Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0802
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0802  095th General Assembly



SR0802 LRB095 21923 KXB 52190 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Ralph David Lauridsen of Waukegan, who
4 passed away on May 1, 2008; and
5     WHEREAS, Ralph David Lauridsen was born in Dolton on March
6 6, 1922, to Andrew and Emelia Lauridsen; he was educated at
7 Berger School and Thornton Township High School before joining
8 his father and brother in the home construction business; and
9     WHEREAS, Ralph joined the Sea Bees during World War II and
10 served three years in the 60th Sea Bee Construction Battalion;
11 his battalion serviced in the South Pacific, building airstrips
12 and bases in the dense rain forests of New Guinea; the entire
13 battalion received letters of commendation for clearing jungle
14 and building an airstrip in a record 13 days under torrential
15 rain; in the years following his service, Ralph continued to
16 see his Navy buddies at annual Sea Bee reunions, and his close
17 friendship with Lou Knau lasted his entire life; and
18     WHEREAS, After the war, Ralph returned to Dolton and
19 married Yvette Hill; A. Lauridsen and Sons Construction Company
20 flourished with the past-war demand for housing; over the
21 years, many beautiful homes and several apartment buildings,
22 and office buildings in the south suburban area were built by



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1 the Lauridsen company, which eventually came under Ralph's sole
2 proprietorship; Ralph had a spotless reputation for honesty and
3 hard work, and his customers knew that his handshake was the
4 best possible guarantee of a straight deal; and
5     WHEREAS, Ralph and Yvette raised their three girls in a
6 home Ralph built in Dolton, next door to the house in which he
7 grew up, built by his father; after an early retirement, Ralph
8 and Yvette traveled the world, making many trips to Europe and
9 several others to Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia;
10 they crossed the United States by car countless times, visiting
11 friends and relatives from coast to coast; he made wine,
12 experimenting with many different fruits and flowers; he
13 gardened and tended fruit trees; he was an active supporter of
14 his church, York House United Methodist, and belonged to the
15 local Danish club and Global Gourmet; and
16     WHEREAS, Ralph Lauridsen had a real zest for life, and an
17 optimism that sustained him through his last days; on Christmas
18 Day in 2007, he and his wife celebrated their 61st wedding
19 anniversary; in addition to Yvette, Ralph is survived by his
20 three daughters and their husbands; six granddaughters; one
21 grandson; and two great-granddaughters; therefore, be it
23 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with



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1 his family and friends, the passing of Ralph Lauridsen; and be
2 it further
3     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
4 presented to the family of Ralph Lauridsen as a symbol of our
5 sincere sympathy.