Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB6019
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB6019  099th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2015 and 2016


Introduced , by Rep. John E. Bradley


105 ILCS 5/10-20.14  from Ch. 122, par. 10-20.14
105 ILCS 5/10-22.6  from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.6
105 ILCS 5/13A-4
105 ILCS 5/13B-20.25
105 ILCS 5/26-2  from Ch. 122, par. 26-2
105 ILCS 5/26-16
105 ILCS 5/27A-5
105 ILCS 5/34-2.3  from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.3
105 ILCS 5/34-18.50 new
105 ILCS 5/34-19  from Ch. 122, par. 34-19

    Amends the School Code. Makes changes concerning the suspension and expulsion of pupils to provide that certain provisions apply only to the Chicago school district (excluding charter schools in that district), including provisions concerning the content of a written expulsion or suspension decision, limiting suspensions, expulsions, and disciplinary removals to alternative schools, referrals to support services, a student re-engagement policy, and making up work for academic credit. Makes related changes.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections
510-20.14, 10-22.6, 13A-4, 13B-20.25, 26-2, 26-16, 27A-5,
634-2.3, and 34-19 and by adding Section 34-18.50 as follows:
7    (105 ILCS 5/10-20.14)  (from Ch. 122, par. 10-20.14)
8    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 99-456)
9    Sec. 10-20.14. Student discipline policies; parent-teacher
10advisory committee.
11    (a) To establish and maintain a parent-teacher advisory
12committee to develop with the school board policy guidelines on
13pupil discipline, including school searches, to furnish a copy
14of the policy to the parents or guardian of each pupil within
1515 days after the beginning of the school year, or within 15
16days after starting classes for a pupil who transfers into the
17district during the school year, and to require that each
18school informs its pupils of the contents of its policy. School
19boards, along with the parent-teacher advisory committee, are
20encouraged to annually review their pupil discipline policies,
21the implementation of those policies, and any other factors
22related to the safety of their schools, pupils, and staff.
23    (b) The parent-teacher advisory committee in cooperation



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1with local law enforcement agencies shall develop, with the
2school board, policy guideline procedures to establish and
3maintain a reciprocal reporting system between the school
4district and local law enforcement agencies regarding criminal
5offenses committed by students.
6    (c) The parent-teacher advisory committee, in cooperation
7with school bus personnel, shall develop, with the school
8board, policy guideline procedures to establish and maintain
9school bus safety procedures. These procedures shall be
10incorporated into the district's pupil discipline policy.
11    (d) The school board, in consultation with the
12parent-teacher advisory committee and other community-based
13organizations, must include provisions in the student
14discipline policy to address students who have demonstrated
15behaviors that put them at risk for aggressive behavior,
16including without limitation bullying, as defined in the
17policy. These provisions must include procedures for notifying
18parents or legal guardians and early intervention procedures
19based upon available community-based and district resources.
20(Source: P.A. 91-272, eff. 1-1-00; 92-260, eff. 1-1-02.)
21    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 99-456)
22    Sec. 10-20.14. Student discipline policies; parent-teacher
23advisory committee.
24    (a) To establish and maintain a parent-teacher advisory
25committee to develop with the school board or governing body of



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1a charter school policy guidelines on pupil discipline,
2including school searches and bullying prevention as set forth
3in Section 27-23.7 of this Code. School authorities shall
4furnish a copy of the policy to the parents or guardian of each
5pupil within 15 days after the beginning of the school year, or
6within 15 days after starting classes for a pupil who transfers
7into the district during the school year, and the school board
8or governing body of a charter school shall require that a
9school inform its pupils of the contents of the policy. School
10boards and the governing bodies of charter schools, along with
11the parent-teacher advisory committee, must annually review
12their pupil discipline policies, the implementation of those
13policies, and any other factors related to the safety of their
14schools, pupils, and staff.
15    (a-5) On or before September 15, 2016, each elementary and
16secondary school and charter school shall, at a minimum, adopt
17pupil discipline policies that fulfill the requirements, as
18applicable, set forth in this Section, subsections (a) and (b)
19of Section 10-22.6 of this Code, Section 34-19 of this Code if
20applicable, and federal and State laws that provide special
21requirements for the discipline of students with disabilities.
22    (b) The parent-teacher advisory committee in cooperation
23with local law enforcement agencies shall develop, with the
24school board, policy guideline procedures to establish and
25maintain a reciprocal reporting system between the school
26district and local law enforcement agencies regarding criminal



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1offenses committed by students. School districts are
2encouraged to create memoranda of understanding with local law
3enforcement agencies that clearly define law enforcement's
4role in schools, in accordance with Section 10-22.6 or 34-18.50
5of this Code.
6    (c) The parent-teacher advisory committee, in cooperation
7with school bus personnel, shall develop, with the school
8board, policy guideline procedures to establish and maintain
9school bus safety procedures. These procedures shall be
10incorporated into the district's pupil discipline policy.
11    (d) The school board, in consultation with the
12parent-teacher advisory committee and other community-based
13organizations, must include provisions in the student
14discipline policy to address students who have demonstrated
15behaviors that put them at risk for aggressive behavior,
16including without limitation bullying, as defined in the
17policy. These provisions must include procedures for notifying
18parents or legal guardians and early intervention procedures
19based upon available community-based and district resources.
20    (e) This Section applies to all school districts, including
21a district organized under Article 34 of this Code.
22(Source: P.A. 99-456, eff. 9-15-16.)
23    (105 ILCS 5/10-22.6)  (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.6)
24    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 99-456)
25    Sec. 10-22.6. Suspension or expulsion of pupils; school



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2    (a) To expel pupils guilty of gross disobedience or
3misconduct, including gross disobedience or misconduct
4perpetuated by electronic means, and no action shall lie
5against them for such expulsion. Expulsion shall take place
6only after the parents have been requested to appear at a
7meeting of the board, or with a hearing officer appointed by
8it, to discuss their child's behavior. Such request shall be
9made by registered or certified mail and shall state the time,
10place and purpose of the meeting. The board, or a hearing
11officer appointed by it, at such meeting shall state the
12reasons for dismissal and the date on which the expulsion is to
13become effective. If a hearing officer is appointed by the
14board he shall report to the board a written summary of the
15evidence heard at the meeting and the board may take such
16action thereon as it finds appropriate. An expelled pupil may
17be immediately transferred to an alternative program in the
18manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil
19must not be denied transfer because of the expulsion, except in
20cases in which such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to the
21safety of students or staff in the alternative program.
22    (b) To suspend or by policy to authorize the superintendent
23of the district or the principal, assistant principal, or dean
24of students of any school to suspend pupils guilty of gross
25disobedience or misconduct, or to suspend pupils guilty of
26gross disobedience or misconduct on the school bus from riding



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1the school bus, and no action shall lie against them for such
2suspension. The board may by policy authorize the
3superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
4principal, or dean of students of any school to suspend pupils
5guilty of such acts for a period not to exceed 10 school days.
6If a pupil is suspended due to gross disobedience or misconduct
7on a school bus, the board may suspend the pupil in excess of
810 school days for safety reasons. Any suspension shall be
9reported immediately to the parents or guardian of such pupil
10along with a full statement of the reasons for such suspension
11and a notice of their right to a review. The school board must
12be given a summary of the notice, including the reason for the
13suspension and the suspension length. Upon request of the
14parents or guardian the school board or a hearing officer
15appointed by it shall review such action of the superintendent
16or principal, assistant principal, or dean of students. At such
17review the parents or guardian of the pupil may appear and
18discuss the suspension with the board or its hearing officer.
19If a hearing officer is appointed by the board he shall report
20to the board a written summary of the evidence heard at the
21meeting. After its hearing or upon receipt of the written
22report of its hearing officer, the board may take such action
23as it finds appropriate. A pupil who is suspended in excess of
2420 school days may be immediately transferred to an alternative
25program in the manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this
26Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because of the



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1suspension, except in cases in which such transfer is deemed to
2cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in the
3alternative program.
4    (c) The Department of Human Services shall be invited to
5send a representative to consult with the board at such meeting
6whenever there is evidence that mental illness may be the cause
7for expulsion or suspension.
8    (d) The board may expel a student for a definite period of
9time not to exceed 2 calendar years, as determined on a case by
10case basis. A student who is determined to have brought one of
11the following objects to school, any school-sponsored activity
12or event, or any activity or event that bears a reasonable
13relationship to school shall be expelled for a period of not
14less than one year:
15        (1) A firearm. For the purposes of this Section,
16    "firearm" means any gun, rifle, shotgun, weapon as defined
17    by Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code,
18    firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners
19    Identification Card Act, or firearm as defined in Section
20    24-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012. The expulsion period
21    under this subdivision (1) may be modified by the
22    superintendent, and the superintendent's determination may
23    be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis.
24        (2) A knife, brass knuckles or other knuckle weapon
25    regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any other
26    object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily



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1    harm, including "look alikes" of any firearm as defined in
2    subdivision (1) of this subsection (d). The expulsion
3    requirement under this subdivision (2) may be modified by
4    the superintendent, and the superintendent's determination
5    may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis.
6Expulsion or suspension shall be construed in a manner
7consistent with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities
8Education Act. A student who is subject to suspension or
9expulsion as provided in this Section may be eligible for a
10transfer to an alternative school program in accordance with
11Article 13A of the School Code. The provisions of this
12subsection (d) apply in all school districts, including special
13charter districts and districts organized under Article 34.
14    (d-5) The board may suspend or by regulation authorize the
15superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
16principal, or dean of students of any school to suspend a
17student for a period not to exceed 10 school days or may expel
18a student for a definite period of time not to exceed 2
19calendar years, as determined on a case by case basis, if (i)
20that student has been determined to have made an explicit
21threat on an Internet website against a school employee, a
22student, or any school-related personnel, (ii) the Internet
23website through which the threat was made is a site that was
24accessible within the school at the time the threat was made or
25was available to third parties who worked or studied within the
26school grounds at the time the threat was made, and (iii) the



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1threat could be reasonably interpreted as threatening to the
2safety and security of the threatened individual because of his
3or her duties or employment status or status as a student
4inside the school. The provisions of this subsection (d-5)
5apply in all school districts, including special charter
6districts and districts organized under Article 34 of this
8    (e) To maintain order and security in the schools, school
9authorities may inspect and search places and areas such as
10lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and
11equipment owned or controlled by the school, as well as
12personal effects left in those places and areas by students,
13without notice to or the consent of the student, and without a
14search warrant. As a matter of public policy, the General
15Assembly finds that students have no reasonable expectation of
16privacy in these places and areas or in their personal effects
17left in these places and areas. School authorities may request
18the assistance of law enforcement officials for the purpose of
19conducting inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking
20lots, and other school property and equipment owned or
21controlled by the school for illegal drugs, weapons, or other
22illegal or dangerous substances or materials, including
23searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs.
24If a search conducted in accordance with this Section produces
25evidence that the student has violated or is violating either
26the law, local ordinance, or the school's policies or rules,



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1such evidence may be seized by school authorities, and
2disciplinary action may be taken. School authorities may also
3turn over such evidence to law enforcement authorities. The
4provisions of this subsection (e) apply in all school
5districts, including special charter districts and districts
6organized under Article 34.
7    (f) Suspension or expulsion may include suspension or
8expulsion from school and all school activities and a
9prohibition from being present on school grounds.
10    (g) A school district may adopt a policy providing that if
11a student is suspended or expelled for any reason from any
12public or private school in this or any other state, the
13student must complete the entire term of the suspension or
14expulsion in an alternative school program under Article 13A of
15this Code or an alternative learning opportunities program
16under Article 13B of this Code before being admitted into the
17school district if there is no threat to the safety of students
18or staff in the alternative program. This subsection (g)
19applies to all school districts, including special charter
20districts and districts organized under Article 34 of this
22(Source: P.A. 96-633, eff. 8-24-09; 96-998, eff. 7-2-10;
2397-340, eff. 1-1-12; 97-495, eff. 1-1-12; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12;
2497-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
25    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 99-456)



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1    Sec. 10-22.6. Suspension or expulsion of pupils; school
3    (a) To expel pupils guilty of gross disobedience or
4misconduct, including gross disobedience or misconduct
5perpetuated by electronic means, pursuant to subsection (b-20)
6of this Section, and no action shall lie against them for such
7expulsion. Expulsion shall take place only after the parents
8have been requested to appear at a meeting of the board, or
9with a hearing officer appointed by it, to discuss their
10child's behavior. Such request shall be made by registered or
11certified mail and shall state the time, place and purpose of
12the meeting. The board, or a hearing officer appointed by it,
13at such meeting shall state the reasons for dismissal and the
14date on which the expulsion is to become effective. If a
15hearing officer is appointed by the board he shall report to
16the board a written summary of the evidence heard at the
17meeting and the board may take such action thereon as it finds
18appropriate. If the board acts to expel a pupil, the written
19expulsion decision shall detail the specific reasons why
20removing the pupil from the learning environment is in the best
21interest of the school. The expulsion decision shall also
22include a rationale as to the specific duration of the
23expulsion. An expelled pupil may be immediately transferred to
24an alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or
2513B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because
26of the expulsion, except in cases in which such transfer is



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1deemed to cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in
2the alternative program.
3    (b) To suspend or by policy to authorize the superintendent
4of the district or the principal, assistant principal, or dean
5of students of any school to suspend pupils guilty of gross
6disobedience or misconduct, or to suspend pupils guilty of
7gross disobedience or misconduct on the school bus from riding
8the school bus, pursuant to subsections (b-15) and (b-20) of
9this Section, and no action shall lie against them for such
10suspension. The board may by policy authorize the
11superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
12principal, or dean of students of any school to suspend pupils
13guilty of such acts for a period not to exceed 10 school days.
14If a pupil is suspended due to gross disobedience or misconduct
15on a school bus, the board may suspend the pupil in excess of
1610 school days for safety reasons.
17     Any suspension shall be reported immediately to the
18parents or guardian of a pupil along with a full statement of
19the reasons for such suspension and a notice of their right to
20a review. The school board must be given a summary of the
21notice, including the reason for the suspension and the
22suspension length. Upon request of the parents or guardian the
23school board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall review
24such action of the superintendent or principal, assistant
25principal, or dean of students. At such review the parents or
26guardian of the pupil may appear and discuss the suspension



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1with the board or its hearing officer. If a hearing officer is
2appointed by the board he shall report to the board a written
3summary of the evidence heard at the meeting. After its hearing
4or upon receipt of the written report of its hearing officer,
5the board may take such action as it finds appropriate. If a
6student is suspended pursuant to this subsection (b), the board
7shall, in the written suspension decision, detail the specific
8act of gross disobedience or misconduct resulting in the
9decision to suspend. The suspension decision shall also include
10a rationale as to the specific duration of the suspension. A
11pupil who is suspended in excess of 20 school days may be
12immediately transferred to an alternative program in the manner
13provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil must not
14be denied transfer because of the suspension, except in cases
15in which such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to the
16safety of students or staff in the alternative program.
17    (b-5) (Blank). Among the many possible disciplinary
18interventions and consequences available to school officials,
19school exclusions, such as out-of-school suspensions and
20expulsions, are the most serious. School officials shall limit
21the number and duration of expulsions and suspensions to the
22greatest extent practicable, and it is recommended that they
23use them only for legitimate educational purposes. To ensure
24that students are not excluded from school unnecessarily, it is
25recommended that school officials consider forms of
26non-exclusionary discipline prior to using out-of-school



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1suspensions or expulsions.
2    (b-10) Unless otherwise required by federal law or this
3Code, school boards may not institute zero-tolerance policies
4by which school administrators are required to suspend or expel
5students for particular behaviors.
6    (b-15) (Blank). Out-of-school suspensions of 3 days or less
7may be used only if the student's continuing presence in school
8would pose a threat to school safety or a disruption to other
9students' learning opportunities. For purposes of this
10subsection (b-15), "threat to school safety or a disruption to
11other students' learning opportunities" shall be determined on
12a case-by-case basis by the school board or its designee.
13School officials shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve
14such threats, address such disruptions, and minimize the length
15of suspensions to the greatest extent practicable.
16    (b-20) (Blank). Unless otherwise required by this Code,
17out-of-school suspensions of longer than 3 days, expulsions,
18and disciplinary removals to alternative schools may be used
19only if other appropriate and available behavioral and
20disciplinary interventions have been exhausted and the
21student's continuing presence in school would either (i) pose a
22threat to the safety of other students, staff, or members of
23the school community or (ii) substantially disrupt, impede, or
24interfere with the operation of the school. For purposes of
25this subsection (b-20), "threat to the safety of other
26students, staff, or members of the school community" and



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1"substantially disrupt, impede, or interfere with the
2operation of the school" shall be determined on a case-by-case
3basis by school officials. For purposes of this subsection
4(b-20), the determination of whether "appropriate and
5available behavioral and disciplinary interventions have been
6exhausted" shall be made by school officials. School officials
7shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve such threats,
8address such disruptions, and minimize the length of student
9exclusions to the greatest extent practicable. Within the
10suspension decision described in subsection (b) of this Section
11or the expulsion decision described in subsection (a) of this
12Section, it shall be documented whether other interventions
13were attempted or whether it was determined that there were no
14other appropriate and available interventions.
15    (b-25) (Blank). Students who are suspended out-of-school
16for longer than 4 school days shall be provided appropriate and
17available support services during the period of their
18suspension. For purposes of this subsection (b-25),
19"appropriate and available support services" shall be
20determined by school authorities. Within the suspension
21decision described in subsection (b) of this Section, it shall
22be documented whether such services are to be provided or
23whether it was determined that there are no such appropriate
24and available services.
25    A school district may refer students who are expelled to
26appropriate and available support services.



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1    A school district shall create a policy to facilitate the
2re-engagement of students who are suspended out-of-school,
3expelled, or returning from an alternative school setting.
4    (b-30) (Blank). A school district shall create a policy by
5which suspended pupils, including those pupils suspended from
6the school bus who do not have alternate transportation to
7school, shall have the opportunity to make up work for
8equivalent academic credit. It shall be the responsibility of a
9pupil's parent or guardian to notify school officials that a
10pupil suspended from the school bus does not have alternate
11transportation to school.
12    (c) The Department of Human Services shall be invited to
13send a representative to consult with the board at such meeting
14whenever there is evidence that mental illness may be the cause
15for expulsion or suspension.
16    (c-5) School districts shall make reasonable efforts to
17provide ongoing professional development to teachers,
18administrators, school board members, school resource
19officers, and staff on the adverse consequences of school
20exclusion and justice-system involvement, effective classroom
21management strategies, culturally responsive discipline, and
22developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote
23positive and healthy school climates.
24    (d) The board may expel a student for a definite period of
25time not to exceed 2 calendar years, as determined on a case by
26case basis. A student who is determined to have brought one of



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1the following objects to school, any school-sponsored activity
2or event, or any activity or event that bears a reasonable
3relationship to school shall be expelled for a period of not
4less than one year:
5        (1) A firearm. For the purposes of this Section,
6    "firearm" means any gun, rifle, shotgun, weapon as defined
7    by Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code,
8    firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners
9    Identification Card Act, or firearm as defined in Section
10    24-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012. The expulsion period
11    under this subdivision (1) may be modified by the
12    superintendent, and the superintendent's determination may
13    be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis.
14        (2) A knife, brass knuckles or other knuckle weapon
15    regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any other
16    object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily
17    harm, including "look alikes" of any firearm as defined in
18    subdivision (1) of this subsection (d). The expulsion
19    requirement under this subdivision (2) may be modified by
20    the superintendent, and the superintendent's determination
21    may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis.
22Expulsion or suspension shall be construed in a manner
23consistent with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities
24Education Act. A student who is subject to suspension or
25expulsion as provided in this Section may be eligible for a
26transfer to an alternative school program in accordance with



HB6019- 18 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1Article 13A of the School Code.
2    (d-5) The board may suspend or by regulation authorize the
3superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
4principal, or dean of students of any school to suspend a
5student for a period not to exceed 10 school days or may expel
6a student for a definite period of time not to exceed 2
7calendar years, as determined on a case by case basis, if (i)
8that student has been determined to have made an explicit
9threat on an Internet website against a school employee, a
10student, or any school-related personnel, (ii) the Internet
11website through which the threat was made is a site that was
12accessible within the school at the time the threat was made or
13was available to third parties who worked or studied within the
14school grounds at the time the threat was made, and (iii) the
15threat could be reasonably interpreted as threatening to the
16safety and security of the threatened individual because of his
17or her duties or employment status or status as a student
18inside the school.
19    (e) To maintain order and security in the schools, school
20authorities may inspect and search places and areas such as
21lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and
22equipment owned or controlled by the school, as well as
23personal effects left in those places and areas by students,
24without notice to or the consent of the student, and without a
25search warrant. As a matter of public policy, the General
26Assembly finds that students have no reasonable expectation of



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1privacy in these places and areas or in their personal effects
2left in these places and areas. School authorities may request
3the assistance of law enforcement officials for the purpose of
4conducting inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking
5lots, and other school property and equipment owned or
6controlled by the school for illegal drugs, weapons, or other
7illegal or dangerous substances or materials, including
8searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs.
9If a search conducted in accordance with this Section produces
10evidence that the student has violated or is violating either
11the law, local ordinance, or the school's policies or rules,
12such evidence may be seized by school authorities, and
13disciplinary action may be taken. School authorities may also
14turn over such evidence to law enforcement authorities.
15    (f) Suspension or expulsion may include suspension or
16expulsion from school and all school activities and a
17prohibition from being present on school grounds.
18    (g) A school district may adopt a policy providing that if
19a student is suspended or expelled for any reason from any
20public or private school in this or any other state, the
21student must complete the entire term of the suspension or
22expulsion in an alternative school program under Article 13A of
23this Code or an alternative learning opportunities program
24under Article 13B of this Code before being admitted into the
25school district if there is no threat to the safety of students
26or staff in the alternative program.



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1    (h) School officials shall not advise or encourage students
2to drop out voluntarily due to behavioral or academic
4    (i) A student may not be issued a monetary fine or fee as a
5disciplinary consequence, though this shall not preclude
6requiring a student to provide restitution for lost, stolen, or
7damaged property.
8    (j) Subsections (a) through (i) of this Section shall apply
9to elementary and secondary schools in school districts with
10less than 500,000 inhabitants; , charter schools, whether or not
11in a school district with less than 500,000 inhabitants; and ,
12special charter districts, and school districts organized
13under Article 34 of this Code.
14(Source: P.A. 99-456, eff. 9-15-16.)
15    (105 ILCS 5/13A-4)
16    Sec. 13A-4. Administrative transfers. A student who is
17determined to be subject to suspension or expulsion in the
18manner provided by Section 10-22.6 (or, in the case of a
19student enrolled in the public schools of a school district
20organized under Article 34, in accordance with Section 34-18.50
21and the uniform system of discipline established under Section
2234-19) may be immediately transferred to the alternative
23program. At the earliest time following that transfer
24appropriate personnel from the sending school district and
25appropriate personnel of the alternative program shall meet to



HB6019- 21 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1develop an alternative education plan for the student. The
2student's parent or guardian shall be invited to this meeting.
3The student may be invited. The alternative educational plan
4shall include, but not be limited to all of the following:
5        (1) The duration of the plan, including a date after
6    which the student may be returned to the regular
7    educational program in the public schools of the
8    transferring district. If the parent or guardian of a
9    student who is scheduled to be returned to the regular
10    education program in the public schools of the district
11    files a written objection to the return with the principal
12    of the alternative school, the matter shall be referred by
13    the principal to the regional superintendent of the
14    educational service region in which the alternative school
15    program is located for a hearing. Notice of the hearing
16    shall be given by the regional superintendent to the
17    student's parent or guardian. After the hearing, the
18    regional superintendent may take such action as he or she
19    finds appropriate and in the best interests of the student.
20    The determination of the regional superintendent shall be
21    final.
22        (2) The specific academic and behavioral components of
23    the plan.
24        (3) A method and time frame for reviewing the student's
25    progress.
26Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, if a



HB6019- 22 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1student for whom an individualized educational program has been
2developed under Article 14 is transferred to an alternative
3school program under this Article 13A, that individualized
4educational program shall continue to apply to that student
5following the transfer unless modified in accordance with the
6provisions of Article 14.
7(Source: P.A. 89-383, eff. 8-18-95; 89-629, eff. 8-9-96.)
8    (105 ILCS 5/13B-20.25)
9    Sec. 13B-20.25. Eligible students. Students in grades 4
10through 12 who meet enrollment criteria established by the
11school district and who meet the definition of "student at risk
12of academic failure" are eligible to participate in an
13alternative learning opportunities program funded under this
14Article. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
15contrary, enrollment in a charter alternative learning
16opportunities program shall be open to any pupil who has been
17expelled or suspended for more than 20 days under Section
1810-22.6 or Sections 34-18.50 and 34-19 of this Code. All rights
19granted under this Article to a student's parent or guardian
20become exclusively those of the student upon the student's 18th
22(Source: P.A. 97-495, eff. 1-1-12.)
23    (105 ILCS 5/26-2)  (from Ch. 122, par. 26-2)
24    Sec. 26-2. Enrolled pupils not of compulsory school age.



HB6019- 23 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    (a) For school years before the 2014-2015 school year, any
2person having custody or control of a child who is below the
3age of 7 years or is 17 years of age or above and who is
4enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through 12 in the public
5school shall cause him to attend the public school in the
6district wherein he resides when it is in session during the
7regular school term, unless he is excused under paragraph 2, 3,
84, 5, or 6 of Section 26-1. Beginning with the 2014-2015 school
9year, any person having custody or control of a child who is
10below the age of 6 years or is 17 years of age or above and who
11is enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through 12 in the
12public school shall cause the child to attend the public school
13in the district wherein he or she resides when it is in session
14during the regular school term, unless the child is excused
15under paragraph 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 of Section 26-1 of this Code.
16    (b) A school district shall deny reenrollment in its
17secondary schools to any child 19 years of age or above who has
18dropped out of school and who could not, because of age and
19lack of credits, attend classes during the normal school year
20and graduate before his or her twenty-first birthday. A
21district may, however, enroll the child in a graduation
22incentives program under Section 26-16 of this Code or an
23alternative learning opportunities program established under
24Article 13B. No child shall be denied reenrollment for the
25above reasons unless the school district first offers the child
26due process as required in cases of expulsion under Section



HB6019- 24 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

110-22.6 or 34-18.50. If a child is denied reenrollment after
2being provided with due process, the school district must
3provide counseling to that child and must direct that child to
4alternative educational programs, including adult education
5programs, that lead to graduation or receipt of a high school
6equivalency certificate.
7    (c) A school or school district may deny enrollment to a
8student 17 years of age or older for one semester for failure
9to meet minimum academic standards if all of the following
10conditions are met:
11        (1) The student achieved a grade point average of less
12    than "D" (or its equivalent) in the semester immediately
13    prior to the current semester.
14        (2) The student and the student's parent or guardian
15    are given written notice warning that the student is
16    failing academically and is subject to denial from
17    enrollment for one semester unless a "D" average (or its
18    equivalent) or better is attained in the current semester.
19        (3) The parent or guardian is provided with the right
20    to appeal the notice, as determined by the State Board of
21    Education in accordance with due process.
22        (4) The student is provided with an academic
23    improvement plan and academic remediation services.
24        (5) The student fails to achieve a "D" average (or its
25    equivalent) or better in the current semester.
26    A school or school district may deny enrollment to a



HB6019- 25 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1student 17 years of age or older for one semester for failure
2to meet minimum attendance standards if all of the following
3conditions are met:
4        (1) The student was absent without valid cause for 20%
5    or more of the attendance days in the semester immediately
6    prior to the current semester.
7        (2) The student and the student's parent or guardian
8    are given written notice warning that the student is
9    subject to denial from enrollment for one semester unless
10    the student is absent without valid cause less than 20% of
11    the attendance days in the current semester.
12        (3) The student's parent or guardian is provided with
13    the right to appeal the notice, as determined by the State
14    Board of Education in accordance with due process.
15        (4) The student is provided with attendance
16    remediation services, including without limitation
17    assessment, counseling, and support services.
18        (5) The student is absent without valid cause for 20%
19    or more of the attendance days in the current semester.
20    A school or school district may not deny enrollment to a
21student (or reenrollment to a dropout) who is at least 17 years
22of age or older but below 19 years for more than one
23consecutive semester for failure to meet academic or attendance
25    (d) No child may be denied enrollment or reenrollment under
26this Section in violation of the Individuals with Disabilities



HB6019- 26 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1Education Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2    (e) In this subsection (e), "reenrolled student" means a
3dropout who has reenrolled full-time in a public school. Each
4school district shall identify, track, and report on the
5educational progress and outcomes of reenrolled students as a
6subset of the district's required reporting on all enrollments.
7A reenrolled student who again drops out must not be counted
8again against a district's dropout rate performance measure.
9The State Board of Education shall set performance standards
10for programs serving reenrolled students.
11    (f) The State Board of Education shall adopt any rules
12necessary to implement the changes to this Section made by
13Public Act 93-803.
14(Source: P.A. 98-544, eff. 7-1-14; 98-718, eff. 1-1-15.)
15    (105 ILCS 5/26-16)
16    Sec. 26-16. Graduation incentives program.
17    (a) The General Assembly finds that it is critical to
18provide options for children to succeed in school. The purpose
19of this Section is to provide incentives for and encourage all
20Illinois students who have experienced or are experiencing
21difficulty in the traditional education system to enroll in
22alternative programs.
23    (b) Any student who is below the age of 20 years is
24eligible to enroll in a graduation incentives program if he or



HB6019- 27 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1        (1) is considered a dropout pursuant to Section 26-2a
2    of this Code;
3        (2) has been suspended or expelled pursuant to Section
4    10-22.6 or Sections 34-18.50 and 34-19 of this Code;
5        (3) is pregnant or is a parent;
6        (4) has been assessed as chemically dependent; or
7        (5) is enrolled in a bilingual education or LEP
8    program.
9    (c) The following programs qualify as graduation
10incentives programs for students meeting the criteria
11established in this Section:
12        (1) Any public elementary or secondary education
13    graduation incentives program established by a school
14    district or by a regional office of education.
15        (2) Any alternative learning opportunities program
16    established pursuant to Article 13B of this Code.
17        (3) Vocational or job training courses approved by the
18    State Superintendent of Education that are available
19    through the Illinois public community college system.
20    Students may apply for reimbursement of 50% of tuition
21    costs for one course per semester or a maximum of 3 courses
22    per school year. Subject to available funds, students may
23    apply for reimbursement of up to 100% of tuition costs upon
24    a showing of employment within 6 months after completion of
25    a vocational or job training program. The qualifications
26    for reimbursement shall be established by the State



HB6019- 28 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    Superintendent of Education by rule.
2        (4) Job and career programs approved by the State
3    Superintendent of Education that are available through
4    Illinois-accredited private business and vocational
5    schools. Subject to available funds, pupils may apply for
6    reimbursement of up to 100% of tuition costs upon a showing
7    of employment within 6 months after completion of a job or
8    career program. The State Superintendent of Education
9    shall establish, by rule, the qualifications for
10    reimbursement, criteria for determining reimbursement
11    amounts, and limits on reimbursement.
12        (5) Adult education courses that offer preparation for
13    high school equivalency testing.
14    (d) Graduation incentives programs established by school
15districts are entitled to claim general State aid, subject to
16Sections 13B-50, 13B-50.5, and 13B-50.10 of this Code.
17Graduation incentives programs operated by regional offices of
18education are entitled to receive general State aid at the
19foundation level of support per pupil enrolled. A school
20district must ensure that its graduation incentives program
21receives supplemental general State aid, transportation
22reimbursements, and special education resources, if
23appropriate, for students enrolled in the program.
24(Source: P.A. 98-718, eff. 1-1-15.)
25    (105 ILCS 5/27A-5)



HB6019- 29 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 99-456)
2    Sec. 27A-5. Charter school; legal entity; requirements.
3    (a) A charter school shall be a public, nonsectarian,
4nonreligious, non-home based, and non-profit school. A charter
5school shall be organized and operated as a nonprofit
6corporation or other discrete, legal, nonprofit entity
7authorized under the laws of the State of Illinois.
8    (b) A charter school may be established under this Article
9by creating a new school or by converting an existing public
10school or attendance center to charter school status. Beginning
11on April 16, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-3) this
12amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, in all new
13applications to establish a charter school in a city having a
14population exceeding 500,000, operation of the charter school
15shall be limited to one campus. The changes made to this
16Section by Public Act 93-3 this amendatory Act of the 93rd
17General Assembly do not apply to charter schools existing or
18approved on or before April 16, 2003 (the effective date of
19Public Act 93-3) this amendatory Act.
20    (b-5) In this subsection (b-5), "virtual-schooling" means
21a cyber school where students engage in online curriculum and
22instruction via the Internet and electronic communication with
23their teachers at remote locations and with students
24participating at different times.
25    From April 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016, there is a
26moratorium on the establishment of charter schools with



HB6019- 30 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1virtual-schooling components in school districts other than a
2school district organized under Article 34 of this Code. This
3moratorium does not apply to a charter school with
4virtual-schooling components existing or approved prior to
5April 1, 2013 or to the renewal of the charter of a charter
6school with virtual-schooling components already approved
7prior to April 1, 2013.
8    On or before March 1, 2014, the Commission shall submit to
9the General Assembly a report on the effect of
10virtual-schooling, including without limitation the effect on
11student performance, the costs associated with
12virtual-schooling, and issues with oversight. The report shall
13include policy recommendations for virtual-schooling.
14    (c) A charter school shall be administered and governed by
15its board of directors or other governing body in the manner
16provided in its charter. The governing body of a charter school
17shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and the Open
18Meetings Act.
19    (d) For purposes of this subsection (d), "non-curricular
20health and safety requirement" means any health and safety
21requirement created by statute or rule to provide, maintain,
22preserve, or safeguard safe or healthful conditions for
23students and school personnel or to eliminate, reduce, or
24prevent threats to the health and safety of students and school
25personnel. "Non-curricular health and safety requirement" does
26not include any course of study or specialized instructional



HB6019- 31 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1requirement for which the State Board has established goals and
2learning standards or which is designed primarily to impart
3knowledge and skills for students to master and apply as an
4outcome of their education.
5    A charter school shall comply with all non-curricular
6health and safety requirements applicable to public schools
7under the laws of the State of Illinois. On or before September
81, 2015, the State Board shall promulgate and post on its
9Internet website a list of non-curricular health and safety
10requirements that a charter school must meet. The list shall be
11updated annually no later than September 1. Any charter
12contract between a charter school and its authorizer must
13contain a provision that requires the charter school to follow
14the list of all non-curricular health and safety requirements
15promulgated by the State Board and any non-curricular health
16and safety requirements added by the State Board to such list
17during the term of the charter. Nothing in this subsection (d)
18precludes an authorizer from including non-curricular health
19and safety requirements in a charter school contract that are
20not contained in the list promulgated by the State Board,
21including non-curricular health and safety requirements of the
22authorizing local school board.
23    (e) Except as otherwise provided in the School Code, a
24charter school shall not charge tuition; provided that a
25charter school may charge reasonable fees for textbooks,
26instructional materials, and student activities.



HB6019- 32 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    (f) A charter school shall be responsible for the
2management and operation of its fiscal affairs including, but
3not limited to, the preparation of its budget. An audit of each
4charter school's finances shall be conducted annually by an
5outside, independent contractor retained by the charter
6school. To ensure financial accountability for the use of
7public funds, on or before December 1 of every year of
8operation, each charter school shall submit to its authorizer
9and the State Board a copy of its audit and a copy of the Form
10990 the charter school filed that year with the federal
11Internal Revenue Service. In addition, if deemed necessary for
12proper financial oversight of the charter school, an authorizer
13may require quarterly financial statements from each charter
15    (g) A charter school shall comply with all provisions of
16this Article, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, all
17federal and State laws and rules applicable to public schools
18that pertain to special education and the instruction of
19English learners, and its charter. A charter school is exempt
20from all other State laws and regulations in this Code
21governing public schools and local school board policies;
22however, a charter school is not exempt from the following:
23        (1) Sections 10-21.9 and 34-18.5 of this Code regarding
24    criminal history records checks and checks of the Statewide
25    Sex Offender Database and Statewide Murderer and Violent
26    Offender Against Youth Database of applicants for



HB6019- 33 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    employment;
2        (2) Sections 24-24 and 34-84A of this Code regarding
3    discipline of students;
4        (3) the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees
5    Tort Immunity Act;
6        (4) Section 108.75 of the General Not For Profit
7    Corporation Act of 1986 regarding indemnification of
8    officers, directors, employees, and agents;
9        (5) the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act;
10        (6) the Illinois School Student Records Act;
11        (7) Section 10-17a of this Code regarding school report
12    cards;
13        (8) the P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System Act;
14        (9) Section 27-23.7 of this Code regarding bullying
15    prevention; and
16        (10) Section 2-3.162 of this Code regarding student
17    discipline reporting; and
18        (11) Section 22-80 of this Code.
19    The change made by Public Act 96-104 to this subsection (g)
20is declaratory of existing law.
21    (h) A charter school may negotiate and contract with a
22school district, the governing body of a State college or
23university or public community college, or any other public or
24for-profit or nonprofit private entity for: (i) the use of a
25school building and grounds or any other real property or
26facilities that the charter school desires to use or convert



HB6019- 34 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1for use as a charter school site, (ii) the operation and
2maintenance thereof, and (iii) the provision of any service,
3activity, or undertaking that the charter school is required to
4perform in order to carry out the terms of its charter.
5However, a charter school that is established on or after April
616, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-3) this
7amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly and that operates
8in a city having a population exceeding 500,000 may not
9contract with a for-profit entity to manage or operate the
10school during the period that commences on April 16, 2003 (the
11effective date of Public Act 93-3) this amendatory Act of the
1293rd General Assembly and concludes at the end of the 2004-2005
13school year. Except as provided in subsection (i) of this
14Section, a school district may charge a charter school
15reasonable rent for the use of the district's buildings,
16grounds, and facilities. Any services for which a charter
17school contracts with a school district shall be provided by
18the district at cost. Any services for which a charter school
19contracts with a local school board or with the governing body
20of a State college or university or public community college
21shall be provided by the public entity at cost.
22    (i) In no event shall a charter school that is established
23by converting an existing school or attendance center to
24charter school status be required to pay rent for space that is
25deemed available, as negotiated and provided in the charter
26agreement, in school district facilities. However, all other



HB6019- 35 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1costs for the operation and maintenance of school district
2facilities that are used by the charter school shall be subject
3to negotiation between the charter school and the local school
4board and shall be set forth in the charter.
5    (j) A charter school may limit student enrollment by age or
6grade level.
7    (k) If the charter school is approved by the Commission,
8then the Commission charter school is its own local education
10(Source: P.A. 98-16, eff. 5-24-13; 98-639, eff. 6-9-14; 98-669,
11eff. 6-26-14; 98-739, eff. 7-16-14; 98-783, eff. 1-1-15;
1298-1059, eff. 8-26-14; 98-1102, eff. 8-26-14; 99-30, eff.
137-10-15; 99-78, eff. 7-20-15; 99-245, eff. 8-3-15; 99-325, eff.
148-10-15; revised 10-19-15.)
15    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 99-456)
16    Sec. 27A-5. Charter school; legal entity; requirements.
17    (a) A charter school shall be a public, nonsectarian,
18nonreligious, non-home based, and non-profit school. A charter
19school shall be organized and operated as a nonprofit
20corporation or other discrete, legal, nonprofit entity
21authorized under the laws of the State of Illinois.
22    (b) A charter school may be established under this Article
23by creating a new school or by converting an existing public
24school or attendance center to charter school status. Beginning
25on April 16, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-3) this



HB6019- 36 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, in all new
2applications to establish a charter school in a city having a
3population exceeding 500,000, operation of the charter school
4shall be limited to one campus. The changes made to this
5Section by Public Act 93-3 this amendatory Act of the 93rd
6General Assembly do not apply to charter schools existing or
7approved on or before April 16, 2003 (the effective date of
8Public Act 93-3) this amendatory Act.
9    (b-5) In this subsection (b-5), "virtual-schooling" means
10a cyber school where students engage in online curriculum and
11instruction via the Internet and electronic communication with
12their teachers at remote locations and with students
13participating at different times.
14    From April 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016, there is a
15moratorium on the establishment of charter schools with
16virtual-schooling components in school districts other than a
17school district organized under Article 34 of this Code. This
18moratorium does not apply to a charter school with
19virtual-schooling components existing or approved prior to
20April 1, 2013 or to the renewal of the charter of a charter
21school with virtual-schooling components already approved
22prior to April 1, 2013.
23    On or before March 1, 2014, the Commission shall submit to
24the General Assembly a report on the effect of
25virtual-schooling, including without limitation the effect on
26student performance, the costs associated with



HB6019- 37 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1virtual-schooling, and issues with oversight. The report shall
2include policy recommendations for virtual-schooling.
3    (c) A charter school shall be administered and governed by
4its board of directors or other governing body in the manner
5provided in its charter. The governing body of a charter school
6shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and the Open
7Meetings Act.
8    (d) For purposes of this subsection (d), "non-curricular
9health and safety requirement" means any health and safety
10requirement created by statute or rule to provide, maintain,
11preserve, or safeguard safe or healthful conditions for
12students and school personnel or to eliminate, reduce, or
13prevent threats to the health and safety of students and school
14personnel. "Non-curricular health and safety requirement" does
15not include any course of study or specialized instructional
16requirement for which the State Board has established goals and
17learning standards or which is designed primarily to impart
18knowledge and skills for students to master and apply as an
19outcome of their education.
20    A charter school shall comply with all non-curricular
21health and safety requirements applicable to public schools
22under the laws of the State of Illinois. On or before September
231, 2015, the State Board shall promulgate and post on its
24Internet website a list of non-curricular health and safety
25requirements that a charter school must meet. The list shall be
26updated annually no later than September 1. Any charter



HB6019- 38 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1contract between a charter school and its authorizer must
2contain a provision that requires the charter school to follow
3the list of all non-curricular health and safety requirements
4promulgated by the State Board and any non-curricular health
5and safety requirements added by the State Board to such list
6during the term of the charter. Nothing in this subsection (d)
7precludes an authorizer from including non-curricular health
8and safety requirements in a charter school contract that are
9not contained in the list promulgated by the State Board,
10including non-curricular health and safety requirements of the
11authorizing local school board.
12    (e) Except as otherwise provided in the School Code, a
13charter school shall not charge tuition; provided that a
14charter school may charge reasonable fees for textbooks,
15instructional materials, and student activities.
16    (f) A charter school shall be responsible for the
17management and operation of its fiscal affairs including, but
18not limited to, the preparation of its budget. An audit of each
19charter school's finances shall be conducted annually by an
20outside, independent contractor retained by the charter
21school. To ensure financial accountability for the use of
22public funds, on or before December 1 of every year of
23operation, each charter school shall submit to its authorizer
24and the State Board a copy of its audit and a copy of the Form
25990 the charter school filed that year with the federal
26Internal Revenue Service. In addition, if deemed necessary for



HB6019- 39 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1proper financial oversight of the charter school, an authorizer
2may require quarterly financial statements from each charter
4    (g) A charter school shall comply with all provisions of
5this Article, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, all
6federal and State laws and rules applicable to public schools
7that pertain to special education and the instruction of
8English learners, and its charter. A charter school is exempt
9from all other State laws and regulations in this Code
10governing public schools and local school board policies;
11however, a charter school is not exempt from the following:
12        (1) Sections 10-21.9 and 34-18.5 of this Code regarding
13    criminal history records checks and checks of the Statewide
14    Sex Offender Database and Statewide Murderer and Violent
15    Offender Against Youth Database of applicants for
16    employment;
17        (2) Sections 10-20.14, 10-22.6, 24-24, 34-19, and
18    34-84a of this Code regarding discipline of students;
19        (3) the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees
20    Tort Immunity Act;
21        (4) Section 108.75 of the General Not For Profit
22    Corporation Act of 1986 regarding indemnification of
23    officers, directors, employees, and agents;
24        (5) the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act;
25        (6) the Illinois School Student Records Act;
26        (7) Section 10-17a of this Code regarding school report



HB6019- 40 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    cards;
2        (8) the P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System Act;
3        (9) Section 27-23.7 of this Code regarding bullying
4    prevention; and
5        (10) Section 2-3.162 of this Code regarding student
6    discipline reporting; and
7        (11) Section 22-80 of this Code.
8    The change made by Public Act 96-104 to this subsection (g)
9is declaratory of existing law.
10    (h) A charter school may negotiate and contract with a
11school district, the governing body of a State college or
12university or public community college, or any other public or
13for-profit or nonprofit private entity for: (i) the use of a
14school building and grounds or any other real property or
15facilities that the charter school desires to use or convert
16for use as a charter school site, (ii) the operation and
17maintenance thereof, and (iii) the provision of any service,
18activity, or undertaking that the charter school is required to
19perform in order to carry out the terms of its charter.
20However, a charter school that is established on or after April
2116, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-3) this
22amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly and that operates
23in a city having a population exceeding 500,000 may not
24contract with a for-profit entity to manage or operate the
25school during the period that commences on April 16, 2003 (the
26effective date of Public Act 93-3) this amendatory Act of the



HB6019- 41 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

193rd General Assembly and concludes at the end of the 2004-2005
2school year. Except as provided in subsection (i) of this
3Section, a school district may charge a charter school
4reasonable rent for the use of the district's buildings,
5grounds, and facilities. Any services for which a charter
6school contracts with a school district shall be provided by
7the district at cost. Any services for which a charter school
8contracts with a local school board or with the governing body
9of a State college or university or public community college
10shall be provided by the public entity at cost.
11    (i) In no event shall a charter school that is established
12by converting an existing school or attendance center to
13charter school status be required to pay rent for space that is
14deemed available, as negotiated and provided in the charter
15agreement, in school district facilities. However, all other
16costs for the operation and maintenance of school district
17facilities that are used by the charter school shall be subject
18to negotiation between the charter school and the local school
19board and shall be set forth in the charter.
20    (j) A charter school may limit student enrollment by age or
21grade level.
22    (k) If the charter school is approved by the Commission,
23then the Commission charter school is its own local education
25(Source: P.A. 98-16, eff. 5-24-13; 98-639, eff. 6-9-14; 98-669,
26eff. 6-26-14; 98-739, eff. 7-16-14; 98-783, eff. 1-1-15;



HB6019- 42 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

198-1059, eff. 8-26-14; 98-1102, eff. 8-26-14; 99-30, eff.
27-10-15; 99-78, eff. 7-20-15; 99-245, eff. 8-3-15; 99-325, eff.
38-10-15; 99-456, eff. 9-15-16; revised 10-19-15.)
4    (105 ILCS 5/34-2.3)  (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.3)
5    Sec. 34-2.3. Local school councils - Powers and duties.
6Each local school council shall have and exercise, consistent
7with the provisions of this Article and the powers and duties
8of the board of education, the following powers and duties:
9    1. (A) To annually evaluate the performance of the
10principal of the attendance center using a Board approved
11principal evaluation form, which shall include the evaluation
12of (i) student academic improvement, as defined by the school
13improvement plan, (ii) student absenteeism rates at the school,
14(iii) instructional leadership, (iv) the effective
15implementation of programs, policies, or strategies to improve
16student academic achievement, (v) school management, and (vi)
17any other factors deemed relevant by the local school council,
18including, without limitation, the principal's communication
19skills and ability to create and maintain a student-centered
20learning environment, to develop opportunities for
21professional development, and to encourage parental
22involvement and community partnerships to achieve school
24    (B) to determine in the manner provided by subsection (c)
25of Section 34-2.2 and subdivision 1.5 of this Section whether



HB6019- 43 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1the performance contract of the principal shall be renewed; and
2    (C) to directly select, in the manner provided by
3subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2, a new principal (including a
4new principal to fill a vacancy) -- without submitting any list
5of candidates for that position to the general superintendent
6as provided in paragraph 2 of this Section -- to serve under a
74 year performance contract; provided that (i) the
8determination of whether the principal's performance contract
9is to be renewed, based upon the evaluation required by
10subdivision 1.5 of this Section, shall be made no later than
11150 days prior to the expiration of the current
12performance-based contract of the principal, (ii) in cases
13where such performance contract is not renewed -- a direct
14selection of a new principal -- to serve under a 4 year
15performance contract shall be made by the local school council
16no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the current
17performance contract of the principal, and (iii) a selection by
18the local school council of a new principal to fill a vacancy
19under a 4 year performance contract shall be made within 90
20days after the date such vacancy occurs. A Council shall be
21required, if requested by the principal, to provide in writing
22the reasons for the council's not renewing the principal's
24    1.5. The local school council's determination of whether to
25renew the principal's contract shall be based on an evaluation
26to assess the educational and administrative progress made at



HB6019- 44 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1the school during the principal's current performance-based
2contract. The local school council shall base its evaluation on
3(i) student academic improvement, as defined by the school
4improvement plan, (ii) student absenteeism rates at the school,
5(iii) instructional leadership, (iv) the effective
6implementation of programs, policies, or strategies to improve
7student academic achievement, (v) school management, and (vi)
8any other factors deemed relevant by the local school council,
9including, without limitation, the principal's communication
10skills and ability to create and maintain a student-centered
11learning environment, to develop opportunities for
12professional development, and to encourage parental
13involvement and community partnerships to achieve school
14improvement. If a local school council fails to renew the
15performance contract of a principal rated by the general
16superintendent, or his or her designee, in the previous years'
17evaluations as meeting or exceeding expectations, the
18principal, within 15 days after the local school council's
19decision not to renew the contract, may request a review of the
20local school council's principal non-retention decision by a
21hearing officer appointed by the American Arbitration
22Association. A local school council member or members or the
23general superintendent may support the principal's request for
24review. During the period of the hearing officer's review of
25the local school council's decision on whether or not to retain
26the principal, the local school council shall maintain all



HB6019- 45 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1authority to search for and contract with a person to serve as
2interim or acting principal, or as the principal of the
3attendance center under a 4-year performance contract,
4provided that any performance contract entered into by the
5local school council shall be voidable or modified in
6accordance with the decision of the hearing officer. The
7principal may request review only once while at that attendance
8center. If a local school council renews the contract of a
9principal who failed to obtain a rating of "meets" or "exceeds
10expectations" in the general superintendent's evaluation for
11the previous year, the general superintendent, within 15 days
12after the local school council's decision to renew the
13contract, may request a review of the local school council's
14principal retention decision by a hearing officer appointed by
15the American Arbitration Association. The general
16superintendent may request a review only once for that
17principal at that attendance center. All requests to review the
18retention or non-retention of a principal shall be submitted to
19the general superintendent, who shall, in turn, forward such
20requests, within 14 days of receipt, to the American
21Arbitration Association. The general superintendent shall send
22a contemporaneous copy of the request that was forwarded to the
23American Arbitration Association to the principal and to each
24local school council member and shall inform the local school
25council of its rights and responsibilities under the
26arbitration process, including the local school council's



HB6019- 46 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1right to representation and the manner and process by which the
2Board shall pay the costs of the council's representation. If
3the local school council retains the principal and the general
4superintendent requests a review of the retention decision, the
5local school council and the general superintendent shall be
6considered parties to the arbitration, a hearing officer shall
7be chosen between those 2 parties pursuant to procedures
8promulgated by the State Board of Education, and the principal
9may retain counsel and participate in the arbitration. If the
10local school council does not retain the principal and the
11principal requests a review of the retention decision, the
12local school council and the principal shall be considered
13parties to the arbitration and a hearing officer shall be
14chosen between those 2 parties pursuant to procedures
15promulgated by the State Board of Education. The hearing shall
16begin (i) within 45 days after the initial request for review
17is submitted by the principal to the general superintendent or
18(ii) if the initial request for review is made by the general
19superintendent, within 45 days after that request is mailed to
20the American Arbitration Association. The hearing officer
21shall render a decision within 45 days after the hearing begins
22and within 90 days after the initial request for review. The
23Board shall contract with the American Arbitration Association
24for all of the hearing officer's reasonable and necessary
25costs. In addition, the Board shall pay any reasonable costs
26incurred by a local school council for representation before a



HB6019- 47 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1hearing officer.
2    1.10. The hearing officer shall conduct a hearing, which
3shall include (i) a review of the principal's performance,
4evaluations, and other evidence of the principal's service at
5the school, (ii) reasons provided by the local school council
6for its decision, and (iii) documentation evidencing views of
7interested persons, including, without limitation, students,
8parents, local school council members, school faculty and
9staff, the principal, the general superintendent or his or her
10designee, and members of the community. The burden of proof in
11establishing that the local school council's decision was
12arbitrary and capricious shall be on the party requesting the
13arbitration, and this party shall sustain the burden by a
14preponderance of the evidence. The hearing officer shall set
15the local school council decision aside if that decision, in
16light of the record developed at the hearing, is arbitrary and
17capricious. The decision of the hearing officer may not be
18appealed to the Board or the State Board of Education. If the
19hearing officer decides that the principal shall be retained,
20the retention period shall not exceed 2 years.
21    2. In the event (i) the local school council does not renew
22the performance contract of the principal, or the principal
23fails to receive a satisfactory rating as provided in
24subsection (h) of Section 34-8.3, or the principal is removed
25for cause during the term of his or her performance contract in
26the manner provided by Section 34-85, or a vacancy in the



HB6019- 48 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1position of principal otherwise occurs prior to the expiration
2of the term of a principal's performance contract, and (ii) the
3local school council fails to directly select a new principal
4to serve under a 4 year performance contract, the local school
5council in such event shall submit to the general
6superintendent a list of 3 candidates -- listed in the local
7school council's order of preference -- for the position of
8principal, one of which shall be selected by the general
9superintendent to serve as principal of the attendance center.
10If the general superintendent fails or refuses to select one of
11the candidates on the list to serve as principal within 30 days
12after being furnished with the candidate list, the general
13superintendent shall select and place a principal on an interim
14basis (i) for a period not to exceed one year or (ii) until the
15local school council selects a new principal with 7 affirmative
16votes as provided in subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2,
17whichever occurs first. If the local school council fails or
18refuses to select and appoint a new principal, as specified by
19subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2, the general superintendent
20may select and appoint a new principal on an interim basis for
21an additional year or until a new contract principal is
22selected by the local school council. There shall be no
23discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed, color or
24disability unrelated to ability to perform in connection with
25the submission of candidates for, and the selection of a
26candidate to serve as principal of an attendance center. No



HB6019- 49 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1person shall be directly selected, listed as a candidate for,
2or selected to serve as principal of an attendance center (i)
3if such person has been removed for cause from employment by
4the Board or (ii) if such person does not hold a valid
5administrative certificate issued or exchanged under Article
621 and endorsed as required by that Article for the position of
7principal. A principal whose performance contract is not
8renewed as provided under subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2 may
9nevertheless, if otherwise qualified and certified as herein
10provided and if he or she has received a satisfactory rating as
11provided in subsection (h) of Section 34-8.3, be included by a
12local school council as one of the 3 candidates listed in order
13of preference on any candidate list from which one person is to
14be selected to serve as principal of the attendance center
15under a new performance contract. The initial candidate list
16required to be submitted by a local school council to the
17general superintendent in cases where the local school council
18does not renew the performance contract of its principal and
19does not directly select a new principal to serve under a 4
20year performance contract shall be submitted not later than 30
21days prior to the expiration of the current performance
22contract. In cases where the local school council fails or
23refuses to submit the candidate list to the general
24superintendent no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of
25the incumbent principal's contract, the general superintendent
26may appoint a principal on an interim basis for a period not to



HB6019- 50 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1exceed one year, during which time the local school council
2shall be able to select a new principal with 7 affirmative
3votes as provided in subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2. In cases
4where a principal is removed for cause or a vacancy otherwise
5occurs in the position of principal and the vacancy is not
6filled by direct selection by the local school council, the
7candidate list shall be submitted by the local school council
8to the general superintendent within 90 days after the date
9such removal or vacancy occurs. In cases where the local school
10council fails or refuses to submit the candidate list to the
11general superintendent within 90 days after the date of the
12vacancy, the general superintendent may appoint a principal on
13an interim basis for a period of one year, during which time
14the local school council shall be able to select a new
15principal with 7 affirmative votes as provided in subsection
16(c) of Section 34-2.2.
17    2.5. Whenever a vacancy in the office of a principal occurs
18for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner
19provided by this Section by the selection of a new principal to
20serve under a 4 year performance contract.
21    3. To establish additional criteria to be included as part
22of the performance contract of its principal, provided that
23such additional criteria shall not discriminate on the basis of
24race, sex, creed, color or disability unrelated to ability to
25perform, and shall not be inconsistent with the uniform 4 year
26performance contract for principals developed by the board as



HB6019- 51 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1provided in Section 34-8.1 of the School Code or with other
2provisions of this Article governing the authority and
3responsibility of principals.
4    4. To approve the expenditure plan prepared by the
5principal with respect to all funds allocated and distributed
6to the attendance center by the Board. The expenditure plan
7shall be administered by the principal. Notwithstanding any
8other provision of this Act or any other law, any expenditure
9plan approved and administered under this Section 34-2.3 shall
10be consistent with and subject to the terms of any contract for
11services with a third party entered into by the Chicago School
12Reform Board of Trustees or the board under this Act.
13    Via a supermajority vote of 7 members of the local school
14council or 8 members of a high school local school council, the
15Council may transfer allocations pursuant to Section 34-2.3
16within funds; provided that such a transfer is consistent with
17applicable law and collective bargaining agreements.
18    Beginning in fiscal year 1991 and in each fiscal year
19thereafter, the Board may reserve up to 1% of its total fiscal
20year budget for distribution on a prioritized basis to schools
21throughout the school system in order to assure adequate
22programs to meet the needs of special student populations as
23determined by the Board. This distribution shall take into
24account the needs catalogued in the Systemwide Plan and the
25various local school improvement plans of the local school
26councils. Information about these centrally funded programs



HB6019- 52 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1shall be distributed to the local school councils so that their
2subsequent planning and programming will account for these
4    Beginning in fiscal year 1991 and in each fiscal year
5thereafter, from other amounts available in the applicable
6fiscal year budget, the board shall allocate a lump sum amount
7to each local school based upon such formula as the board shall
8determine taking into account the special needs of the student
9body. The local school principal shall develop an expenditure
10plan in consultation with the local school council, the
11professional personnel leadership committee and with all other
12school personnel, which reflects the priorities and activities
13as described in the school's local school improvement plan and
14is consistent with applicable law and collective bargaining
15agreements and with board policies and standards; however, the
16local school council shall have the right to request waivers of
17board policy from the board of education and waivers of
18employee collective bargaining agreements pursuant to Section
20    The expenditure plan developed by the principal with
21respect to amounts available from the fund for prioritized
22special needs programs and the allocated lump sum amount must
23be approved by the local school council.
24    The lump sum allocation shall take into account the
25following principles:
26        a. Teachers: Each school shall be allocated funds equal



HB6019- 53 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    to the amount appropriated in the previous school year for
2    compensation for teachers (regular grades kindergarten
3    through 12th grade) plus whatever increases in
4    compensation have been negotiated contractually or through
5    longevity as provided in the negotiated agreement.
6    Adjustments shall be made due to layoff or reduction in
7    force, lack of funds or work, change in subject
8    requirements, enrollment changes, or contracts with third
9    parties for the performance of services or to rectify any
10    inconsistencies with system-wide allocation formulas or
11    for other legitimate reasons.
12        b. Other personnel: Funds for other teacher
13    certificated and uncertificated personnel paid through
14    non-categorical funds shall be provided according to
15    system-wide formulas based on student enrollment and the
16    special needs of the school as determined by the Board.
17        c. Non-compensation items: Appropriations for all
18    non-compensation items shall be based on system-wide
19    formulas based on student enrollment and on the special
20    needs of the school or factors related to the physical
21    plant, including but not limited to textbooks, electronic
22    textbooks and the technological equipment necessary to
23    gain access to and use electronic textbooks, supplies,
24    electricity, equipment, and routine maintenance.
25        d. Funds for categorical programs: Schools shall
26    receive personnel and funds based on, and shall use such



HB6019- 54 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    personnel and funds in accordance with State and Federal
2    requirements applicable to each categorical program
3    provided to meet the special needs of the student body
4    (including but not limited to, Federal Chapter I,
5    Bilingual, and Special Education).
6        d.1. Funds for State Title I: Each school shall receive
7    funds based on State and Board requirements applicable to
8    each State Title I pupil provided to meet the special needs
9    of the student body. Each school shall receive the
10    proportion of funds as provided in Section 18-8 to which
11    they are entitled. These funds shall be spent only with the
12    budgetary approval of the Local School Council as provided
13    in Section 34-2.3.
14        e. The Local School Council shall have the right to
15    request the principal to close positions and open new ones
16    consistent with the provisions of the local school
17    improvement plan provided that these decisions are
18    consistent with applicable law and collective bargaining
19    agreements. If a position is closed, pursuant to this
20    paragraph, the local school shall have for its use the
21    system-wide average compensation for the closed position.
22        f. Operating within existing laws and collective
23    bargaining agreements, the local school council shall have
24    the right to direct the principal to shift expenditures
25    within funds.
26        g. (Blank).



HB6019- 55 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    Any funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be
2available to the board of education for use as part of its
3budget for the following fiscal year.
4    5. To make recommendations to the principal concerning
5textbook selection and concerning curriculum developed
6pursuant to the school improvement plan which is consistent
7with systemwide curriculum objectives in accordance with
8Sections 34-8 and 34-18 of the School Code and in conformity
9with the collective bargaining agreement.
10    6. To advise the principal concerning the attendance and
11disciplinary policies for the attendance center, subject to the
12provisions of this Article and Article 26, and consistent with
13Section 34-18.50 and the uniform system of discipline
14established by the board pursuant to Section 34-19.
15    7. To approve a school improvement plan developed as
16provided in Section 34-2.4. The process and schedule for plan
17development shall be publicized to the entire school community,
18and the community shall be afforded the opportunity to make
19recommendations concerning the plan. At least twice a year the
20principal and local school council shall report publicly on
21progress and problems with respect to plan implementation.
22    8. To evaluate the allocation of teaching resources and
23other certificated and uncertificated staff to the attendance
24center to determine whether such allocation is consistent with
25and in furtherance of instructional objectives and school
26programs reflective of the school improvement plan adopted for



HB6019- 56 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1the attendance center; and to make recommendations to the
2board, the general superintendent and the principal concerning
3any reallocation of teaching resources or other staff whenever
4the council determines that any such reallocation is
5appropriate because the qualifications of any existing staff at
6the attendance center do not adequately match or support
7instructional objectives or school programs which reflect the
8school improvement plan.
9    9. To make recommendations to the principal and the general
10superintendent concerning their respective appointments, after
11August 31, 1989, and in the manner provided by Section 34-8 and
12Section 34-8.1, of persons to fill any vacant, additional or
13newly created positions for teachers at the attendance center
14or at attendance centers which include the attendance center
15served by the local school council.
16    10. To request of the Board the manner in which training
17and assistance shall be provided to the local school council.
18Pursuant to Board guidelines a local school council is
19authorized to direct the Board of Education to contract with
20personnel or not-for-profit organizations not associated with
21the school district to train or assist council members. If
22training or assistance is provided by contract with personnel
23or organizations not associated with the school district, the
24period of training or assistance shall not exceed 30 hours
25during a given school year; person shall not be employed on a
26continuous basis longer than said period and shall not have



HB6019- 57 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1been employed by the Chicago Board of Education within the
2preceding six months. Council members shall receive training in
3at least the following areas:
4        1. school budgets;
5        2. educational theory pertinent to the attendance
6    center's particular needs, including the development of
7    the school improvement plan and the principal's
8    performance contract; and
9        3. personnel selection.
10Council members shall, to the greatest extent possible,
11complete such training within 90 days of election.
12    11. In accordance with systemwide guidelines contained in
13the System-Wide Educational Reform Goals and Objectives Plan,
14criteria for evaluation of performance shall be established for
15local school councils and local school council members. If a
16local school council persists in noncompliance with systemwide
17requirements, the Board may impose sanctions and take necessary
18corrective action, consistent with Section 34-8.3.
19    12. Each local school council shall comply with the Open
20Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Each local
21school council shall issue and transmit to its school community
22a detailed annual report accounting for its activities
23programmatically and financially. Each local school council
24shall convene at least 2 well-publicized meetings annually with
25its entire school community. These meetings shall include
26presentation of the proposed local school improvement plan, of



HB6019- 58 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1the proposed school expenditure plan, and the annual report,
2and shall provide an opportunity for public comment.
3    13. Each local school council is encouraged to involve
4additional non-voting members of the school community in
5facilitating the council's exercise of its responsibilities.
6    14. The local school council may adopt a school uniform or
7dress code policy that governs the attendance center and that
8is necessary to maintain the orderly process of a school
9function or prevent endangerment of student health or safety,
10consistent with the policies and rules of the Board of
11Education. A school uniform or dress code policy adopted by a
12local school council: (i) shall not be applied in such manner
13as to discipline or deny attendance to a transfer student or
14any other student for noncompliance with that policy during
15such period of time as is reasonably necessary to enable the
16student to acquire a school uniform or otherwise comply with
17the dress code policy that is in effect at the attendance
18center into which the student's enrollment is transferred; and
19(ii) shall include criteria and procedures under which the
20local school council will accommodate the needs of or otherwise
21provide appropriate resources to assist a student from an
22indigent family in complying with an applicable school uniform
23or dress code policy. A student whose parents or legal
24guardians object on religious grounds to the student's
25compliance with an applicable school uniform or dress code
26policy shall not be required to comply with that policy if the



HB6019- 59 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1student's parents or legal guardians present to the local
2school council a signed statement of objection detailing the
3grounds for the objection.
4    15. All decisions made and actions taken by the local
5school council in the exercise of its powers and duties shall
6comply with State and federal laws, all applicable collective
7bargaining agreements, court orders and rules properly
8promulgated by the Board.
9    15a. To grant, in accordance with board rules and policies,
10the use of assembly halls and classrooms when not otherwise
11needed, including lighting, heat, and attendants, for public
12lectures, concerts, and other educational and social
14    15b. To approve, in accordance with board rules and
15policies, receipts and expenditures for all internal accounts
16of the attendance center, and to approve all fund-raising
17activities by nonschool organizations that use the school
19    16. (Blank).
20    17. Names and addresses of local school council members
21shall be a matter of public record.
22(Source: P.A. 96-1403, eff. 7-29-10.)
23    (105 ILCS 5/34-18.50 new)
24    Sec. 34-18.50. Suspension or expulsion of pupils; school



HB6019- 60 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    (a) To expel pupils guilty of gross disobedience or
2misconduct, including gross disobedience or misconduct
3perpetuated by electronic means, pursuant to subsection (f) of
4this Section, and no action shall lie against them for such
5expulsion. Expulsion shall take place only after the parents
6have been requested to appear at a meeting of the board, or
7with a hearing officer appointed by it, to discuss their
8child's behavior. Such request shall be made by registered or
9certified mail and shall state the time, place, and purpose of
10the meeting. The board, or a hearing officer appointed by it,
11at such meeting shall state the reasons for dismissal and the
12date on which the expulsion is to become effective. If a
13hearing officer is appointed by the board, he or she shall
14report to the board a written summary of the evidence heard at
15the meeting and the board may take such action thereon as it
16finds appropriate. If the board acts to expel a pupil, the
17written expulsion decision shall detail the specific reasons
18why removing the pupil from the learning environment is in the
19best interest of the school. The expulsion decision shall also
20include a rationale as to the specific duration of the
21expulsion. An expelled pupil may be immediately transferred to
22an alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or
2313B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because
24of the expulsion, except in cases in which such transfer is
25deemed to cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in
26the alternative program.



HB6019- 61 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    (b) To suspend or by policy to authorize the superintendent
2of the district or the principal, assistant principal, or dean
3of students of any school to suspend pupils guilty of gross
4disobedience or misconduct, or to suspend pupils guilty of
5gross disobedience or misconduct on the school bus from riding
6the school bus, pursuant to subsections (e) and (f) of this
7Section, and no action shall lie against them for such
8suspension. The board may by policy authorize the
9superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
10principal, or dean of students of any school to suspend pupils
11guilty of such acts for a period not to exceed 10 school days.
12If a pupil is suspended due to gross disobedience or misconduct
13on a school bus, the board may suspend the pupil in excess of
1410 school days for safety reasons.
15    Any suspension shall be reported immediately to the parents
16or guardian of a pupil along with a full statement of the
17reasons for such suspension and a notice of their right to a
18review. The board must be given a summary of the notice,
19including the reason for the suspension and the suspension
20length. Upon request of the parents or guardian, the board or a
21hearing officer appointed by it shall review such action of the
22superintendent or principal, assistant principal, or dean of
23students. At such review the parents or guardian of the pupil
24may appear and discuss the suspension with the board or its
25hearing officer. If a hearing officer is appointed by the
26board, he or she shall report to the board a written summary of



HB6019- 62 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1the evidence heard at the meeting. After its hearing or upon
2receipt of the written report of its hearing officer, the board
3may take such action as it finds appropriate. If a student is
4suspended pursuant to this subsection (b), the board shall, in
5the written suspension decision, detail the specific act of
6gross disobedience or misconduct resulting in the decision to
7suspend. The suspension decision shall also include a rationale
8as to the specific duration of the suspension. A pupil who is
9suspended in excess of 20 school days may be immediately
10transferred to an alternative program in the manner provided in
11Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied
12transfer because of the suspension, except in cases in which
13such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to the safety of
14students or staff in the alternative program.
15    (c) Among the many possible disciplinary interventions and
16consequences available to school officials, school exclusions,
17such as out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, are the most
18serious. School officials shall limit the number and duration
19of expulsions and suspensions to the greatest extent
20practicable, and it is recommended that they use them only for
21legitimate educational purposes. To ensure that students are
22not excluded from school unnecessarily, it is recommended that
23school officials consider forms of non-exclusionary discipline
24prior to using out-of-school suspensions or expulsions.
25    (d) Unless otherwise required by federal law or this Code,
26the board may not institute zero-tolerance policies by which



HB6019- 63 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1school administrators are required to suspend or expel students
2for particular behaviors.
3    (e) Out-of-school suspensions of 3 days or less may be used
4only if the student's continuing presence in school would pose
5a threat to school safety or a disruption to other students'
6learning opportunities. For purposes of this subsection (e),
7"threat to school safety or a disruption to other students'
8learning opportunities" shall be determined on a case-by-case
9basis by the board or its designee. School officials shall make
10all reasonable efforts to resolve such threats, address such
11disruptions, and minimize the length of suspensions to the
12greatest extent practicable.
13    (f) Unless otherwise required by this Code, out-of-school
14suspensions of longer than 3 days, expulsions, and disciplinary
15removals to alternative schools may be used only if other
16appropriate and available behavioral and disciplinary
17interventions have been exhausted and the student's continuing
18presence in school would either (i) pose a threat to the safety
19of other students, staff, or members of the school community or
20(ii) substantially disrupt, impede, or interfere with the
21operation of the school. For purposes of this subsection (f),
22"threat to the safety of other students, staff, or members of
23the school community" and "substantially disrupt, impede, or
24interfere with the operation of the school" shall be determined
25on a case-by-case basis by school officials. For purposes of
26this subsection (f), the determination of whether "appropriate



HB6019- 64 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1and available behavioral and disciplinary interventions have
2been exhausted" shall be made by school officials. School
3officials shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve such
4threats, address such disruptions, and minimize the length of
5student exclusions to the greatest extent practicable. Within
6the suspension decision described in subsection (b) of this
7Section or the expulsion decision described in subsection (a)
8of this Section, it shall be documented whether other
9interventions were attempted or whether it was determined that
10there were no other appropriate and available interventions.
11    (g) Students who are suspended out-of-school for longer
12than 4 school days shall be provided appropriate and available
13support services during the period of their suspension. For
14purposes of this subsection (g), "appropriate and available
15support services" shall be determined by school authorities.
16Within the suspension decision described in subsection (b) of
17this Section, it shall be documented whether such services are
18to be provided or whether it was determined that there are no
19such appropriate and available services.
20    The school district may refer students who are expelled to
21appropriate and available support services.
22    The school district shall create a policy to facilitate the
23re-engagement of students who are suspended out-of-school,
24expelled, or returning from an alternative school setting.
25    (h) The school district shall create a policy by which
26suspended pupils, including those pupils suspended from the



HB6019- 65 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1school bus who do not have alternate transportation to school,
2shall have the opportunity to make up work for equivalent
3academic credit. It shall be the responsibility of a pupil's
4parent or guardian to notify school officials that a pupil
5suspended from the school bus does not have alternate
6transportation to school.
7    (i) The Department of Human Services shall be invited to
8send a representative to consult with the board at such meeting
9whenever there is evidence that mental illness may be the cause
10for expulsion or suspension.
11    (j) The school district shall make reasonable efforts to
12provide ongoing professional development to teachers,
13administrators, board members, school resource officers, and
14staff on the adverse consequences of school exclusion and
15justice-system involvement, effective classroom management
16strategies, culturally responsive discipline, and
17developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote
18positive and healthy school climates.
19    (k) The board may expel a student for a definite period of
20time not to exceed 2 calendar years, as determined on a case by
21case basis. A student who is determined to have brought one of
22the following objects to school, any school-sponsored activity
23or event, or any activity or event that bears a reasonable
24relationship to school shall be expelled for a period of not
25less than one year:
26        (1) A firearm. For the purposes of this Section,



HB6019- 66 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1    "firearm" means any gun, rifle, shotgun, weapon as defined
2    by Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code,
3    firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners
4    Identification Card Act, or firearm as defined in Section
5    24-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012. The expulsion period
6    under this subdivision (1) may be modified by the
7    superintendent, and the superintendent's determination may
8    be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis.
9        (2) A knife, brass knuckles or other knuckle weapon
10    regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any other
11    object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily
12    harm, including "look alikes" of any firearm as defined in
13    subdivision (1) of this subsection (k). The expulsion
14    requirement under this subdivision (2) may be modified by
15    the superintendent, and the superintendent's determination
16    may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis.
17Expulsion or suspension shall be construed in a manner
18consistent with the federal Individuals with Disabilities
19Education Act. A student who is subject to suspension or
20expulsion as provided in this Section may be eligible for a
21transfer to an alternative school program in accordance with
22Article 13A of the School Code.
23    (l) The board may suspend or by regulation authorize the
24superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
25principal, or dean of students of any school to suspend a
26student for a period not to exceed 10 school days or may expel



HB6019- 67 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1a student for a definite period of time not to exceed 2
2calendar years, as determined on a case by case basis, if (i)
3that student has been determined to have made an explicit
4threat on an Internet website against a school employee, a
5student, or any school-related personnel, (ii) the Internet
6website through which the threat was made is a site that was
7accessible within the school at the time the threat was made or
8was available to third parties who worked or studied within the
9school grounds at the time the threat was made, and (iii) the
10threat could be reasonably interpreted as threatening to the
11safety and security of the threatened individual because of his
12or her duties or employment status or status as a student
13inside the school.
14    (m) To maintain order and security in the schools, school
15authorities may inspect and search places and areas such as
16lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and
17equipment owned or controlled by the school, as well as
18personal effects left in those places and areas by students,
19without notice to or the consent of the student, and without a
20search warrant. As a matter of public policy, the General
21Assembly finds that students have no reasonable expectation of
22privacy in these places and areas or in their personal effects
23left in these places and areas. School authorities may request
24the assistance of law enforcement officials for the purpose of
25conducting inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking
26lots, and other school property and equipment owned or



HB6019- 68 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1controlled by the school for illegal drugs, weapons, or other
2illegal or dangerous substances or materials, including
3searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs.
4If a search conducted in accordance with this Section produces
5evidence that the student has violated or is violating either
6the law, local ordinance, or the school's policies or rules,
7such evidence may be seized by school authorities, and
8disciplinary action may be taken. School authorities may also
9turn over such evidence to law enforcement authorities.
10    (n) Suspension or expulsion may include suspension or
11expulsion from school and all school activities and a
12prohibition from being present on school grounds.
13    (o) The school district may adopt a policy providing that
14if a student is suspended or expelled for any reason from any
15public or private school in this or any other state, the
16student must complete the entire term of the suspension or
17expulsion in an alternative school program under Article 13A of
18this Code or an alternative learning opportunities program
19under Article 13B of this Code before being admitted into the
20school district if there is no threat to the safety of students
21or staff in the alternative program.
22    (p) School officials shall not advise or encourage students
23to drop out voluntarily due to behavioral or academic
25    (q) A student may not be issued a monetary fine or fee as a
26disciplinary consequence, though this shall not preclude



HB6019- 69 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1requiring a student to provide restitution for lost, stolen, or
2damaged property.
3    (105 ILCS 5/34-19)  (from Ch. 122, par. 34-19)
4    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 99-456)
5    Sec. 34-19. By-laws, rules and regulations; business
6transacted at regular meetings; voting; records. The board
7shall, subject to the limitations in this Article, establish
8by-laws, rules and regulations, which shall have the force of
9ordinances, for the proper maintenance of a uniform system of
10discipline for both employees and pupils, and for the entire
11management of the schools, and may fix the school age of
12pupils, the minimum of which in kindergartens shall not be
13under 4 years, except that, based upon an assessment of the
14child's readiness, children who have attended a non-public
15preschool and continued their education at that school through
16kindergarten, were taught in kindergarten by an appropriately
17certified teacher, and will attain the age of 6 years on or
18before December 31 of the year of the 2009-2010 school term and
19each school term thereafter may attend first grade upon
20commencement of such term, and in grade schools shall not be
21under 6 years. It may expel, suspend or, subject to the
22limitations of all policies established or adopted under
23Section 14-8.05, otherwise discipline any pupil found guilty of
24gross disobedience, misconduct or other violation of the
25by-laws, rules and regulations, including gross disobedience



HB6019- 70 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1or misconduct perpetuated by electronic means. An expelled
2pupil may be immediately transferred to an alternative program
3in the manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A
4pupil must not be denied transfer because of the expulsion,
5except in cases in which such transfer is deemed to cause a
6threat to the safety of students or staff in the alternative
7program. A pupil who is suspended in excess of 20 school days
8may be immediately transferred to an alternative program in the
9manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil
10must not be denied transfer because of the suspension, except
11in cases in which such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to
12the safety of students or staff in the alternative program. The
13bylaws, rules and regulations of the board shall be enacted,
14money shall be appropriated or expended, salaries shall be
15fixed or changed, and textbooks, electronic textbooks, and
16courses of instruction shall be adopted or changed only at the
17regular meetings of the board and by a vote of a majority of
18the full membership of the board; provided that notwithstanding
19any other provision of this Article or the School Code, neither
20the board or any local school council may purchase any textbook
21for use in any public school of the district from any textbook
22publisher that fails to furnish any computer diskettes as
23required under Section 28-21. Funds appropriated for textbook
24purchases must be available for electronic textbook purchases
25and the technological equipment necessary to gain access to and
26use electronic textbooks at the local school council's



HB6019- 71 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1discretion. The board shall be further encouraged to provide
2opportunities for public hearing and testimony before the
3adoption of bylaws, rules and regulations. Upon all
4propositions requiring for their adoption at least a majority
5of all the members of the board the yeas and nays shall be
6taken and reported. The by-laws, rules and regulations of the
7board shall not be repealed, amended or added to, except by a
8vote of 2/3 of the full membership of the board. The board
9shall keep a record of all its proceedings. Such records and
10all by-laws, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, may be
11proved by a copy thereof certified to be such by the secretary
12of the board, but if they are printed in book or pamphlet form
13which are purported to be published by authority of the board
14they need not be otherwise published and the book or pamphlet
15shall be received as evidence, without further proof, of the
16records, by-laws, rules and regulations, or any part thereof,
17as of the dates thereof as shown in such book or pamphlet, in
18all courts and places where judicial proceedings are had.
19    Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article or in
20the School Code, the board may delegate to the general
21superintendent or to the attorney the authorities granted to
22the board in the School Code, provided such delegation and
23appropriate oversight procedures are made pursuant to board
24by-laws, rules and regulations, adopted as herein provided,
25except that the board may not delegate its authorities and
26responsibilities regarding (1) budget approval obligations;



HB6019- 72 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1(2) rule-making functions; (3) desegregation obligations; (4)
2real estate acquisition, sale or lease in excess of 10 years as
3provided in Section 34-21; (5) the levy of taxes; or (6) any
4mandates imposed upon the board by "An Act in relation to
5school reform in cities over 500,000, amending Acts herein
6named", approved December 12, 1988 (P.A. 85-1418).
7(Source: P.A. 96-864, eff. 1-21-10; 96-1403, eff. 7-29-10;
897-340, eff. 1-1-12; 97-495, eff. 1-1-12; 97-813, eff.
10    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 99-456)
11    Sec. 34-19. By-laws, rules and regulations; business
12transacted at regular meetings; voting; records. The board
13shall, subject to the limitations in this Article, establish
14by-laws, rules and regulations, which shall have the force of
15ordinances, for the proper maintenance of a uniform system of
16discipline for both employees and pupils, and for the entire
17management of the schools, and may fix the school age of
18pupils, the minimum of which in kindergartens shall not be
19under 4 years, except that, based upon an assessment of the
20child's readiness, children who have attended a non-public
21preschool and continued their education at that school through
22kindergarten, were taught in kindergarten by an appropriately
23certified teacher, and will attain the age of 6 years on or
24before December 31 of the year of the 2009-2010 school term and
25each school term thereafter may attend first grade upon



HB6019- 73 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1commencement of such term, and in grade schools shall not be
2under 6 years. It may expel, suspend or, subject to the
3limitations of all policies established or adopted under
4Section 34-18.50 10-22.6 or 14-8.05, otherwise discipline any
5pupil found guilty of gross disobedience, misconduct, or other
6violation of the by-laws, rules, and regulations, including
7gross disobedience or misconduct perpetuated by electronic
8means. An expelled pupil may be immediately transferred to an
9alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or
1013B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because
11of the expulsion, except in cases in which such transfer is
12deemed to cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in
13the alternative program. A pupil who is suspended in excess of
1420 school days may be immediately transferred to an alternative
15program in the manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this
16Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because of the
17suspension, except in cases in which such transfer is deemed to
18cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in the
19alternative program. The bylaws, rules and regulations of the
20board shall be enacted, money shall be appropriated or
21expended, salaries shall be fixed or changed, and textbooks,
22electronic textbooks, and courses of instruction shall be
23adopted or changed only at the regular meetings of the board
24and by a vote of a majority of the full membership of the
25board; provided that notwithstanding any other provision of
26this Article or the School Code, neither the board or any local



HB6019- 74 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1school council may purchase any textbook for use in any public
2school of the district from any textbook publisher that fails
3to furnish any computer diskettes as required under Section
428-21. Funds appropriated for textbook purchases must be
5available for electronic textbook purchases and the
6technological equipment necessary to gain access to and use
7electronic textbooks at the local school council's discretion.
8The board shall be further encouraged to provide opportunities
9for public hearing and testimony before the adoption of bylaws,
10rules and regulations. Upon all propositions requiring for
11their adoption at least a majority of all the members of the
12board the yeas and nays shall be taken and reported. The
13by-laws, rules and regulations of the board shall not be
14repealed, amended or added to, except by a vote of 2/3 of the
15full membership of the board. The board shall keep a record of
16all its proceedings. Such records and all by-laws, rules and
17regulations, or parts thereof, may be proved by a copy thereof
18certified to be such by the secretary of the board, but if they
19are printed in book or pamphlet form which are purported to be
20published by authority of the board they need not be otherwise
21published and the book or pamphlet shall be received as
22evidence, without further proof, of the records, by-laws, rules
23and regulations, or any part thereof, as of the dates thereof
24as shown in such book or pamphlet, in all courts and places
25where judicial proceedings are had.
26    Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article or in



HB6019- 75 -LRB099 19430 NHT 43822 b

1the School Code, the board may delegate to the general
2superintendent or to the attorney the authorities granted to
3the board in the School Code, provided such delegation and
4appropriate oversight procedures are made pursuant to board
5by-laws, rules and regulations, adopted as herein provided,
6except that the board may not delegate its authorities and
7responsibilities regarding (1) budget approval obligations;
8(2) rule-making functions; (3) desegregation obligations; (4)
9real estate acquisition, sale or lease in excess of 10 years as
10provided in Section 34-21; (5) the levy of taxes; or (6) any
11mandates imposed upon the board by "An Act in relation to
12school reform in cities over 500,000, amending Acts herein
13named", approved December 12, 1988 (P.A. 85-1418).
14(Source: P.A. 99-456, eff. 9-15-16.)
15    Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes
16changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text
17that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section
18represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does
19not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes
20made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other
21Public Act.