Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0634
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0634  095th General Assembly



SR0634 LRB095 20571 GRL 48576 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Lena Losch of Waukegan, who passed away
4 on January 11, 2008; and
5     WHEREAS, Lena Losch was born on January 13, 1919 in Hull;
6 her parents were Harry and Laurel (nee Crisp) Hackard; and
7     WHEREAS, Lena Losch graduated from Williamsville High
8 School in 1935; after high school, she attended nursing school
9 in Springfield; and
10     WHEREAS, Lena Losch was employed as a registered nurse at
11 Cook County Hospital in Chicago for four years before marrying
12 Fred Losch in 1943 and moving to Waukegan; and
13     WHEREAS, In 1965, Lena Losch ascended to the position of
14 president of the Fred Losch Beverage Company after the passing
15 of her husband; she served as president for 30 years before her
16 retirement in 1995; and
17     WHEREAS, Lena Losch was preceded in death by her
18 sons-in-law, George Leone and John Schrank; and
19     WHEREAS, Lena Losch is survived by her daughters and



SR0634 - 2 - LRB095 20571 GRL 48576 r

1 sons-in-law, Sharon Leone, Linda and Terry O'Hare, Mary Jane
2 Losch, and Laurel and Dan Dietrich; her sons and
3 daughters-in-law, Fred and Mary Losch, Jim and Mary Losch, John
4 and Mary Beth Losch, Larry and Teri Losch, Tom and Paula Losch,
5 Bill and Ardith Losch, and Peter and Michelle Losch; her 29
6 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren; and her sisters,
7 brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law, Mary Gundy, Norma and
8 Darrel Kline, Bill and Phyllis Loach, and Evelyn Willard;
9 therefore, be it
11 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
12 her family and friends, the passing of Lena Losch; and be it
13 further
14     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15 presented to the family of Lena Losch as an expression of our
16 sympathy.