Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0737
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0737  098th General Assembly




SR0737LRB098 14699 MST 49566 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Pastor James Charles Rice of Decatur, who
4passed away on October 22, 2013; and
5    WHEREAS, Pastor Rice was born in Walls, Mississippi in
61938; and
7    WHEREAS, Pastor Rice was already teaching Sunday School at
8the Walls Chapel United Methodist Church by age 12; at age 28,
9he became Pastor to his first church, the Seven Star Baptist
10Church in Indianapolis, Indiana and served from 1965 to 1975;
11in 1975, he accepted the position of Pastor at St. John Baptist
12Church in Decatur and oversaw its relocation from King Street
13to its current home on East Moore Street; he moved to Mt.
14Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in 1985; and
15    WHEREAS, Pastor Rice married Earnestine Allen in 1998; and
16    WHEREAS, Pastor Rice served with the Mid-State District
17Association, the Illinois National Baptist State Convention,
18and the National Baptist Convention Incorporated
19International; and
20    WHEREAS, Pastor Rice was preceded in death by his parents;



SR0737- 2 -LRB098 14699 MST 49566 r

1his son, Andre Rice; and 11 siblings; and
2    WHEREAS, Pastor Rice is survived by his wife, Earnestine;
3his children, Darlene Roberts, Sheila (Lamar) Williams, Steve
4(Monica) Parsons, Brian C. Allen, and Brandon (Rochelle) Allen;
5his brothers, A.C. (Estella) Rice and Child (Donzella) Rice;
6his sisters, Willie Mae Owens, Ruth Miller, Annie M. Gatewood,
7and Essie (James) Jones; his 10 grandchildren; his 4
8great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, and loved
9ones; therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
12Pastor James Charles Rice, and extend our sincere condolences
13to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
14it further
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to the family of Pastor Rice as an expression of our
17deepest sympathy.