Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0358
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0358  093rd General Assembly

HB0358 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 02147 AMC 02154 b

 1        AN ACT concerning pharmacists.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.  The Pharmacy Practice Act of 1987 is amended
 5    by changing Section 6 as follows:

 6        (225 ILCS 85/6) (from Ch. 111, par. 4126)
 7        (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2008)
 8        Sec.  6.   Each  individual  seeking   licensure   as   a
 9    registered   pharmacist   shall   make   application  to  the
10    Department and shall provide evidence of the following:
11        1.  that  he  is  a  United  States  citizen  or  legally
12    admitted alien;
13        2.   that  he  has  not  engaged  in  conduct or behavior
14    determined to be grounds for discipline under this Act;
15        3.  that he is a graduate of a first professional  degree
16    program  in  pharmacy of a university recognized and approved
17    by the Department;
18        4.  that he  has  successfully  completed  a  program  of
19    practice   experience  under  the  direct  supervision  of  a
20    registered pharmacist in a pharmacy in this State, or in  any
21    other State; and
22        5.  that  he has passed an examination recommended by the
23    Board of Pharmacy and authorized by the Department.
24        The  program  of  practice  experience  referred  to   in
25    paragraph  (4)  of  this  Section  shall  be fulfilled by the
26    successful completion of  a  practice  course  offered  by  a
27    school  or  college  of  pharmacy  or  department of pharmacy
28    recognized and approved by the Department, which shall  be  a
29    minimum of one academic quarter in length.
30        Any  person  applying  for  a  license  as  a  registered
31    pharmacist  in  this  State  who  has  graduated from a first
                            -2-      LRB093 02147 AMC 02154 b
 1    professional  degree  program  in  pharmacy  of  at  least  5
 2    academic years from a school or college of pharmacy, which at
 3    the time of such graduation was not recognized  and  approved
 4    as reputable and in good standing by the Department, shall be
 5    required,  in  order  to  qualify  for admittance to take the
 6    Department's  examination  for  licensure  as  a   registered
 7    pharmacist,  to  pass  a  preliminary  diagnostic examination
 8    recommended by the Board and authorized  by  the  Department,
 9    covering   proficiency  in  the  English  language  and  such
10    academic  areas  as  the  Board  may  deem  essential  to   a
11    satisfactory  pharmacy curriculum and by rule prescribe.  Any
12    applicant who submits to and fails to  pass  the  preliminary
13    diagnostic  examination  may be required to satisfy the Board
14    that  he  has  taken  additional  remedial  work   previously
15    approved   by  the  Board  to  correct  deficiencies  in  his
16    pharmaceutical education indicated by the results of the last
17    preliminary  diagnostic  examination  prior  to  taking   the
18    preliminary diagnostic examination again.
19        Any applicant who has graduated from a first professional
20    degree  program in pharmacy of at least 5 academic years from
21    a school or college of pharmacy, which at the  time  of  such
22    graduation  was  not recognized and approved as reputable and
23    in good standing by the Department, shall complete a clinical
24    program previously approved by the Board on the basis of  its
25    equivalence   to   programs  that  are  components  of  first
26    professional degree programs  in  pharmacy  approved  by  the
27    Department.
28        Any   person  required  by  Section  6  to  submit  to  a
29    preliminary diagnostic examination in advance  of  admittance
30    to an examination for registration as a registered pharmacist
31    under  this  Act  shall be permitted to take such preliminary
32    diagnostic examination, provided that he is not less than  21
33    years  of  age and furnishes the Department with satisfactory
34    evidence that he has:  successfully completed  a  program  of
                            -3-      LRB093 02147 AMC 02154 b
 1    preprofessional  education  (postsecondary school) consisting
 2    of course work equivalent  to  that  generally  required  for
 3    admission   to  U.S.  colleges  of  pharmacy  recognized  and
 4    approved as reputable and in good standing by the Department;
 5    and has received a degree in pharmacy  as  required  in  this
 6    Section.
 7        The  Department  shall  issue  a  license as a registered
 8    pharmacist to any applicant who has  qualified  as  aforesaid
 9    and  who  has  filed  the  required applications and paid the
10    required fees in connection therewith;  and  such  registrant
11    shall  have  the  authority  to  practice  the  profession of
12    pharmacy in this State.
13        The Department must issue a 120-day temporary license  as
14    a registered pharmacist to an applicant who has (i) an active
15    license  in  another state, (ii) met the all the requirements
16    of this Section except for paragraph (5), and (iii) paid  the
17    required  fees.   The  Department  must  issue  the temporary
18    license within 10 business  days  after  the  application  is
19    filed.  An applicant may  receive only one temporary license.
20    The Department may not renew a temporary license.
21    (Source: P.A. 85-796.)