Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5225
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5225  094th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2005 and 2006


Introduced 01/24/06, by Rep. Robert Rita


605 ILCS 10/17   from Ch. 121, par. 100-17

    Amends the Toll Highway Act. Provides that the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, in connection with its issuance of bonds under the Act, is authorized to enter into agreements commonly known as interest rate swaps, subject to limitations specified in the Bond Authorization Act. Effective immediately.

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1     AN ACT concerning transportation.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Toll Highway Act is amended by changing
5 Section 17 as follows:
6     (605 ILCS 10/17)  (from Ch. 121, par. 100-17)
7     Sec. 17. (a) The Authority may from time to time issue
8 bonds for any lawful purpose including, without limitation, the
9 costs of issuance thereof and all such bonds or other
10 obligations of the Authority issued pursuant to this Act shall
11 be and are hereby declared to be negotiable for all purposes
12 notwithstanding their payment from a limited source and without
13 regard to any other law or laws.
14     (b) The bonds of every issue shall be payable solely out of
15 revenues of the Authority, accumulated reserves or sinking
16 funds, bond proceeds, proceeds of refunding bonds, or
17 investment earnings as the Authority shall specify in a bond
18 resolution.
19     (c) The bonds may be issued as serial bonds or as term
20 bonds, or the Authority, in its discretion, may issue bonds of
21 both types. The bonds shall be authorized by a bond resolution
22 of the Authority, may be issued in one or more series and shall
23 bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not
24 exceeding 25 years from their respective date or dates of
25 issue, bear interest at such rate or rates, fixed or variable,
26 without regard to any limit contained in any other statute or
27 law of the State of Illinois, be payable as to principal and
28 interest at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in
29 such form, either coupon or fully registered, carry such
30 registration and conversion privileges, be payable in lawful
31 money of the United States of America at such places, be
32 subject to such terms of redemption and may contain such other



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1 terms and provisions, as such bond resolution or resolutions
2 may provide. The bonds shall be executed by the manual or
3 facsimile signatures of the Chairman and the Secretary. In case
4 any of the officers whose signature appears on the bonds or
5 coupons, if any, shall cease to be an officer before the
6 delivery of such bonds, such signature shall nevertheless be
7 valid and sufficient for all purposes, as if he had remained in
8 office until such delivery. The bonds shall be sold in such
9 manner as the Authority shall determine. The proceeds from the
10 sale of such bonds shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State
11 of Illinois as ex officio custodian. Pending preparation of the
12 definitive bonds, the Authority may issue interim receipts or
13 certificates which shall be exchanged for such definitive
14 bonds.
15     (d) Any bond resolution, or trust indenture entered into
16 pursuant to a bond resolution, may contain provisions, which
17 shall be a part of the contract with the holders of the bonds
18 to be authorized, as to: (i) pledging or creating a lien upon
19 all or part of the revenues of the Authority or any reserves,
20 sinking funds, bond proceeds or investment earnings; (ii) the
21 setting aside of reserves or sinking funds, and the regulation,
22 investment and disposition thereof; (iii) the use and
23 maintenance requirements for the toll highways; (iv) the
24 purposes to which or the investments in which the proceeds of
25 sale of any series or issue of bonds then or thereafter to be
26 issued may be applied; (v) the issuance of additional bonds,
27 the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and
28 secured, the purposes for such additional bonds, and the terms
29 upon which additional bonds may rank on a parity with, or be
30 subordinate or superior to other bonds; (vi) the refunding of
31 outstanding bonds; (vii) the procedure, if any, by which the
32 terms of any contract with bondholders may be amended or
33 abrogated, the amount of bonds the holders of which must
34 consent thereto, and the manner in which such consent may be
35 given; (viii) defining the acts or omissions to act which shall
36 constitute a default in the duties of the Authority to holders



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1 of its obligations and providing the rights and remedies of
2 such holders in the event of a default; (ix) any other matters
3 relating to the bonds which the Authority deems desirable.
4     (d-5) The Authority is authorized to enter into agreements
5 commonly known as interest rate swaps, subject to the
6 limitations set forth in Section 7 of the Bond Authorization
7 Act.
8     (e) Neither the directors of the Authority nor any person
9 executing the bonds shall be liable personally on the bonds or
10 be subject to any personal liability or accountability by
11 reason of the issuance thereof.
12     (f) The Authority shall have power out of any funds
13 available therefor to purchase its bonds. The Authority may
14 hold, pledge, cancel or resell such bonds subject to and in
15 accordance with agreements with bondholders.
16     (g) In the discretion of the Authority any bonds issued
17 under the provisions of this Act may be secured by a trust
18 indenture by and between the Authority and a trustee or
19 trustees, which may be any trust company or bank in the State
20 of Illinois having the powers of a trust company and possessing
21 capital and surplus of not less than $50,000,000. The bond
22 resolution or trust indenture providing for the issuance of
23 bonds so secured shall pledge such revenues of the Authority,
24 sinking funds, bond proceeds, or investment earnings as may be
25 specified therein, may contain such provisions for protecting
26 and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as may
27 be reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including
28 particularly such provisions as have hereinabove been
29 specifically authorized to be included in any bond resolution
30 or trust indenture of the Authority, and may restrict the
31 individual right of action by bondholders. In addition to the
32 foregoing, any bond resolution or trust indenture may contain
33 such other provisions as the Authority may deem reasonable and
34 proper for the security of the bondholders, including, but not
35 limited to, the purchase of bond insurance and the arrangement
36 of letters of credit, lines of credit or other credit or



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1 liquidity enhancement facilities; provided there shall be no
2 pledge of the toll highway or any part thereof. All expenses
3 incurred in carrying out the provisions of any bond resolution
4 or trust indenture may be treated as a part of the cost of the
5 operation of the toll highways.
6     (h) Bonds issued under the authority of this Act do not,
7 and shall state upon the face of each bond that they do not,
8 represent or constitute a debt of the Authority or of the State
9 of Illinois within the meaning of any constitutional or
10 statutory limitation or a pledge of the faith and credit of the
11 Authority or the State of Illinois, or grant to the owners or
12 holders thereof any right to have the Authority or the General
13 Assembly levy any taxes or appropriate any funds for the
14 payment of the principal thereof or interest thereon. Such
15 bonds shall be payable and shall state that they are payable
16 solely from the revenues and the sources authorized under this
17 Act and pledged for their payment in accordance with the bond
18 resolution or trust indenture.
19     Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the
20 Authority or any department, board, commission or other agency
21 to create an obligation of the State of Illinois within the
22 meaning of the Constitution or Statutes of Illinois.
23     (i) Any resolution or trust indenture authorizing the
24 issuance of the bonds may include provision for the issuance of
25 additional bonds. All resolutions of the Authority to carry
26 such adopted bond resolutions into effect, to provide for the
27 sale and delivery of the bonds, for letting of contracts for
28 the construction of toll highways and the acquisition of real
29 and personal property deemed by the Authority necessary or
30 convenient for the construction thereof, shall not require the
31 approval of the Governor or of any other department, division,
32 commission, bureau, board or other agency of the State.
33 (Source: P.A. 83-1258.)
34     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
35 becoming law.