Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0685
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0685  096th General Assembly




SR0685 LRB096 21459 MJR 37965 r


2     WHEREAS, The rising cost of utilities, including the cost
3 of electricity, imposes an increased burden on the citizens and
4 families of the State of Illinois; and
5     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are deeply
6 concerned about the impact of electric rate increases upon the
7 citizens of this State; and
8     WHEREAS, In September 2008, Commonwealth Edison Company
9 (ComEd) obtained approval from State regulators for a $270
10 million rate hike, which at the time the utility said would
11 boost the average household's electric bill by $4.50 per month;
12 and
13     WHEREAS, This rate-hike request was in addition to the
14 extra $70 million ratepayers will pay to ComEd beginning in
15 April to cover the costs of unpaid bills from 2008 and 2009;
16 and
17     WHEREAS, Since the sunset date of the electric rate freeze
18 in January of 2007, customers' electric bills from ComEd have
19 increased about 25% to 30%; and
20     WHEREAS, ComEd has stated they will ask the Illinois



SR0685 - 2 - LRB096 21459 MJR 37965 r

1 Commerce Commission, the State's utility regulator, for an
2 additional rate hike in the second or third quarter of this
3 year; and
4     WHEREAS, The Illinois Commerce Commission will have 11
5 months to rule on ComEd's rate hike after it is filed;
6 therefore, be it
8 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the Illinois
9 Commerce Commission to deny this rate increase for ComEd; and
10 be it further
11     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12 delivered to the Illinois Commerce Commission.