Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJR0030
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJR0030  097th General Assembly




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2    WHEREAS, The astronomical number of vacant homes and "for
3sale" signs in Illinois communities reveal the dramatic impact
4the current economic crisis has had on homeowners throughout
5this State; and
6    WHEREAS, In the third quarter of 2010, Illinois posted the
7nation's fourth largest foreclosure activity total, with
847,802 properties receiving foreclosure filings, according to
9Realty Trac; and
10    WHEREAS, The foreclosure and housing crisis is a setback in
11years of gains Illinoisans had achieved in the frontiers of
12homeownership and wealth creation; for the first time, there
13seems to be a regressive pattern where homeowners are moving
14towards becoming homeless; these alarming statistics are the
15impetus for public intervention that will examine and provide
16direction on the residential mortgage foreclosure crisis and
17housing availability in this State; and
18    WHEREAS, Communities throughout this State are in need of
19additional resources to creatively respond to the detrimental
20issues caused by the enormous tide of foreclosures and the
21housing crisis; and



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1    WHEREAS, The Comprehensive Housing Planning Act created
2the State Housing Task Force, which is charged with creating a
3comprehensive and unified policy for the allocation of
4resources for affordable housing and supportive services for
5historically underserved populations throughout the State, in
6order to accomplish the following:
7    (1) address the need to make available quality housing at a
8variety of price points in communities throughout the State;
9    (2) overcome the shortage of affordable housing, which
10threatens the viability of many communities;
11    (3) meet the need for safe, sanitary, and accessible
12affordable housing and supportive services for people with
14    (4) promote a full range of quality housing choices near
15jobs, transit, and other amenities;
16    (5) meet the needs of constituencies that have been
17historically underserved and segregated due to barriers and
18trends in the existing housing market or insufficient
20    (6) facilitate the preservation of ownership of existing
21homes and rental housing in communities;
22    (7) create new housing opportunities and, where
23appropriate, promote mixed-income communities; and
24    (8) encourage development of State incentives for
25communities to create a mix of housing to meet the needs of
26current and future residents; and



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1    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois' Annual 2011 Comprehensive
2Housing Plan published by the State Housing Task Force
3prioritizes foreclosure prevention and mitigation; and
4    WHEREAS, The duties of the State Housing Task Force clearly
5encompass the ability to study and make recommendations on the
6impact of foreclosures on Illinois residents and communities;
8    WHEREAS, Recognizing the solutions to the foreclosure
9crisis are as complex as the issue, there is a pressing need
10for the State Housing Task Force to pursue strategies advancing
11foreclosure prevention, mitigation, and actions to redevelop
12impacted communities; therefore, be it
15CONCURRING HEREIN, that the Task Force shall meet to organize
16and select a Foreclosure Prevention and Mitigation Working
17Group (the "Foreclosure Working Group"), of which the
18chairperson shall be the Executive Director of the Illinois
19Housing Development Authority or a designee and the
20co-chairperson will be a non-governmental Foreclosure Working
21Group member elected by the Foreclosure Working Group; and be
22it further



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1    RESOLVED, That the Foreclosure Working Group shall be
2comprised of a range of constituencies and stakeholders that
3can contribute to the study of the foreclosure crisis and
4formulate recommendations to address the impact of foreclosure
5on communities, and may include Task Force members and
6additional experts to provide a thorough and comprehensive
7foreclosure prevention, mitigation and impact strategy; the
8members shall be, with vacancies to be filled in the same
9manner as original selections, as follows:
10    (1) one member of the Senate appointed by the President of
11the Senate and one member of the Senate appointed by the
12Minority Leader of the Senate;
13    (2) one member of the House of Representatives appointed by
14the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and one member of
15the House of Representatives appointed by the Minority Leader
16of the House of Representatives;
17    (3) representatives of the housing industry,
18not-for-profit community, and private financial institutions
19appointed by the Task Force with at least:
20        (A) two representatives of certified HUD housing
21    organizations that provides services to homeowners at risk
22    of losing their home to foreclosure;
23        (B) one representative from academia with a background
24    or expertise in housing trends and financial regulations;
25        (C) one representative of a non-profit legal



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1    organization that has experience with the foreclosure
2    process;
3        (D) one person with a background in affordable housing
4    issues;
5        (E) two persons with a background in housing policy and
6    research;
7        (F) one homeowner who has been impacted by the
8    foreclosure crisis in Illinois; and
9        (G) one representative of a local financial or lending
10    institution;
11    (4) representatives of governmental agencies familiar with
12the foreclosure and housing crisis appointed by the Task Force:
13        (A) one representative of the Division of Banking
14    within the Department of Financial and Professional
15    Regulation;
16        (B) one representative of the Illinois Housing
17    Development Authority's Neighborhood Stabilization
18    Program;
19        (C) one representative of the Office of the Attorney
20    General that works directly with housing subprime lending
21    patterns and the foreclosure mitigation process; and
22        (D) one representative of the Department of Human
23    Services' Homeless Prevention Program; and be it further
24    RESOLVED, That the Foreclosure Working Group will serve for
25a period of not less than 2 years from the date of the first



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1Working Group meeting; and may continue to serve for an
2extended period at the recommendation of the Working Group
3members based on the need to address foreclosure prevention,
4mitigation, and impact issues; and be it further
5    RESOLVED, That the Working Group shall meet at least 4
6times a year at the call of the chairperson; members of the
7Foreclosure Working Group shall serve without compensation.
8Members of the State Housing Task Force may be reimbursed for
9reasonable expenses incurred as a result of their duties as
10members of the Task Force from funds appropriated by the
11General Assembly for that purpose; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That the Illinois Housing Development Authority
13shall provide staffing, administrative, and financial support
14to the Foreclosure Working Group; and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That the duties of the Foreclosure Working Group
16shall include all of the following:
17    (1) monitor the emerging housing problems in Illinois and
18make recommendations concerning these issues; and
19    (2) oversee actions to prevent foreclosures and mitigate
20their impact on local communities; and
21    (3) oversee and provide insight about the rebuilding
22process caused by the housing crisis and provide a
23comprehensive and holistic approach to the rebuilding process;



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2    (4) divide the work of the Foreclosure Working into 2
3primary focus areas as follows:
4        (A) Foreclosure Impact: This area shall be responsible
5    for monitoring the foreclosure activity in Illinois and
6    determining approaches to mitigate the impact on local
7    communities;
8        (B) Housing Education and Outreach: This area shall be
9    responsible for recommending outreach, counseling, and
10    education programs focused on foreclosure prevention and
11    other affordable housing programs needed to stabilize
12    communities in Illinois; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That the State Housing Task Force shall submit an
14addendum to reports required by the Comprehensive Housing
15Planning Act, which shall include Foreclosure Working Group
16recommendations for effective policy advisements regarding
17housing policies and funding mechanisms to address the
18foreclosure and housing crisis, and shall provide an update on
19general housing trends affecting the residents in this State.