor vehicle: criminal
16    sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a
17    child, aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual
18    abuse, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, juvenile pimping,
19    soliciting for a juvenile prostitute and the manufacture,
20    sale or delivery of controlled substances or instruments
21    used for illegal drug use or abuse in which case the
22    driver's driving privileges shall be suspended for one
23    year;
24        30. Has been convicted a second or subsequent time for
25    any combination of the offenses named in paragraph 29 of
26    this subsection, in which case the person's driving



HB0292- 30 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    privileges shall be suspended for 5 years;
2        31. Has refused to submit to a test as required by
3    Section 11-501.6 or has submitted to a test resulting in an
4    alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more or any amount of a
5    drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful
6    use or consumption of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis
7    Control Act, a controlled substance as listed in the
8    Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating
9    compound as listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds
10    Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine
11    Control and Community Protection Act, in which case the
12    penalty shall be as prescribed in Section 6-208.1;
13        32. Has been convicted of Section 24-1.2 of the
14    Criminal Code of 1961 relating to the aggravated discharge
15    of a firearm if the offender was located in a motor vehicle
16    at the time the firearm was discharged, in which case the
17    suspension shall be for 3 years;
18        33. Has as a driver, who was less than 21 years of age
19    on the date of the offense, been convicted a first time of
20    a violation of paragraph (a) of Section 11-502 of this Code
21    or a similar provision of a local ordinance;
22        34. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1301.5 of
23    this Code;
24        35. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1301.6 of
25    this Code;
26        36. Is under the age of 21 years at the time of arrest



HB0292- 31 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    and has been convicted of not less than 2 offenses against
2    traffic regulations governing the movement of vehicles
3    committed within any 24 month period. No revocation or
4    suspension shall be entered more than 6 months after the
5    date of last conviction;
6        37. Has committed a violation of subsection (c) of
7    Section 11-907 of this Code that resulted in damage to the
8    property of another or the death or injury of another;
9        38. Has been convicted of a violation of Section 6-20
10    of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 or a similar provision of
11    a local ordinance;
12        39. Has committed a second or subsequent violation of
13    Section 11-1201 of this Code;
14        40. Has committed a violation of subsection (a-1) of
15    Section 11-908 of this Code;
16        41. Has committed a second or subsequent violation of
17    Section 11-605.1 of this Code within 2 years of the date of
18    the previous violation, in which case the suspension shall
19    be for 90 days;
20        42. Has committed a violation of subsection (a-1) of
21    Section 11-1301.3 of this Code;
22        43. Has received a disposition of court supervision for
23    a violation of subsection (a), (d), or (e) of Section 6-20
24    of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 or a similar provision of
25    a local ordinance, in which case the suspension shall be
26    for a period of 3 months;



HB0292- 32 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1        44. Is under the age of 21 years at the time of arrest
2    and has been convicted of an offense against traffic
3    regulations governing the movement of vehicles after
4    having previously had his or her driving privileges
5    suspended or revoked pursuant to subparagraph 36 of this
6    Section; or
7        45. Has, in connection with or during the course of a
8    formal hearing conducted under Section 2-118 of this Code:
9    (i) committed perjury; (ii) submitted fraudulent or
10    falsified documents; (iii) submitted documents that have
11    been materially altered; or (iv) submitted, as his or her
12    own, documents that were in fact prepared or composed for
13    another person; or .
14        46. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1426.1
15    involving an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway
16    motorcycle, paragraph (4) of subsection (i) of Section
17    11-1427 of this Code, or similar provisions of a local
18    ordinance, in which case the suspension shall be for a
19    period of 6 months.
20    For purposes of paragraphs 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 25, 26,
21and 27 of this subsection, license means any driver's license,
22any traffic ticket issued when the person's driver's license is
23deposited in lieu of bail, a suspension notice issued by the
24Secretary of State, a duplicate or corrected driver's license,
25a probationary driver's license or a temporary driver's



HB0292- 33 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    (b) If any conviction forming the basis of a suspension or
2revocation authorized under this Section is appealed, the
3Secretary of State may rescind or withhold the entry of the
4order of suspension or revocation, as the case may be, provided
5that a certified copy of a stay order of a court is filed with
6the Secretary of State. If the conviction is affirmed on
7appeal, the date of the conviction shall relate back to the
8time the original judgment of conviction was entered and the 6
9month limitation prescribed shall not apply.
10    (c) 1. Upon suspending or revoking the driver's license or
11permit of any person as authorized in this Section, the
12Secretary of State shall immediately notify the person in
13writing of the revocation or suspension. The notice to be
14deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the
15last known address of the person.
16        2. If the Secretary of State suspends the driver's
17    license of a person under subsection 2 of paragraph (a) of
18    this Section, a person's privilege to operate a vehicle as
19    an occupation shall not be suspended, provided an affidavit
20    is properly completed, the appropriate fee received, and a
21    permit issued prior to the effective date of the
22    suspension, unless 5 offenses were committed, at least 2 of
23    which occurred while operating a commercial vehicle in
24    connection with the driver's regular occupation. All other
25    driving privileges shall be suspended by the Secretary of
26    State. Any driver prior to operating a vehicle for



HB0292- 34 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    occupational purposes only must submit the affidavit on
2    forms to be provided by the Secretary of State setting
3    forth the facts of the person's occupation. The affidavit
4    shall also state the number of offenses committed while
5    operating a vehicle in connection with the driver's regular
6    occupation. The affidavit shall be accompanied by the
7    driver's license. Upon receipt of a properly completed
8    affidavit, the Secretary of State shall issue the driver a
9    permit to operate a vehicle in connection with the driver's
10    regular occupation only. Unless the permit is issued by the
11    Secretary of State prior to the date of suspension, the
12    privilege to drive any motor vehicle shall be suspended as
13    set forth in the notice that was mailed under this Section.
14    If an affidavit is received subsequent to the effective
15    date of this suspension, a permit may be issued for the
16    remainder of the suspension period.
17        The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to
18    any driver required to possess a CDL for the purpose of
19    operating a commercial motor vehicle.
20        Any person who falsely states any fact in the affidavit
21    required herein shall be guilty of perjury under Section
22    6-302 and upon conviction thereof shall have all driving
23    privileges revoked without further rights.
24        3. At the conclusion of a hearing under Section 2-118
25    of this Code, the Secretary of State shall either rescind
26    or continue an order of revocation or shall substitute an



HB0292- 35 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    order of suspension; or, good cause appearing therefor,
2    rescind, continue, change, or extend the order of
3    suspension. If the Secretary of State does not rescind the
4    order, the Secretary may upon application, to relieve undue
5    hardship (as defined by the rules of the Secretary of
6    State), issue a restricted driving permit granting the
7    privilege of driving a motor vehicle between the
8    petitioner's residence and petitioner's place of
9    employment or within the scope of the petitioner's
10    employment related duties, or to allow the petitioner to
11    transport himself or herself, or a family member of the
12    petitioner's household to a medical facility, to receive
13    necessary medical care, to allow the petitioner to
14    transport himself or herself to and from alcohol or drug
15    remedial or rehabilitative activity recommended by a
16    licensed service provider, or to allow the petitioner to
17    transport himself or herself or a family member of the
18    petitioner's household to classes, as a student, at an
19    accredited educational institution, or to allow the
20    petitioner to transport children, elderly persons, or
21    disabled persons who do not hold driving privileges and are
22    living in the petitioner's household to and from daycare.
23    The petitioner must demonstrate that no alternative means
24    of transportation is reasonably available and that the
25    petitioner will not endanger the public safety or welfare.
26    Those multiple offenders identified in subdivision (b)4 of



HB0292- 36 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    Section 6-208 of this Code, however, shall not be eligible
2    for the issuance of a restricted driving permit.
3             (A) If a person's license or permit is revoked or
4        suspended due to 2 or more convictions of violating
5        Section 11-501 of this Code or a similar provision of a
6        local ordinance or a similar out-of-state offense, or
7        Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961, where the use
8        of alcohol or other drugs is recited as an element of
9        the offense, or a similar out-of-state offense, or a
10        combination of these offenses, arising out of separate
11        occurrences, that person, if issued a restricted
12        driving permit, may not operate a vehicle unless it has
13        been equipped with an ignition interlock device as
14        defined in Section 1-129.1.
15            (B) If a person's license or permit is revoked or
16        suspended 2 or more times within a 10 year period due
17        to any combination of:
18                (i) a single conviction of violating Section
19            11-501 of this Code or a similar provision of a
20            local ordinance or a similar out-of-state offense
21            or Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961, where
22            the use of alcohol or other drugs is recited as an
23            element of the offense, or a similar out-of-state
24            offense; or
25                (ii) a statutory summary suspension or
26            revocation under Section 11-501.1; or



HB0292- 37 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1                (iii) a suspension under Section 6-203.1;
2        arising out of separate occurrences; that person, if
3        issued a restricted driving permit, may not operate a
4        vehicle unless it has been equipped with an ignition
5        interlock device as defined in Section 1-129.1.
6            (C) The person issued a permit conditioned upon the
7        use of an ignition interlock device must pay to the
8        Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund an amount
9        not to exceed $30 per month. The Secretary shall
10        establish by rule the amount and the procedures, terms,
11        and conditions relating to these fees.
12            (D) If the restricted driving permit is issued for
13        employment purposes, then the prohibition against
14        operating a motor vehicle that is not equipped with an
15        ignition interlock device does not apply to the
16        operation of an occupational vehicle owned or leased by
17        that person's employer when used solely for employment
18        purposes.
19            (E) In each case the Secretary may issue a
20        restricted driving permit for a period deemed
21        appropriate, except that all permits shall expire
22        within one year from the date of issuance. The
23        Secretary may not, however, issue a restricted driving
24        permit to any person whose current revocation is the
25        result of a second or subsequent conviction for a
26        violation of Section 11-501 of this Code or a similar



HB0292- 38 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1        provision of a local ordinance or any similar
2        out-of-state offense, or Section 9-3 of the Criminal
3        Code of 1961, where the use of alcohol or other drugs
4        is recited as an element of the offense, or any similar
5        out-of-state offense, or any combination of those
6        offenses, until the expiration of at least one year
7        from the date of the revocation. A restricted driving
8        permit issued under this Section shall be subject to
9        cancellation, revocation, and suspension by the
10        Secretary of State in like manner and for like cause as
11        a driver's license issued under this Code may be
12        cancelled, revoked, or suspended; except that a
13        conviction upon one or more offenses against laws or
14        ordinances regulating the movement of traffic shall be
15        deemed sufficient cause for the revocation,
16        suspension, or cancellation of a restricted driving
17        permit. The Secretary of State may, as a condition to
18        the issuance of a restricted driving permit, require
19        the applicant to participate in a designated driver
20        remedial or rehabilitative program. The Secretary of
21        State is authorized to cancel a restricted driving
22        permit if the permit holder does not successfully
23        complete the program.
24    (c-3) In the case of a suspension under paragraph 43 of
25subsection (a), reports received by the Secretary of State
26under this Section shall, except during the actual time the



HB0292- 39 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1suspension is in effect, be privileged information and for use
2only by the courts, police officers, prosecuting authorities,
3the driver licensing administrator of any other state, the
4Secretary of State, or the parent or legal guardian of a driver
5under the age of 18. However, beginning January 1, 2008, if the
6person is a CDL holder, the suspension shall also be made
7available to the driver licensing administrator of any other
8state, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the affected
9driver or motor carrier or prospective motor carrier upon
11    (c-4) In the case of a suspension under paragraph 43 of
12subsection (a), the Secretary of State shall notify the person
13by mail that his or her driving privileges and driver's license
14will be suspended one month after the date of the mailing of
15the notice.
16    (c-5) The Secretary of State may, as a condition of the
17reissuance of a driver's license or permit to an applicant
18whose driver's license or permit has been suspended before he
19or she reached the age of 21 years pursuant to any of the
20provisions of this Section, require the applicant to
21participate in a driver remedial education course and be
22retested under Section 6-109 of this Code.
23    (d) This Section is subject to the provisions of the
24Drivers License Compact.
25    (e) The Secretary of State shall not issue a restricted
26driving permit to a person under the age of 16 years whose



HB0292- 40 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1driving privileges have been suspended or revoked under any
2provisions of this Code.
3    (f) In accordance with 49 C.F.R. 384, the Secretary of
4State may not issue a restricted driving permit for the
5operation of a commercial motor vehicle to a person holding a
6CDL whose driving privileges have been suspended, revoked,
7cancelled, or disqualified under any provisions of this Code.
8(Source: P.A. 95-166, eff. 1-1-08; 95-310, eff. 1-1-08; 95-382,
9eff. 8-23-07; 95-400, eff. 1-1-09; 95-627, eff. 6-1-08; 95-848,
10eff. 1-1-09; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08; 95-894, eff. 1-1-09; 96-328,
11eff. 8-11-09; 96-607, eff. 8-24-09; 96-1180, eff. 1-1-11;
1296-1305, eff. 1-1-11; 96-1344, eff. 7-1-11; revised 9-2-10.)
13    (625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1)
14    Sec. 11-1426.1. Operation of non-highway vehicles on
15streets, roads, and highways.
16    (a) As used in this Section, "non-highway vehicle" means a
17motor vehicle not specifically designed to be used on a public
18highway, including:
19        (1) an all-terrain vehicle, as defined by Section
20    1-101.8 of this Code;
21        (2) a golf cart, as defined by Section 1-123.9;
22        (3) a neighborhood vehicle, as defined by Section
23    1-148.3m;
24        (4) an off-highway motorcycle, as defined by Section
25    1-153.1; and



HB0292- 41 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1        (5) a recreational off-highway vehicle, as defined by
2    Section 1-168.8.
3    (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, it is
4unlawful for any person to drive or operate a non-highway
5vehicle upon any street, highway, or roadway in this State. If
6the operation of a non-highway vehicle is authorized under
7subsection (d), the non-highway vehicle may be operated only on
8streets where the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or
9less. This subsection (b) does not prohibit a non-highway
10vehicle from crossing a road or street at an intersection where
11the road or street has a posted speed limit of more than 35
12miles per hour.
13    (b-5) A person may not operate a golf cart or neighborhood
14vehicle non-highway vehicle upon any street, highway, or
15roadway in this State unless he or she has a valid driver's
16license issued in his or her name by the Secretary of State or
17by a foreign jurisdiction.
18    (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c-5), no
19person operating a non-highway vehicle shall make a direct
20crossing upon or across any highway under the jurisdiction of
21the State, tollroad, interstate highway, or controlled access
22highway in this State.
23    (c-5) A person may make a direct crossing at an
24intersection controlled by a traffic light or 4-way stop sign
25upon or across a highway under the jurisdiction of the State if
26the speed limit on the highway is 35 miles per hour or less at



HB0292- 42 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1the place of crossing.
2    (d) A municipality, township, county, or other unit of
3local government may authorize, by ordinance or resolution, the
4operation of golf carts, neighborhood vehicles, or both
5non-highway vehicles on roadways under its jurisdiction if the
6unit of local government determines that the public safety will
7not be jeopardized. The Department may authorize the operation
8of golf carts, neighborhood vehicles, or both non-highway
9vehicles on the roadways under its jurisdiction if the
10Department determines that the public safety will not be
11jeopardized. The unit of local government or the Department may
12restrict the types of non-highway vehicles that are authorized
13to be used on its streets.
14    Before permitting the operation of golf carts,
15neighborhood vehicles, or both non-highway vehicles on its
16roadways, a municipality, township, county, other unit of local
17government, or the Department must consider the volume, speed,
18and character of traffic on the roadway and determine whether
19golf carts, neighborhood vehicles, or both non-highway
20vehicles may safely travel on or cross the roadway. Upon
21determining that golf carts, neighborhood vehicles, or both
22non-highway vehicles may safely operate on a roadway and the
23adoption of an ordinance or resolution by a municipality,
24township, county, or other unit of local government, or
25authorization by the Department, appropriate signs shall be



HB0292- 43 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    If a roadway is under the jurisdiction of more than one
2unit of government, non-highway vehicles may not be operated on
3the roadway unless each unit of government agrees and takes
4action as provided in this subsection.
5    (e) No golf cart or neighborhood vehicle non-highway
6vehicle may be operated on a roadway unless, at a minimum, it
7has the following: brakes, a steering apparatus, tires, a
8rearview mirror, red reflectorized warning devices in the front
9and rear, a slow moving emblem (as required of other vehicles
10in Section 12-709 of this Code) on the rear of the non-highway
11vehicle, a headlight that emits a white light visible from a
12distance of 500 feet to the front, a tail lamp that emits a red
13light visible from at least 100 feet from the rear, brake
14lights, and turn signals. When operated on a roadway, a golf
15cart or neighborhood vehicle non-highway vehicle shall have its
16headlight and tail lamps lighted as required by Section 12-201
17of this Code.
18    (f) A person who drives or is in actual physical control of
19a non-highway vehicle on a roadway while under the influence is
20subject to Sections 11-500 through 11-502 of this Code.
21    (g) Any person who operates a non-highway vehicle on a
22street, highway, or roadway shall be subject to the mandatory
23insurance requirements under Article VI of Chapter 7 of this
25    (h) It shall not be unlawful for any person to drive or
26operate a non-highway vehicle, as defined in paragraphs (1) and



HB0292- 44 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1(5) of subsection (a) of this Section, on a county roadway or
2township roadway for the purpose of conducting farming
3operations to and from the home, farm, farm buildings, and any
4adjacent or nearby farm land.
5    Non-highway vehicles, as used in this subsection (h), shall
6not be subject to subsections (e) and (g) of this Section.
7However, if the non-highway vehicle, as used in this Section,
8is not covered under a motor vehicle insurance policy pursuant
9to subsection (g) of this Section, the vehicle must be covered
10under a farm, home, or non-highway vehicle insurance policy
11issued with coverage amounts no less than the minimum amounts
12set for bodily injury or death and for destruction of property
13under Section 7-203 of this Code. Non-highway vehicles operated
14on a county or township roadway at any time between one-half
15hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise must be
16equipped with head lamps and tail lamps, and the head lamps and
17tail lamps must be lighted.
18    Non-highway vehicles, as used in this subsection (h), shall
19not make a direct crossing upon or across any tollroad,
20interstate highway, or controlled access highway in this State.
21    Non-highway vehicles, as used in this subsection (h), shall
22be allowed to cross a State highway, municipal street, county
23highway, or road district highway if the operator of the
24non-highway vehicle makes a direct crossing provided:
25        (1) the crossing is made at an angle of approximately
26    90 degrees to the direction of the street, road or highway



HB0292- 45 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and
2    safe crossing;
3        (2) the non-highway vehicle is brought to a complete
4    stop before attempting a crossing;
5        (3) the operator of the non-highway vehicle yields the
6    right of way to all pedestrian and vehicular traffic which
7    constitutes a hazard; and
8        (4) that when crossing a divided highway, the crossing
9    is made only at an intersection of the highway with another
10    public street, road, or highway.
11    (i) No action taken by a unit of local government under
12this Section designates the operation of a non-highway vehicle
13as an intended or permitted use of property with respect to
14Section 3-102 of the Local Governmental and Governmental
15Employees Tort Immunity Act.
16(Source: P.A. 95-150, 8-14-07; 95-414, eff. 8-24-07; 95-575,
17eff. 8-31-07; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08; 96-279, eff. 1-1-10;
1896-1434, eff. 8-11-10.)
19    (625 ILCS 5/11-1427)
20    Sec. 11-1427. Illegal operation of an all-terrain vehicle
21or off-highway motorcycle. It is unlawful for any person to
22drive or operate any all-terrain vehicle or off-highway
23motorcycle in the following ways:
24    (a) Careless Operation. No person shall operate any
25all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle in a careless or



HB0292- 46 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1heedless manner so as to be grossly indifferent to the person
2or property of other persons, or at a rate of speed greater
3than will permit him in the exercise of reasonable care to
4bring the all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle to a
5stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
6    (b) Reckless Operation. No person shall operate any
7all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle in such a manner
8as to endanger the life, limb or property of any person.
9    (c) Within any nature preserve as defined in Section 3.11
10of the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act.
11    (d) On the tracks or right of way of an operating railroad.
12    (e) In any tree nursery or planting in a manner which
13damages or destroys growing stock, or creates a substantial
14risk thereto.
15    (f) On private property, without the written or verbal
16consent of the owner or lessee thereof. Any person operating an
17all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle upon lands of
18another shall stop and identify himself upon the request of the
19landowner or his duly authorized representative, and, if
20requested to do so by the landowner shall promptly remove the
21all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle from the
23    (g) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, an
24owner, lessee, or occupant of premises owes no duty of care to
25keep the premises safe for entry or use by others for use by an
26all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle, or to give



HB0292- 47 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1warning of any condition, use, structure or activity on such
2premises. This subsection does not apply where permission to
3drive or operate an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway
4motorcycle is given for a valuable consideration other than to
5this State, any political subdivision or municipality of this
6State, or any landowner who is paid with funds from the
7Off-Highway Vehicle Trails Fund. In the case of land leased to
8the State or a subdivision of the State, any consideration
9received is not valuable consideration within the meaning of
10this Section.
11    Nothing in this subsection limits in any way liability
12which otherwise exists for willful or malicious failure to
13guard or warn against a dangerous condition, use, structure, or
15    (h) On publicly owned lands unless such lands are
16designated for use by all-terrain vehicles or off-highway
17motorcycles. For publicly owned lands to be designated for use
18by all-terrain vehicles or off-highway motorcycles a public
19hearing shall be conducted by the governmental entity that has
20jurisdiction over the proposed land prior to the designation.
21    Nothing in this subsection limits in any way liability
22which otherwise exists for willful or malicious failure to
23guard or warn against a dangerous condition, use, structure, or
25    (h-1) At a rate of speed too fast for conditions, and the
26fact that the speed of the all-terrain vehicle or off-highway



HB0292- 48 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1motorcycle does not exceed the applicable maximum speed limit
2allowed does not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease
3speed as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person,
4vehicle, or object within legal requirements and the duty of
5all persons to use due care.
6    (h-2) On the frozen surface of public waters of this State
7within 100 feet of a person, including a skater, not in or upon
8an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle; within 100
9feet of a person engaged in fishing, except at the minimum
10speed required to maintain forward movement of the all-terrain
11vehicle or off-highway motorcycle; on an area which has been
12cleared of snow for skating purposes unless the area is
13necessary for access to the frozen waters of this State.
14    (h-3) Within 100 feet of a dwelling between midnight and 6
15a.m. at a speed greater than the minimum required to maintain
16forward movement of the all-terrain vehicle or off-highway
17motorcycle. This subdivision (h-5) does not apply on private
18property where verbal or written consent of the owner or lessee
19has been granted to drive or operate an all-terrain vehicle or
20off-highway motorcycle upon the private property or frozen
21waters of this State.
22    (i) Other Prohibitions.
23        (1) No person, except persons permitted by law, shall
24    operate or ride any all-terrain vehicle or off-highway
25    motorcycle with any firearm in his or her possession unless
26    he or she is in compliance with Section 2.33 of the



HB0292- 49 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1    Wildlife Code.
2        (2) No person shall operate any all-terrain vehicle or
3    off-highway motorcycle emitting pollutants in violation of
4    standards established pursuant to the Environmental
5    Protection Act.
6        (3) No person shall deposit from an all-terrain vehicle
7    or off-highway motorcycle on the snow, ice or ground
8    surface, trash, glass, garbage, insoluble material, or
9    other offensive matter.
10        (4) No person shall ride an all-terrain vehicle or
11    off-highway motorcycle as a passenger. The Secretary of
12    State may suspend the operator's driver's license for
13    violation of this paragraph.
14        (5) No person under the age of 16 shall operate an
15    all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle.
16        (6) No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle or
17    off-highway motorcycle without a valid driver's license.
18        (7) No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle or
19    off-highway motorcycle without a properly fitted helmet
20    secured to the person's head.
21(Source: P.A. 90-14, eff. 9-1-97; 90-287, eff. 1-1-98.)
22    (625 ILCS 5/11-1427.6 new)
23    Sec. 11-1427.6. Public information on all-terrain vehicle
24and off-highway motorcycle laws.
25    (a) The laws and rules related to the operation of



HB0292- 50 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

1all-terrain vehicles and off-highway motorcycles in this Code
2shall be included in any publication of the "Rules of the Road"
3that the Secretary of State may publish after the effective
4date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
5    (b) The laws and rules related to the operation of
6all-terrain vehicles and off-highway motorcycles in this Code
7shall be included in any publication of the "Laws for Youth"
8that the Legislative Research Unit may publish after the
9effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
11    Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes
12changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text
13that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section
14represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does
15not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes
16made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other
17Public Act.



HB0292- 51 -LRB097 06655 HEP 46741 b

2 Statutes amended in order of appearance
3    105 ILCS 5/27-23.11 new
4    105 ILCS 5/27-24.2from Ch. 122, par. 27-24.2
5    625 ILCS 5/6-109
6    625 ILCS 5/6-206
7    625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1
8    625 ILCS 5/11-1427
9    625 ILCS 5/11-1427.6 new