Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0709
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0709  098th General Assembly




SR0709LRB098 14981 MST 49935 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Neil Kenneth Olson of Geneva, who passed
4away on July 15, 2013; and
5    WHEREAS, Neil Olson was born in St. Charles in 1932 to
6Arnold and Mildred Olson; he graduated from St. Charles High
7School in 1950 and joined the United States Air Force, where he
8played trombone in the band and continued what would be a
9life-long love of music; he earned his Bachelors Degree in
10Business from Northern Illinois University and later returned
11to obtain his Masters Degree in Business Administration; he
12married Barbara Johnson in 1966; and
13    WHEREAS, Neil Olson worked for several different places,
14most notably Fermilab and the City of Batavia, from which he
15retired after many years of service; and
16    WHEREAS, Neil Olson was a lifelong member of Bethlehem
17Lutheran Church in St. Charles; he was a 50-year member of the
18American Legion and was an active member of American Legion
19Post 75 in Geneva; he also was a member of Vasa Park and Viljan
20Lodge 349; and
21    WHEREAS, Neil Olson enjoyed owning and maintaining an



SR0709- 2 -LRB098 14981 MST 49935 r

1antique vehicle, which he showcased in local parades and toured
2with the Dairyland Region Plymouth Club; he liked to take
3family vacations and kept busy with a second residence in
4Wisconsin; and
5    WHEREAS, Neil Olson was preceded in death by his parents
6and by his brother, Donald Lloyd Olson; and
7    WHEREAS, Neil Olson is survived by his wife of over 40
8years, Barbara, and by his children, Eric, Inger, and Peter;
9therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
12Neil Kenneth Olson, and extend our sincere condolences to his
13family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to the family of Neil Olson as an expression of our
17deepest sympathy.