Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2952
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2952  093rd General Assembly

HB2952eng 93rd General Assembly


HB2952 Engrossed                     LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b

 1        AN  ACT  in  relation  to  the  transfer  of certain real
 2    property.

 3        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section  5.  Upon  the  payment  of  the sum of $1 to the
 6    State of  Illinois,  Department  of  Natural  Resources,  and
 7    subject  to  the  conditions  set forth in Section 90 of this
 8    Act, the Director of the Department of Natural Resources,  on
 9    behalf of the State of Illinois, is authorized to execute and
10    deliver  to  the  Will County Forest Preserve District a Quit
11    Claim  Deed  to  the  following  described   real   property,
12    consisting  of  2  railroad right of way corridors located in
13    Will County, Illinois, to wit:

14    The  Chicago,  Milwaukee,  St.  Paul,  and  Pacific  Railroad
15    Company Segment:

16    Parcel I: The Right of Way of  the  Chicago,  Milwaukee,  St.
17    Paul  and  Pacific  Railroad Company, (formerly the Illinois,
18    Iowa and Minnesota  Railway  Company)  across  the  following
19    described  land:  the  South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of the
20    South East 1/4  of  Section  15;  Lot  9  of  Crescent  Stone
21    Company's subdivision of the South East 1/4 of the South East
22    1/4  of  Section  l5; the Northeast 1/4 of Section 22, except
23    that part conveyed by Document R66-18449; Lot 1 of Assessor's
24    Subdivision of the Northwest 1/4 of the  South  East  1/4  of
25    Section  22  lying  North  of  the  Elgin, Joliet and Eastern
26    Railway Switch Track Right of Way; Lots 1 and 2 of Assessor's
27    Subdivision of the Northwest 1/4 of The  South  East  1/4  of
28    Section  22  lying  South  of  the  Elgin, Joliet and Eastern
29    Railway switch track right of way and North of the center  of
30    Five  Mile Grove Road; the South East 1/4 of Section 22 lying
31    South of the center of Five Mile Grove  Road;  the  Northeast
HB2952 Engrossed            -2-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    1/4  of  Section  27;  the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, lying
 2    North of Woodruff, Mack and Cowles Subdivision; Lots 1, 2, 8,
 3    9, 10, 12 and 13 of Woodruff, Mack and Cowles Subdivision;  a
 4    triangular piece of land lying North and East of Lots 1 and 9
 5    of  Woodruff,  Mack and Cowles Subdivision; the Southwest 1/4
 6    of Section  26;  the  South  East  1/4  of  Section  26;  the
 7    Northeast 1/4 of Section 35; the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36;
 8    the  Southwest  1/4  of Section 36; and the South East 1/4 of
 9    Section 36, all in Township 35 North, Range 10  East  of  the
10    Third Principal Meridian, in Will County, Illinois;

11    ALSO,

12    Parcel  II:  The  right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
13    Paul and Pacific Railroad  Company  (formerly  the  Illinois,
14    Iowa  and  Minnesota  Railway  Company)  across the following
15    described land: a triangular tract of land in  the  Northeast
16    1/4  of  the  Northeast  1/4 of Section 1, Township 34 North,
17    Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian,  described  as
18    follows:  Beginning  at the Northeast corner of the Northeast
19    1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 1; thence West along
20    the North line of the Northeast 1/4  of  said  Section  1,  a
21    distance  of  198.9  feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on
22    the Easterly line of the Northeast  1/4  of  said  Section  1
23    which  is  182.9  feet  South of the Northeast corner of said
24    Section 1; thence North along the East line of said Northeast
25    1/4 to the Point of Beginning, in Will County, Illinois;

26    ALSO,

27    Parcel III: The right of way of the Chicago,  Milwaukee,  St.
28    Paul  and  Pacific  Railroad  Company (formerly the Illinois,
29    Iowa and Minnesota  Railway  Company)  across  the  following
30    described  land:  The  Northwest 1/4 and the Southwest 1/4 of
31    Section 6; the Northwest 1/4 and the East 1/2 of  Section  7;
32    the  Northeast 1/4 of Section 18; the West 1/2 of Section 17;
HB2952 Engrossed            -3-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of  Section  20;  that
 2    part  of  the East 1/2 of Section 20 and the Southwest 1/4 of
 3    Section 20 lying West of the Wabash  Railroad  right  of  way
 4    line;  the  West 1/2 of Section 29; and the South East 1/4 of
 5    Section 30 except that part conveyed by Document  No.  544311
 6    and  also except that part conveyed by Document No. R89-7583,
 7    all in  Township  34  North,  Range  11  East  of  the  Third
 8    Principal Meridian, in Will County, Illinois;

 9    ALSO,

10    Parcel  IV: That part of Section 30, Township 34 North, Range
11    11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, being a part of  the
12    Southeast  1/4  of  Section  30 and lying Westerly of Norfolk
13    Southern Railroad's West right of way (also known  as  Wabash
14    Railroad) as depicted on Joliet Army Ammunition Plant Drawing
15    No.   3115,  Sheet  1  of  2  segment  map,  and  being  more
16    particularly  described  as  follows:   Commencing   at   the
17    intersection  of  the  South  line  of Section 30 and Norfolk
18    Southern   Railroad   centerline   Station   2201+50,    said
19    intersection  being  located  South  88 degrees 17 minutes 18
20    seconds West 743.38 feet, more or less, from a Section corner
21    stone common to Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32; thence with South
22    line of Section 30, South 88 degrees 17  minutes  18  seconds
23    West,  36.77  feet,  more or less, to the Point of Beginning,
24    being 33.00 feet right of and normal to  Railroad  Centerline
25    Station  2201+66  and  lying in the West right of way line of
26    said Railroad, said point also being the Southeast corner  of
27    a  parcel of land as originally acquired by the United States
28    of America, said corner common to the lands now  or  formerly
29    owned  by George Delaney; thence leaving said Railroad's West
30    right of way line and continuing with said South Section line
31    South 88 degrees 17 minutes 18 seconds West 150.00 feet, more
32    or less, to the Southwest corner of said parcel being  167.61
33    feet  right  of  and  normal  to  Railroad Centerline Station
HB2952 Engrossed            -4-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    2202+32;  thence  with  West  boundary  of  said  parcel   as
 2    originally  acquired  North  40 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds
 3    East 453.52 feet, more or less, to a point 53.00  feet  right
 4    of  and normal to Railroad Centerline Station 2198+00; thence
 5    with the arc of a 1.4794 degrees railroad curve to the right,
 6    having a radius of 3872.83 feet  and  a  chord  of  North  29
 7    degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds East 124.91 feet, more or less;
 8    thence  Northeasterly  124.92  feet, more or less, to a point
 9    53.00 feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
10    P.C. 2196+76.8; thence North 30 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds
11    East 234.20 feet, more or less, to a point 53.00  feet  right
12    of  and normal to Railroad Centerline Station P.T. 2194+42.6;
13    thence with the Arc of a 1.5211 degrees railroad curve to the
14    left, having a radius of 3766.83 feet and a chord of North 28
15    degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds East 203.71 feet, more or less;
16    thence Northeasterly 203.73 feet, more or less,  to  a  point
17    53.00 feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
18    2192+36;  thence  South 62 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds East
19    6.50 feet, more or less, to a point 46.50 feet right  of  and
20    normal  to  Railroad  Centerline Station 2192+36; thence with
21    the arc of a 1.5186  degrees  railroad  curve  to  the  left,
22    having  a  radius  of  3773.33  feet  and a chord of North 25
23    degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds East 188.86 feet, more or less;
24    thence Northeasterly 188.88 feet, more or less,  to  a  point
25    46.50 feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
26    P.C. 2190+44.8; thence North 24 degrees 30 minutes 24 seconds
27    East  238.80  feet, more or less, to a point 46.50 feet right
28    of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station 2188+06;  thence
29    South  65 degrees 29 minutes 36 seconds East 30.00 feet, more
30    or less, to a  point  16.50  feet  right  of  and  normal  to
31    Railroad  Centerline Station 2188+06, being in the West right
32    of way line for said Railroad, also said Railroad  Centerline
33    Station  2188+06 being located South 24 degrees 30 minutes 24
34    seconds West 190.00 feet, more or less, from the intersection
HB2952 Engrossed            -5-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    of Railroad Centerline Station 2186+16 and the East  line  of
 2    Section 30; thence along said West railroad right of way line
 3    as  follows:  South  24  degrees  30  minutes 24 seconds West
 4    238.80 feet, more or less, to a point 16.50 feet right of and
 5    normal to Railroad Centerline Station P.C. 2190+44.8;  thence
 6    with the arc of a 1.5064 degrees railroad curve to the right,
 7    having  a  radius  of  3803.33  feet  and a chord of South 25
 8    degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds West 190.36 feet, more or less;
 9    thence Southwesterly 190.38 feet, more or less,  to  a  point
10    16.50 feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
11    2192+36;  thence continuing along said West railroad right of
12    way line, North 62 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds  West  16.50
13    feet, more or less, to a point 33.00 feet right of and normal
14    to  Railroad  Centerline Station 2192+36; thence with the arc
15    of a 1.5131 degrees railroad curve to  the  right,  having  a
16    radius  of  3786.83  feet  and a chord of South 28 degrees 55
17    minutes 26 seconds West 204.79 feet,  more  or  less;  thence
18    Southwesterly  204.81  feet,  more  or less, to a point 33.00
19    feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station  P.T.
20    2194+42.6; thence South 30 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds West
21    234.20 feet, more or less, to a point 33.00 feet right of and
22    normal  to Railroad Centerline Station P.C. 2196+76.8; thence
23    with the arc of a 1.4872 degrees railroad curve to the  left,
24    having  a radius 3852.83 feet and a chord of South 27 degrees
25    28 minutes 24 seconds West 403.28 feet, more or less;  thence
26    Southwesterly 403.47 feet, more or less, to a point 33.0 feet
27    right  of  and  normal  to  Railroad  Centerline Station P.T.
28    2200+76.8; thence South 24 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds West
29    89.43 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning, in  Will
30    County, Illinois.

31    The  Wabash Railroad Company Segment, being all those Parcels
32    of land donated to the People of the  State  of  Illinois  by
33    Deed  of  Donation  from  Norfolk and Western Railway Company
34    (hereinafter "Donor"), dated July 21, 1998, recorded  in  the
HB2952 Engrossed            -6-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    Will  County  Recorder's  Office  on  December  30,  1998, as
 2    Document No. R-98158252, said Parcels being more particularly
 3    described as follows, to wit:

 4    Parcel 1: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly  known
 5    as  the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway  Company  (now  Donor)
 6    abandoned  right  of way as now located and extra width right
 7    of way as now located in Section 29, Township 34 North, Range
 8    11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, all situated in  the
 9    County of Will, State of Illinois;

10    ALSO,

11    Parcel  2:  A  strip  of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
12    wide on each side of the center line of the  Wabash  Railroad
13    Company,  formerly  known  as  the Chicago and Strawn Railway
14    Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located  in
15    Sections  30  and 31, Township 34 North, Range 11 East of the
16    Third Principal Meridian, all situated in the County of Will,
17    State of Illinois;

18    ALSO,

19    Parcel 3: A strip of land 66 feet in  width,  being  33  feet
20    wide  on  each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
21    Company, formerly known as the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway
22    Company  (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located in
23    Section 6, Township 33 North, Range  11  East  of  the  Third
24    Principal Meridian and Section 1, Township 33 North, Range 10
25    East  of  the  Third  Principal Meridian, all situated in the
26    County of Will, State of Illinois;

27    ALSO,

28    Parcel 4: A strip of land 66 feet in  width,  being  33  feet
29    wide  on  each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
30    Company, formerly known as the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway
31    Company  (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located in
HB2952 Engrossed            -7-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    the Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter  of  Section  12,
 2    Township  33  North,  Range  10  East  of the Third Principal
 3    Meridian, all situated  in  the  County  of  Will,  State  of
 4    Illinois;

 5    ALSO,

 6    Parcel  5:  A  strip  of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
 7    wide on each side of the center line of the  Wabash  Railroad
 8    Company,  formerly  known  as  the Chicago and Strawn Railway
 9    Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located  in
10    the  Southwest Quarter of Section 12 and Northwest Quarter of
11    Section 13, Township 33 North, Range 10  East  of  the  Third
12    Principal Meridian, all situated in the County of Will, State
13    of Illinois;

14    ALSO,

15    Parcel  6:  A  strip  of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
16    wide on each side of the center line of the  Wabash  Railroad
17    Company,  formerly  known  as  the Chicago and Strawn Railway
18    Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located  in
19    Section  14,  Township  33  North, Range 10 East of the Third
20    Principal Meridian, all situated in the County of Will, State
21    of Illinois;

22    ALSO,

23    Parcel 7: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly  known
24    as  the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway  Company  (now  Donor)
25    abandoned  right  of way as now located and extra width right
26    of way as now located in Section 23, Township 33 North, Range
27    10 East of the Third Principal Meridian, all situated in  the
28    County of Will, State of Illinois;

29    ALSO,

30    Parcel  8:  A  strip  of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
HB2952 Engrossed            -8-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    wide on each side of the center track of the Wabash  Railroad
 2    Company,  formerly  known  as  the Chicago and Strawn Railway
 3    Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located  in
 4    Section  22,  Township  33  North, Range 10 East of the Third
 5    Principal Meridian, all situated in the County of Will, State
 6    of Illinois;

 7    ALSO,

 8    Parcel 9: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly  known
 9    as  the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway  Company  (now  Donor)
10    abandoned  right  of way as now located and extra width right
11    of way as now located in Section 27, Township 33 North, Range
12    10 East of the Third Principal Meridian, all situated in  the
13    County of Will, State of Illinois;

14    ALSO,

15    Parcel  10:  A  strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
16    wide on each side of the center line of the  Wabash  Railroad
17    Company,  formerly  known  as  the Chicago and Strawn Railway
18    Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located  in
19    Sections  28  and 33, Township 33 North, Range 10 East of the
20    Third Principal Meridian, excepting therefrom  that  part  of
21    said  abandoned  right of way falling in the East Half of the
22    Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 33 North, Range  10
23    East  of  the  Third  Principal Meridian, all situated in the
24    County of Will, State of Illinois;

25    ALSO,

26    Parcel 11: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly known
27    as  the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway  Company  (now  Donor)
28    abandoned right of way as now located and extra  width  right
29    of  way as now located in Section 5, Township 32 North, Range
30    10 East of the Third Principal Meridian, all situated in  the
31    County of Will, State of Illinois;

HB2952 Engrossed            -9-      LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    ALSO,

 2    Parcel 12: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly known
 3    as  the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway  Company  (now  Donor)
 4    abandoned  right  of way as now located and extra width right
 5    of way as now located in Section 8, Township 32 North,  Range
 6    10  East of the Third Principal Meridian, all situated in the
 7    County of Will, State of Illinois;

 8    ALSO,

 9    Parcel 13: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly known
10    as  the  Chicago  and  Strawn  Railway  Company  (now  Donor)
11    abandoned right of way as now located and extra  width  right
12    of way as now located in Sections 7, 18, and that part of the
13    Northwest  Quarter  of Section 19, lying Northeasterly of the
14    Northeasterly right of way line of Route 113, all in Township
15    32 North, Range 10 East  of  the  Third  Principal  Meridian,
16    excluding  that part of the Wabash Railroad Company abandoned
17    right of way, if any, as  now  located  across  the  Kankakee
18    River  in  the  Northwest  Quarter of Section 19, Township 32
19    North, Range 10 East of the  Third  Principal  Meridian,  all
20    situated in the County of Will, State of Illinois;

21    TOGETHER   WITH   Wabash  Railroad  Company's  (now  Donor's)
22    abandoned bridge and associated support piers located  across
23    the  Kankakee  River  in the Northwest Quarter of Section 19,
24    Township 32 North, Range  10  East  of  the  Third  Principal
25    Meridian, Will County, Illinois, said bridge being identified
26    as Bridge Number 1145;

27    LESS AND EXCEPT the following described property:

28    Tract  1:  That  part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18,
29    Township 32 North, Range  10  East  of  the  Third  Principal
30    Meridian,   Will  County,  Illinois,  described  as  follows:
31    Commencing at the Northwest corner of the  Southeast  Quarter
HB2952 Engrossed            -10-     LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    of  the  Northeast  Quarter of said Section 18; thence, North
 2    89° 17'39" East along the North line of the Southeast  Quarter
 3    of  the  Northeast  Quarter  of said Section 18 a distance of
 4    171.53 feet to  a  point;  thence,  North  38° 25'59"  East  a
 5    distance  of  132.68  feet  to  an  iron  rod;  thence, South
 6    51° 34'01" East a distance of 36.50 feet to a  railroad  spike
 7    being  on  the southeasterly right of way line of the Grantor
 8    (Norfolk  and  Western  Railway   Company);   thence,   South
 9    38° 25'59"  West  along last said right of way line a distance
10    of 432.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence,  continuing
11    South  38° 25'59"  West  along  said  last right of way line a
12    distance of  255.00  feet  to  an  iron  rod;  thence,  North
13    51° 34'01"  West  a  distance  of  38.00  feet to an iron rod;
14    thence, North 38° 25'59" East a distance of 255.00 feet to  an
15    iron  rod;  thence,  South 51° 34'01" East a distance of 38.00
16    feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.22 of an acre;

17    ALSO,

18    Tract 2: That part of the Northeast Quarter  of  Section  18,
19    Township  32  North,  Range  10  East  of the Third Principal
20    Meridian,  Will  County,  Illinois,  described  as   follows:
21    Commencing  at  the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter
22    of the Northeast Quarter of said Section  18;  thence,  North
23    89° 17'39"  East along the North line of the Southeast Quarter
24    of the Northeast Quarter of said Section  18  a  distance  of
25    171.53   feet  to  the  Point  of  Beginning;  thence,  North
26    38° 25'59" East a distance of 132.68  feet  to  an  iron  rod;
27    thence,  South  51° 34'01"  East a distance of 36.50 feet to a
28    railroad spike being on the southerly right of  way  line  of
29    the  Grantor  (Norfolk  and Western Railway Company); thence,
30    South 38° 25'59" West along the last said right of way line  a
31    distance  of  372.00  feet  to  an  iron  rod;  thence, North
32    51° 34'01" West a distance of  36.50  feet  to  an  iron  rod;
33    thence, North 38° 25'59" East a distance of 239.32 feet to the
HB2952 Engrossed            -11-     LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    Point of Beginning, containing 0.31 of an acre.

 2        Section  10.  Upon  the  payment  of the sum of $1 to the
 3    State of  Illinois,  Department  of  Natural  Resources,  and
 4    subject  to  the  conditions  set forth in Section 90 of this
 5    Act, the Director of the Department of Natural Resources,  on
 6    behalf of the State of Illinois, is authorized to execute and
 7    deliver  to  the  City  of  Pana,  an  Illinois unit of local
 8    government, a Quit Claim Deed to the following described real
 9    property in Christian County, Illinois, to wit:

10    Parcel 729-02-9:

11    A strip of land 20 feet in even width  off  of  the  Easterly
12    side of the following described tract of land:

13    That  portion  of  the  abandoned  Baltimore  & Ohio Railroad
14    right-of-way lying in the Northwest Quarter of the  Northwest
15    Quarter of Section 36, Township 12 North, Range 1 West of the
16    Third  Principal  Meridian, Christian County, Illinois, being
17    50 feet on either side of the originally  located  centerline
18    of  said  railroad,  more  particularly described as follows:
19    Beginning at the Northerly most corner of a triangular  tract
20    of  land  described  in  deed  recorded as Doc. No. 87-23700;
21    thence South 41 degrees 45 minutes 20  seconds  East,  770.45
22    feet  to the Southeasterly corner of said triangular tract of
23    land described in deed recorded as Doc. No. 87-23700;  thence
24    South  89  degrees  44  minutes 31 seconds East, 134.59 feet;
25    thence North 41 degrees 45 minutes 20  seconds  West,  971.55
26    feet  to  a  point  on  the  West Section line of Section 36;
27    thence South 00 degrees 15 minutes  23  seconds  West,  along
28    said  West  Section  line,  a  distance of 149.41 feet to the
29    Point of Beginning, containing 0.45 acres, more or less.

30        Section 15. The Director of  the  Department  of  Natural
31    Resources,  on  behalf  of  the  State  of  Illinois, for the
HB2952 Engrossed            -12-     LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    purpose of providing a safe detour route for the Tunnel  Hill
 2    State  Trail,  over  and  across  the  active  tracks  of the
 3    Burlington,  Northern  &  Santa  Fe   Railway   Company,   is
 4    authorized  to  exchange  certain  real  property  in Johnson
 5    County, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as Parcel "A",  for
 6    certain  real property of equal value in said County owned by
 7    said Railway Company, consisting  of  a  Fee  Simple  Parcel,
 8    hereinafter  referred  to  as  Parcel  "B",  and  a Perpetual
 9    Easement Parcel, hereinafter referred to as Parcel "C",  such
10    Parcels being described as follows, to wit:

11    Parcel  A:  Part  of  the  Southeast Quarter of the Northeast
12    Quarter of Section 31, Township 13 South, Range 3 East of the
13    Third Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Illinois, described
14    as follows:

15    Commencing  at  the   intersection   of   the   southwesterly
16    right-of-way  line  of  the  Burlington,  Northern & Santa Fe
17    Railway Company, hereinafter referred to as "BNSF",  and  the
18    southeasterly  line  of  the  abandoned  right-of-way  of the
19    Southern  Railway  Company  running  between  Harrisburg  and
20    Karnak, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as  the  "Abandoned
21    Railway";  thence  northeasterly on the southeasterly line of
22    the Abandoned Railway, to a point 25  feet  normally  distant
23    from  the  southwesterly  right-of-way line of the BNSF, said
24    point  being  the  Point  of  Beginning  of  the  land  being
25    described;   thence   continuing   northeasterly    on    the
26    southeasterly  line  of  the  Abandoned  Railway,  to a point
27    southerly  of  and  25  feet  normally   distant   from   the
28    northeasterly   right-of-way   line   of   the  BNSF;  thence
29    northwesterly parallel with the centerline of the BNSF, to  a
30    point  on  the  northwesterly  line of the Abandoned Railway;
31    thence southwesterly on said line of the  Abandoned  Railway,
32    to its intersection with a line that passes through the Point
33    of Beginning and is parallel with the centerline of the BNSF;
HB2952 Engrossed            -13-     LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1    thence southeasterly to the Point of Beginning.

 2    Parcel  B:  A  strip of land 25 feet in even width off of the
 3    northeasterly side of the  right-of-way  of  the  Burlington,
 4    Northern  & Santa Fe Railway Company, bounded on the westerly
 5    end by the southeasterly line of the  abandoned  right-of-way
 6    of  the  Southern  Railway Company running between Harrisburg
 7    and Karnak, Illinois, and bounded on the easterly end by  the
 8    northwesterly right-of-way line of Belknap Road;

 9    ALSO,

10    A   strip   of  land  25  feet  in  even  width  off  of  the
11    southwesterly side of the  right-of-way  of  the  Burlington,
12    Northern  & Santa Fe Railway Company, bounded on the westerly
13    end by the southeasterly line of the  abandoned  right-of-way
14    of  the  Southern  Railway Company running between Harrisburg
15    and Karnak, Illinois, and bounded on the easterly end by  the
16    northwesterly right-of-way line of Belknap Road;

17    All  in  the  Southeast  Quarter  of the Northeast Quarter of
18    Section 31, Township 13 South, Range  3  East  of  the  Third
19    Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Illinois.

20    Parcel  C:  A  strip  of  land  25 feet in even width running
21    between the southwesterly and the northeasterly lines of  the
22    right-of-way  of  the Burlington, Northern & Santa Fe Railway
23    Company, said strip adjoining, being parallel with, and lying
24    westerly of the northwesterly right-of-way  line  of  Belknap
25    Road,   EXCEPTING   25   feet   in  even  width  off  of  the
26    northeasterly and southwesterly  ends  thereof,  as  measured
27    normal  to  the respective right-of-way lines of said Railway
28    Company;

29    All in the Southeast Quarter  of  the  Northeast  Quarter  of
30    Section  31,  Township  13  South,  Range 3 East of the Third
31    Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Illinois.
HB2952 Engrossed            -14-     LRB093 03669 SJM 03699 b
 1        Section 90.  The conveyance of real  property  authorized
 2    by  Section 5 or 10 of this Act shall be made subject to: (1)
 3    existing public utilities, existing public roads, and any and
 4    all reservations,  easements,  covenants,  encumbrances,  and
 5    restrictions of record; and (2) the express condition that if
 6    said  real  property  ever  ceases  to  be  used  for  public
 7    recreation  purposes,  the  title thereto shall revert to the
 8    State of Illinois,  Department  of  Natural  Resources,  said
 9    condition to run with the land.

10        Section 99.  This Act takes effect upon becoming law.