Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3526
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3526  098th General Assembly




SB3526 EngrossedLRB098 19862 NHT 55080 b

1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Board of Higher Education Act is amended by
5adding Section 9.34 as follows:
6    (110 ILCS 205/9.34 new)
7    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2016)
8    Sec. 9.34. Big Ten Feasibility Study Commission.
9    (a) The Board shall establish a Big Ten Feasibility Study
10Commission to deliberate and determine the feasibility of
11having another public university in this State become a part of
12the Big Ten Conference and how this might be accomplished,
13while remaining revenue neutral to this State.
14    (b) The Commission shall be comprised of all of the
15following members:
16        (1) One member of the Senate, appointed by the
17    President of the Senate.
18        (2) One member of the Senate, appointed by the Minority
19    Leader of the Senate.
20        (3) One member of the House of Representatives,
21    appointed by the Speaker of the House.
22        (4) One member of the House of Representatives,
23    appointed by the Minority Leader of the House.



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1        (5) The Executive Director of the Board or his or her
2    designee.
3        (6) A resident of this State who is the parent of a
4    student attending an out-of-state university that is a
5    member of the Big Ten Conference, appointed by the
6    Executive Director of the Board.
7        (7) A resident of this State who is a student attending
8    an out-of-state university that is a member of the Big Ten
9    Conference, appointed by the Executive Director of the
10    Board.
11        (8) A resident of this State who is the parent of a
12    student attending a public university in this State other
13    than the University of Illinois, appointed by the Executive
14    Director of the Board.
15    Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation
16and without reimbursement for their expenses.
17    (c) The Commission shall meet initially at the call of the
18Executive Director of the Board, which meeting must take place
19within 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act
20of the 98th General Assembly.
21    (d) The Commission shall hold public hearings, invite
22witnesses of interest, take testimony, and file a report with
23the General Assembly and the Board on or before January 1, 2015
24concerning the Commission's findings and recommendations. Upon
25filing its report, the Commission is dissolved.
26    (e) This Section is repealed on January 1, 2016.



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1    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
2becoming law.