Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJR0043
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJR0043  094th General Assembly



SJ0043 LRB094 12103 HSS 45387 r


2     WHEREAS, It is the purpose of the Council of State
3 Governments to assist all three branches of government of
4 member states in the pursuit of excellence in state government
5 through access to information and research, opportunities for
6 networking and exchange of innovative ideas, and leadership
7 training; and
8     WHEREAS, The Midwestern Legislative Conference (MLC) is a
9 non-partisan regional association of state legislatures
10 representing eleven Midwestern states, as well as the Canadian
11 provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, and Saskatchewan; and
12     WHEREAS, Pursuant to the rotation of host states among the
13 eleven member states, the State of Illinois and the City of
14 Chicago will host the annual meeting of the Midwestern
15 Legislative Conference August 27 to 30, 2006; and
16     WHEREAS, The incoming Chair of the MLC for the 2005-2006
17 year is the distinguished Illinois State Senator Donne E.
18 Trotter; and
19     WHEREAS, The City of Chicago, with its great cultural
20 wealth, vast diversity, and prominence as a center of
21 conventions and tourism, offers an ideal setting to host this
22 prestigious event; and
23     WHEREAS, Both the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago
24 will benefit from the financial activity and distinction
25 associated with hosting such an event; and
26     WHEREAS, The development and execution of a succinct plan
27 to host the annual meeting successfully requires an extensive
28 logistical and well-organized effort; and



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1     WHEREAS, The General Assembly of the State of Illinois
2 recognizes the need to create a special committee to organize
3 and execute such a plan to meet the high standards set by
4 previous host states; therefore, be it
7 CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created a Host Committee for
8 the MLC Annual Meeting to be held in Chicago in 2006; and be it
9 further
10     RESOLVED, That the Host Committee shall consist of two
11 members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate,
12 two members of the Senate appointed by the Minority Leader of
13 the Senate, two members of the House of Representatives
14 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
15 two members of the House of Representatives appointed by the
16 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; each
17 appointing authority shall designate one of his or her
18 appointees as one of four co-chairs; and be it further
19     RESOLVED, That the co-chairs may appoint additional
20 members to serve on the Host Committee and may request the
21 assistance of the Legislative Research Unit and other
22 legislative staff; and be it further
23     RESOLVED, That members of the Host Committee shall serve
24 without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their
25 reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance
26 of their official duties from funds available for that purpose;
27 and be it further
28     RESOLVED, That the Host Committee shall, in conjunction
29 with the MLC officers and staff, formulate and execute a plan
30 to provide for the procedures and activities required to host a
31 successful annual meeting; and be it further



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1     RESOLVED, That the Host Committee shall undertake both
2 public and private sector fundraising initiatives to support or
3 defray the costs associated with the annual meeting; and be it
4 further
5     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution shall be
6 distributed to the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader
7 of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
8 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, and the
9 Executive Directors of the Legislative Support Service
10 Agencies.