Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0489
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0489  095th General Assembly



HR0489 LRB095 12363 GRL 37215 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3 Representatives are pleased to congratulate Chicago Police
4 Department Lieutenant Joseph Gorman on receiving a 2007 TOP
5 COPS Award; and
6     WHEREAS, The TOP COPS Awards Ceremony was created about 14
7 years ago by the National Association of Police Organizations;
8 the ceremony recognizes law enforcement officers for their
9 selfless acts of bravery and courage; and
10     WHEREAS, The Chicago Police Department's Narcotics and
11 Gangs Investigation Section (NAGIS) launched an investigation
12 due to the increase of homicides attributed to the New Breed
13 and Vice Lords street gangs; gang violence and retaliation
14 between the two gangs began to escalate in 2006 when both gangs
15 attempted to increase territory to sell narcotics; under the
16 supervision of Lieutenant Joseph Gorman of the Gang
17 Intelligence Unit, twenty-five police officers, detectives,
18 and sergeants were assigned to this investigation, spanning
19 three 24-hour shifts; and
20     WHEREAS, On September 18, 2006, electronic surveillance
21 orders were signed for phones belonging to high ranking members
22 of the New Breed street gang; the phone surveillance allowed



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1 officers to determine the M.O. of several homicides and
2 drive-by shootings linked to this violent gang conflict; on
3 October 27, a member of the New Breed street gang was murdered
4 while walking a ten year old girl to school; Gang Intelligence
5 prepared for the retaliation they anticipated was imminent; and
6     WHEREAS, Intercepted conversations on October 30, 2006
7 revealed that the New Breeds were planning a calculated hit;
8 NAGIS teams assigned to watch a stolen vehicle being used by
9 the gang observed three offenders get into the car, armed with
10 firearms; police surveillance revealed that two gang leaders
11 had ordered a hit through a cell phone conversation;
12 consequently, Lieutenant Gorman assembled his teams in covert
13 and unmarked vehicles and prepared to follow the stolen car;
14 and
15     WHEREAS, Recognizing that the hit was to be executed in a
16 residential area near a school where children would soon be
17 dismissed, Lieutenant Gorman ordered his units to move in and
18 surround the stolen vehicle to avoid a potentially fatal and
19 disastrous pursuit; he and Sgt. James Sanchez exited their
20 vehicle and approached the suspect's vehicle, surrounding it
21 from both sides; as the rear passenger raised an AK47 type
22 rifle, Gorman immediately responded by firing at the offender;
23 he then observed the driver reaching into the waistband of his
24 pants, and ordered him to show his hands; when he failed to



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1 comply, Gorman fired several times at the driver; he also
2 observed that the rear passenger had not released the AK47; Lt.
3 Gorman then fired his remaining rounds and stepped back to
4 reload; assisting officers moved forward, and after more shots
5 were exchanged, the gunfire ceased; and
6     WHEREAS, Thanks to the actions of Lieutenant Gorman and his
7 team, innocent citizens were protected from highly volatile and
8 violent criminals; therefore, be it
11 congratulate Chicago Police Department Lieutenant Joseph
12 Gorman on receiving a 2007 TOP COPS Award and wish him
13 continued success and happiness in the future; and be it
14 further
15     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16 presented to Lieutenant Joseph Gorman as a symbol of our esteem
17 and respect.