Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4527
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4527  095th General Assembly



HB4527 Enrolled LRB095 17511 BDD 43585 b

1     AN ACT concerning local government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Illinois Library System Act is amended by
5 changing Sections 8 and 8.4 as follows:
6     (75 ILCS 10/8)  (from Ch. 81, par. 118)
7     Sec. 8. State grants.
8     (a) There shall be a program of State grants within the
9 limitations of funds appropriated by the Illinois General
10 Assembly together with other funds made available by the
11 federal government or other sources for this purpose. This
12 program of State grants shall be administered by the State
13 Librarian in accordance with rules and regulations as provided
14 in Section 3 of this Act and shall include the following: (i)
15 annual equalization grants; (ii) Library System grants; (iii)
16 per capita grants to public libraries; and (iv) planning and
17 construction grants to public libraries and library systems.
18 Libraries, in order to be eligible for grants under this
19 Section, must be members of a library system.
20     (b) An annual equalization grant shall be made to all
21 public libraries for which the corporate authorities levy a tax
22 for library purposes at a rate not less than .13% of the value
23 of all the taxable property as equalized and assessed by the



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1 Department of Revenue if the amount of tax revenue obtained
2 from a rate of .13% produces less than (i) $4.25 per capita in
3 property tax revenue from property taxes for the 2006 taxable
4 year payable in 2007 and (ii) $7.50 per capita in property tax
5 revenue from property taxes for the 2007 taxable year and
6 thereafter. In that case, the State Librarian is authorized to
7 make an equalization grant equivalent to the difference between
8 the amount obtained from a rate of .13% and an annual income of
9 $4.25 per capita for grants made through Fiscal Year 2008, and
10 an annual income of $7.50 per capita for grants made in Fiscal
11 Year 2009 and thereafter. If moneys appropriated for grants
12 under this Section are not sufficient, then the State Librarian
13 shall reduce the per capita amount of the grants so that the
14 qualifying public libraries receive the same amount per capita,
15 but in no event shall the grant be less than equivalent to the
16 difference between the amount of the tax revenue obtained from
17 the current levy and an annual income of $4.25 per capita. If a
18 library receiving an equalization grant reduces its tax levy
19 below the amount levied at the time the original application is
20 approved, it shall be ineligible to receive further
21 equalization grants.
22     If a library is subject to the Property Tax Extension
23 Limitation Law in the Property Tax Code and its tax levy for
24 library purposes has been lowered to a rate of less than .13%,
25 the library will qualify for this grant if the library levied a
26 tax for library purposes that met the requirements for this



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1 grant in the previous year and if the tax levied for library
2 purposes in the current year produces tax revenue for the
3 library that is an increase over the previous year's extension
4 of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index,
5 whichever is less, and the tax revenue produced by this levy is
6 less than (i) $4.25 per capita in property tax revenue from
7 property taxes for the 2006 taxable year payable in 2007 and
8 (ii) $7.50 per capita in property tax revenue from property
9 taxes for the 2007 taxable year and thereafter. In this case,
10 the State Librarian is authorized to make an equalization grant
11 equivalent to the difference between the amount of tax revenue
12 obtained from the current levy and an annual income of $4.25
13 per capita for grants made through Fiscal Year 2008, and an
14 annual income of $7.50 per capita for grants made in Fiscal
15 Year 2009 and thereafter. If moneys appropriated for grants
16 under this Section are not sufficient, then the State Librarian
17 shall reduce the per capita amount of the grants so that the
18 qualifying public libraries receive the same amount per capita,
19 but in no event shall the grant be less than equivalent to the
20 difference between the amount of the tax revenue obtained from
21 the current levy and an annual income of $4.25 per capita. If a
22 library receiving an equalization grant reduces its tax levy
23 below the amount levied at the time the original application is
24 approved, it shall be ineligible to receive further
25 equalization grants.
26     (c) Annual Library System grants shall be made, upon



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1 application, to each library system approved by the State
2 Librarian on the following basis:
3         (1) For library systems, the sum of $1.46 per capita of
4     the population of the area served plus the sum of $50.75
5     per square mile or fraction thereof of the area served
6     except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection.
7         (2) If the amounts appropriated for grants are
8     different from the amount provided for in paragraph (1) of
9     this subsection, the area and per capita funding shall be
10     proportionately reduced or increased accordingly.
11         (3) For library systems, additional funds may be
12     appropriated. The appropriation shall be distributed on
13     the same proportional per capita and per square mile basis
14     as provided in paragraphs (1) and (4) of this subsection.
15         (4) Per capita and area funding for a multitype library
16     system as defined in subparagraph (3) of the definition of
17     "library system" in Section 2 and a public library system
18     in cities with a population of 500,000 or more as defined
19     in subparagraph (2) of the definition of "library system"
20     in Section 2 shall be apportioned with 25% of the funding
21     granted to the multitype library system and 75% of the
22     funding granted to the public library system.
23     (d) The "area served" for the purposes of this Act means
24 the area that lies within the geographic boundaries of the
25 library system as approved by the State Librarian. In
26 determining the population of the area served by the library



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1 system, the Illinois State Library shall use the latest federal
2 census for the political subdivisions in the area served.
3     (e) In order to be eligible for a grant under this Section,
4 the corporate authorities, instead of a tax levy at a
5 particular rate, may provide an amount equivalent to the amount
6 produced by that levy.
7 (Source: P.A. 93-527, eff. 8-14-03.)
8     (75 ILCS 10/8.4)  (from Ch. 81, par. 118.4)
9     Sec. 8.4. School library grants. Beginning July 1, 1989,
10 the State Librarian shall make grants annually under this
11 Section to all school districts in the State for the
12 establishment and operation of qualified school libraries, or
13 the additional support of existing qualified school libraries,
14 from funds appropriated by the General Assembly. Such grants
15 shall be in the amount of $0.75 per student as determined by
16 the official enrollment as of the previous September 30 of the
17 respective school having a qualified school library. If the
18 moneys appropriated for grants under this Section are not
19 sufficient, the State Librarian shall reduce the amount of the
20 grants as necessary; in making these reductions, the State
21 Librarian shall endeavor to provide each school district that
22 has a qualifying school library (i) at least the same amount
23 per student as the district received under this Section in the
24 preceding fiscal year, and (ii) a total grant of at least $750,
25 which, in the event of an insufficient appropriation, shall not



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1 be reduced to a total grant of less than $100 $100.
2     To qualify for grants under this Section, a school library
3 must:
4         (1) Be an entity which serves the basic information and
5     library needs of the school's employees and students
6     through a bibliographically organized collection of
7     library materials, has at least one employee whose primary
8     duty is to serve as a librarian, and has a collection
9     permanently supported financially, accessible centrally,
10     and occupying identifiable quarters in one principal
11     location.
12         (2) Meet the requirements for membership in a library
13     system under the provisions of this Act.
14         (3) Have applied for membership in the library system
15     of jurisdiction if the system is a multitype library system
16     under this Act.
17         (4) Provide, as mutually determined by the Illinois
18     State Librarian and the Illinois State Board of Education,
19     library services which either meet or show progress toward
20     meeting the Illinois school library standards as most
21     recently adopted by the Illinois School Library Media
22     Association.
23         (5) Submit a statement certifying that the financial
24     support for the school library or libraries of the applying
25     school district has been maintained undiminished, or if
26     diminished, the percentage of diminution of financial



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1     support is no more than the percentage of diminution of the
2     applying school's total financial support for educational
3     and operations purposes since the submission of the last
4     previous application of the school district for the school
5     library per student grant that was funded.
6     Grants under this Section shall be made only upon
7 application of the school district for its qualified school
8 library or school libraries.
9 (Source: P.A. 91-507, eff. 8-13-99.)
10     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,
11 2008.