Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0631
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0631  097th General Assembly




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3ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the Rules of the Senate
4of the 97th General Assembly are amended by changing Rules 2-5,
53-9, 3-11, 3-12, 4-3, and 10-2 as follows:
6    (Senate Rule 2-5)
7    2-5. Powers and Duties of the President.
8    (a) The President shall have those powers conferred upon
9him or her by the Constitution, the laws of Illinois, and any
10motions or resolutions adopted by the Senate or jointly by the
11Senate and House.
12    (b) Except as provided by law with respect to the Senate
13Operations Commission, the President is the chief
14administrative officer of the Senate and shall have those
15powers necessary to carry out that function. The President may
16delegate his or her administrative duties as he or she deems
18     (c) The powers and duties of the President shall include,
19but are not limited to, the following:
20        (1) To preside at all sessions of the Senate, although



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1    the President may call on any member to preside
2    temporarily.
3        (2) To open the session at the time at which the Senate
4    is to meet by taking the podium and calling the members to
5    order. The President may call on any member, or the
6    Secretary in case of perfunctory session, to open the
7    session.
8        (3) To announce the business before the Senate in the
9    order in which it is to be acted upon.
10        (4) To recognize those members entitled to the floor.
11        (5) To state and put to vote all questions that are
12    regularly moved or that necessarily arise in the course of
13    the proceedings, and to announce the result of the vote.
14        (6) To preserve order and decorum.
15        (7) To decide all points of order, subject to appeal,
16    and to speak thereon in preference to other members.
17        (8) To inform the Senate when necessary, or when any
18    question is raised, on any point of order or practice
19    pertinent to the pending business.



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1        (9) To sign or authenticate all acts, proceedings, or
2    orders of the Senate. All writs, warrants, and subpoenas
3    issued by order of the Senate or one of its committees
4    shall be signed by the President and attested by the
5    Secretary.
6        (10) To sign all bills passed by both chambers of the
7    General Assembly in order to certify that the procedural
8    requirements for passage have been met.
9        (11) To have general supervision, including the duty to
10    protect the security and safety, of the Senate chamber,
11    galleries, and adjoining and connecting hallways and
12    passages, including the power to clear them when necessary.
13        (12) To have general supervision of the Secretary and
14    his or her assistants, the Sergeant-at-Arms and his or her
15    assistants, the majority caucus staff, and all employees of
16    the Senate except the minority caucus staff.
17        (13) To determine the number of majority caucus members
18    and minority caucus members to be appointed to all
19    committees, except the Committee on Assignments created by
20    Rule 3-5.



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1        (14) To appoint or replace all majority caucus members
2    of committees and to designate all Chairpersons,
3    Co-Chairpersons, and Vice-Chairpersons of committees,
4    except as the Senate otherwise orders in accordance with
5    these Senate Rules.
6        (15) To enforce all constitutional provisions,
7    statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to the Senate.
8        (16) To guide and direct the proceedings of the Senate
9    subject to the control and will of the members as provided
10    in these Senate Rules.
11        (17) To direct the Secretary during regular session,
12    veto session, special session, or perfunctory session to
13    read into the Senate record legislative measures and other
14    papers.
15        (18) To direct the Secretary to correct
16    non-substantive errors in the Journal.
17        (19) To assign meeting places and meeting times to
18    committees.
19        (20) To decide, subject to the control and will of the
20    members in accordance with these Senate Rules, all



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1    questions relating to the priority of business.
2        (21) To appoint a parliamentarian to serve at the
3    pleasure of the President.
4        (22) To promulgate forms for nominees subject to the
5    advice and consent of the Senate.
6    (d) The President, at his or her discretion, may designate
7from among those members serving in the statutorily created
8positions of assistant majority leader, no more than one member
9to serve as the Senate Majority Leader. The Senate Majority
10Leader shall serve at the pleasure of the President and shall
11receive no additional compensation other than that provided
12statutorily for the position of assistant majority leader.
13    (e) This Rule may be suspended by a vote of three-fifths of
14the members elected.
15(Source: S.R. 2, 97th G.A.)
16    (Senate Rule 3-9)
17    3-9. Re-Referrals to the Committee on Assignments.
18    (a) All legislative measures, with the exception of
19resolutions to amend the State Constitution, that have failed
20to meet the applicable deadline established in accordance with
21Rule 2-10 for reporting to the Senate by a standing committee



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1shall automatically be re-referred to the Committee on
2Assignments unless: (i) the deadline has been suspended
3pursuant to Rule 7-17, with re-referral to the Committee on
4Assignments to occur if the bill has not been reported to the
5Senate in accordance with the revised deadline; or (ii) the
6Committee on Assignments has issued a written exception to the
7Secretary with respect to a particular bill prior to the
8reporting deadline, with re-referral to occur, if at all, in
9accordance with the written exception. Should the President in
10accordance with Rule 2-10 establish deadlines for action on
11joint action motions or conference committee reports, the
12foregoing re-referral provisions and exceptions shall apply
13with respect to those legislative measures that fail to meet
14those deadlines.
15    (b) All legislative measures, with the exception of
16resolutions to amend the State Constitution and Appointment
17Messages, pending before the Senate or any of its committees
18shall automatically be re-referred to the Committee on
19Assignments on the 31st consecutive day that the Senate has not
20convened for session unless: (i) this Rule has been suspended
21in accordance with Rule 7-17; or (ii) the Committee on
22Assignments has issued a written exception to the Secretary
23prior to that 31st day.
24(Source: S.R. 2, 97th G.A.)



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1    (Senate Rule 3-11)
2    3-11. Committee Procedure.
3    (a) A committee may consider any legislative measure
4referred to it and may make with respect to that legislative
5measure one of the following reports to the Senate or to the
6parent committee, as appropriate:
7        (1) that the bill "do pass";
8        (2) that the bill "do not pass";
9        (3) that the bill "do pass as amended";
10        (4) that the bill "do not pass as amended";
11        (5) that the resolution "be adopted";
12        (6) that the resolution "be not adopted";
13        (7) that the resolution "be adopted as amended";
14        (8) that the resolution "be not adopted as amended";
15        (9) that the floor amendment, joint action motion, or
16    conference committee report "recommend do adopt";



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1        (10) that the floor amendment, joint action motion, or
2    conference committee report "recommend do not adopt";
3        (11) "without recommendation"; or
4        (12) that the legislative measure "be re-referred to
5    the Committee on Assignments"; .
6        (13) that the Appointment Message be reported "do
7    recommend advise and consent"; or
8        (14) that the Appointment Message be reported "do not
9    recommend advise and consent".
10Any of the foregoing reports may only be made upon the
11concurrence of a majority of those appointed. All legislative
12measures reported "do pass", "do pass as amended", "be
13adopted", "be adopted as amended", or "be approved for
14consideration" shall be deemed favorably reported to the
15Senate. All Appointment Messages reported "do recommend advise
16and consent", "do not recommend advise and consent", or
17"without recommendation" shall be deemed reported to the
18Senate. Except as otherwise provided by these Senate Rules, any
19legislative measure referred to a committee and not reported
20pursuant to this Rule shall remain in that committee. Pursuant
21to Rules 3-11(g) and 7-10, a committee may report a legislative



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1measure as tabled.
2    (b) No bill that provides for an appropriation or
3expenditure of money from the State Treasury may be considered
4for passage by the Senate unless it has first been reported to
5the Senate by an Appropriations Committee, unless:
6        (1) the bill was discharged from an Appropriations
7    Committee in accordance with Rule 7-9;
8        (2) the bill was exempted from this requirement by a
9    majority of those appointed to the Committee on
10    Assignments; or
11        (3) this Rule was suspended in accordance with Rule
12    7-17.
13    (c) The Chairperson of each committee shall keep, or cause
14to be kept, a record in which there shall be entered:
15        (1) The time and place of each meeting of the
16    committee.
17        (2) The attendance of committee members at each
18    meeting.



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1        (3) The votes cast by the committee members on all
2    legislative measures acted upon by the committee.
3        (4) All witness slips that may have been presented to
4    the committee.
5        (5) Such additional information as may be requested by
6    the Secretary.
7    (d) The committee Chairperson shall file with the
8Secretary, along with every bill or resolution reported upon, a
9sheet containing such information as is required by the
10Secretary. The Secretary may adopt forms, policies, and
11procedures with respect to the preparation, filing, and
12maintenance of these reports.
13    (e) Except as provided in Rule 3-5 or 3-8 or unless this
14Rule is suspended pursuant to Rule 7-17, no committee may
15consider or conduct a hearing with respect to a legislative
16measure absent notice first being given as follows:
17        (1) The Chairperson of the committee shall, no later
18    than six days before any proposed hearing, post a notice on
19    the Senate bulletin board, or electronically make the
20    notice available, identifying each legislative measure
21    that may be considered during that hearing. The notice



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1    shall contain the day, hour, and place of the hearing.
2        (2) Meetings of the Committee on Assignments may be
3    called pursuant to Rule 3-5; meetings of committees to
4    consider floor amendments, joint action motions, and
5    conference committee reports may be called pursuant to Rule
6    3-8.
7        (3) The Chairperson shall, in advance of a committee
8    hearing, notify all principal sponsors of legislative
9    measures posted for hearing of the date, time, and place of
10    hearing. When practicable, the Secretary shall include a
11    notice of all scheduled hearings, together with all posted
12    bills and resolutions, in the Daily Calendar of the Senate.
13Irrespective of whether a legislative measure has been posted
14for hearing, it shall be in order for a committee during any of
15its meetings to refer that legislative measure pending before
16it to a subcommittee of that committee.
17    (f) Other than the Committee on Assignments, no committee
18may meet during any session of the Senate, and no commission
19created by Illinois law that has legislative membership may
20meet during any session of the Senate.
21    (g) Regardless of whether notice has been previously given,



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1it is always in order for a committee to order any legislative
2measure pending before it to lie on the table when the
3principal sponsor so requests. When reported to the Senate,
4such committee action shall stand as the action of the Senate.
5    (h) When a committee fails to report a legislative measure
6pending before it to the Senate, or when a committee fails to
7hold a public hearing on a legislative measure pending before
8it, the exclusive means of bringing that legislative measure
9directly before the Senate for its consideration is pursuant to
10Rule 7-9.
11    (i) No legislative measure may be called for a vote in
12committee in the absence of the principal sponsor, except that,
13with the approval of the principal sponsor and the consent of
14the committee, a legislative measure may be called for a vote
15in committee by a chief cosponsor of the legislative measure or
16by a member of the same caucus as the principal sponsor who is
17either the Committee Chairperson, Committee Co-Chairperson,
18Committee Vice-Chairperson, or Minority Spokesperson.
19    (j) A committee may conduct a legislative investigation
20with regard to legislative measures pending before the
22(Source: S.R. 2, 97th G.A.)



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1    (Senate Rule 3-12)
2    3-12. Committee Reports.
3    (a) All bills favorably reported to the Senate from a
4committee, or with respect to which a committee has been
5discharged, shall stand on the order of Second Reading unless
6otherwise ordered by the Senate, and may be amended only on
7Second Reading. Bills reported to the Senate from committee "do
8not pass", "do not pass as amended", or "without
9recommendation" shall lie on the table.
10    (b) All floor amendments, joint action motions, and
11conference committee reports favorably reported to the Senate
12from a committee shall be before the Senate and eligible for
13consideration by the Senate when it is on an appropriate order
14of business (floor amendments may be considered by the Senate
15only when the bill to be amended is on Second Reading). All
16floor amendments, joint action motions, and conference
17committee reports that are reported to the Senate from
18committee "recommend do not adopt" or "without recommendation"
19shall lie on the table.
20    (c) All resolutions favorably reported to the Senate from a
21committee, or with respect to which a committee has been
22discharged, shall stand on the order of Resolutions. All
23resolutions that are reported to the Senate from committee "be
24not adopted", "be not adopted as amended", or "without



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1recommendation" shall lie on the table. Floor amendments to
2resolutions shall be subject to the same procedure applicable
3to floor amendments to bills.
4    (d) All Appointment Messages reported to the Senate from a
5committee, or with respect to which a committee has been
6discharged, shall stand on the order of Executive Appointments.
7(Source: S.R. 2, 97th G.A.)
8    (Senate Rule 4-3)
9    4-3. Entitled to Floor.
10    (a) Except as otherwise provided in these Senate Rules,
11only the following persons shall be admitted to the Senate
12while it is in session: members and officers of the General
13Assembly; elected officers of the executive branch; justices of
14the Supreme Court; the designated aides aide to the Governor;
15the parliamentarian; majority staff members and minority staff
16members, except as limited by the Presiding Officer; former
17Presidents of the Senate, except as limited by the President or
18prohibited under subsection (d); former members who served in
19the Senate at any time during the past four years, except as
20limited by the President or prohibited under subsection (d);
21and employees of the Legislative Reference Bureau and the
22Legislative Information System, except as limited by the
23President. Representatives of the press, while the Senate is in
24session, may have access to the galleries and places allotted



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1to them by the President. No person is entitled to the floor
2unless appropriately attired.
3    (b) On days during which the Senate is in session, the
4Sergeant-at-Arms shall clear the floor of all persons not
5entitled to access the floor a quarter hour before the
6convening time, and he or she shall enforce all other
7provisions of this Rule.
8    (c) The Senate may authorize, by motion adopted by majority
9vote, the admission to the floor of any other person, except as
10prohibited under subsection (d).
11    (d) No person who is directly or indirectly interested in
12defeating or promoting any pending legislative measure, if
13required to be registered as a lobbyist, is allowed access to
14the floor of the Senate at any time during the session.
15    (e) When he or she deems it necessary for the preservation
16of order, the Presiding Officer may by order remove any person
17from the floor of the Senate. A Senator may be removed from the
18floor only pursuant to Rule 11-1.
19(Source: S.R. 2, 97th G.A.)
20    (Senate Rule 10-2)
21    10-2. Appointment Messages.



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1    (a) Every nomination subject to the advice and consent of
2the Senate shall be submitted to the Senate by an Appointment
3Message from the appointing officer or appointing authority in
4accordance with this Rule, using the Appointment Message form
5provided in this Rule, containing all of the required
6information, and accompanied by a cover letter signed by the
7appointing officer or on behalf of the appointing authority.
8    (b) All Appointment Messages shall be drafted by the
9Legislative Reference Bureau, according to the form provided in
10this Rule.
11    (c) Appointment Messages submitted shall be assigned a
12sequential number by the Secretary of the Senate, indicating
13the order in which they were received and read into the Senate
14record by the Secretary of the Senate at the direction of the
15Senate President. An Appointment Message is received by the
16Senate when it is read into the Senate record and assigned a
17sequential number. A perfunctory session day shall not be
18deemed to be a session day for the purpose of Article V,
19Section 9, subsection (a) of the Illinois Constitution.
20    (d) An Appointment Message that does not conform to the
21requirements of this Rule shall, at the direction of the Senate
22President, (i) be ruled non-compliant and of no legal effect
23and (ii) returned by the Secretary of the Senate to the



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1appointing officer or authority that filed it.
2    (e) The appointing officer or authority may file in
3accordance with this Rule an Appointment Message that
4supersedes a previously filed Appointment Message. A
5superseding Appointment Message shall identify by sequential
6number the Appointment Message that it supersedes. The filing
7of a superseding Appointment Message shall automatically table
8the Appointment Message that it supersedes, and that superseded
9Appointment Message shall have no further legal effect.
10    (f) Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to prohibit an
11appointing officer or authority from withdrawing in writing an
12Appointment Message that was previously submitted to or
13received by the Senate. An Appointment Message that has been
14withdrawn shall have no further legal effect.
15    (g) An Appointment Message (i) shall be a
16committee-sponsored legislative measure that is unamendable
17and (ii) shall be controlled by the Chairperson of the
18Executive Appointments Committee, who for purposes of these
19Senate Rules shall be deemed the principal sponsor. In the
20absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson of the
21Executive Appointments Committee shall be deemed the principal
22sponsor. Messages may not have individual cosponsors.



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1    (h) Any Appointment Message pending when the Senate
2adjourns sine die (i) shall carry over into the next General
3Assembly and (ii) shall be considered to have been received by
4the Senate when originally read into the Senate record as
5provided for in subsection (c) of this Rule. An Appointment
6Message carrying over into the next General Assembly shall
7retain the sequential number assigned when originally read into
8the Senate record as provided for in subsection (c) of this
10    (i) Notwithstanding the requirements contained in this
11Rule, any Appointment Message submitted to the 96th General
12Assembly and not acted upon by the 96th General Assembly is
13deemed to be carried over to the 97th General Assembly. The
14Senate may take action on any Appointment Message carried over
15from the Senate of the 96th General Assembly. Nothing in this
16Rule shall be construed to prohibit an appointing officer or
17authority from withdrawing in writing an Appointment Message
18that was previously submitted to or received by the Senate of
19the 96th General Assembly and carried over into the Senate of
20the 97th General Assembly. An Appointment Message carried over
21from the Senate of the 96th General Assembly that has been
22withdrawn in the Senate of the 97th General Assembly shall have
23no further legal effect.
24    (j) Form.



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2To the Honorable Members of the Senate, Ninety-Seventh General
4(I, (Name and Title of Appointing Officer), am)/(The (Name of
5the Appointing Authority) is) nominating and, by and with the
6advice and consent of the Senate, appointing the following
7named individual to the office enumerated below. The advice and
8consent of this Honorable Body is respectfully requested.
9Title of Office: (Insert Title)
10Agency or Other Body: (Name of Agency, Board, Commission, or
11other Body to Which Nomination is Being Made)
12Start Date: (Insert Start Date)
13End Date: (Insert End Date or Specify "Not Applicable")
14Name: (Name of Nominee)
15Residence: (Residential Address of Nominee)



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1Annual Compensation: (Insert Dollar Amount or Specify
3Per diem: (Insert Dollar Amount or Specify "Not Applicable")
4Nominee's Senator: Senator (Name of Senator in whose District
5the Nominee Resides)
6Most Recent Holder of Office: (Insert Name or Specify "New
8Superseded Appointment Message: (Insert Sequence Number of
9Superseded Message or Specify "Not Applicable")
10(Source: S.R. 2, 97th G.A.; S.R. 25, 97th G.A.)