Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0046
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0046  095th General Assembly



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1     AN ACT concerning government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Green
5 Governments Illinois Act.
6     Section 5. Findings and purpose. Daily government
7 operations have an impact on environmental quality and use of
8 natural resources, including the energy and water consumed, the
9 solid waste generated, the buildings constructed, and the goods
10 and services purchased. The purpose of this Act is to
11 demonstrate the State's commitment to reducing negative
12 environmental impacts, reducing greenhouse gases, and
13 preserving resources for current and future generations. This
14 Act will also strengthen the capacity of units of local
15 government and educational institutions to transition to a more
16 environmentally sustainable future.
17     Section 10. Green Governments Coordinating Council;
18 established. The Green Governments Coordinating Council is
19 established. The purpose of the Council is to integrate more
20 fully into the ongoing management systems, long-range
21 planning, and daily operations of State agencies a number of
22 cost-effective environmental sustainability measures that



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1 enhance health and safety, reduce the consumption of energy and
2 fuels, conserve water, minimize emissions and reduce solid and
3 hazardous wastes. The Council will also serve as a resource for
4 units of local government and educational institutions, which
5 includes all public and private school districts, regional
6 offices of education, universities, and colleges.
7     Section 15. Composition of the Council. The Council shall
8 be comprised of representatives from various State agencies
9 with specific fiscal, procurement, educational, and
10 environmental policy expertise. The Lieutenant Governor is the
11 chair of the Council. The director of each of the following
12 State agencies, or his or her designee, is a member of the
13 Council: the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity,
14 the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Natural
15 Resources, the Department of Natural Resources Waste
16 Management and Research Center, the Department of Central
17 Management Services, the Governor's Office of Management and
18 Budget, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of
19 Transportation, the Department of Corrections, the Department
20 of Human Services, the Department of Public Health, the State
21 Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, and the
22 Capital Development Board. The Office of the Lieutenant
23 Governor shall provide administrative support to the Council. A
24 minimum of one staff position in the Office of the Lieutenant
25 Governor shall be dedicated to the Green Governments Illinois



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1 program.
2     Section 20. Responsibilities of the Council. The Council is
3 responsible for the development and dissemination of programs,
4 plans, and policies to reduce the environmental footprint of
5 State government and for improving the implementation of
6 greening the government initiatives in other institutions,
7 thereby reducing costs to taxpayers and improving efficiency in
8 operations. The Council shall convene on a quarterly basis and
9 shall be responsible for the following:
10         (a) Establishing long-term environmental
11     sustainability goals that the State will strive to achieve
12     within a period of 3, 5, and 10 years to improve the energy
13     and environmental performance of State buildings,
14     consistent with efficiency and economic objectives. These
15     goals shall, at a minimum, include the following:
16     broad-based performance goals for energy efficiency; use
17     of renewable fuels; water conservation; green purchasing;
18     paper consumption; and solid waste generation. These goals
19     can be met through increased efficiency, operational
20     changes, and improved maintenance and use of
21     cost-effective alternative technologies, raw materials,
22     and fuels.
23         The Council shall:
24             (1) communicate the environmental sustainability
25         goals to all State agencies;



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1             (2) establish an electronic system to track and
2         report on environmental progress;
3             (3) monitor improvement activities; and
4             (4) propose new goals as appropriate.
5         (b) Coordinating an awards program that recognizes
6     units of State and local government and educational
7     institutions for developing, adopting, and implementing
8     innovative or exemplary environmental sustainability plans
9     in conformance with this Act.
10         (c) Creating specific guidance materials for State
11     agencies, educational institutions, and units of local
12     government on how to integrate environmental
13     sustainability into existing management systems, planning,
14     and operational practices, while still providing necessary
15     services and ensuring efficient and effective operations.
16     These guidance materials must include a list of
17     environmental and energy best practices, case studies,
18     policy language, model plans, and other resource
19     information. These materials must be made available on a
20     website devoted to the Green Governments Illinois program.
21         (d) Developing and implementing, to the extent
22     fiscally feasible, training programs designed to instill
23     the importance and value of environmental sustainability.
24         (e) Providing new ways for State government to build
25     markets for environmentally preferable products and
26     services without compromising price, competition, and



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1     availability. The Council shall initially focus on
2     integrated pest management, bio-based products, recycled
3     content paper, energy efficiency, renewable energy,
4     alternative fuel vehicles, and green cleaning supplies.
5     Within existing resources, the Department of Central
6     Management Services shall designate a single point of
7     contact for State agencies, suppliers, and other
8     interested parties to contact regarding environmentally
9     preferable purchasing issues.
10         (f) Working collaboratively with State agencies, units
11     of local government, educational institutions, and the
12     legislative branches of government to promote
13     benchmarking, commissioning, and retro-commissioning to
14     make government and institutional buildings more
15     resource-efficient, energy efficient, and healthful public
16     places.
17         (g) Reviewing budgetary policy and making
18     recommendations to the Governor on incentives for State
19     agencies to undertake environmental improvements that
20     result in long-term cost-savings, productivity
21     enhancements, or other outcomes deemed appropriate to the
22     State's sustainability goals.
23         (h) Reporting annually to the Governor and the General
24     Assembly on the results of environmental sustainability
25     actions taken by State agencies, educational institutions
26     and units of local government during the prior calendar



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1     year. The report must include the environmental and
2     economic benefits of the environmental sustainability
3     actions, where feasible, the consumption of those actions,
4     and provide recommendations for future environmental
5     improvement activities during the following year. The
6     report shall be filed by September 1, 2008, and September 1
7     of each subsequent year.
8         (i) The chairman of the Council shall determine whether
9     or not the I-Cycle program is operating effectively and
10     make recommendations concerning management of the I-Cycle
11     program. The chairman has the authority to dissolve the
12     I-Cycle program if the program is found to be ineffective.
13     Section 25. Authority of the Council. To fulfill its
14 functions, the Council has the authority to:
15         (1) Solicit and receive grants.
16         (2) Solicit, use, and publish advice and information
17     from non-governmental entities and experts to assist in the
18     Council's duties.
19     Section 30. Voluntary participation. Participation in the
20 provisions of this Act by units of local government and
21 educational institutions is voluntary.
22     Section 35. Environmental Plans and Reporting.
23     (a) Each State agency shall submit an adopted environmental



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1 sustainability plan to the chairman of the Council for review
2 and approval on or before November 1, 2007.
3     On or before August 1, 2007, the Council shall prepare a
4 downloadable plan template designed to provide a simple
5 framework for the development of an environmental
6 sustainability plan as required by this Act. The Council shall
7 adopt procedures for reviewing and approving the plans, and
8 make staff available during preparation of the plans to assist
9 State agencies with their plan-writing efforts. The Council
10 shall complete its plan review process on or before January 1,
11 2008. The sustainability plans shall be reviewed and updated
12 periodically, but at least once every 3 years. To the extent
13 feasible and cost-effective, units of local government,
14 educational institutions, and State agencies are encouraged to
15 adopt and implement similar sustainability plans.
16 Environmental sustainability plans may be submitted to the
17 chairman of the Council, by request, for review and approval.
18     (b) On or before August 1, 2007, each State agency, using
19 existing resources, shall form an internal environmental
20 sustainability committee. The environmental sustainability
21 committee shall (i) assess the environmental and resource use
22 impacts of its major operational activities making
23 environmental improvements, conserving resources, and reducing
24 health risks; (ii) develop an environmental sustainability
25 plan as required under this Act; and (iii) establish an ongoing
26 process through which their sustainability efforts can be



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1 reviewed and improved upon. The committee shall focus on the
2 most significant environmental and resource use impacts,
3 examine the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of addressing
4 these impacts, and prioritize their actions accordingly.
5     Where feasible, the committee shall quantify the specific
6 impacts of major operational activities such as gallons of
7 water used, pounds of solid waste generated, gallons of
8 gasoline consumed, and dollars spent per year on electricity.
9 The committee shall consist of representatives from different
10 departments and program areas, including purchasing,
11 maintenance, and facility management. A senior member of
12 management shall be designated to coordinate environmental
13 sustainability efforts of each committee. The coordinator
14 shall provide information to agency facilities and staff,
15 coordinate planning and reporting activities, and act as
16 liaison to the Council. Where appropriate, State agencies may
17 appoint facility coordinators in addition to the agency
18 coordinator. Coordinators shall be given full management
19 support and provided with the necessary resources to meet the
20 goals of this Act.
21     (c) On or before April 1, 2008 and on or before April 1 of
22 each subsequent year, each State agency shall submit to the
23 chairman of the Council a report summarizing the progress made
24 in implementing its environmental sustainability plan,
25 including sustainability measures adopted and goals achieved.
26 The information in this report shall encompass the previous



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1 calendar year.
2     On or before January 1, 2008, the Council shall develop and
3 adopt a reporting form to be used to comply with the provisions
4 of this Section. Participating units of local government, State
5 agencies, and educational institutions must submit an annual
6 progress report on or before June 1, 2008 and on or before June
7 1 of each subsequent year.
8     (d) State agencies shall be invited to participate in the
9 Council's efforts to foster environmental sustainability
10 practices throughout State government.
11     (e) The Council shall provide technical assistance to State
12 agencies, units of local government, and educational
13 institutions for the purpose of implementing the environmental
14 sustainability planning requirement.
15     (f) The Council may establish criteria for exempting select
16 State agencies from the environmental sustainability planning
17 based on staff size, probable environmental impacts, and scope
18 of operations.
19     Section 40. Inter-agency cooperation. The Council shall be
20 entitled to and shall receive the cooperation of every
21 administrator and employee of every State agency in fulfilling
22 the Council's purpose and functions.
23     Section 45. Green Governments Illinois website.
24     (a) The Green Governments Illinois staff member of the



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1 Lieutenant Governor's Office shall be responsible for
2 establishing and maintaining an Internet website devoted to the
3 Green Governments Illinois program.
4     (b) The content and capabilities of the website shall, at a
5 minimum, include:
6         (1) the ability to receive submitted plans and reports;
7         (2) a downloadable template for preparing reports;
8         (3) viewable and downloadable plans and reports
9     submitted by the participating units of State and local
10     government and educational institutions;
11         (4) a listing of sources of information on developing
12     environmental programs and Internet links, if available,
13     to those sources;
14         (5) a listing of sources of funding for environmental
15     programs and Internet links, if available, to those
16     sources;
17         (6) information on forming intergovernmental
18     agreements for the purpose of developing collaborative
19     environmental plans between units of local government; and
20         (7) guidance materials to assist State agencies, units
21     of local government, and educational institutions in
22     identifying environmental impacts and evaluating practical
23     actions to prevent pollution and conserve resources.
24     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
25 becoming law.