Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0357
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0357  098th General Assembly




SR0357LRB098 12297 JDS 46594 r


2    WHEREAS, Section 4 of the Executive Reorganization
3Implementation Act sets forth procedures and requirements
4regarding Executive Orders issued under Section 11 of Article V
5of the Illinois Constitution; and
6    WHEREAS, Section 3.2 of the Executive Reorganization
7Implementation Act provides that reorganization occurs when,
8among other circumstances, an Executive Order abolishes any
9agency that does not have or will not have, upon the taking
10effect of reorganization, any functions; consolidates the
11functions of an agency; or establishes a new agency to perform
12all or any part of the functions of an existing agency or
13agencies; and
14    WHEREAS, Section 3.1 of the Executive Reorganization
15Implementation Act specifies that the term "agency directly
16responsible to the Governor" includes, subject to limited
17exceptions, any office, officer, division, or part thereof, as
18well as any other office, nonelective officer, department,
19division, bureau, board, or commission in the executive branch
20of State government; and
21    WHEREAS, The Governor issued Executive Order 13-05 with the
22stated purpose of abolishing or consolidating entities whose



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1functions are obsolete or redundant; and
2    WHEREAS, Executive Order 13-05 purports to: (1) abolish
3gubernatorially-created entities without contravening a
4statute; (2) abolish statutorily-created entities in
5contravention of enabling statutes; (3) consolidate several
6councils with oversight over rivers into one Rivers of Illinois
7Coordinating Council in contravention of several statutes; and
8(4) provide a list of entities that already have been abolished
9either by statute or expiration; and
10    WHEREAS, Executive Order 13-05 qualifies as an executive
11reorganization order and is subject to Article V, Section 11 of
12the Illinois Constitution and the Executive Reorganization
13Implementation Act because it attempts to abolish or
14consolidate entities that are directly responsible to the
15Governor in contravention of various statutes enumerated in the
16Order; and
17    WHEREAS, Executive Order 13-05 was delivered in its
18entirety to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the
19House of Representatives on April 1, 2013; and
20    WHEREAS, No executive reorganization order delivered to
21the General Assembly may take effect until the 60-day period
22has expired; and



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1    WHEREAS, The 60-day period for the General Assembly to
2disapprove Executive Order 13-05 expires on May 31, 2013; and
3    WHEREAS, The introductory paragraphs of Executive Order
413-05 claim that the portions of the Order that do not
5contravene a statute are effective immediately and do not need
6to be delivered to the General Assembly for consideration,
7regardless of the fact that the Executive Order in its entirety
8was delivered to the General Assembly; and
9    WHEREAS, Executive Order 13-05 contains a severability
10clause that purports to preserve the portions of the Order not
11found invalid or not disapproved by the General Assembly,
12thereby relying on the notion that the General Assembly does
13not have jurisdiction over Executive Order 13-05 as a whole,
14but, instead, has the authority only to disapprove the portions
15that contravene a statute; and
16    WHEREAS, Section 11 of Article V of the Illinois
17Constitution requires an Executive Order that proposes a
18reassignment or reorganization in contravention of a State
19statute to be delivered to the General Assembly and authorizes
20either house of the General Assembly, by record vote of a
21majority of the members elected, to disapprove the Executive
22Order; and



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1    WHEREAS, The General Assembly has the constitutional and
2statutory authority to consider each Executive Order that
3contravenes a statute; and
4    WHEREAS, The reorganization proposed by Executive Order
513-05 contravenes the statutes that create the affected
6entities, which are enumerated in that Executive Order; and
7    WHEREAS, The Executive Reorganization Implementation Act
8requires each executive order that proposes a reorganization to
9be transmitted to the General Assembly by the Governor; and
10    WHEREAS, The language of the Constitution and the Executive
11Reorganization Implementation Act give the General Assembly
12the authority to consider and disapprove any executive
13reorganization order that contravenes a statute; and
14    WHEREAS, Executive Order 13-05 is structurally defective
15because it attempts to draw a distinction between the
16effectiveness of provisions that contravene a statute and those
17that do not in a single Executive Order, when the Constitution
18and the Executive Reorganization Implementation Act make it
19clear that any executive order that contravenes a statute in
20any manner is subject to disapproval by the General Assembly;



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1    WHEREAS, An executive reorganization order may abolish an
2agency directly responsible to the Governor, but Executive
3Order 13-05 attempts to abolish entities created by Press
4Release of the Governor, including the Governor's Agriculture
5Advisory Council of Farmers and Farm Families, the Asian
6Advisory Council, the Education Accountability Task Force, the
7Racial Profiling Task Force, and the Visual Media Task Force,
8which never had the force or effect of law; and
9    WHEREAS, Executive Order 13-05 seeks to consolidate the
10listed Rivers Councils into a single "Rivers of Illinois
11Coordinating Council", a new entity created by the Order; and
12    WHEREAS, The provisions related to the consolidation of the
13Rivers Councils fail to provide for the transfer or other
14disposition of personnel records, documents, books,
15correspondence, and other property, both real and personal,
16affected by the reorganization in violation of subsection (d)
17of Section 4 of the Executive Reorganization and Implementation
18Act; and
19    WHEREAS, The provisions related to consolidation of the
20Rivers Councils further fail to provide for the transfer of
21unexpended balances of appropriations and other funds
22available for use in connection with any function or agency



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1affected by the reorganization, in violation of subsection (e)
2of Section 4 of the Executive Reorganization and Implementation
3Act; therefore, be it
5ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that pursuant to Article V,
6Section 11 of the Illinois Constitution, the Senate hereby
7disapproves Executive Order 13-05 in its entirety; and be it
9    RESOLVED, That the Executive Order 13-05 shall not become
10effective; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be delivered to
12the Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.