Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0352
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0352  098th General Assembly



SB0352 EnrolledLRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    AN ACT concerning revenue.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing Section 2
5as follows:
6    (35 ILCS 105/2)  (from Ch. 120, par. 439.2)
7    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 98-628)
8    Sec. 2. Definitions.
9"Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or power
10over tangible personal property incident to the ownership of
11that property, except that it does not include the sale of such
12property in any form as tangible personal property in the
13regular course of business to the extent that such property is
14not first subjected to a use for which it was purchased, and
15does not include the use of such property by its owner for
16demonstration purposes: Provided that the property purchased
17is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of resale, despite
18first being used, to the extent to which it is resold as an
19ingredient of an intentionally produced product or by-product
20of manufacturing. "Use" does not mean the demonstration use or
21interim use of tangible personal property by a retailer before
22he sells that tangible personal property. For watercraft or
23aircraft, if the period of demonstration use or interim use by



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1the retailer exceeds 18 months, the retailer shall pay on the
2retailers' original cost price the tax imposed by this Act, and
3no credit for that tax is permitted if the watercraft or
4aircraft is subsequently sold by the retailer. "Use" does not
5mean the physical incorporation of tangible personal property,
6to the extent not first subjected to a use for which it was
7purchased, as an ingredient or constituent, into other tangible
8personal property (a) which is sold in the regular course of
9business or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient
10or constituent therein has undertaken at the time of such
11purchase to cause to be transported in interstate commerce to
12destinations outside the State of Illinois: Provided that the
13property purchased is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of
14resale, despite first being used, to the extent to which it is
15resold as an ingredient of an intentionally produced product or
16by-product of manufacturing.
17    "Watercraft" means a Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4
18watercraft as defined in Section 3-2 of the Boat Registration
19and Safety Act, a personal watercraft, or any boat equipped
20with an inboard motor.
21    "Purchase at retail" means the acquisition of the ownership
22of or title to tangible personal property through a sale at
24    "Purchaser" means anyone who, through a sale at retail,
25acquires the ownership of tangible personal property for a
26valuable consideration.



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1    "Sale at retail" means any transfer of the ownership of or
2title to tangible personal property to a purchaser, for the
3purpose of use, and not for the purpose of resale in any form
4as tangible personal property to the extent not first subjected
5to a use for which it was purchased, for a valuable
6consideration: Provided that the property purchased is deemed
7to be purchased for the purpose of resale, despite first being
8used, to the extent to which it is resold as an ingredient of
9an intentionally produced product or by-product of
10manufacturing. For this purpose, slag produced as an incident
11to manufacturing pig iron or steel and sold is considered to be
12an intentionally produced by-product of manufacturing. "Sale
13at retail" includes any such transfer made for resale unless
14made in compliance with Section 2c of the Retailers' Occupation
15Tax Act, as incorporated by reference into Section 12 of this
16Act. Transactions whereby the possession of the property is
17transferred but the seller retains the title as security for
18payment of the selling price are sales.
19    "Sale at retail" shall also be construed to include any
20Illinois florist's sales transaction in which the purchase
21order is received in Illinois by a florist and the sale is for
22use or consumption, but the Illinois florist has a florist in
23another state deliver the property to the purchaser or the
24purchaser's donee in such other state.
25    Nonreusable tangible personal property that is used by
26persons engaged in the business of operating a restaurant,



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1cafeteria, or drive-in is a sale for resale when it is
2transferred to customers in the ordinary course of business as
3part of the sale of food or beverages and is used to deliver,
4package, or consume food or beverages, regardless of where
5consumption of the food or beverages occurs. Examples of those
6items include, but are not limited to nonreusable, paper and
7plastic cups, plates, baskets, boxes, sleeves, buckets or other
8containers, utensils, straws, placemats, napkins, doggie bags,
9and wrapping or packaging materials that are transferred to
10customers as part of the sale of food or beverages in the
11ordinary course of business.
12    The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
13personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
14of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
15purchase, use or sale of tangible personal property.
16    "Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued
17in money whether received in money or otherwise, including
18cash, credits, property other than as hereinafter provided, and
19services, but not including the value of or credit given for
20traded-in tangible personal property where the item that is
21traded-in is of like kind and character as that which is being
22sold, and shall be determined without any deduction on account
23of the cost of the property sold, the cost of materials used,
24labor or service cost or any other expense whatsoever, but does
25not include interest or finance charges which appear as
26separate items on the bill of sale or sales contract nor



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1charges that are added to prices by sellers on account of the
2seller's tax liability under the "Retailers' Occupation Tax
3Act", or on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
4purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this Act, or, except as
5otherwise provided with respect to any cigarette tax imposed by
6a home rule unit, on account of the seller's tax liability
7under any local occupation tax administered by the Department,
8or, except as otherwise provided with respect to any cigarette
9tax imposed by a home rule unit on account of the seller's duty
10to collect, from the purchasers, the tax that is imposed under
11any local use tax administered by the Department. Effective
12December 1, 1985, "selling price" shall include charges that
13are added to prices by sellers on account of the seller's tax
14liability under the Cigarette Tax Act, on account of the
15seller's duty to collect, from the purchaser, the tax imposed
16under the Cigarette Use Tax Act, and on account of the seller's
17duty to collect, from the purchaser, any cigarette tax imposed
18by a home rule unit.
19    The phrase "like kind and character" shall be liberally
20construed (including but not limited to any form of motor
21vehicle for any form of motor vehicle, or any kind of farm or
22agricultural implement for any other kind of farm or
23agricultural implement), while not including a kind of item
24which, if sold at retail by that retailer, would be exempt from
25retailers' occupation tax and use tax as an isolated or
26occasional sale.



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1    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
2    "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
3association, joint stock company, joint adventure, public or
4private corporation, limited liability company, or a receiver,
5executor, trustee, guardian or other representative appointed
6by order of any court.
7    "Retailer" means and includes every person engaged in the
8business of making sales at retail as defined in this Section.
9    A person who holds himself or herself out as being engaged
10(or who habitually engages) in selling tangible personal
11property at retail is a retailer hereunder with respect to such
12sales (and not primarily in a service occupation)
13notwithstanding the fact that such person designs and produces
14such tangible personal property on special order for the
15purchaser and in such a way as to render the property of value
16only to such purchaser, if such tangible personal property so
17produced on special order serves substantially the same
18function as stock or standard items of tangible personal
19property that are sold at retail.
20    A person whose activities are organized and conducted
21primarily as a not-for-profit service enterprise, and who
22engages in selling tangible personal property at retail
23(whether to the public or merely to members and their guests)
24is a retailer with respect to such transactions, excepting only
25a person organized and operated exclusively for charitable,
26religious or educational purposes either (1), to the extent of



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1sales by such person to its members, students, patients or
2inmates of tangible personal property to be used primarily for
3the purposes of such person, or (2), to the extent of sales by
4such person of tangible personal property which is not sold or
5offered for sale by persons organized for profit. The selling
6of school books and school supplies by schools at retail to
7students is not "primarily for the purposes of" the school
8which does such selling. This paragraph does not apply to nor
9subject to taxation occasional dinners, social or similar
10activities of a person organized and operated exclusively for
11charitable, religious or educational purposes, whether or not
12such activities are open to the public.
13    A person who is the recipient of a grant or contract under
14Title VII of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (P.L. 92-258) and
15serves meals to participants in the federal Nutrition Program
16for the Elderly in return for contributions established in
17amount by the individual participant pursuant to a schedule of
18suggested fees as provided for in the federal Act is not a
19retailer under this Act with respect to such transactions.
20    Persons who engage in the business of transferring tangible
21personal property upon the redemption of trading stamps are
22retailers hereunder when engaged in such business.
23    The isolated or occasional sale of tangible personal
24property at retail by a person who does not hold himself out as
25being engaged (or who does not habitually engage) in selling
26such tangible personal property at retail or a sale through a



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1bulk vending machine does not make such person a retailer
2hereunder. However, any person who is engaged in a business
3which is not subject to the tax imposed by the "Retailers'
4Occupation Tax Act" because of involving the sale of or a
5contract to sell real estate or a construction contract to
6improve real estate, but who, in the course of conducting such
7business, transfers tangible personal property to users or
8consumers in the finished form in which it was purchased, and
9which does not become real estate, under any provision of a
10construction contract or real estate sale or real estate sales
11agreement entered into with some other person arising out of or
12because of such nontaxable business, is a retailer to the
13extent of the value of the tangible personal property so
14transferred. If, in such transaction, a separate charge is made
15for the tangible personal property so transferred, the value of
16such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the amount so
17separately charged, but not less than the cost of such property
18to the transferor; if no separate charge is made, the value of
19such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the cost to the
20transferor of such tangible personal property.
21    "Retailer maintaining a place of business in this State",
22or any like term, means and includes any of the following
24        1. A retailer having or maintaining within this State,
25    directly or by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house,
26    sales house, warehouse or other place of business, or any



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1    agent or other representative operating within this State
2    under the authority of the retailer or its subsidiary,
3    irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
4    other representative is located here permanently or
5    temporarily, or whether such retailer or subsidiary is
6    licensed to do business in this State. However, the
7    ownership of property that is located at the premises of a
8    printer with which the retailer has contracted for printing
9    and that consists of the final printed product, property
10    that becomes a part of the final printed product, or copy
11    from which the printed product is produced shall not result
12    in the retailer being deemed to have or maintain an office,
13    distribution house, sales house, warehouse, or other place
14    of business within this State.
15        1.1. A Beginning July 1, 2011, a retailer having a
16    contract with a person located in this State under which
17    the person, for a commission or other consideration based
18    upon the sale of tangible personal property by the
19    retailer, directly or indirectly refers potential
20    customers to the retailer by providing to the potential
21    customers a promotional code or other mechanism that allows
22    the retailer to track purchases referred by such persons.
23    Examples of mechanisms that allow the retailer to track
24    purchases referred by such persons include but are not
25    limited to the use of a link on the person's Internet
26    website, promotional codes distributed through the



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1    person's hand-delivered or mailed material, and
2    promotional codes distributed by the person through radio
3    or other broadcast media. The provisions of this paragraph
4    1.1 shall apply only if the cumulative gross receipts from
5    sales of tangible personal property by the retailer to
6    customers who are referred to the retailer by all persons
7    in this State under such contracts exceed $10,000 during
8    the preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
9    March, June, September, and December. A retailer meeting
10    the requirements of this paragraph 1.1 shall be presumed to
11    be maintaining a place of business in this State but may
12    rebut this presumption by submitting proof that the
13    referrals or other activities pursued within this State by
14    such persons were not sufficient to meet the nexus
15    standards of the United States Constitution during the
16    preceding 4 quarterly periods.
17        1.2. Beginning July 1, 2011, a retailer having a
18    contract with a person located in this State under which:
19            A. the retailer sells the same or substantially
20        similar line of products as the person located in this
21        State and does so using an identical or substantially
22        similar name, trade name, or trademark as the person
23        located in this State; and
24            B. the retailer provides a commission or other
25        consideration to the person located in this State based
26        upon the sale of tangible personal property by the



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1        retailer.
2    The provisions of this paragraph 1.2 shall apply only if
3    the cumulative gross receipts from sales of tangible
4    personal property by the retailer to customers in this
5    State under all such contracts exceed $10,000 during the
6    preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
7    March, June, September, and December.
8        2. A retailer soliciting orders for tangible personal
9    property by means of a telecommunication or television
10    shopping system (which utilizes toll free numbers) which is
11    intended by the retailer to be broadcast by cable
12    television or other means of broadcasting, to consumers
13    located in this State.
14        3. A retailer, pursuant to a contract with a
15    broadcaster or publisher located in this State, soliciting
16    orders for tangible personal property by means of
17    advertising which is disseminated primarily to consumers
18    located in this State and only secondarily to bordering
19    jurisdictions.
20        4. A retailer soliciting orders for tangible personal
21    property by mail if the solicitations are substantial and
22    recurring and if the retailer benefits from any banking,
23    financing, debt collection, telecommunication, or
24    marketing activities occurring in this State or benefits
25    from the location in this State of authorized installation,
26    servicing, or repair facilities.



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1        5. A retailer that is owned or controlled by the same
2    interests that own or control any retailer engaging in
3    business in the same or similar line of business in this
4    State.
5        6. A retailer having a franchisee or licensee operating
6    under its trade name if the franchisee or licensee is
7    required to collect the tax under this Section.
8        7. A retailer, pursuant to a contract with a cable
9    television operator located in this State, soliciting
10    orders for tangible personal property by means of
11    advertising which is transmitted or distributed over a
12    cable television system in this State.
13        8. A retailer engaging in activities in Illinois, which
14    activities in the state in which the retail business
15    engaging in such activities is located would constitute
16    maintaining a place of business in that state.
17    "Bulk vending machine" means a vending machine, containing
18unsorted confections, nuts, toys, or other items designed
19primarily to be used or played with by children which, when a
20coin or coins of a denomination not larger than $0.50 are
21inserted, are dispensed in equal portions, at random and
22without selection by the customer.
23(Source: P.A. 95-723, eff. 6-23-08; 96-1544, eff. 3-10-11.)
24    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 98-628)
25    Sec. 2. Definitions.



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1"Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or power
2over tangible personal property incident to the ownership of
3that property, except that it does not include the sale of such
4property in any form as tangible personal property in the
5regular course of business to the extent that such property is
6not first subjected to a use for which it was purchased, and
7does not include the use of such property by its owner for
8demonstration purposes: Provided that the property purchased
9is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of resale, despite
10first being used, to the extent to which it is resold as an
11ingredient of an intentionally produced product or by-product
12of manufacturing. "Use" does not mean the demonstration use or
13interim use of tangible personal property by a retailer before
14he sells that tangible personal property. For watercraft or
15aircraft, if the period of demonstration use or interim use by
16the retailer exceeds 18 months, the retailer shall pay on the
17retailers' original cost price the tax imposed by this Act, and
18no credit for that tax is permitted if the watercraft or
19aircraft is subsequently sold by the retailer. "Use" does not
20mean the physical incorporation of tangible personal property,
21to the extent not first subjected to a use for which it was
22purchased, as an ingredient or constituent, into other tangible
23personal property (a) which is sold in the regular course of
24business or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient
25or constituent therein has undertaken at the time of such
26purchase to cause to be transported in interstate commerce to



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1destinations outside the State of Illinois: Provided that the
2property purchased is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of
3resale, despite first being used, to the extent to which it is
4resold as an ingredient of an intentionally produced product or
5by-product of manufacturing.
6    "Watercraft" means a Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4
7watercraft as defined in Section 3-2 of the Boat Registration
8and Safety Act, a personal watercraft, or any boat equipped
9with an inboard motor.
10    "Purchase at retail" means the acquisition of the ownership
11of or title to tangible personal property through a sale at
13    "Purchaser" means anyone who, through a sale at retail,
14acquires the ownership of tangible personal property for a
15valuable consideration.
16    "Sale at retail" means any transfer of the ownership of or
17title to tangible personal property to a purchaser, for the
18purpose of use, and not for the purpose of resale in any form
19as tangible personal property to the extent not first subjected
20to a use for which it was purchased, for a valuable
21consideration: Provided that the property purchased is deemed
22to be purchased for the purpose of resale, despite first being
23used, to the extent to which it is resold as an ingredient of
24an intentionally produced product or by-product of
25manufacturing. For this purpose, slag produced as an incident
26to manufacturing pig iron or steel and sold is considered to be



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1an intentionally produced by-product of manufacturing. "Sale
2at retail" includes any such transfer made for resale unless
3made in compliance with Section 2c of the Retailers' Occupation
4Tax Act, as incorporated by reference into Section 12 of this
5Act. Transactions whereby the possession of the property is
6transferred but the seller retains the title as security for
7payment of the selling price are sales.
8    "Sale at retail" shall also be construed to include any
9Illinois florist's sales transaction in which the purchase
10order is received in Illinois by a florist and the sale is for
11use or consumption, but the Illinois florist has a florist in
12another state deliver the property to the purchaser or the
13purchaser's donee in such other state.
14    Nonreusable tangible personal property that is used by
15persons engaged in the business of operating a restaurant,
16cafeteria, or drive-in is a sale for resale when it is
17transferred to customers in the ordinary course of business as
18part of the sale of food or beverages and is used to deliver,
19package, or consume food or beverages, regardless of where
20consumption of the food or beverages occurs. Examples of those
21items include, but are not limited to nonreusable, paper and
22plastic cups, plates, baskets, boxes, sleeves, buckets or other
23containers, utensils, straws, placemats, napkins, doggie bags,
24and wrapping or packaging materials that are transferred to
25customers as part of the sale of food or beverages in the
26ordinary course of business.



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1    The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
2personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
3of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
4purchase, use or sale of tangible personal property.
5    "Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued
6in money whether received in money or otherwise, including
7cash, credits, property other than as hereinafter provided, and
8services, but not including the value of or credit given for
9traded-in tangible personal property where the item that is
10traded-in is of like kind and character as that which is being
11sold, and shall be determined without any deduction on account
12of the cost of the property sold, the cost of materials used,
13labor or service cost or any other expense whatsoever, but does
14not include interest or finance charges which appear as
15separate items on the bill of sale or sales contract nor
16charges that are added to prices by sellers on account of the
17seller's tax liability under the "Retailers' Occupation Tax
18Act", or on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
19purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this Act, or, except as
20otherwise provided with respect to any cigarette tax imposed by
21a home rule unit, on account of the seller's tax liability
22under any local occupation tax administered by the Department,
23or, except as otherwise provided with respect to any cigarette
24tax imposed by a home rule unit on account of the seller's duty
25to collect, from the purchasers, the tax that is imposed under
26any local use tax administered by the Department. Effective



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1December 1, 1985, "selling price" shall include charges that
2are added to prices by sellers on account of the seller's tax
3liability under the Cigarette Tax Act, on account of the
4seller's duty to collect, from the purchaser, the tax imposed
5under the Cigarette Use Tax Act, and on account of the seller's
6duty to collect, from the purchaser, any cigarette tax imposed
7by a home rule unit.
8    Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, for any motor
9vehicle, as defined in Section 1-146 of the Vehicle Code, that
10is sold on or after July 1, 2014 for the purpose of leasing the
11vehicle for a defined period that is longer than one year and
12(1) is a motor vehicle of the second division that: (A) is a
13self-contained motor vehicle designed or permanently converted
14to provide living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel
15use, with direct walk through access to the living quarters
16from the driver's seat; (B) is of the van configuration
17designed for the transportation of not less than 7 nor more
18than 16 passengers; or (C) has a gross vehicle weight rating of
198,000 pounds or less or (2) is a motor vehicle of the first
20division, "selling price" or "amount of sale" means the
21consideration received by the lessor pursuant to the lease
22contract, including amounts due at lease signing and all
23monthly or other regular payments charged over the term of the
24lease. Also included in the selling price is any amount
25received by the lessor from the lessee for the leased vehicle
26that is not calculated at the time the lease is executed,



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1including, but not limited to, excess mileage charges and
2charges for excess wear and tear. For sales that occur in
3Illinois, with respect to any amount received by the lessor
4from the lessee for the leased vehicle that is not calculated
5at the time the lease is executed, the lessor who purchased the
6motor vehicle does not incur the tax imposed by the Use Tax Act
7on those amounts, and the retailer who makes the retail sale of
8the motor vehicle to the lessor is not required to collect the
9tax imposed by this Act or to pay the tax imposed by the
10Retailers' Occupation Tax Act on those amounts. However, the
11lessor who purchased the motor vehicle assumes the liability
12for reporting and paying the tax on those amounts directly to
13the Department in the same form (Illinois Retailers' Occupation
14Tax, and local retailers' occupation taxes, if applicable) in
15which the retailer would have reported and paid such tax if the
16retailer had accounted for the tax to the Department. For
17amounts received by the lessor from the lessee that are not
18calculated at the time the lease is executed, the lessor must
19file the return and pay the tax to the Department by the due
20date otherwise required by this Act for returns other than
21transaction returns. If the retailer is entitled under this Act
22to a discount for collecting and remitting the tax imposed
23under this Act to the Department with respect to the sale of
24the motor vehicle to the lessor, then the right to the discount
25provided in this Act shall be transferred to the lessor with
26respect to the tax paid by the lessor for any amount received



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1by the lessor from the lessee for the leased vehicle that is
2not calculated at the time the lease is executed; provided that
3the discount is only allowed if the return is timely filed and
4for amounts timely paid. The "selling price" of a motor vehicle
5that is sold on or after July 1, 2014 for the purpose of
6leasing for a defined period of longer than one year shall not
7be reduced by the value of or credit given for traded-in
8tangible personal property owned by the lessor, nor shall it be
9reduced by the value of or credit given for traded-in tangible
10personal property owned by the lessee, regardless of whether
11the trade-in value thereof is assigned by the lessee to the
12lessor. In the case of a motor vehicle that is sold for the
13purpose of leasing for a defined period of longer than one
14year, the sale occurs at the time of the delivery of the
15vehicle, regardless of the due date of any lease payments. A
16lessor who incurs a Retailers' Occupation Tax liability on the
17sale of a motor vehicle coming off lease may not take a credit
18against that liability for the Use Tax the lessor paid upon the
19purchase of the motor vehicle (or for any tax the lessor paid
20with respect to any amount received by the lessor from the
21lessee for the leased vehicle that was not calculated at the
22time the lease was executed) if the selling price of the motor
23vehicle at the time of purchase was calculated using the
24definition of "selling price" as defined in this paragraph.
25Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
26contrary, lessors shall file all returns and make all payments



SB0352 Enrolled- 20 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1required under this paragraph to the Department by electronic
2means in the manner and form as required by the Department.
3This paragraph does not apply to leases of motor vehicles for
4which, at the time the lease is entered into, the term of the
5lease is not a defined period, including leases with a defined
6initial period with the option to continue the lease on a
7month-to-month or other basis beyond the initial defined
9    The phrase "like kind and character" shall be liberally
10construed (including but not limited to any form of motor
11vehicle for any form of motor vehicle, or any kind of farm or
12agricultural implement for any other kind of farm or
13agricultural implement), while not including a kind of item
14which, if sold at retail by that retailer, would be exempt from
15retailers' occupation tax and use tax as an isolated or
16occasional sale.
17    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
18    "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
19association, joint stock company, joint adventure, public or
20private corporation, limited liability company, or a receiver,
21executor, trustee, guardian or other representative appointed
22by order of any court.
23    "Retailer" means and includes every person engaged in the
24business of making sales at retail as defined in this Section.
25    A person who holds himself or herself out as being engaged
26(or who habitually engages) in selling tangible personal



SB0352 Enrolled- 21 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1property at retail is a retailer hereunder with respect to such
2sales (and not primarily in a service occupation)
3notwithstanding the fact that such person designs and produces
4such tangible personal property on special order for the
5purchaser and in such a way as to render the property of value
6only to such purchaser, if such tangible personal property so
7produced on special order serves substantially the same
8function as stock or standard items of tangible personal
9property that are sold at retail.
10    A person whose activities are organized and conducted
11primarily as a not-for-profit service enterprise, and who
12engages in selling tangible personal property at retail
13(whether to the public or merely to members and their guests)
14is a retailer with respect to such transactions, excepting only
15a person organized and operated exclusively for charitable,
16religious or educational purposes either (1), to the extent of
17sales by such person to its members, students, patients or
18inmates of tangible personal property to be used primarily for
19the purposes of such person, or (2), to the extent of sales by
20such person of tangible personal property which is not sold or
21offered for sale by persons organized for profit. The selling
22of school books and school supplies by schools at retail to
23students is not "primarily for the purposes of" the school
24which does such selling. This paragraph does not apply to nor
25subject to taxation occasional dinners, social or similar
26activities of a person organized and operated exclusively for



SB0352 Enrolled- 22 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1charitable, religious or educational purposes, whether or not
2such activities are open to the public.
3    A person who is the recipient of a grant or contract under
4Title VII of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (P.L. 92-258) and
5serves meals to participants in the federal Nutrition Program
6for the Elderly in return for contributions established in
7amount by the individual participant pursuant to a schedule of
8suggested fees as provided for in the federal Act is not a
9retailer under this Act with respect to such transactions.
10    Persons who engage in the business of transferring tangible
11personal property upon the redemption of trading stamps are
12retailers hereunder when engaged in such business.
13    The isolated or occasional sale of tangible personal
14property at retail by a person who does not hold himself out as
15being engaged (or who does not habitually engage) in selling
16such tangible personal property at retail or a sale through a
17bulk vending machine does not make such person a retailer
18hereunder. However, any person who is engaged in a business
19which is not subject to the tax imposed by the "Retailers'
20Occupation Tax Act" because of involving the sale of or a
21contract to sell real estate or a construction contract to
22improve real estate, but who, in the course of conducting such
23business, transfers tangible personal property to users or
24consumers in the finished form in which it was purchased, and
25which does not become real estate, under any provision of a
26construction contract or real estate sale or real estate sales



SB0352 Enrolled- 23 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1agreement entered into with some other person arising out of or
2because of such nontaxable business, is a retailer to the
3extent of the value of the tangible personal property so
4transferred. If, in such transaction, a separate charge is made
5for the tangible personal property so transferred, the value of
6such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the amount so
7separately charged, but not less than the cost of such property
8to the transferor; if no separate charge is made, the value of
9such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the cost to the
10transferor of such tangible personal property.
11    "Retailer maintaining a place of business in this State",
12or any like term, means and includes any of the following
14        1. A retailer having or maintaining within this State,
15    directly or by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house,
16    sales house, warehouse or other place of business, or any
17    agent or other representative operating within this State
18    under the authority of the retailer or its subsidiary,
19    irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
20    other representative is located here permanently or
21    temporarily, or whether such retailer or subsidiary is
22    licensed to do business in this State. However, the
23    ownership of property that is located at the premises of a
24    printer with which the retailer has contracted for printing
25    and that consists of the final printed product, property
26    that becomes a part of the final printed product, or copy



SB0352 Enrolled- 24 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    from which the printed product is produced shall not result
2    in the retailer being deemed to have or maintain an office,
3    distribution house, sales house, warehouse, or other place
4    of business within this State.
5        1.1. A Beginning July 1, 2011, a retailer having a
6    contract with a person located in this State under which
7    the person, for a commission or other consideration based
8    upon the sale of tangible personal property by the
9    retailer, directly or indirectly refers potential
10    customers to the retailer by providing to the potential
11    customers a promotional code or other mechanism that allows
12    the retailer to track purchases referred by such persons.
13    Examples of mechanisms that allow the retailer to track
14    purchases referred by such persons include but are not
15    limited to the use of a link on the person's Internet
16    website, promotional codes distributed through the
17    person's hand-delivered or mailed material, and
18    promotional codes distributed by the person through radio
19    or other broadcast media. The provisions of this paragraph
20    1.1 shall apply only if the cumulative gross receipts from
21    sales of tangible personal property by the retailer to
22    customers who are referred to the retailer by all persons
23    in this State under such contracts exceed $10,000 during
24    the preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
25    March, June, September, and December. A retailer meeting
26    the requirements of this paragraph 1.1 shall be presumed to



SB0352 Enrolled- 25 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    be maintaining a place of business in this State but may
2    rebut this presumption by submitting proof that the
3    referrals or other activities pursued within this State by
4    such persons were not sufficient to meet the nexus
5    standards of the United States Constitution during the
6    preceding 4 quarterly periods.
7        1.2. Beginning July 1, 2011, a retailer having a
8    contract with a person located in this State under which:
9            A. the retailer sells the same or substantially
10        similar line of products as the person located in this
11        State and does so using an identical or substantially
12        similar name, trade name, or trademark as the person
13        located in this State; and
14            B. the retailer provides a commission or other
15        consideration to the person located in this State based
16        upon the sale of tangible personal property by the
17        retailer.
18    The provisions of this paragraph 1.2 shall apply only if
19    the cumulative gross receipts from sales of tangible
20    personal property by the retailer to customers in this
21    State under all such contracts exceed $10,000 during the
22    preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
23    March, June, September, and December.
24        2. A retailer soliciting orders for tangible personal
25    property by means of a telecommunication or television
26    shopping system (which utilizes toll free numbers) which is



SB0352 Enrolled- 26 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    intended by the retailer to be broadcast by cable
2    television or other means of broadcasting, to consumers
3    located in this State.
4        3. A retailer, pursuant to a contract with a
5    broadcaster or publisher located in this State, soliciting
6    orders for tangible personal property by means of
7    advertising which is disseminated primarily to consumers
8    located in this State and only secondarily to bordering
9    jurisdictions.
10        4. A retailer soliciting orders for tangible personal
11    property by mail if the solicitations are substantial and
12    recurring and if the retailer benefits from any banking,
13    financing, debt collection, telecommunication, or
14    marketing activities occurring in this State or benefits
15    from the location in this State of authorized installation,
16    servicing, or repair facilities.
17        5. A retailer that is owned or controlled by the same
18    interests that own or control any retailer engaging in
19    business in the same or similar line of business in this
20    State.
21        6. A retailer having a franchisee or licensee operating
22    under its trade name if the franchisee or licensee is
23    required to collect the tax under this Section.
24        7. A retailer, pursuant to a contract with a cable
25    television operator located in this State, soliciting
26    orders for tangible personal property by means of



SB0352 Enrolled- 27 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    advertising which is transmitted or distributed over a
2    cable television system in this State.
3        8. A retailer engaging in activities in Illinois, which
4    activities in the state in which the retail business
5    engaging in such activities is located would constitute
6    maintaining a place of business in that state.
7    "Bulk vending machine" means a vending machine, containing
8unsorted confections, nuts, toys, or other items designed
9primarily to be used or played with by children which, when a
10coin or coins of a denomination not larger than $0.50 are
11inserted, are dispensed in equal portions, at random and
12without selection by the customer.
13(Source: P.A. 98-628, eff. 1-1-15.)
14    Section 10. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by changing
15Section 2 as follows:
16    (35 ILCS 110/2)  (from Ch. 120, par. 439.32)
17    Sec. 2. Definitions.
18    "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or
19power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership
20of that property, but does not include the sale or use for
21demonstration by him of that property in any form as tangible
22personal property in the regular course of business. "Use" does
23not mean the interim use of tangible personal property nor the
24physical incorporation of tangible personal property, as an



SB0352 Enrolled- 28 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1ingredient or constituent, into other tangible personal
2property, (a) which is sold in the regular course of business
3or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient or
4constituent therein has undertaken at the time of such purchase
5to cause to be transported in interstate commerce to
6destinations outside the State of Illinois.
7    "Purchased from a serviceman" means the acquisition of the
8ownership of, or title to, tangible personal property through a
9sale of service.
10    "Purchaser" means any person who, through a sale of
11service, acquires the ownership of, or title to, any tangible
12personal property.
13    "Cost price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman
14for a purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or
15otherwise, including cash, credits and services, and shall be
16determined without any deduction on account of the supplier's
17cost of the property sold or on account of any other expense
18incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman contracts out part
19or all of the services required in his sale of service, it
20shall be presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the
21property transferred to him or her by his or her subcontractor
22is equal to 50% of the subcontractor's charges to the
23serviceman in the absence of proof of the consideration paid by
24the subcontractor for the purchase of such property.
25    "Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued
26in money whether received in money or otherwise, including



SB0352 Enrolled- 29 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1cash, credits and service, and shall be determined without any
2deduction on account of the serviceman's cost of the property
3sold, the cost of materials used, labor or service cost or any
4other expense whatsoever, but does not include interest or
5finance charges which appear as separate items on the bill of
6sale or sales contract nor charges that are added to prices by
7sellers on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
8purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this Act.
9    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
10    "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
11association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or
12private corporation, limited liability company, and any
13receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative
14appointed by order of any court.
15    "Sale of service" means any transaction except:
16        (1) a retail sale of tangible personal property taxable
17    under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Use
18    Tax Act.
19        (2) a sale of tangible personal property for the
20    purpose of resale made in compliance with Section 2c of the
21    Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
22        (3) except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer
23    of tangible personal property as an incident to the
24    rendering of service for or by any governmental body, or
25    for or by any corporation, society, association,
26    foundation or institution organized and operated



SB0352 Enrolled- 30 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    exclusively for charitable, religious or educational
2    purposes or any not-for-profit corporation, society,
3    association, foundation, institution or organization which
4    has no compensated officers or employees and which is
5    organized and operated primarily for the recreation of
6    persons 55 years of age or older. A limited liability
7    company may qualify for the exemption under this paragraph
8    only if the limited liability company is organized and
9    operated exclusively for educational purposes.
10        (4) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property as
11    an incident to the rendering of service for interstate
12    carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in
13    interstate commerce or by lessors under a lease of one year
14    or longer, executed or in effect at the time of purchase of
15    personal property, to interstate carriers for hire for use
16    as rolling stock moving in interstate commerce so long as
17    so used by such interstate carriers for hire, and equipment
18    operated by a telecommunications provider, licensed as a
19    common carrier by the Federal Communications Commission,
20    which is permanently installed in or affixed to aircraft
21    moving in interstate commerce.
22        (4a) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property
23    as an incident to the rendering of service for owners,
24    lessors, or shippers of tangible personal property which is
25    utilized by interstate carriers for hire for use as rolling
26    stock moving in interstate commerce so long as so used by



SB0352 Enrolled- 31 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    interstate carriers for hire, and equipment operated by a
2    telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier
3    by the Federal Communications Commission, which is
4    permanently installed in or affixed to aircraft moving in
5    interstate commerce.
6        (4a-5) on and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30,
7    2004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle of the second
8    division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000
9    pounds as an incident to the rendering of service if that
10    motor vehicle is subject to the commercial distribution fee
11    imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
12    Beginning on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the
13    use in this State of motor vehicles of the second division:
14    (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000
15    pounds; (ii) that are subject to the commercial
16    distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the
17    Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used
18    for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
19    exemption applies to repair and replacement parts added
20    after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if that
21    motor vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for
22    the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this
23    Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial
24    purposes" means the transportation of persons or property
25    in furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise
26    whether for-hire or not.



SB0352 Enrolled- 32 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1        (5) a sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used
2    primarily in the process of the manufacturing or
3    assembling, either in an existing, an expanded or a new
4    manufacturing facility, of tangible personal property for
5    wholesale or retail sale or lease, whether such sale or
6    lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by some other
7    person, whether the materials used in the process are owned
8    by the manufacturer or some other person, or whether such
9    sale or lease is made apart from or as an incident to the
10    seller's engaging in a service occupation and the
11    applicable tax is a Service Use Tax or Service Occupation
12    Tax, rather than Use Tax or Retailers' Occupation Tax. The
13    exemption provided by this paragraph (5) does not include
14    machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
15    electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the
16    generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas for
17    wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
18    through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment
19    of water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
20    customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains. The
21    provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General
22    Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning
23    and scope of this exemption.
24        (5a) the repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for
25    a common carrier by rail, of tangible personal property
26    which belongs to such carrier for hire, and as to which



SB0352 Enrolled- 33 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    such carrier receives the physical possession of the
2    repaired, reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible
3    personal property in Illinois, and which such carrier
4    transports, or shares with another common carrier in the
5    transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a
6    standard uniform bill of lading showing the person who
7    repaired, reconditioned or remodeled the property to a
8    destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
9        (5b) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property
10    which is produced by the seller thereof on special order in
11    such a way as to have made the applicable tax the Service
12    Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax, rather than the
13    Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate
14    carrier by rail which receives the physical possession of
15    such property in Illinois, and which transports such
16    property, or shares with another common carrier in the
17    transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a
18    standard uniform bill of lading showing the seller of the
19    property as the shipper or consignor of such property to a
20    destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
21        (6) until July 1, 2003, a sale or transfer of
22    distillation machinery and equipment, sold as a unit or kit
23    and assembled or installed by the retailer, which machinery
24    and equipment is certified by the user to be used only for
25    the production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for
26    consumption as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel



SB0352 Enrolled- 34 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    for the personal use of such user and not subject to sale
2    or resale.
3        (7) at the election of any serviceman not required to
4    be otherwise registered as a retailer under Section 2a of
5    the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, made for each fiscal
6    year sales of service in which the aggregate annual cost
7    price of tangible personal property transferred as an
8    incident to the sales of service is less than 35%, or 75%
9    in the case of servicemen transferring prescription drugs
10    or servicemen engaged in graphic arts production, of the
11    aggregate annual total gross receipts from all sales of
12    service. The purchase of such tangible personal property by
13    the serviceman shall be subject to tax under the Retailers'
14    Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax Act. However, if a
15    primary serviceman who has made the election described in
16    this paragraph subcontracts service work to a secondary
17    serviceman who has also made the election described in this
18    paragraph, the primary serviceman does not incur a Use Tax
19    liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will
20    pay Use Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible
21    personal property transferred to the primary serviceman
22    and (ii) certifies that fact in writing to the primary
23    serviceman.
24    Tangible personal property transferred incident to the
25completion of a maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax
26imposed pursuant to this Act.



SB0352 Enrolled- 35 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    Exemption (5) also includes machinery and equipment used in
2the general maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and
3equipment or for in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and
4equipment. The machinery and equipment exemption does not
5include machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
6electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation
7or treatment of natural or artificial gas for wholesale or
8retail sale that is delivered to customers through pipes,
9pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
10wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
11pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
12Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing
13law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption. For the
14purposes of exemption (5), each of these terms shall have the
15following meanings: (1) "manufacturing process" shall mean the
16production of any article of tangible personal property,
17whether such article is a finished product or an article for
18use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a different
19article of tangible personal property, by procedures commonly
20regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
21refining which changes some existing material or materials into
22a material with a different form, use or name. In relation to a
23recognized integrated business composed of a series of
24operations which collectively constitute manufacturing, or
25individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
26manufacturing process shall be deemed to commence with the



SB0352 Enrolled- 36 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1first operation or stage of production in the series, and shall
2not be deemed to end until the completion of the final product
3in the last operation or stage of production in the series; and
4further, for purposes of exemption (5), photoprocessing is
5deemed to be a manufacturing process of tangible personal
6property for wholesale or retail sale; (2) "assembling process"
7shall mean the production of any article of tangible personal
8property, whether such article is a finished product or an
9article for use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a
10different article of tangible personal property, by the
11combination of existing materials in a manner commonly regarded
12as assembling which results in a material of a different form,
13use or name; (3) "machinery" shall mean major mechanical
14machines or major components of such machines contributing to a
15manufacturing or assembling process; and (4) "equipment" shall
16include any independent device or tool separate from any
17machinery but essential to an integrated manufacturing or
18assembly process; including computers used primarily in a
19manufacturer's computer assisted design, computer assisted
20manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system; or any subunit or assembly
21comprising a component of any machinery or auxiliary, adjunct
22or attachment parts of machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs,
23fixtures, patterns and molds; or any parts which require
24periodic replacement in the course of normal operation; but
25shall not include hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or
26chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or



SB0352 Enrolled- 37 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate
2change upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
3wholesale or retail sale or lease. The purchaser of such
4machinery and equipment who has an active resale registration
5number shall furnish such number to the seller at the time of
6purchase. The user of such machinery and equipment and tools
7without an active resale registration number shall prepare a
8certificate of exemption for each transaction stating facts
9establishing the exemption for that transaction, which
10certificate shall be available to the Department for inspection
11or audit. The Department shall prescribe the form of the
13    Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the
14Department in response to an inquiry or request for any opinion
15from any person regarding the coverage and applicability of
16exemption (5) to specific devices shall be published,
17maintained as a public record, and made available for public
18inspection and copying. If the informal ruling, opinion or
19letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
20information, where possible the Department shall delete such
21information prior to publication. Whenever such informal
22rulings, opinions, or letters contain any policy of general
23applicability, the Department shall formulate and adopt such
24policy as a rule in accordance with the provisions of the
25Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
26    On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible



SB0352 Enrolled- 38 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1under exemption (3) of this Section shall make tax free
2purchases unless it has an active exemption identification
3number issued by the Department.
4    The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
5personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
6of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
7purchase, use or sale of service or of tangible personal
8property within the meaning of this Act.
9    "Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the
10occupation of making sales of service.
11    "Sale at retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the
12Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
13    "Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible
14personal property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an
15incident to a sale of service.
16    "Serviceman maintaining a place of business in this State",
17or any like term, means and includes any serviceman:
18        1. having or maintaining within this State, directly or
19    by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house, sales
20    house, warehouse or other place of business, or any agent
21    or other representative operating within this State under
22    the authority of the serviceman or its subsidiary,
23    irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
24    other representative is located here permanently or
25    temporarily, or whether such serviceman or subsidiary is
26    licensed to do business in this State;



SB0352 Enrolled- 39 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1        1.1. beginning July 1, 2011, having a contract with a
2    person located in this State under which the person, for a
3    commission or other consideration based on the sale of
4    service by the serviceman, directly or indirectly refers
5    potential customers to the serviceman by providing to the
6    potential customers a promotional code or other mechanism
7    that allows the serviceman to track purchases referred by
8    such persons. Examples of mechanisms that allow the
9    serviceman to track purchases referred by such persons
10    include but are not limited to the use of a link on the
11    person's Internet website, promotional codes distributed
12    through the person's hand-delivered or mailed material,
13    and promotional codes distributed by the person through
14    radio or other broadcast media. The provisions of this
15    paragraph 1.1 shall apply only if the cumulative gross
16    receipts from sales of service by the serviceman to
17    customers who are referred to the serviceman by all persons
18    in this State under such contracts exceed $10,000 during
19    the preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
20    March, June, September, and December; a serviceman meeting
21    the requirements of this paragraph 1.1 shall be presumed to
22    be maintaining a place of business in this State but may
23    rebut this presumption by submitting proof that the
24    referrals or other activities pursued within this State by
25    such persons were not sufficient to meet the nexus
26    standards of the United States Constitution during the



SB0352 Enrolled- 40 -LRB098 04568 HLH 34596 b

1    preceding 4 quarterly periods;
2        1.2. beginning July 1, 2011, having a contract with a
3    person located in this State under which:
4            A. the serviceman sells the same or substantially
5        similar line of services as the person located in this
6        State and does so using an identical or substantially
7        similar name, trade name, or trademark as the person
8        located in this State; and
9            B. the serviceman provides a commission or other
10        consideration to the person located in this State based
11        upon the sale of services by the serviceman.
12    The provisions of this paragraph 1.2 shall apply only if
13    the cumulative gross receipts from sales of service by the
14    serviceman to customers in this State under all such
15    contracts exceed $10,000 during the preceding 4 quarterly
16    periods ending on the last day of March, June, September,
17    and December;
18        2. soliciting orders for tangible personal property by
19    means of a telecommunication or television shopping system
20    (which utilizes toll free numbers) which is intended by the
21    retailer to be broadcast by cable television or other means
22    of broadcasting, to consumers located in this State;
23        3. pursuant to a contract with a broadcaster or
24    publisher located in this State, soliciting orders for
25    tangible personal property by means of advertising which is
26    disseminated primarily to consumers located in this State



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1    and only secondarily to bordering jurisdictions;
2        4. soliciting orders for tangible personal property by
3    mail if the solicitations are substantial and recurring and
4    if the retailer benefits from any banking, financing, debt
5    collection, telecommunication, or marketing activities
6    occurring in this State or benefits from the location in
7    this State of authorized installation, servicing, or
8    repair facilities;
9        5. being owned or controlled by the same interests
10    which own or control any retailer engaging in business in
11    the same or similar line of business in this State;
12        6. having a franchisee or licensee operating under its
13    trade name if the franchisee or licensee is required to
14    collect the tax under this Section;
15        7. pursuant to a contract with a cable television
16    operator located in this State, soliciting orders for
17    tangible personal property by means of advertising which is
18    transmitted or distributed over a cable television system
19    in this State; or
20        8. engaging in activities in Illinois, which
21    activities in the state in which the supply business
22    engaging in such activities is located would constitute
23    maintaining a place of business in that state.
24(Source: P.A. 98-583, eff. 1-1-14.)
25    Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes



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1changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text
2that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section
3represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does
4not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes
5made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other
6Public Act.