Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0519
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0519  095th General Assembly



SR0519 LRB095 18977 GRL 45148 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Mamie Ruth Chapman, who passed away on
4 January 9, 2008; and
5     WHEREAS, Mamie Chapman was born on July 25, 1933 in
6 Clarksdale, Mississippi; she was the fifth of nine children
7 born to Otis Joe and Callie Allen; and
8     WHEREAS, Mamie Chapman moved to Chicago in the early 1950s,
9 where she met and later married William Chapman; and
10     WHEREAS, Mamie Chapman was a faithful and devoted employee
11 of the Drackett Company until the company's closing; she also
12 supported herself by baking cakes and sewing; and
13     WHEREAS, Mamie Chapman enjoyed entertaining in her early
14 years; she also enjoyed an annual outing at Old Country Buffet
15 with her retired co-workers at the Drackett Company; and
16     WHEREAS, Mamie Chapman was preceded in death by her
17 parents; her son, Curtis (Ameen); her grandson, Fareed; and her
18 siblings, Henry and Van Allen; and
19     WHEREAS, Mamie Chapman is survived by her grandchildren,



SR0519 - 2 - LRB095 18977 GRL 45148 r

1 Ameena and Remeen; her great-grandchildren, Rakeda and Daniel;
2 her daughter-in-law, Priscilla; her siblings, Gwendolyn Allen,
3 Joe Allen, Juanita Perry, Marion Allen, James Allen, and Mary
4 Allen; her surrogate daughters, Anita and Chick; her special
5 friend, Diane Baker; and her many nieces, nephews, relatives,
6 and dear friends; therefore, be it
8 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
9 her family and friends, the passing of Mamie Ruth Chapman; and
10 be it further
11     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12 presented to the family of Mamie Chapman as an expression of
13 our sympathy.