Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0393
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0393  097th General Assembly




SR0393LRB097 14268 GRL 59022 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of James Michael Boushay of Harvey,
4Louisiana, formerly of Oak Park, who passed away on September
521, 2011; and
6    WHEREAS, James Boushay was born in Jersey City, New Jersey;
7his parents were Joseph and Mildred (Manato) Boushay; he spent
8most of his life after high school in the Chicago area; and
9    WHEREAS, James Boushay graduated with honors from DePaul
10University in 1970; he then pursued a master's degree at
11Northwestern University; and
12    WHEREAS, James Boushay taught high school English at Lake
13Forest Academy for two years and at Marmion Military Academy in
14Aurora for six years; and
15    WHEREAS, Over the next 13 years, James Boushay served as
16official spokesperson and development director for several
17organizations, including the Menninger Foundation in Topeka,
18Kansas, Provident Hospital in Chicago, and the Chicago
19Historical Society; around 1993, he established Resources
20Unlimited Foundation and began his life's work, focusing on
21"grassroots education of thought and action in community



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1service and volunteerism"; being a prolific writer, Mr. Boushay
2and his partner were involved in extensive consultation on
3improving civic, social, educational, and religious
4engagements in service to others; and
5    WHEREAS, In 2009, James Boushay and his partner moved to
6New Orleans, Louisiana to continue their work in that community
7and to study the resiliency of the human spirit in the face of
8extreme tragedy and loss; he passed away before being able to
9complete his book, which chronicles the many experiences he and
10his partner had as they traveled across the country in their
11"Motor Home of Miracles"; Mr. Boushay was also very proud of
12his role in the creation of the Oak Park Festival of Potluck
13Foods in 1995; the annual event attracts hundreds of Oak Park
14residents for the sharing of food, fun, and music; he and his
15partner, along with a cast of supporters, repeated the annual
16"party" for 12 years; and
17    WHEREAS, James Boushay was preceded in death by his
18parents; his sister, Michelle; and his brothers, Joseph and
19John; and
20    WHEREAS, James Boushay is survived by his daughters,
21Therese (Tracy) and Rachel (Paratore), and their mother,
22Catherine (Cathy); his siblings, Maryanne DeStefano, Maureen
23Rossilli, and Jerome (Jerry), and their spouses; and his



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1partner, Rickey Sain, Sr.; therefore, be it
3ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
4his family and friends, the passing of James Boushay; and be it
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of James Boushay as an expression of
8our sympathy.