Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3035
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3035  098th General Assembly



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1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Disaster Relief Act is amended by changing
5Section 3 as follows:
6    (15 ILCS 30/3)  (from Ch. 127, par. 293.3)
7    Sec. 3. Whenever funds regularly appropriated to the State
8and local governmental bodies for disaster response and
9recovery are insufficient to provide services, and when the
10Governor has declared a disaster by proclamation in accordance
11with Section 7 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act
12or any successor Act, the Governor may draw upon the Disaster
13Response and Recovery Relief Fund in order to provide services
14or to reimburse local governmental bodies furnishing services.
15The fund may be used for the payment of emergency employees,
16for the payment of the Illinois National Guard when called to
17active duty, for disaster-related expenses of State Agencies
18and Departments, and for the emergency purchase or renting of
19equipment and commodities. The fund shall be used for
20furnishing emergency services and relief to the disaster area
21as a whole and shall not be used to provide private relief to
22persons sustaining property damages or personal injury as a
23result of a disaster.



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1(Source: P.A. 87-168.)
2    Section 10. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act is
3amended by changing Sections 5, 8, and 9 as follows:
4    (20 ILCS 3305/5)  (from Ch. 127, par. 1055)
5    Sec. 5. Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
6    (a) There is created within the executive branch of the
7State Government an Illinois Emergency Management Agency and a
8Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, herein
9called the "Director" who shall be the head thereof. The
10Director shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice
11and consent of the Senate, and shall serve for a term of 2
12years beginning on the third Monday in January of the
13odd-numbered year, and until a successor is appointed and has
14qualified; except that the term of the first Director appointed
15under this Act shall expire on the third Monday in January,
161989. The Director shall not hold any other remunerative public
17office. The Director shall receive an annual salary as set by
18the Compensation Review Board.
19    (b) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall obtain,
20under the provisions of the Personnel Code, technical,
21clerical, stenographic and other administrative personnel, and
22may make expenditures within the appropriation therefor as may
23be necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act. The agency
24created by this Act is intended to be a successor to the agency



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1created under the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster
2Agency Act of 1975 and the personnel, equipment, records, and
3appropriations of that agency are transferred to the successor
4agency as of the effective date of this Act.
5    (c) The Director, subject to the direction and control of
6the Governor, shall be the executive head of the Illinois
7Emergency Management Agency and the State Emergency Response
8Commission and shall be responsible under the direction of the
9Governor, for carrying out the program for emergency management
10of this State. The Director shall also maintain liaison and
11cooperate with the emergency management organizations of this
12State and other states and of the federal government.
13    (d) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall take an
14integral part in the development and revision of political
15subdivision emergency operations plans prepared under
16paragraph (f) of Section 10. To this end it shall employ or
17otherwise secure the services of professional and technical
18personnel capable of providing expert assistance to the
19emergency services and disaster agencies. These personnel
20shall consult with emergency services and disaster agencies on
21a regular basis and shall make field examinations of the areas,
22circumstances, and conditions that particular political
23subdivision emergency operations plans are intended to apply.
24    (e) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency and political
25subdivisions shall be encouraged to form an emergency
26management advisory committee composed of private and public



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1personnel representing the emergency management phases of
2mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The Local
3Emergency Planning Committee, as created under the Illinois
4Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, shall serve
5as an advisory committee to the emergency services and disaster
6agency or agencies serving within the boundaries of that Local
7Emergency Planning Committee planning district for:
8        (1) the development of emergency operations plan
9    provisions for hazardous chemical emergencies; and
10        (2) the assessment of emergency response capabilities
11    related to hazardous chemical emergencies.
12    (f) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall:
13        (1) Coordinate the overall emergency management
14    program of the State.
15        (2) Cooperate with local governments, the federal
16    government and any public or private agency or entity in
17    achieving any purpose of this Act and in implementing
18    emergency management programs for mitigation,
19    preparedness, response, and recovery.
20        (2.5) Develop a comprehensive emergency preparedness
21    and response plan for any nuclear accident in accordance
22    with Section 65 of the Department of Nuclear Safety Law of
23    2004 (20 ILCS 3310) and in development of the Illinois
24    Nuclear Safety Preparedness program in accordance with
25    Section 8 of the Illinois Nuclear Safety Preparedness Act.
26        (2.6) Coordinate with the Department of Public Health



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1    with respect to planning for and responding to public
2    health emergencies.
3        (3) Prepare, for issuance by the Governor, executive
4    orders, proclamations, and regulations as necessary or
5    appropriate in coping with disasters.
6        (4) Promulgate rules and requirements for political
7    subdivision emergency operations plans that are not
8    inconsistent with and are at least as stringent as
9    applicable federal laws and regulations.
10        (5) Review and approve, in accordance with Illinois
11    Emergency Management Agency rules, emergency operations
12    plans for those political subdivisions required to have an
13    emergency services and disaster agency pursuant to this
14    Act.
15        (5.5) Promulgate rules and requirements for the
16    political subdivision emergency management exercises,
17    including, but not limited to, exercises of the emergency
18    operations plans.
19        (5.10) Review, evaluate, and approve, in accordance
20    with Illinois Emergency Management Agency rules, political
21    subdivision emergency management exercises for those
22    political subdivisions required to have an emergency
23    services and disaster agency pursuant to this Act.
24        (6) Determine requirements of the State and its
25    political subdivisions for food, clothing, and other
26    necessities in event of a disaster.



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1        (7) Establish a register of persons with types of
2    emergency management training and skills in mitigation,
3    preparedness, response, and recovery.
4        (8) Establish a register of government and private
5    response resources available for use in a disaster.
6        (9) Expand the Earthquake Awareness Program and its
7    efforts to distribute earthquake preparedness materials to
8    schools, political subdivisions, community groups, civic
9    organizations, and the media. Emphasis will be placed on
10    those areas of the State most at risk from an earthquake.
11    Maintain the list of all school districts, hospitals,
12    airports, power plants, including nuclear power plants,
13    lakes, dams, emergency response facilities of all types,
14    and all other major public or private structures which are
15    at the greatest risk of damage from earthquakes under
16    circumstances where the damage would cause subsequent harm
17    to the surrounding communities and residents.
18        (10) Disseminate all information, completely and
19    without delay, on water levels for rivers and streams and
20    any other data pertaining to potential flooding supplied by
21    the Division of Water Resources within the Department of
22    Natural Resources to all political subdivisions to the
23    maximum extent possible.
24        (11) Develop agreements, if feasible, with medical
25    supply and equipment firms to supply resources as are
26    necessary to respond to an earthquake or any other disaster



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1    as defined in this Act. These resources will be made
2    available upon notifying the vendor of the disaster.
3    Payment for the resources will be in accordance with
4    Section 7 of this Act. The Illinois Department of Public
5    Health shall determine which resources will be required and
6    requested.
7        (11.5) In coordination with the Department of State
8    Police, develop and implement a community outreach program
9    to promote awareness among the State's parents and children
10    of child abduction prevention and response.
11        (12) Out of funds appropriated for these purposes,
12    award capital and non-capital grants to Illinois hospitals
13    or health care facilities located outside of a city with a
14    population in excess of 1,000,000 to be used for purposes
15    that include, but are not limited to, preparing to respond
16    to mass casualties and disasters, maintaining and
17    improving patient safety and quality of care, and
18    protecting the confidentiality of patient information. No
19    single grant for a capital expenditure shall exceed
20    $300,000. No single grant for a non-capital expenditure
21    shall exceed $100,000. In awarding such grants, preference
22    shall be given to hospitals that serve a significant number
23    of Medicaid recipients, but do not qualify for
24    disproportionate share hospital adjustment payments under
25    the Illinois Public Aid Code. To receive such a grant, a
26    hospital or health care facility must provide funding of at



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1    least 50% of the cost of the project for which the grant is
2    being requested. In awarding such grants the Illinois
3    Emergency Management Agency shall consider the
4    recommendations of the Illinois Hospital Association.
5        (13) Do all other things necessary, incidental or
6    appropriate for the implementation of this Act.
7    (g) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency is authorized
8to make grants to various higher education institutions for
9safety and security improvements. For the purpose of this
10subsection (g), "higher education institution" means a public
11university, a public community college, or an independent,
12not-for-profit or for-profit higher education institution
13located in this State. Grants made under this subsection (g)
14shall be paid out of moneys appropriated for that purpose from
15the Build Illinois Bond Fund. The Illinois Emergency Management
16Agency shall adopt rules to implement this subsection (g).
17These rules may specify: (i) the manner of applying for grants;
18(ii) project eligibility requirements; (iii) restrictions on
19the use of grant moneys; (iv) the manner in which the various
20higher education institutions must account for the use of grant
21moneys; and (v) any other provision that the Illinois Emergency
22Management Agency determines to be necessary or useful for the
23administration of this subsection (g).
24    (h) Except as provided in Section 17.5 of this Act, any
25moneys received by the Agency from donations or sponsorships
26shall be deposited in the Emergency Planning and Training Fund



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1and used by the Agency, subject to appropriation, to effectuate
2planning and training activities.
3(Source: P.A. 96-800, eff. 10-30-09; 96-820, eff. 11-18-09;
496-1000, eff. 7-2-10.)
5    (20 ILCS 3305/8)  (from Ch. 127, par. 1058)
6    Sec. 8. Mobile Support Teams.
7    (a) The Governor or Director may cause to be created Mobile
8Support Teams to aid and to reinforce the Illinois Emergency
9Management Agency, and emergency services and disaster
10agencies in areas stricken by disaster. Each mobile support
11team shall have a leader, selected by the Director who will be
12responsible, under the direction and control of the Director,
13for the organization, administration, and training, and
14operation of the mobile support team.
15    (b) Personnel of a mobile support team while on duty
16pursuant to such a call or while engaged in regularly scheduled
17training or exercises, whether within or without the State,
18shall either:
19        (1) If they are paid employees of the State, have the
20    powers, duties, rights, privileges and immunities and
21    receive the compensation incidental to their employment.
22        (2) If they are paid employees of a political
23    subdivision or body politic of this State, and whether
24    serving within or without that political subdivision or
25    body politic, have the powers, duties, rights, privileges



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1    and immunities, and receive the compensation incidental to
2    their employment.
3        (3) If they are not employees of the State, political
4    subdivision or body politic, or being such employees, are
5    not normally paid for their services, be entitled to at
6    least one dollar per year compensation from the State.
7    Personnel of a mobile support team who suffer disease,
8injury or death arising out of or in the course of emergency
9duty, shall for the purposes of benefits under the Workers'
10Compensation Act or Workers' Occupational Diseases Act only, be
11deemed to be employees of this State. If the person diseased,
12injured or killed is an employee described in item (3) above,
13the computation of benefits payable under either of those Acts
14shall be based on income commensurate with comparable State
15employees doing the same type of work or income from the
16person's regular employment, whichever is greater.
17    All personnel of mobile support teams shall, while on duty
18under such call, be reimbursed by this State for all actual and
19necessary travel and subsistence expenses.
20    (c) The State shall reimburse each political subdivision or
21body politic from the Disaster Response and Recovery Relief
22Fund for the compensation paid and the actual and necessary
23travel, subsistence and maintenance expenses of paid employees
24of the political subdivision or body politic while serving,
25outside of its geographical boundaries pursuant to such a call,
26as members of a mobile support team, and for all payments made



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1for death, disease or injury of those paid employees arising
2out of and incurred in the course of that duty, and for all
3losses of or damage to supplies and equipment of the political
4subdivision or body politic resulting from the operations.
5    (d) Whenever mobile support teams or units of another
6state, while the Governor has the emergency powers provided for
7under Section 7 of this Act, render aid to this State under the
8orders of the Governor of its home state and upon the request
9of the Governor of this State, all questions relating to
10reimbursement by this State to the other state and its citizens
11in regard to the assistance so rendered shall be determined by
12the mutual aid agreements or interstate compacts described in
13subparagraph (5) of paragraph (c) of Section 6 as are existing
14at the time of the assistance rendered or are entered into
15thereafter and under Section 303 (d) of the Federal Civil
16Defense Act of 1950.
17    (e) No personnel of mobile support teams of this State may
18be ordered by the Governor to operate in any other state unless
19a request for the same has been made by the Governor or duly
20authorized representative of the other state.
21(Source: P.A. 92-73, eff. 1-1-02.)
22    (20 ILCS 3305/9)  (from Ch. 127, par. 1059)
23    Sec. 9. Financing.
24    (a) It is the intent of the Legislature and declared to be
25the policy of the State that funds to meet disasters shall



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1always be available.
2    (b) It is the legislative intent that the first recourse
3shall be to funds regularly appropriated to State and political
4subdivision departments and agencies. If the Governor finds
5that the demands placed upon these funds in coping with a
6particular disaster are unreasonably great, the Governor may
7make funds available from the Disaster Response and Recovery
8Relief Fund. If monies available from the Fund are
9insufficient, and if the Governor finds that other sources of
10money to cope with the disaster are not available or are
11insufficient, the Governor shall request the General Assembly
12to enact legislation as it may deem necessary to transfer and
13expend monies appropriated for other purposes or borrow, for a
14term not to exceed 2 years from the United States government or
15other public or private source. If the General Assembly is not
16sitting in regular session to enact such legislation for the
17transfer, expenditure or loan of such monies, and the President
18of the Senate and the Speaker of the House certify that the
19Senate and House are not in session, the Governor is authorized
20to carry out those decisions, by depositing transfers or loan
21proceeds into and making expenditures from the Disaster
22Response and Recovery Relief Fund, until such time as a quorum
23of the General Assembly can convene in a regular or
24extraordinary session. The General Assembly shall, to the
25extent moneys become available, restore moneys used from other
26sources under this Section.



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1    (c) Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to
2limit the Governor's authority to apply for, administer and
3expend grants, gifts or payments in aid of disaster mitigation,
4preparedness, response or recovery.
5(Source: P.A. 92-73, eff. 1-1-02; 93-249, eff. 7-22-03.)
6    Section 15. The Emergency Management Assistance Compact
7Act is amended by adding Section 10 as follows:
8    (45 ILCS 151/10 new)
9    Sec. 10. Reimbursements and expenses. The Illinois
10Emergency Management Agency as the authorized representative
11of the State may use the Disaster Response and Recovery Fund to
12deposit any reimbursements received from a party state and to
13pay any expenses incurred relating to this Act.
14    Section 20. The Illinois Emergency Planning and Community
15Right to Know Act is amended by changing Section 18 as follows:
16    (430 ILCS 100/18)  (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 7718)
17    Sec. 18. Penalties.
18    (a) Any person who violates any requirement of Section 9,
1910, 11, 12, or 14 of this Act shall be liable for a civil
20penalty in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for each violation.
21In the case of a second or subsequent violation of Section 10,
22the civil penalty shall not exceed $75,000 for each day during



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1which the violation continues.
2    (b) Any person who knowingly fails to provide immediate
3notification of a release in violation of Section 10 of this
4Act, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony, and in addition to
5any other penalty prescribed by law is subject to a fine not to
6exceed $25,000 for each day of the violation. In the case of a
7second or subsequent conviction, the person shall be guilty of
8a Class 3 felony, and in addition to any other penalty
9prescribed by law is subject to a fine not to exceed $50,000
10for each day of the violation.
11    (c) All civil penalties and fines collected under this
12Section shall be deposited in the Emergency Planning and
13Training Fund, which that is hereby created as a special fund
14in the State Treasury, and may shall be used by IEMA, pursuant
15to appropriation, for its activities arising under this Act and
16the Federal Act, including providing financial support for
17local emergency planning committees and for training
18initiatives authorized by IEMA.
19(Source: P.A. 86-449; 87-168.)
20    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
21becoming law.