Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0640
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0640  098th General Assembly




SR0640LRB098 14486 GRL 49214 r


2    WHEREAS, Student loan debt is the only type of consumer
3debt in our nation's history to be categorically excluded from
4protection under our bankruptcy code; and
5    WHEREAS, Less than 1% of federally guaranteed loans were
6actually discharged in bankruptcy prior to the enactment of
7this exclusion; and
8    WHEREAS, Both the Consumer Bankers Association and the
9American Bankers Association openly opposed such
10discriminatory treatment of student loans; and
11    WHEREAS, The federal government has stripped away numerous
12other consumer protections from borrowers of student debt, such
13as statutes of limitation on the collection of such debt, the
14ability to refinance interest rates, and protection under the
15federal Truth in Lending Act; and
16    WHEREAS, The federal government presently generates a
17substantial profit from the origination of student loans, while
18countless borrowers default on their repayment obligations,
19because such loans are not protected under standard bankruptcy
20and consumer law; and



SR0640- 2 -LRB098 14486 GRL 49214 r

1    WHEREAS, The removal of these basic consumer protections
2has coincided with an exponential growth in the cost of
3attending many of our State colleges and universities; and
4    WHEREAS, The return of these standard consumer protections
5will require the United States Department of Education to take
6its oversight role seriously, reduce the cost of college, and
7decrease the current default rate; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the United
10States Congress to provide equality of treatment under the law
11for all students by restoring full bankruptcy protections for
12student loans, both private and federally guaranteed, and to
13restore other standard consumer protections to student
14borrowers, such as statutes of limitation on the collection of
15student loan debt, protection under the federal Truth in
16Lending Act, and the ability to refinance interest rates on
17student loans; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
19delivered to United States Speaker of the House John Boehner
20and United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.