Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0063
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0063  097th General Assembly




HR0063LRB097 09818 KXB 49974 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate Coach Mike
4Shanahan, a two-time graduate of Eastern Illinois University,
5on completing his first season as Executive Vice President/Head
6Coach of the Washington Redskins; and
7    WHEREAS, Mike Shanahan was born on August 24, 1952 in Oak
8Park; he is a 1970 graduate of East Leyden High School in
9Franklin Park; he attended Eastern Illinois University and
10earned his Bachelor of Science degree in 1974 and his Master of
11Science degree in 1975; he played quarterback until his junior
12season when his career was cut short due to an injury; he was
13inducted into the Eastern Illinois University Hall of Fame in
141990; and
15    WHEREAS, He served as an assistant coach at Eastern
16Illinois University for his final two seasons in Charleston
17before serving on the coaching staff at the University of
18Oklahoma in 1975, going on to win the NCAA Division I national
19championship; after spending the 1977 season at Northern
20Arizona University, he returned to Eastern Illinois University
21to serve as the offensive coordinator for the 1978 squad that
22captured the NCAA Division II national crown and set 25 school
23records; and



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1    WHEREAS, Mike Shanahan's collegiate coaching career
2includes coaching with the University of Minnesota as offensive
3coordinator in 1979, and from 1980 to 1984 he served at the
4University of Florida as the offensive coordinator; and
5    WHEREAS, His NFL assistant coaching career includes
6serving as the Denver Broncos' wide receiver coach in 1984 and
7offensive coordinator from 1985 to 1987; from 1992 to 1994 he
8served as the offensive coordinator for the San Francisco
949ers, where he coached NFL Hall of Famer Steve Young in
10addition to helping the 49ers win Super Bowl XXIX; and
11    WHEREAS, His NFL head coaching career includes serving as
12the head coach of the Los Angeles Raiders from 1988 to 1989;
13from 1995 to 2008 he served as the head coach of the Denver
14Broncos; and
15    WHEREAS, Mike Shanahan, as the head coach of the Denver
16Broncos, guided the franchise to two Super Bowl victories in
171997 and 1998, in addition to making three conference
18championship game appearances and leading the Broncos to seven
19postseason berths and nine winning seasons; he also posted the
20most wins in pro football history in a three-year period (46
21from 1996 to 1998) and won the most playoff games in pro
22football history over a two-year period with seven from 1997 to



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11998; and
2    WHEREAS, Mike Shanahan started his third head coaching job
3in the NFL on January 6, 2010, assuming the position of
4Executive Vice President/Head Coach of the Washington
5Redskins; and
6    WHEREAS, Mike Shanahan is married to Peggy, and they have
7two children, son Kyle, and daughter Krystal; therefore, be it
10we congratulate Mike Shanahan and wish him continued success
11for years to come; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to Washington Redskins Executive Vice President/Head
14Coach Mike Shanahan as a symbol of our respect and esteem.