Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5582
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5582  098th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2013 and 2014


Introduced , by Rep. Dennis M. Reboletti


20 ILCS 1605/3  from Ch. 120, par. 1153
20 ILCS 1605/21.9 new
230 ILCS 15/1  from Ch. 85, par. 2301
720 ILCS 5/28-1  from Ch. 38, par. 28-1

    Amends the Illinois Lottery Law. Authorizes the Department to create a special raffle to benefit the Illinois Veterans Assistance Fund. Defines "raffle" as a game of chance in which a limited number of tickets are sold in numeric order, each having a chance of winning a prize, and the winner or winners are determined after the conclusion of ticket sales by a computerized random number generator at a time to be referred to as the raffle drawing date. Sets forth guidelines for conducting the special raffle. Amends the Raffles Act and the Criminal Code of 2012 to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Lottery Law is amended by changing
5Section 3 and by adding Section 21.9 as follows:
6    (20 ILCS 1605/3)  (from Ch. 120, par. 1153)
7    Sec. 3. For the purposes of this Act:
8    a. "Lottery" or "State Lottery" means the lottery or
9lotteries established and operated pursuant to this Act.
10    b. "Board" means the Lottery Control Board created by this
12    c. "Department" means the Department of the Lottery.
13    d. (Blank).
14    e. "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Lottery Control
16    f. "Multi-state game directors" means such persons,
17including the Director, as may be designated by an agreement
18between the Department and one or more additional lotteries
19operated under the laws of another state or states.
20    g. (Blank).
21    h. "Director" means the Director of the Department of the
23    i. "Management agreement" means an agreement or contract



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1between the Department on behalf of the State with a private
2manager, as an independent contractor, whereby the private
3manager provides management services to the Lottery in exchange
4for compensation that may consist of, among other things, a fee
5for services and a performance-based bonus of no more than 5%
6of Lottery profits so long as the Department continues to
7exercise actual control over all significant business
8decisions made by the private manager as set forth in Section
10    j. "Person" means any individual, firm, association, joint
11venture, partnership, estate, trust, syndicate, fiduciary,
12corporation, or other legal entity, group, or combination.
13    k. "Private manager" means a person that provides
14management services to the Lottery on behalf of the Department
15under a management agreement.
16    l. "Profits" means total revenues accruing from the sale of
17lottery tickets or shares and related proceeds minus (1) the
18payment of prizes and retailer bonuses and (2) the payment of
19costs incurred in the operation and administration of the
20lottery, excluding costs of services directly rendered by a
21private manager.
22    m. "Chief Procurement Officer" means the Chief Procurement
23Officer provided for under paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of
24Section 10-20 of the Illinois Procurement Code.
25    n. "Raffle" means a game of chance in which a limited
26number of tickets are sold in numeric order, each having a



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1chance of winning a prize, and the winner or winners are
2determined after the conclusion of ticket sales by a
3computerized random number generator at a time to be referred
4to as the raffle drawing date.
5(Source: P.A. 97-464, eff. 8-19-11; 98-499, eff. 8-16-13.)
6    (20 ILCS 1605/21.9 new)
7    Sec. 21.9. Special raffle to benefit the Illinois Veterans
8Assistance Fund.
9    (a) The Department may, at least once per year, create a
10special raffle to benefit the Illinois Veterans Assistance
11Fund. Each special raffle shall be publicly announced by the
12Department at least one month in advance of the raffle drawing
13date. The Director may determine the raffle drawing date, the
14number and price of tickets to be sold, and the prize or prizes
15to be offered.
16    (b) Proceeds from the special raffle shall be deposited
17into the Illinois Veterans Assistance Fund for appropriation by
18the General Assembly for the same purposes and in accordance
19with the same requirements as outlined in Section 21.6 of this
21    (c) The Department may sell special raffle tickets by any
22method authorized for the sale of other Lottery tickets.
23    (d) This Section shall not limit or impair the Department's
24ability to create raffles unrelated to the Illinois Veterans
25Assistance Fund.



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1    (e) The Department may adopt any rules necessary to
2implement and administer the provisions of this Section.
3    Section 10. The Raffles Act is amended by changing Section
41 as follows:
5    (230 ILCS 15/1)  (from Ch. 85, par. 2301)
6    Sec. 1. Definitions.) For the purposes of this Act the
7terms defined in this Section have the meanings given them.
8    "Net Proceeds" means the gross receipts from the conduct of
9raffles, less reasonable sums expended for prizes, local
10license fees and other reasonable operating expenses incurred
11as a result of operating a raffle.
12    "Raffle" means a form of lottery, as defined in Section
1328-2(b) of the Criminal Code of 2012, conducted by an
14organization licensed under this Act, in which:
15        (1) the player pays or agrees to pay something of value
16    for a chance, represented and differentiated by a number or
17    by a combination of numbers or by some other medium, one or
18    more of which chances is to be designated the winning
19    chance;
20        (2) the winning chance is to be determined through a
21    drawing or by some other method based on an element of
22    chance by an act or set of acts on the part of persons
23    conducting or connected with the lottery, except that the
24    winning chance shall not be determined by the outcome of a



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1    publicly exhibited sporting contest.
2    "Raffle" does not include a special raffle conducted by the
3Department of the Lottery under Section 21.9 of the Illinois
4Lottery Law.
5(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
6    Section 15. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by
7changing Section 28-1 as follows:
8    (720 ILCS 5/28-1)  (from Ch. 38, par. 28-1)
9    Sec. 28-1. Gambling.
10    (a) A person commits gambling when he or she:
11        (1) knowingly plays a game of chance or skill for money
12    or other thing of value, unless excepted in subsection (b)
13    of this Section;
14        (2) knowingly makes a wager upon the result of any
15    game, contest, or any political nomination, appointment or
16    election;
17        (3) knowingly operates, keeps, owns, uses, purchases,
18    exhibits, rents, sells, bargains for the sale or lease of,
19    manufactures or distributes any gambling device;
20        (4) contracts to have or give himself or herself or
21    another the option to buy or sell, or contracts to buy or
22    sell, at a future time, any grain or other commodity
23    whatsoever, or any stock or security of any company, where
24    it is at the time of making such contract intended by both



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1    parties thereto that the contract to buy or sell, or the
2    option, whenever exercised, or the contract resulting
3    therefrom, shall be settled, not by the receipt or delivery
4    of such property, but by the payment only of differences in
5    prices thereof; however, the issuance, purchase, sale,
6    exercise, endorsement or guarantee, by or through a person
7    registered with the Secretary of State pursuant to Section
8    8 of the Illinois Securities Law of 1953, or by or through
9    a person exempt from such registration under said Section
10    8, of a put, call, or other option to buy or sell
11    securities which have been registered with the Secretary of
12    State or which are exempt from such registration under
13    Section 3 of the Illinois Securities Law of 1953 is not
14    gambling within the meaning of this paragraph (4);
15        (5) knowingly owns or possesses any book, instrument or
16    apparatus by means of which bets or wagers have been, or
17    are, recorded or registered, or knowingly possesses any
18    money which he has received in the course of a bet or
19    wager;
20        (6) knowingly sells pools upon the result of any game
21    or contest of skill or chance, political nomination,
22    appointment or election;
23        (7) knowingly sets up or promotes any lottery or sells,
24    offers to sell or transfers any ticket or share for any
25    lottery;
26        (8) knowingly sets up or promotes any policy game or



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1    sells, offers to sell or knowingly possesses or transfers
2    any policy ticket, slip, record, document or other similar
3    device;
4        (9) knowingly drafts, prints or publishes any lottery
5    ticket or share, or any policy ticket, slip, record,
6    document or similar device, except for such activity
7    related to lotteries, bingo games and raffles authorized by
8    and conducted in accordance with the laws of Illinois or
9    any other state or foreign government;
10        (10) knowingly advertises any lottery or policy game,
11    except for such activity related to lotteries, bingo games
12    and raffles authorized by and conducted in accordance with
13    the laws of Illinois or any other state;
14        (11) knowingly transmits information as to wagers,
15    betting odds, or changes in betting odds by telephone,
16    telegraph, radio, semaphore or similar means; or knowingly
17    installs or maintains equipment for the transmission or
18    receipt of such information; except that nothing in this
19    subdivision (11) prohibits transmission or receipt of such
20    information for use in news reporting of sporting events or
21    contests; or
22        (12) knowingly establishes, maintains, or operates an
23    Internet site that permits a person to play a game of
24    chance or skill for money or other thing of value by means
25    of the Internet or to make a wager upon the result of any
26    game, contest, political nomination, appointment, or



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1    election by means of the Internet. This item (12) does not
2    apply to activities referenced in items (6) and (6.1) of
3    subsection (b) of this Section.
4    (b) Participants in any of the following activities shall
5not be convicted of gambling:
6        (1) Agreements to compensate for loss caused by the
7    happening of chance including without limitation contracts
8    of indemnity or guaranty and life or health or accident
9    insurance.
10        (2) Offers of prizes, award or compensation to the
11    actual contestants in any bona fide contest for the
12    determination of skill, speed, strength or endurance or to
13    the owners of animals or vehicles entered in such contest.
14        (3) Pari-mutuel betting as authorized by the law of
15    this State.
16        (4) Manufacture of gambling devices, including the
17    acquisition of essential parts therefor and the assembly
18    thereof, for transportation in interstate or foreign
19    commerce to any place outside this State when such
20    transportation is not prohibited by any applicable Federal
21    law; or the manufacture, distribution, or possession of
22    video gaming terminals, as defined in the Video Gaming Act,
23    by manufacturers, distributors, and terminal operators
24    licensed to do so under the Video Gaming Act.
25        (5) The game commonly known as "bingo", when conducted
26    in accordance with the Bingo License and Tax Act.



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1        (6) Lotteries and raffles when conducted by the State
2    of Illinois in accordance with the Illinois Lottery Law.
3    This exemption includes any activity conducted by the
4    Department of the Lottery Revenue to sell lottery or raffle
5    tickets pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Lottery
6    Law and its rules.
7        (6.1) The purchase of lottery tickets through the
8    Internet for a lottery conducted by the State of Illinois
9    under the program established in Section 7.12 of the
10    Illinois Lottery Law.
11        (7) Possession of an antique slot machine that is
12    neither used nor intended to be used in the operation or
13    promotion of any unlawful gambling activity or enterprise.
14    For the purpose of this subparagraph (b)(7), an antique
15    slot machine is one manufactured 25 years ago or earlier.
16        (8) Raffles when conducted in accordance with the
17    Raffles Act.
18        (9) Charitable games when conducted in accordance with
19    the Charitable Games Act.
20        (10) Pull tabs and jar games when conducted under the
21    Illinois Pull Tabs and Jar Games Act.
22        (11) Gambling games conducted on riverboats when
23    authorized by the Riverboat Gambling Act.
24        (12) Video gaming terminal games at a licensed
25    establishment, licensed truck stop establishment, licensed
26    fraternal establishment, or licensed veterans



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1    establishment when conducted in accordance with the Video
2    Gaming Act.
3        (13) Games of skill or chance where money or other
4    things of value can be won but no payment or purchase is
5    required to participate.
6    (c) Sentence.
7    Gambling is a Class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent
8conviction under subsections (a)(3) through (a)(12), is a Class
94 felony.
10    (d) Circumstantial evidence.
11    In prosecutions under this Section circumstantial evidence
12shall have the same validity and weight as in any criminal
14(Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-37, eff. 7-13-09;
1596-1203, eff. 7-22-10; 97-1108, eff. 1-1-13.)
16    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
17becoming law.