Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0639
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0639  097th General Assembly




SR0639LRB097 20654 GRL 66636 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of William Wingstedt of Geneva, who passed
4away on January 21, 2012; and
5    WHEREAS, William Wingstedt grew up in Watertown, New York,
6and attended Cornell University before joining the United
7States Navy during World War II; his work in a naval radio room
8sparked a lifelong interest in electronics; and
9    WHEREAS, After moving to the Chicago area, William
10Wingstedt became editor of Quality Assurance in the 1960s; he
11later served as chief editor of Appliance Manufacturer
12magazine; in 1977, he bought a longtime trade publication,
13Appliance Service News magazine; he served as the magazine's
14editor and publisher until his death; in 1972, he moved to
15Lombard and opened an office on St. Charles Road; and
16    WHEREAS, William Wingstedt was the president of the local
17Rotary Club and the Lombard YMCA; he served as director of
18Lombard's Chamber of Commerce; he was also a member of
19Lombard's Liquor Commission from 1985 to 1999; and
20    WHEREAS, William Wingstedt was named the Lombard's
21Downtown Businessmen's Group's Man of the Year in 1992 in



SR0639- 2 -LRB097 20654 GRL 66636 r

1recognition of his work in the community; and
2    WHEREAS, William Wingstedt is survived by his wife, Peggy;
3his daughters, Margaret Massey, Nancy Reimann, Carolyn
4Roberts, and Christine Seaver; his sons, Timothy, William,
5David, and Anton; his 29 grandchildren; and his 18
6great-grandchildren; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
9his family and friends, the passing of William Wingstedt; and
10be it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of William Wingstedt as an expression
13of our sympathy.