Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0404
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0404  094th General Assembly



SR0404 LRB094 13593 CSA 48458 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the State of Illinois
3 learned with sadness of the death of Diana L. Dodd, a lifetime
4 resident of Anna, on August 2, 2005; and
5     WHEREAS, Mrs. Dodd was born December 17, 1919, in Anna, the
6 daughter of John Frederick and Gladys Spires Lentz; she married
7 Kenneth W. Dodd on October 30, 1943, in Santa Ana, California;
8 and
9     WHEREAS, She was educated in Anna, graduating from
10 Anna-Jonesboro in 1937, and received her Bachelor of Science
11 degree in Education from Southern Illinois University
12 Carbondale (SIUC); she was Assistant County Superintendent of
13 Schools in Union County until 1943; she later taught at Dongola
14 High School and Anna-Jonesboro; after finishing graduate
15 school and receiving her Master of Arts degree, she joined the
16 English staff at SIUC and taught for 28 years; at SIUC, she set
17 up a basic skills program for students of English; it
18 eventually merged with a much larger unit, including reading
19 and math; and
20     WHEREAS, She and her husband enjoyed horses and traveling;
21 and
22     WHEREAS, The passing of Diana Dodd is felt by all who knew
23 and loved her, especially her husband, Kenneth Dodd; her half
24 sisters, Sarah Lentz Sinclair and Clara Lentz Westmoreland; her
25 sisters-in-law, Ruth Evelyn Dodd and Betty E. Dodd; her adored
26 beagle, Choteau; and her nieces, nephews, other relatives, and
27 many friends; therefore, be it
29 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
30 Diana Dodd and extend our sincerest condolences to her family,



SR0404 - 2 - LRB094 13593 CSA 48458 r

1 friends, and community; and be it further
2     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3 presented to her family as an expression of our deepest
4 sympathy.